Agency Designation Title Reference
API 5L-2000 Line Pipe 8.25, 1st paragraph,
subpar. 1
API 650-1998 Welded Steel Tanks 8.24, 1st paragraph,
for Oil Storage subpar. 8
API 1104-1999 Welding of Pipelines 8.70
and Related Facilities
API 1542-2002 Identification Markings 8.188
for Dedicated Aviation
Fuel Manufacturing and
Distribution Facilities,
Airport Storage and
Mobile Fuelling
API 2000-1998 Venting Atmospheric and 8.102
Low Pressure Storage
Tanks: Nonrefrigerated
and Refrigerated
ASME B16.5-2003 Pipe Flanges and 8.107, 2nd paragraph
Flanged Fittings
ASME B31.3-2004 Process Piping 8.25, 2nd paragraph
ASTM A53/A53M-05 Pipe, Steel, Black and 8.25, 1st paragraph,
Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, subpar. 2
Welded and Seamless
ASTM A193/A193M-06 Alloy-Steel and 8.109, 1st paragraph
Stainless Steel Bolting
Materials for High
Temperature or High
Pressure Service and
Other Purpose
ASTM D56-05 Standard Test Method 8.02, paragraph 1,
for Flash Point by Tag subpar. a
Closed Tester
ASTM D93-02a Standard Test 8.02, paragraph 1,
Method for Flash-Point subpar. b
by Pensky-Martens and c
Closed Cup Tester
BNQ CAN/BNQ 2501 Soils - Determination 8.33, 1st paragraph,
-255-3rd edition of the Water-Density subpars. 2
Relation - Modified and 3
Effort Compaction Test
(2,700 kN.m/m3)
CCBFC NRCC 53303 National Fire Code 8.21, 1st paragraph
- Canada 2010
CSA CSA-B139-2009 Installation Code 8.21, 2nd paragraph
for Oil Burning 8.84, paragraph 1,
Equipment subpar. c
CSA CSA-B140.0-03 Oil Burning Equipment: 8.26
General Requirements
CSA CSA-B346-M1980 Power-Operated 8.141
Dispensing Devices for
Flammable Liquids
CSA Z245.1-02 Steel Pipe 8.25, 1st paragraph,
subpar. 3
CSA CAN/CSA-Z662-03 Oil and Gas 8.103
Pipeline Systems
EPA EPA 530/UST-90/004 Standard Test 8.130, 2nd paragraph
Procedures for
Evaluating Leak
Detection Methods:
Volumetric Tank
Tightness Testing
EPA EPA 530/UST-90/007 Standard Test 8.130, 2nd paragraph
Procedures for
Evaluating Leak
Detection Methods:
Statistical Inventory
Reconciliation Methods
CPPI 1990 Colour-Symbol System 8.106, 1st paragraph
to Mark Equipment and 8.194
Vehicles for Product
NACE RP0169-2002 Control of External 8.42, 1st paragraph,
International Corrosion on subpar. 2
Underground or 8.130, 1st paragraph
Submerged Metallic
Piping Systems
NACE RP0285-2002 Corrosion Control 8.42, 1st paragraph,
International of Underground Storage subpar. 2
Tank System by 8.130, 1st paragraph
Cathodic Protection
NFPA 30-2003 Flammable and 8.65, paragraph 3
Combustible Liquids
SAE AS 1852-1997 Nozzles and Ports- 8.181
Gravity Fueling
Interface Standard for
Civil Aircraft
TC No. 0-32 Flammable Liquids 8.196
Bulk Storage
ULC ULC-S601-00 Standard for Shop 8.24, 1st paragraph,
Fabricated Steel subpar. 1
Aboveground Horizontal
Tanks for Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
ULC CAN/ULC-S602-03 Aboveground Steel 8.24, 1st paragraph,
Tanks for the Storage subpar. 2
of Combustible Liquids
Intended to be Used as
Heating and/or Generator
ULC ULC-S603-00 Standard for Steel 8.23, 1st paragraph,
Underground Tanks for subpar. 1
Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
ULC Technical Supplement, Refurbishing of Steel 8.44, paragraph 1
