36. The articling supervisor is responsible for the close supervision and responsibility of the articled student. To that end, the articling supervisor must(1) provide the articled student with a workplace setting that is conducive to learning and the development of competencies in accordance with section 30;
(2) allow the articled student to gradually engage in the professional activities reserved for advocates;
(3) regularly assess the progress of the articled student, as a minimum halfway through and at the end of the articling period, according to the dates determined by the Bar School;
(4) provide the articled student with the necessary feedback to ensure progress;
(5) provide the Professional Training Committee with all the required information;
(6) contribute to evaluating the achievement of the objectives of the articling period;
(7) submit to the Committee, using the form provided for that purpose and on the dates specified by the Bar School, the reports on the evaluation of the articled student.