124. Every cooperative shall keep a register at its head office containing(1) its articles and by-laws, the agreement on administration by the meeting of its members referred to in section 61 and the latest notice of the address of its head office;
(2) a list of its directors and executive officers stating their names and domiciles and stating, where applicable, the starting date and duration of their terms of office;
(3) the minutes and resolutions of its general meetings;
(4) the minutes of the meetings and the resolutions of the board of directors, of the executive committee and of any other committee;
(5) a list of the members, auxiliary members and other shareholders stating their names and their last known addresses;
(6) the number of common shares, preferred shares and participating preferred shares held by the members and shareholders;
(7) the subscription, redemption, repayment or transfer dates of each share and the amount, if any, owing on each share.