91.2. A local municipality may grant assistance for the carrying out of work to maintain, upgrade or rehabilitate a dam. The local municipality may also, with the consent of the dam owner, carry out such work itself.
The value of assistance granted under the first paragraph may not exceed the actual cost of the work.
If the dam owner cannot be found, the municipality may, not earlier than the 30th day following the publication of a public notice announcing its intention to do so, carry out the work referred to in the first paragraph.
Where an owner refuses to consent to the carrying out of work on the owner’s dam despite a serious risk to the safety of persons or property, the Superior Court may, on application by the municipality, authorize the latter to carry out the work required to mitigate the risk. The application is heard and decided on an urgent basis.
2022, c. 82022, c. 8, s. 151.