23. The specialized portfolios are pooled investments in which the funds of the Fund may invest.
Specialized portfolios contain one or more securities and may group financial securities, assets, investments, instruments or contracts that the Fund is authorized to hold under the Act.
The offer of specialized portfolios is diversified in keeping with the characteristics of the assets they hold, their yield-risk profile and the terms of their investment policy.
The Fund may particularly offer the following categories of assets or financial instruments through specialized portfolios:(1) immovable assets;
(2) shares, units, securities convertible into shares or other equity securities in corporations, funds or trusts listed or not;
(3) hypothecs and other debt securities;
(4) bonds and other fixed income securities of the money market;
(5) financial instruments, including derivative financial instruments and bonds or other subscription rights;
(6) assets related to infrastructure.
1395-2018O.C. 1395-2018, s. 23.