47. The Gouvernement may make regulations to:(a) determine the classes of businesses and the regions of Québec with respect to which financial assistance must be granted by priority and the economic and social factors which must serve as guidelines in the selection of the businesses to which such assistance may be granted;
(b) establish the criteria applicable to businesses to determine whether they are subject to the application of subparagraphs a, b or c of the first paragraph of section 2 or to that of the second paragraph of the said section, as the case may be, having regard particularly to the class to which such businesses belong, the products they produce and the regions in which they are established;
(c) determine the methods of regrouping manufacturing businesses which qualify them for financial assistance;
(d) determine the amount below which financial assistance may be granted by the Minister under the first paragraph of section 5 or paragraph a of section 8, notwithstanding section 14, without the authorization of the Gouvernement being necessary;
(e) determine the form and tenor of applications for financial assistance, the information they must contain and the documents that must accompany them;
(f) determine the nature and extent of the security which must be required or retained by the Corporation when financial assistance is granted to a manufacturing business;
(g) determine the methods which must be used to fix the current rate of interest contemplated in section 6;
(h) determine the rates of interest at which loans may be granted to businesses contemplated in paragraphs a and b of section 2, or in the second paragraph of the said section, according to the classes of businesses to which such loans are granted, the products they manufacture and the regions in which they are established;
(i) determine the conditions upon which part of the cost of the loans contracted by a business may be assumed by the Corporation under paragraph a of section 8, the maximum term of such loans, the standards with which they must comply and the classes of financial institutions with which they may be contracted;
(j) provide for the registration, transfer, transmission, exchange and redemption of any industrial bond;
(k) provide for the replacement of industrial bonds which have been damaged, lost, stolen or destroyed, the payment of interest or capital to their holders and the guarantees they must give;
(l) provide for the correction of errors respecting the registration of industrial bonds;
(m) determine the extent to which a business may be exempted from repaying part of a loan under paragraph b of section 8 according to the extent to which its performance improves, the class of businesses to which it belongs, the products it produces, the region in which it is established and the number of jobs which it creates;
(n) determine, for the purposes of the second paragraph of section 2, the manufacturing and commercial businesses which may be considered as businesses exporting products manufactured in Québec and the conditions they must fulfil to be entitled to receive financial assistance;
(o) determine the conditions on which the Corporation is to administer the programmes of financial assistance referred to it by virtue of the second paragraph of section 16.