176. The homologation of a decision of the Tribunal by the Superior Court is obtained by the filing, by a party, of a reproduction that complies with the requirements of the second paragraph of article 2841 of the Civil Code of the Tribunal’s decision in the office of the Superior Court in the district where the immovable to which the decision applies is situated.
A party who requests the homologation of the decision must serve a prior notice of the filing date on the other parties in the record. The clerk of the Superior Court must verify that a homologation certificate has been filed and send it to the parties.
A decision thus homologated has the same force and effect as if it were a judgment of the Superior Court and is enforceable as such. However, the homologation does not prevent the review or revocation of a decision, nor its being appealed from, where applicable.
2023, c. 272023, c. 27, s. 176.