R-15.1, r. 7 - Regulation respecting the exemption of certain categories of pension plans from the application of provisions of the Supplemental Pension Plans Act

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88. For the purposes of partition or the transfer of a member’s benefits or the seizure of such benefits for non-payment of support, the most recent degree of solvency of the plan referred to in the fourth paragraph of section 143 that precedes the date of their valuation must be taken into account in determining the value of the member’s benefits.
O.C. 159-2007, s. 5; O.C. 833-2017, s. 15; O.C. 1535-2024, s. 27.
88. (Revoked).
O.C. 159-2007, s. 5; O.C. 833-2017, s. 15.
88. Every period of a member’s credited service shall be taken into account for the purposes of calculating the pension payable to the member.
O.C. 159-2007, s. 5.