s-5, r. 5 - Organization and Management of Institutions Regulation

Texte complet
À jour au 1er septembre 2012
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chapter S-5, r. 5
Organization and Management of Institutions Regulation
Act respecting health services and social services for Cree Native persons
(chapter S-5, ss. 7, 18.1, 18.2, 70, 70.1, 71.3, 94, 102, 130 and 173).
In accordance with section 619.41 of the Act respecting health services and social services (chapter S-4.2) and subject to any special provisions enacted by that Act, the provisions of this Regulation remain applicable to the persons and bodies subject to that Act to the extent that the measure or provision is compatible with that Act and until such time as the Government makes a corresponding regulation under that Act.
1. In this Regulation, unless otherwise indicated by the context:
“board of directors”: means the board of directors of an institution and, where it is an institution constituted as a legal person, the owner.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 1.
2. There shall be 2 classes of hospital centres:
(1)  hospital centres for short-term care authorized to admit, inter alios, convalescent beneficiaries;
(2)  hospital centres for long-term care, where the stay of the beneficiaries is longer than 3 months.
Hospital centres offering long-term care services may provide a program of therapeutic, preventive and rehabilitative daytime activities.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 2; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1 and 2.
3. There shall be 2 classes of reception centres:
(1)  homecare centres that admit adults suffering from a loss of autonomy and provide board and lodging, supervision, care and assistance.
Homecare centres may provide services to beneficiaries suffering from a slight loss of autonomy in pavilions accommodating not fewer than 10 beneficiaries and connected with the centre by a contract for goods and services.
Homecare centres may also provide daytime programs of therapeutic, preventive and rehabilitative activities.
(2)  rehabilitation centres that provide specialized adjustment or rehabilitation services.
There shall be five types of rehabilitation centres classified according to the type of beneficiary:
(a)  rehabilitation centres for the socially and emotionally maladjusted;
(b)  rehabilitation centres for the mentally handicapped;
(c)  rehabilitation centres for the physically handicapped;
(d)  rehabilitation centres for drug addicts;
(e)  rehabilitation centres for the mothers experiencing difficulties of adjustment mentioned in Schedule I.
Rehabilitation centres may also provide daytime programs of preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitative activities.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 3; O.C. 545-86, s. 1; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1, 3, 4, and 5.
4. Local community service centres and social service centres are not differentiated.
Local community service centres may also be placed in the hospital centre category, if they are mentioned in Schedule II.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 4.
5. There shall be three classes of foster families:
(1)  regular foster families meeting the ordinary needs of those requiring some social protection, and administering for each beneficiary a treatment plan for warded by a social service centre;
(2)  special foster families that, in addition to taking on the usual responsibilities of a regular foster family, accept some additional responsibility for beneficiaries;
(3)  rehabilitation foster families providing for a maximum of 4 persons a program of rehabilitation, for limited time, following a treatment plan prepared for each beneficiary by an institution providing rehabilitation services and connected with a social service centre by a service contract.
