C-72.1, r. 8 - Rules respecting betting houses

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Updated to 30 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter C-72.1, r. 8
Rules respecting betting houses
Act respecting racing
(chapter C-72.1, s. 103).
1. A holder of a racing licence authorizing the holding of a race calendar at a professional race track who wishes to obtain a horse racing betting house licence shall provide:
(1)  a copy of the deed authorizing the use of the betting house for the term of the licence or draft agreement;
(2)  a detailed plan of the betting house;
(3)  a description of the layout of the betting house, including its premises, and a description of the furniture, installations and equipment therein, including their location;
(4)  a description of the pari-mutuel system and an identification of each terminal;
(5)  an attestation from the municipal authorities to the effect that a betting house may be operated at that location;
(6)  a proposed calendar of the days on which the betting house is to operate;
(7)  an operation plan containing a complete feasibility study, as well as pro forma financial statements including a balance sheet and a statement of the betting house’s income and expenditures;
(8)  a copy of the agreement entered into, by the holder of the licence, with the legal person representing the horsemen and, where applicable, with another holder of a racing licence;
(9)  a copy of the licence issued by the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux, where applicable;
(10)  an attestation that he holds a trust account or a separate account for the amounts paid into the purse fund; and
(11)  a copy of the liability insurance policy covering the betting house.
Decision 93-07-12, s. 1; Decision 2012-02-15, s. 1.
2. A holder of a horse racing betting house licence shall provide the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux with an up-to-date list showing the names of the employees carrying on betting-related activities at the betting house and indicating their respective duties.
Decision 93-07-12, s. 2.
3. A holder of a horse racing betting house licence shall send the board a monthly report concerning each betting house and showing
(1)  the daily attendance;
(2)  the handle for each race, with an indication as to the type of race, and the name of the race track; and
(3)  in the case of separate pool betting, the apportionment of the commissions received, the unclaimed tickets and the unpaid amounts.
Decision 93-07-12, s. 3.
4. For the term of his or her licence, a holder must present in the betting house at least 80% of all the horse races held in Québec during that period.
Decision 93-07-12, s. 4; Decision 2012-02-15, s. 2.
5. (Revoked).
Decision 93-07-12, s. 5; Decision 2012-02-15, s. 3.
6. A violation of any provision of sections 2 to 4 may entail 1 or more of the following administrative measures:
(a)  a reprimand;
(b)  the suspension, for a period of time, of all or some of the privileges attached to the horse racing betting house licence; or
(c)  a fine of not less than $50 and not more than $3,000 for each day for which the violation continues.
Decision 93-07-12, s. 6.
7. (Omitted).
Decision 93-07-12, s. 7.
Decision 93-07-12, 1993 G.O. 2, 5161
Decision 2012-02-15, 2012 G.O. 2, 1034