C-8.2.1 - Act respecting emergency communication centres

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15. The Minister may authorize a person to act as an inspector to ensure that a 9-1-1 emergency centre meets the conditions prescribed by this division or, where applicable, that a secondary emergency communication centre complies with the standards, specifications, quality criteria and guidelines applicable to it under this division.
For that purpose, inspectors may, in the exercise of their functions,
(1)  enter, at any time, a 9-1-1 emergency centre or a secondary emergency communication centre to which standards, specifications, quality criteria and guidelines apply under this division, inspect it and take photographs or make recordings;
(2)  require a person who is on the premises to provide reasonable assistance; and
(3)  require, within the time they specify, any information relating to the activities of the centres and the production of any related document.
Inspectors must, on request, identify themselves and produce a document attesting their capacity. No proceedings may be brought against them for acts performed or omitted in good faith in the exercise of their functions.
2001, c. 76, s. 15; 2024, c. 18, s. 38.
15. Regulatory provisions made under this chapter may vary according to the type of activity or property, the nature of the risk, the location of its source and the probability or foreseeable consequences of a disaster. The provisions may exempt persons subject to similar obligations under another Act or meeting other conditions determined in the regulatory provisions from any of the prescribed obligations.
Municipal by-laws made under section 12 must be submitted to the Government for approval.
2001, c. 76, s. 15.