A foster family may be placed in more than one class.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 5; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
6. The board of directors of a public or private institution covered by section 177 of the Act respecting health services and social services for Cree Native persons (chapter S-5) may make the necessary by-laws for carrying out the institution’s responsibilities, and it shall make by-laws dealing with the following matters, where they are within the scope of the institution’s activities:
(1)  internal management;
(2)  the policies and activities of the institution;
(3)  reports to be submitted to the board of directors on the nature, quantity and quality of services furnished to beneficiaries;
(4)  budget allocation and controls;
(5)  procedures relating to any application or plan submitted to the Minister or the regional council;
(6)  contracting for professional services within the meaning of section 124 of the Act;
(7)  (paragraph revoked);
(8)  the annual review of the distribution of beds in the institution in terms of the needs of the beneficiaries of the intensity of the care or the gravity of the illness, and of the resources of the institution and its licence and teaching requirements;
(9)  the organization of teaching and research in the institution;
(10)  in the case of hospital centres, the fixing of screening examinations at the time certain patients are admitted or registred, in accordance with the standards made under paragraph a of section 15 of the Medical Act (chapter M-9);
(11)  in the case of hospital centres and reception centres, the fixing of criteria for admission and final discharge and policies for the transfer of beneficiaries to be submitted for the approval of the regional council designated under section 24;
(12)  in the case of institutions providing a program of daytime activities, the fixing of the criteria for registering beneficiaries in the program;
(13)  in the case of reception centres, the fixing of criteria for registering beneficiaries;
(14)  in the case of local community service centres and social service centres, the fixing of criteria for access to services by groups of persons;
(15)  in the case of social service centres, the fixing of the criteria for reception of beneficiaries by foster families and the fixing of policies for transfer of beneficiaries;
(16)  the conditions for admission of persons suffering from contagious or infectious diseases;
(17)  visits to beneficiaries;
(18)  the mechanisms to be instituted within the institution in order to ensure supervision of the use of restraint and isolation in respect of beneficiaries;
(19)  the administration of beneficiaries’ allowances;
(20)  the procedure for granting temporary discharge to beneficiaries;
(21)  procedures for adoption and review of treatment plans;
(21.1)  the procedure to be applied when temporarily taking out a record or part thereof as covered by the third paragraph of section 61, including the designation of the persons responsible for authorizing the taking out of such record or part thereof;
(22)  the time allowed a physician, a dentist, a pharmacist or any member of the clinical staff to complete the beneficiary’s record after the last services provided;
(23)  the procedure to be applied where a beneficiary leaves the institution without having received his discharge;
(24)  the procedure for disposing of beneficiaries’ records or parts thereof in accordance with the Archives Act (chapter A-21.1).
Where the by-laws under this section affect the responsibilities of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, the council must be previously consulted. Where they affect the responsibilities of the clinical staff advisory council, the council must be similarly consulted.
A copy of the by-laws made under this section shall be sent to the Minister on request.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 6; O.C. 545-86, s. 2; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1 and 7; O.C. 502-96, s. 1.
7. The board of directors of a hospital centre or a public or private institution mentioned by section 177 of the Act shall make a by-law governing the organization of pastoral services in the institution. For that purpose, the board of directors shall make an agreement with the religious authorities involved, depending upon the religious affiliation of the beneficiaries in the institution.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 7; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1 and 6.
8. The members of the board of directors of a public institution and the members of the administrative committee shall be reimbursed the cost of attending the meetings of the board and of the administrative committee and committees of the board, at the rate and in accordance with the procedure fixed by the Directive sur les frais remboursables lors d’un déplacement et autres frais inhérents (C.T. 194603, 2000-03-30).
O.C. 1320-84, s. 8; O.C. 545-86, s. 3.
9. All institutions except social service centres shall take the necessary steps to prevent and remove contagion and infection. They shall be prepared to isolate persons suffering from contagious and infectious disease, or likely so to be. They may order the closing of part or all of the institution in case of an epidemic.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 9.
10. An institution shall ensure that every member of its staff shall obey the standards set by the head of the community health department in matters of hygiene, prophylactic measures, and microbiological and chemical controls.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 10.
11. An institution using appliances emitting radiation shall put into practice methods of controlling the use of appliances, such as those prescribed by the Regulation respecting the Act respecting medical laboratories, organ and tissue conservation and the disposal of human bodies (chapter L-0.2, r. 1).
An institution using radioactive substances shall comply with the Atomic Energy Control Regulations (C.R.C., c. 365).
O.C. 1320-84, s. 11; O.C. 545-86, s. 4.
12. The construction, maintenance or alteration of a distribution system for medical non-inflammable gas or an air intake system for medical use in an institution must be carried out in accordance with Standard BNQ-5710-500 (83 09 09), and the Protocole de certification des réseaux de distribution dans les établissements de santé - Gaz médicaux ininflammables BNQ-5710-900 (83 09 09).
O.C. 1320-84, s. 12.
13. An institution shall purchase public liability insurance in respect of acts that it may be answerable for.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 13.
14. The minimum professional liability insurance coverage referred to in section 128 of the Act that a physician or a dentist practising in an institution shall carry is $300,000 per claim.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 14.
15. A person working in a public institution or a regional council and taking any part in the awarding of contracts for services, labour or supplies shall inform the board of directors of any interest he may have in a contract. The board shall decide what action to take.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 15.
