100.6. Upon application of any of the parties, the chairman of the court of arbitration may summon a witness to testify to what he knows, to file a document or to do both unless he is of opinion that the application for summons is frivolous on the face of it. The writ of summons must be served at least five clear days before appearance.
A person so summoned who refuses to appear, to testify or to file the required documents may be compelled to do so and sentenced in accordance with the Summary Convictions Act (chapter P-15).
The court of arbitration may require and administer the oath or solemn affirmation of a witness.
A summoned witness is entitled to the same taxation as witnesses before the Superior Court and to the reimbursement of his travelling and living expenses.
Such taxation is payable by the party who proposed the summons, but the person who receives his salary during such period is entitled only to the reimbursement of travelling and living expenses.