C-68.01, r. 4.1 - Regulation respecting the remuneration of part-time coroners

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2. A part-time coroner who conducted an investigation and transmitted a report to the Chief Coroner is entitled to hourly remuneration for a duration not to exceed 8 hours.
For an investigation into the death of several persons which occurred in the same event, the part-time coroner is entitled to additional hourly remuneration for a duration of 2 hours for each additional report transmitted to the Chief Coroner.
Finally, the part-time coroner is entitled to additional hourly remuneration for a duration not to exceed one hour if he conducts an internal examination of the body.
O.C. 688-2024, Sch. I, II, III, IV and V; O.C. 689-2024, s. 2.
2. A part-time coroner who conducted an investigation and provided a report to the Chief Coroner is entitled to hourly remuneration for a duration not to exceed
(1)  3 hours for a death the cause of which is illness;
(2)  6 hours for a death for which the direct or indirect cause is the result of trauma or poisoning;
(3)  6 hours for an investigation into the death of several persons which occurred in the same event and to additional remuneration of 2 hours for each additional report provided to the Chief Coroner;
(4)  $0.75 per hour, or $60 if the latter amount is greater, for a death for which a notice is given under section 43 of the Act respecting the determination of the causes and circumstances of death (chapter R-0.2).
In addition, the part-time coroner is entitled to additional hourly remuneration for a duration not to exceed one hour if he conducts an internal examination of the body.
O.C. 688-2024, Sch. I, II, III, IV and V.