O.C. 1320-84, Div. V; O.C. 375-88, s. 8.
16. The board of directors of a hospital centre shall constituted and advisory committee to the general management. In addition to the executive director acting as chairman, the committee shall be composed of senior managerial personnel and heads of clinical departments appointed by the board of directors, and the director of professional services, the director of nursing, the chairman of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, the head of the community health department in the case of a hospital centre covered by Schedule VII, and the person in charge of the coordination of teaching in the case of a hospital centre covered by section 125 of the Act.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 16; O.C. 545-86, s. 5; O.C. 9-87, s. 1; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
17. The advisory committee to the general management shall analyze and make recommendations to the executive director with respect to:
(1)  the policies and priorities of the hospital centre;
(2)  the means to be adopted in order to ensure that the services provided in the hospital centre complement those provided in other institutions in the region, and that they meet the needs of the public served, taking into account the ressources available and the need to supply adequate services;
(3)  the administrative and financial consequences of the activities of the physicians and dentists of the various clinical departments;
(4)  the distribution of beds made available to beneficiaries in terms of their needs, of the intensiveness of the treatment required or the seriousness of the illness, of the resources of the institution, and of its licence and teaching requirements;
(5)  the preparation of an organization plan for the hospital centre. For that purpose, the advisory committee to the general management shall comprise, in addition to the persons appointed under section 16, a person designated by the clinical staff advisory council.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 17; O.C. 545-86, s. 6; O.C. 375-88, ss. 7 and 8.
O.C. 1320-84, Div. VI; O.C. 375-88, s. 9.
18. A hospital centre may not offer new services in the following sectors of activity without the Minister’s consent:
(1)  cardiac surgery;
(2)  surgery on the newborn;
(3)  neurosurgery;
(4)  bone marrow grafts and organ transplants;
(5)  units for intensive perinatal care and extensive burns;
(6)  hemodialysis;
(7)  high-risk pregnancy units;
(8)  radiotherapy;
(9)  computer tomography, magnetic resonance and positron or photon emission scan;
(10)  extracorporeal lithotripsy.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 18; O.C. 1822-88, s. 1.
19. Depending upon the category in which it is classified, an institution shall furnish to the Minister the information listed in Schedule III. It shall also provide annually to the Minister the information listed in Schedule IV.
A hospital centre for short-term care shall send to the Minister the information listed in Schedule X for each beneficiary admitted to or registered in short-term care, long-term care or in a day nursing unit provided for in the Manuel de gestion financière published by the Minister.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 19; O.C. 1100-90, s. 1.
O.C. 1320-84, Div. I; O.C. 375-88, s. 10.
20. Diagnostic registration with a hospital centre or a local community service centre accompanies the receipt therein of outpatient services for diagnostic purposes in pursuance of a physician’s or dentist’s prescription.
Diagnostic registration with a social service centre accompanies the receipt therein of services following an information within the meaning of the Youth Protection Act (chapter P-34.1) where admission does not follow the information.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 20; O.C. 545-86, s. 7.
21. Registration with an institution accompanies the receipt therein of services not requiring hospitalization or an overnight stay, or when the person does not occupy a bed listed in the permit of the institution.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 21.
22. A person is admitted to an institution when his condition requires hospitalization or an overnight stay, the appropriate forms have been completed, and he occupies a bed listed in the permit of the institution.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 22.
23. At the time of registration with or admission to an institution, a person shall provide the following information: his name, his address, his place of birth, and the names of his father and mother. He shall also provide the information specified in Part 2 of Schedule III.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 23; O.C. 545-86, s. 8.
24. The regional councils listed in Schedule V are designated to approve the criteria for admission and the transfer policies for beneficiaries drawn up by the board of directors of an institution covered by section 18.1 of the Act and to require the statistical information prescribed by section 18.2 of the Act.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 24; Erratum, 1985 G.O. 2, 2089; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
§ 1.  — Short-term care
25. A person shall be registered in a hospital centre for short-term care when he is being attended there by a physician or dentist who is a member of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists of the institution, acting within the terms of his privileges.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 25; O.C. 375-88, s. 2.
