More specifically, the mission of the institute shall involve(1) contributing to the development, consolidation, dissemination and application of knowledge in the field of public health;
(2) informing the Minister of the impact of public policies on the health and well-being of the population of Québec;
(3) informing the population of the state of public health and well-being, and of emerging problems, their causes, and the most effective means of preventing or resolving them;
(4) collaborating with universities in designing and updating undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs in the field of public health;
(5) in collaboration with universities and the professional orders concerned, designing and implementing continuing education programs in the field of public health;
(6) in collaboration with the various research organizations and funding bodies, developing and promoting research in the field of public health;
(7) establishing channels of communication with various organizations, both within Canada and at the international level, to promote cooperation and the exchange of information;
(8) carrying out any other expert task in the field of public health that is entrusted to it by the Minister.