12.1. The probation officer shall intervene in the execution of an order involving the performance of hours of community service when(a) the order involving the performance of hours of community service is made at the judgment as a substitute for imprisonment;
(b) the order regards a person of full age convicted of an indictable or penal offence who, in the opinion of the probation officer, meets the criteria of eligibility determined by regulation and who agrees to perform, without remuneration and under the supervision of a probation officer, community service with a community resource;
(c) the community resource which consents to take part in the execution of an order involving the performance of hours of community service meets the criteria determined by regulation, in the opinion of the probation officer;
(d) prior to the order, the officer verified the eligibility of the person concerned for community service;
(e) the order fixes the number of hours of community service to be performed, within the limits established by regulation, and determines the time within which the hours of community service are to be performed;
(f) the person contemplated by the order accepts and undertakes in writing to comply with the conditions established for the performance of the hours of community service.