89. If, at the death of the beneficiary of pension credit contemplated in this division, the amount which he had to pay to acquire the pension credit, with accrued interest, exceeds the total of the amounts paid to him, the excess amount is paid to him in a single payment.
If the pension credit ceased to be paid to a person who holds or again holds an employment contemplated in this plan, the amount which he had to pay to acquire the pension credit, with accrued interest, is reduced by the amounts paid as pension credit from the date on which that pension credit should have ceased to be paid.
Interest is computed as provided under section 76 and in respect of any period during which no amount was paid as pension credit in a year or, as the case may be, during the period contemplated in section 70.11.
1973, c. 12, s. 79; 1982, c. 51, s. 32.