26. A person shall be admitted to a short-term care hospital centre on written application for admission, accompanied by a provisional diagnosis, made by a physician or dentist who is a member of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists of the institution, acting within the terms of his privileges. The physician or dentist in whose name the beneficiary is admitted becomes the attending physician or dentist.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 26; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1 and 2.
27. Where necessity demands, the director of professional services or his representative may designate a department or a service in which a bed shall be made available to a beneficiary.
A hospital centre shall, in any case, limit to 48 hours the time for which an emergency service bed is occupied by a beneficiary.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 27; O.C. 545-86, s. 9; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
28. A hospital centre for short-term care shall ensure that a person who requires emergency care receives it.
Emergency care includes treatment for an acute condition due to drug addiction and, in the case of a victim of sexual assault, treatment, preventive measures against infection and recording of medical observations.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 28; O.C. 375-88, ss. 2 and 11.
29. (Revoked).
O.C. 1320-84, s. 29; O.C. 545-86, s. 10.
30. The discharge of a beneficiary from a hospital centre shall be signed by the attending physician or dentist.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 30; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
§ 2.  — Long-term care and shelter
31. This Subdivision, except section 35, does not apply to homecare centres operating without drawing on the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 31; O.C. 375-88, s. 3.
32. Each regional council shall prepare a system for admitting beneficiaries to and transferring beneficiaries in institutions providing long-term care or homecare services, coordinated in cooperation with the institutions in the region.
The system shall be prepared after consulting the institutions and practitioners involved in assessing applications for admission and directing beneficiaries towards the resource best suited to their needs, with a view to their admission.
Such system must take into account the whole of the resources of the territory served, including foster families and homecare resources and permits issued to institutions. It must be designated to promote services that complement those provide by other institutions for the users in question.
The admission system shall in particular provide for the participation of physicians, social workers and nurses.
The admissions system shall provide procedures for assessing the application and for setting up regional or subregional admission committees.
The admissions committee shall fix the order of priority of admissions for the institutions covered by this section. The regional council shall maintain a card-index of applications for admission received by the admissions committees.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 32; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1 and 3.
33. A beneficiary shall be admitted to an institution providing long-term care or homecare services under the following procedures:
(1)  an application for admission shall be made in writing to the local community service centre of the territory in which the beneficiary resides, or to the social service centre of the region, if there is no local community service centre;
(2)  a medical assessment and an assessment of the beneficiary’s autonomy, supplying the information required by the regional council, must certify the need for admission;
(3)  the application for admission shall be accepted by the regional or subregional admissions committee formed by the regional council, taking into account preferences expressed by the beneficiary;
(4)  the institution designated by an admissions committee shall admit the beneficiary as soon as a bed is available.
Where an application applies to a beneficiary already sheltered in an institution, it shall be sent directly to the admissions committee with the assessment of the beneficiary, and a copy shall be sent to the local community services centre of the territory where the beneficiary resides or to the social service centre of the region, if there is no local community service centre.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 33; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1, 3 and 4.
34. An institution providing long-term care services or homecare centres shall admit a person requiring the emergency services that it can provide for him.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 34; O.C. 375-88, s. 3.
35. A treatment plan shall be drawn up for each beneficiary admitted to or registered in an institution providing long-term care services or homecare centres.
The plan shall include identification of the needs of the beneficiary, the aims to be pursued, the means, to be used, the expected duration of the treatment or services and a note that it is to be reviewed every 90 days.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 35; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1, 3 and 12.
36. Where a homecare centre admits a beneficiary to a pavilion, it shall send a summary report in writing to the pavilion describing the state of health and the needs of the beneficiary and the treatment plan, whose carrying out it shall supervise.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 36; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1 and 3.
37. An application for a registration with an institution providing a program of daytime activities shall be accompanied by an assessment card identifying the medical and psychosocial needs of the beneficiary.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 37; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
38. The discharge of a beneficiary from a hospital centre providing long-term care services, shall be signed by the attending physician.
The discharge of a beneficiary from an institution providing homecare centre, must be signed by the executive director or his representative, and by the attending physician, if the beneficiary was receiving medical care.
A beneficiary of long-term care or homecare services shall be notified by the institution providing him such services of the date of his final discharge at least 72 hours prior to such date. The regional council shall also be given prior notice of the date of final discharge of a beneficiary receiving long-term care or homecare services.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 38; O.C. 545-86, s. 11; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1 and 3.