ULC-S603(A)-2001 Underground Tanks for
Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
ULC CAN/ULC-S603.1-03 External Corrosion 8.42, 1st paragraph,
Protection Systems for subpar. 1
Steel Underground 8.88, 1st paragraph,
Tanks for Flammable and subpar. 1
Combustible Liquids
ULC CAN/ULC-S612-99 Hose for Flammable and 8.153
Combustible Liquids
ULC ULC-S615-98 Standard for Reinforced 8.23, 1st paragraph,
Plastic Underground subpar. 2
Tanks for Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
ULC Technical Supplement, Refurbishing of 8.44, paragraph 2
ULC-S615(A)-2002 Reinforced Plastic
Underground Tanks for
Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
ULC CAN/ULC-S620-99 Hose Nozzle Valves for 8.154
Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
ULC ULC-S630-00 Shop Fabricated Steel 8.24, 1st paragraph,
Aboveground Vertical subpar. 3
Tanks for Flammable 8.54, paragraph 2
and Combustible Liquids
ULC CAN/ULC-S642-M87 Compounds and Tapes for 8.69
Threaded Pipe Joints
ULC ULC-S643-00 Shop Fabricated Steel 8.24, 1st paragraph,
Aboveground Utility subpar. 4
Tanks for Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
ULC ULC-S651-00 Emergency Valves for 8.115
Flammable and 8.149
Combustible Liquids
ULC ULC-S653-05 Standard for 8.24, 1st paragraph,
Aboveground Steel subpar. 5
Contained Tank 8.143
Assemblies for
Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
ULC ULC-S655-98 Aboveground Protected 8.24, 1st paragraph,
Tank Assemblies for subpar. 6
Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
ULC ULC/ORD-C58.9-1997 Secondary Containment 8.62, paragraph 5,
Liners for Underground subpar. a
and Aboveground
Flammable and
Combustible Liquid
ULC ULC/ORD-C58.10-1992 Jacketed Steel 8.23, 1st paragraph,
Underground Tanks for subpar. 3
Flammable and 8.35, 1st paragraph,
Combustible Liquids subpar. 2,
subpar. b
8.42, 2nd paragraph
ULC ULC/ORD-C58.12-1992 Leak Detection Devices 8.29, paragraph 2
(Volumetric Type) for
Underground Flammable
Liquid Storage Tanks
ULC ULC/ORD-C58.14-1992 Non-Volumetric Leak 8.28, 3rd paragraph
Detection Devices for 8.29, paragraph 2
Underground Flammable
Liquid Storage Tanks
ULC ULC/ORD-C58.15-1992 Overfill Protection 8.61, 1st paragraph,
Devices for Flammable subpar. 1,
Liquid Storage Tanks subpar. a
8.125, paragraph 1
ULC ULC/ORD-C58.19-1992 Spill Containment 8.127
Devices for Underground
Flammable Liquid
Storage Tanks
ULC ULC/ORD-C107.12-1992 Line Leak Detection 8.28, 3rd paragraph
Devices for Flammable
Liquid Piping
ULC ULC/ORD-C107.21-1992 Under-Dispenser Sumps 8.143
ULC ULC/ORD-C142.5-1992 Concrete Encased Steel 8.24, 1st paragraph,
Aboveground Tank subpar. 7
Assemblies for
Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
ULC ULC/ORD-C142.18-95 Rectangular Steel 8.24, 1st paragraph,
Aboveground Tanks for subpar. 9
Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
ULC ULC/ORD-C142.19-94 Spill Containment 8.61, 1st paragraph,
Devices for Aboveground subpar. 1,
Flammable and subpar. a
Combustible Liquid
Storage Tanks
ULC ULC/ORD-C842-M1984 Guide for the 8.115
Investigation of Valves
for Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
ULC ULC/ORD-C971-05 Nonmetallic Underground 8.27
Piping for Flammable
and Combustible Liquids