529. Without restricting the generality of section 528, the director-general, under the authority of the Council and executive committee, shall assume the direction of the affairs and activities of the Council, exercise a right of supervision and control over the employees of the Council and see to the observance and carrying out of the by-laws and decisions of the Council and executive committee. He shall have, in particular, the following functions and duties:(a) to attend the sittings of the Council and the meetings of the executive committee and advise the members of the Council and of the executive committee on any matter they take under consideration;
(b) to obtain, examine and submit to the Council or executive committee projects prepared by the different services on matters requiring the approval of the Council or the executive committee;
(c) to prepare the budgetary estimates in cooperation with the heads of services and submit them to the executive committee or Council;
(d) to ensure that the budget of the Council is administered in accordance with the appropriations comprised in it;
(e) to engage the required professional staff and supporting staff in accordance with the engagement policies adopted by the Council, according to the approved budgetary estimates;
(f) to ensure liaison between the Council or the executive committee and the heads of services;
(g) to preside over the metropolitan committee of directors-general contemplated in section 530.
The Council shall designate from among its senior staff, a person to replace the director-general if he is absent or unable to act; that person shall then have the same powers and be subject to the same obligations as the director-general.