67. The amounts payable as benefits are paid, where such is the case, in the following order:(1) the pension granted under this plan;
(2) the pension and the additional benefit granted under the Pension Plan of Peace Officers in Correctional Services;
(3) the pension granted under the pension plans established pursuant to sections 9, 10 and 10.0.1;
(4) the pension granted under the Civil Service Superannuation Plan;
(5) the pension granted under the Teachers Pension Plan;
(6) any benefits granted under the Act respecting the Pension Plan of Certain Teachers (chapter R-9.1)
(7) the pension credit earned or credited pursuant to section 101 and, as the case may be, section 158 and the amounts payable under section 80;
(8) the other pension credits granted under this plan, the Pension Plan of Peace Officers in Correctional Services, the Teachers Pension Plan or the Civil Service Superannuation Plan;
(9) the annual pension under section 84.