9. Action to strengthen the social and economic safety net must be aimed at, in particular,(1) raising the level of income granted to persons and families living in poverty, having regard to their particular situation and the resources at their disposal to meet their essential needs ;
(2) encouraging low-income workers to enter or remain on the labour market, especially through work income supplements ;
(3) providing persons living in poverty or social exclusion with health, social and educational services that are adapted to their specific needs ;
(4) facilitating dignified access, for persons and families living in poverty, to a food supply that is both sufficient and nutritious, at reasonable costs, and to simple and reliable information enabling those persons and families to make enlightened dietary choices ;
(5) facilitating the availability of decent and affordable housing through housing assistance measures or the development of social housing for the socially disadvantaged, including the homeless, and strengthening community support for those persons.