C-8.2.1 - Act respecting emergency communication centres

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26. A judge may order an offender to remedy any failure to comply of which the offender has been found guilty.
The prosecutor must give the offender at least 10 days’ prior notice of any application for an order, unless the parties are present before the judge. The judge must, before issuing an order and at the offender’s request, grant the offender what the judge considers a reasonable period of time in which to present evidence with regard to the prosecutor’s application.
2001, c. 76, s. 26; 2024, c. 18, s. 43.
26. The draft civil protection plan shall be submitted for consultation to the inhabitants of the territory of the regional authority at one or more public meetings held by the authority, to the contiguous regional authorities and to the local municipalities whose territories are not included in that of the authority having developed the plan but which, according to the plan, are exposed to a risk identified in the plan.
2001, c. 76, s. 26.