§ 3.  — Rehabilitation
39. An application for registration with a rehabilitation centre must be accompanied by an assessment including identification of the beneficiary’s needs.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 39; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
40. A person shall be admitted to a rehabilitation centre under the following procedure:
(1)  in the case of rehabilitation centres for physically handicapped persons, persons addicted to drugs or mothers experiencing difficulties of adjustment:
(a)  an application for admission shall be made in writing and must be accompanied by an assessment of the beneficiary’s condition and his needs in regard to rehabilitation in an institution;
(b)  the application for admission must be approved by the admissions committee formed within the centre by the board of directors;
(2)  in the case of other types of rehabilitation centres:
(a)  an application for admission shall be made to the social service centre of the region in which the beneficiary lives and it must be accompanied by an assessment of the beneficiary’s condition.
The assessment must contain all the information required to show the need for rehabilitation services in an institution;
(b)  the decision to admit the person shall be taken by an admissions committee formed by the regional council from representatives in particular of the social service centre and the rehabilitation centres of the region.
Where the Court of Québec orders compulsory foster care for a child under the Youth Protection Act (chapter P-34.1) or where it records a decision ordering custodial commitment under the Young Offenders Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. Y-1), the director within the meaning of each of those Acts shall be responsible for the enforcement of such order or decision. The rehabilitation centre shall carry out the order or decision and admit the child or young person.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 40; O.C. 545-86, s. 12; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
41. A rehabilitation centre shall admit a person who requires any emergency service that it can supply.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 41.
42. A treatment plan shall be drawn up for every beneficiary admitted to or registered in a rehabilitation centre.
The plan shall include identification of the beneficiary’s needs, the aims to be pursued, the means to be used, the expected duration of the services and a note that it is to be reviewed every 90 days.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 42; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1 and 12.
43. The rehabilitation centres covered by subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph of section 40 may carry out the transfer of beneficiaries without intervention by the social service centre of their region.
Whenever they wish to transfer a beneficiary to another institution, the rehabilitation centres covered by subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph of section 40 shall apply for such transfer to the social service centre of their region. Prior notice of the transfer must be given to the holder of parental authority, the curator of the beneficiary or a close relative.
In the case of an admission covered by the second paragraph of section 40, where a rehabilitation centre wishes to transfer a beneficiary to another institution, the centre shall apply to the director, within the meaning of the Youth Protection Act and the Young Offenders Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. Y-1).
O.C. 1320-84, s. 43; O.C. 545-86, s. 13; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
44. The discharge of a beneficiary from a rehabilitation centre must be signed by the director-general or his representative, and by the attending physician if the beneficiary is receiving medical care.
A rehabilitation centre covered by subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph of section 40 shall give prior notice to the social service centre of the region of the date of the final discharge of a beneficiary.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 44; O.C. 545-86, s. 14; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
45. A beneficiary of services from a local community service centre or from a social service centre as a member of a group shall be exempted from registering there. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the names of the members of the group must appear in a register preserved by the centre.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 45; O.C. 545-86, s. 15; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
46. (Revoked).
O.C. 1320-84, s. 46; O.C. 545-86, s. 16.
47. A local community service centre or a social service centre shall take the necessary steps to see that every person whose condition makes emergency services necessary receives them.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 47.
48. A person shall be received by a foster family under the following procedures:
(1)  where the placement is with a regular or special foster family:
(a)  an assessment of the condition of the person and his needs must certify the necessity of his being received;
(b)  a treatment plan shall be drawn up by the social service centre for each beneficiary;
(2)  where the placement is with a rehabilitation foster family:
(a)  an assessment of the condition of the person and his needs must certify the necessity of his being received;
(b)  a treatment plan shall be drawn up for each beneficiary by the institution, providing rehabilitation services;
(3)  a placement committee of the social service centre shall direct the beneficiary towards an appropriate foster family;
(4)  the social service centre shall send to the foster family a summary report in writing on the state of health and the needs of the beneficiary and of the treatment plan drawn up for him.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 48; O.C. 375-88. s .1.
