Not in force
25.0.1. The Conseil du trésor may, in exceptional circumstances, give a public body permission to enter into a contract by mutual agreement or give such a body or a body described in section 7 permission to continue a public call for tenders despite the fact that the contract or call for tenders is covered by an order of the Autorité des marchés publics under subparagraph 1 or 2 of the first paragraph of section 29 of the Act to facilitate oversight of public bodies’ contracts and to establish the Autorité des marchés publics (chapter A-33.2.1). The Conseil du trésor may subject the permission to certain conditions. The Conseil du trésor may also, for a reason in the public interest, give a public body or a body referred to in section 7 permission to continue performing a contract despite the fact that the contract is covered by a decision of the Authority under subparagraph 6 of the first paragraph of section 29 of that Act. The Conseil du trésor may subject the permission to certain conditions.
2017, c. 272017, c. 27, s. 1341.