54. Any person may kill a buffalo, a cervidae listed in Schedule II, a peccary, a boar or a bird listed in Schedule II to the Regulation respecting licences to keep animals in captivity (chapter C-61.1, r. 10) kept in captivity by the holder of a game ranch licence for various species, provided that the animal is killed using a method that causes instantaneous death or that does not cause the animal unnecessary suffering.
To that end, the holder of a game ranch licence for various species shall keep the animals to be killed in an enclosure having at least 10 ha and no more than 200 ha in area and at least 100 m in width; at least 80% of the area of the enclosure must be wooded land and be surrounded by a fence complying with the relevant provisions of paragraph 1 or 2 of section 53.
O.C. 1238-2002, s. 54; O.C. 802-2010, ss. 20 and 23; O.C. 1173-2013, s. 18.