207. In addition to the other regulatory powers conferred on it by this Act, the Government may, by regulation,(1) determine the form and manner in which all the documents required for the purposes of this Act and the regulations are to be sent;
(2) determine the fee payable for the assessment of a permanent well or reservoir closure and site restoration plan with a view to its approval or revision;
(3) determine the fee payable for the assessment and inspections conducted for the purpose of issuing a certificate of release under section 112;
(4) determine the fee payable by a person to whom an inspector has given a written notice of non-compliance with this Act or the regulations;
(5) determine the provisions of a regulation whose violation constitutes an offence; and
(6) prescribe, in relation to a gas storage right in a body of water, additional conditions or obligations or conditions or obligations that are different from those prescribed by this Act and the regulations; such conditions or obligations may vary according to the type of body of water concerned.