C-27.1 - Municipal Code of Québec

Full text
M.C. 1916, Form 8; 1969, c. 21, s. 35; 1987, c. 57, s. 772.
(Articles 159, 340, 341)

Warrant of Commitment on ViewŠŠProvince of Québec,ŠMunicipality of ...............................................ŠŠ To all and any of the constables and peace officers in theŠdistrict of ..............., and to the keeper of the (house ofŠdetention, lock-up house, etc.) at ......................... inŠthe district of ...............................................Š Whereas A. B. (name and style,) has, this day, during theŠelection of local councillors for the municipality of (or duringŠany other meeting or proceedings), broken and disturbed theŠpublic peace (here describe the manner), in the presence andŠwithin view of the undersigned, duly appointed to preside at theŠsaid election (or to conduct such other proceeding) andŠpresiding thereat; and whereas I have adjudged the said A. B.Šfor the said offence to be imprisoned in the (house ofŠdetention, lock-up house, etc.) for the time and space of .....Š ............. days;Š These are therefore to command you, the said constables orŠpeace officers, or any of you, in Her Majesty’s name, forthwithŠto convey the said A. B. to the (house of detention, lock-upŠhouse, etc.) and there deliver him into the custody of theŠkeeper thereof, together with this order.Š And I hereby require you, the said keeper of the (house ofŠdetention, etc.), to receive the said A. B. into your custody inŠthe said (house of detention, etc.), and there safely keep himŠuntil the expiration of the said period of imprisonment.Š Given under my hand, this ........................ day of theŠmonth of ............... 19....., .............................Šat (place).Š Z. Y.Š (Style)Š----------------ŠM.C. 1916, Form 8; 1969, c. 21, s. 35.