Members must, in particular,(1) comply with their work schedule and carry out the work assigned to them;
(2) refrain from acting with negligence, carelessness or a lack of rigour in carrying out their duties;
(3) refrain from acting with a lack of vigilance in carrying out their duties;
(4) refrain from taking time off from work without permission;
(5) refrain from trading duties or work shifts with another member without the permission of their supervisor;
(6) promptly transmit to their supervisor any information concerning crimes, offences, facts or important events that they have witnessed or have knowledge of;
(7) maintain any weapon or ammunition that has been entrusted to them in good working order and store them in accordance with the applicable laws, regulations and directives;
(8) refrain from negligence in the custody or supervision of a person held in custody or any other person under their responsibility;
(9) protect, maintain and ensure the integrity of any property used by or in the custody of the police force or any of its members;
(10) maintain any equipment and any item provided by the police force in good working order.