C-27.1 - Municipal Code of Québec

Full text
1982, c. 31, s. 137; 1987, c. 57, s. 772.
(Article 376)

Template for visually handicapped persons

15 Municipal CodeŠ (article 376)ŠŠ This template, valid for a maximum of 10 candidates, enablesŠvisually handicapped electors to mark their ballots withoutŠhelp.ŠŠGeneral instructions to returning officerŠŠ--Visually handicapped electors ARE NOT required to take theŠ oath of an elector unable to vote without help if they useŠ this template.ŠŠProcedure for handling ballotŠŠ--Remove a ballot from the pad and fold it in the prescribedŠ manner.ŠŠ--Unfold it and place it in the template so that the firstŠ circle on the ballot is directly underneath the first circleŠ on the template.ŠŠ--Indicate to the elector the order in which the candidatesŠ appear on the ballot and the indication entered under theirŠ names.ŠŠ--Ask the elector to refold his ballot after marking it, alongŠ the folds that you made when you folded it.
1982, c. 31, s. 137.