657. A parents’ committee shall be established in each municipality, under the name, “education committee”.
The education committee shall be composed of five to eleven parents residing in the municipality, as determined by the school board, elected each year on the date and in accordance with the terms and conditions determined by ordinance of the school board.
The school board may, with the approval of the Minister, amend the composition of education committees and the criteria for participating in the said committees.
Furthermore, if, after consulting the Council of the school board, the elected members of the education committee so decide, the commissioner of the municipality, the director of education in the municipality, the teachers’ representative, the mayor of the municipality and a delegate of the local municipal council entrusted with cultural affairs, or their duly authorized representatives, may be members of the education committee, without the right to vote or to be appointed chairman thereof.
The education committees shall be consultative bodies with advisory powers to the school board except for responsibilities that may be delegated to them by ordinance of the school board. Sections 50 to 54 and the provisions respecting the representative of the parents’ committee do not apply.
In Povungnituk and Ivujivik, if there is no education committee, the parents may establish a school committee and determine its composition and modalities for its implementation and operation.
The school board may, by an ordinance of its Council previously approved by the Minister, make an agreement with a school committee to delegate to the committee the rights, powers and obligations mentioned in the agreement in respect of the management of a school. The agreement may be made for a period not exceeding two years.
At the beginning of the period, a joint committee composed of representatives of the school committee and of the school board is established to find a permanent solution within the jurisdiction of the school board in respect of the educational services in each municipality contemplated.
1978, c. 78, s. 1; 1979, c. 28, s. 18; 1982, c. 58, s. 39; 1983, c. 54, s. 48.