9. After the last day fixed for making applications to the board of revisors for entry on, striking off or correction to the list of electors and not later than the tenth day before polling day, the returning officer sends to every elector who has made a valid application to vote by mail and is entered on the list of electors an envelope containing(1) the required ballot papers;
(2) an opaque envelope identified as “ENV-1” large enough to contain the ballot papers, not identifying in any way the elector and bearing the words “insert the ballot papers into this envelope” on the obverse;
(3) an envelope identified as “ENV-2” bearing the name and address of the returning officer and used to insert envelope “ENV-1”, a photocopy of one of the identification documents provided for in the second paragraph of section 18 and the declaration of the elector and of the person giving assistance;
(4) the form entitled “Déclaration de l’électeur ou de la personne habile à voter et de la personne qui porte assistance”, hereinafter called the “elector’s declaration”; and
(5) the voting instructions.
The returning officer must affix his or her initials to each ballot paper in the space reserved for the deputy returning officer’s initials and must, before sending the ballot papers, detach the stub and destroy it.
The voting instructions indicate(1) the deadline for receiving ballot papers at the office of the returning officer;
(2) that a photocopy of one of the identification documents provided for in the second paragraph of section 18 must be sent with the ballot papers;
(3) that, if an elector omits to send a photocopy of one of the required identification documents or to sign the elector’s declaration, the elector’s ballot papers will be cancelled;
(4) the days and hours during which an elector who has not received a ballot paper to which the elector is entitled may obtain it by contacting the office of the returning officer; and
(5) that an elector who would have inadvertently marked or spoiled a ballot paper may ask the returning officer for a new one in exchange for the spoiled ballot paper.