S-4.2, r. 27 - Regulation respecting the transmission of information on users who are major trauma patients

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Updated to 1 September 2012
This document has official status.
chapter S-4.2, r. 27
Regulation respecting the transmission of information on users who are major trauma patients
Act respecting health services and social services
(chapter S-4.2, s. 505).
Revoked, O.C. 732-2011, 2011 G.O. 2, 1622; eff: 2011-07-21.
1. Institutions operating a hospital of the general and specialized class of hospitals and designated by the Minister under section 112 of the Act respecting health services and social services (chapter S-4.2) to operate a trauma centre shall provide the Minister with the following information on users who are major trauma patients:
(1)  trauma registry number;
(2)  user’s medical file number;
(3)  receiving institution’s code number;
(4)  transferring institution’s code number;
(5)  user’s health insurance number;
(6)  user’s date of birth;
(7)  user’s sex;
(8)  user’s home postal code;
(9)  municipal code of the accident site;
(10)  paying agency;
(11)  user’s occupation;
(12)  date and time of the accident;
(13)  location of the accident;
(14)  transport service or mode of transport to the institution’s facility;
(15)  date and time of arrival in the emergency room;
(16)  date and time of admission and admitting physician’s specialty;
(17)  date and time of admission to each unit;
(18)  site of the medical and surgical interventions;
(19)  cause of the trauma;
(20)  individual’s position in the vehicle;
(21)  safety equipment worn by the user;
(22)  alcohol and drug test results;
(23)  status upon arrival in the emergency room;
(24)  date, time and results of peritoneal lavage;
(25)  intubation in the emergency room;
(26)  use of pneumatic anti-shock garments in the emergency room;
(27)  chest tube in the emergency room;
(28)  specialties consulted;
(29)  dates and times of requests for consultations and responses;
(30)  pre-hospital interventions (oxygen, splints, pneumatic anti-shock garments, dressings, intravenous lines, immobilizations, mechanical ventilation, medication, release, resuscitation);
(31)  resuscitation attempts;
(32)  date, time and number of intravenous injections;
(33)  date, time and number of blood transfusions;
(34)  date, time and code of medical and surgical interventions;
(35)  date and time of departure from the emergency room;
(36)  status and referral at departure from the emergency room;
(37)  date and time of the start and end of mechanical ventilation;
(38)  date and nature of paramedical assessment;
(39)  date of the start and nature of paramedical treatment;
(40)  date and time of the onset and nature of complications;
(41)  report to the coroner;
(42)  autopsy performed;
(43)  cause of death on the certificate;
(44)  organ donation or transfer for organ donation;
(45)  body region injured;
(46)  type of injury;
(47)  injury code in accordance with the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS);
(48)  injury severity in accordance with the Injury Severity Score (ISS);
(49)  level of consciousness;
(50)  vital signs (rate and type of respiration, pulse rate, blood pressure, eye opening, verbal response, motor response, pupil size and reactivity, intracranial temperature and pressure);
(51)  physiological scales (Pre-Hospital Index (PHI), Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and Revised Trauma Score (RTS));
(52)  body regions examined by radiology;
(53)  date, time and results of radiology examinations;
(54)  degree of memory function / amnesia;
(55)  Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS);
(56)  body regions examined by CAT scanning;
(57)  dates and times of requests for and receipt of CAT scans;
(58)  results of CAT scanning;
(59)  signs of injury to central nervous system on CAT scan;
(60)  Levin scale;
(61)  degree of functional independence;
(62)  neurological history;
(63)  history of cranial trauma;
(64)  type and date of paralysis prior to accident;
(65)  status and referral at departure from admission;
(66)  date of discharge from hospital;
(67)  code of institution to which user is transferred;
(68)  diagnostic codes (in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases adopted by the World Health Organization (ICD)).
O.C. 981-2000, s. 1.
2. (Omitted).
O.C. 981-2000, s. 2.
O.C. 981-2000, 2000 G.O. 2, 4411