33. Where, due to a relapse resulting from the accident, a victim contemplated in section 19, 20, 21 or 22 is suffering from a disability entitling him to an indemnity contemplated in those sections, he shall receive an income replacement indemnity based on the gross income used in computing his income replacement indemnity, at the time of the accident, and which is revalorized according to the rules of section 48. However, if at the time of the relapse, the victim contemplated in section 22 has become of full age or becomes so subsequently, he shall receive and income replacement indemnity based on the gross income established in the third paragraph of section 22 and revalorized according to the rules of section 48.
Notwithstanding the first paragraph, the victim shall receive an income replacement indemnity based on the gross income actually earned at the time of the relapse, if such indemnity is greater than the indemnity mentioned in the first paragraph.
1977, c. 68, s. 33; 1982, c. 59, s. 16.