49. The treatment plan drawn up for each beneficiary in a foster family shall include identification of the beneficiary’s needs, the aims to be pursued, the methods to be used, the expected duration of the services and a note that it is to be reviewed every 90 days.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 49; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1 and 12.
O.C. 580-88, s. 1.
49.1. Among the institutions recognized under paragraph f of section 113* of the Charter of the French language (chapter C-11), the institutions listed in Schedule IX are required to make their health services and social services available in the English language to the persons covered by section 5.1 of the Act.
O.C. 580-88, s. 1.
*Section repealed by 1993, chapter 40, s. 42.
50. Every institution shall keep an individual record for each beneficiary who obtains services from it, except in cases covered by sections 45 and 51.
The information required from the beneficiary under section 23 shall be kept in the record.
Nothing in this Regulation shall be interpreted as excluding the use of data processing or any other technique for setting up and keeping files on beneficiaries in an institution.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 50; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
51. Where an institution provides services to a registered beneficiary, that institution is not required to open a record, but it shall enter the name of the beneficiary and the nature of the services provided in a register kept for that purpose.
An institution providing school health services is not required to open a record for persons receiving no other services.
Services supplied to a worker under the Act respecting Occupational Health and Safety (chapter S-2.1), do not require the opening of a record within the meaning of this Regulation.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 51; O.C. 545-86, s. 17; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
52. An institution is not required to open a record for a person who was dead on arrival at the institution. The death certificate and the statement of medical findings on examination of the corpse shall be preserved at the records department of the institution.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 52; O.C. 545-86, s. 18.
52.1. The consent of a beneficiary or his legal representative to anesthesia or surgery shall be supported by a written document signed by the beneficiary or his legal representative specifying that the beneficiary has obtained appropriate information, particularly about possible risks or effects. The document must be countersigned by the attending physician or dentist and be preserved in the beneficiary’s record.
O.C. 545-86, s. 19; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
53. The record kept by a hospital centre shall include:
(1)  report of outpatient services;
(2)  medical observation, physical examination, provisional diagnosis and dental examination;
(3)  prescriptions;
(3.1)  a record of the preparation and administering stages of medication;
(4)  progress notes by physicians, dentists, pharmacists and members of the clinical staff;
(5)  report on the need for close treatment and on the capacity of the person to manage his property made under the Mental Beneficiaries Protection Act (chapter P-41)* and reviews thereof;
(6)  requests for and reports on consultation;
(7)  requests for and reports on treatment;
(8)  summary of interviews with professionals;
(9)  items used in arriving at a diagnosis or in prescribing a treatment, such as photographs, ultrasonic pictures, X-rays as well as parts of electrocardiograms and electroencephalograms and other relevant documents;
(10)  reports of diagnostic examinations;
(11)  the document required by section 52.1;
(12)  the document attesting that the beneficiary’s consent was obtained for the care or services provided by the hospital centre;
(13)  anaesthetic procedure;
(14)  pre-operation diagnosis, nature of proposed surgery, operating procedure indicating the nature of the surgery, findings, operating techniques used and description of the parts removed;
(15)  anatomical-pathological report and cytological report;
(16)  reports of nosocomial infection;
(17)  requests for transfer;
(18)  reports on accidents to beneficiaries in any institution;
(19)  the summary sheet, comprising the principal diagnosis, the order diagnoses and problems, complications, medical, surgical or obstetrical treatment, special examinations and the attestation of the attending physician confirming authenticity;
(20)  a note of the beneficiary’s leaving;
(21)  notice of discharge by the attending physician or dentist and a note that the beneficiary has left;
(22)  beneficiary’s consent for the institution to take photographs, films or recordings of him;
(23)  copy of the death certificate;
(24)  report of autopsy.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 53; O.C. 545-86, s. 20; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1 and 13.
*Act replaced by the Act respecting the protection of persons whose mental state presents a danger to themselves or to others (chapter P-38.001).
54. The record kept by a social service centre shall include:
(1)  a file index;
(2)  a psychosocial assessment;
(3)  the treatment plan and the periodic review reports;
(4)  progress notes by members of the clinical staff;
(5)  requests for and reports on consultations;
(6)  beneficiary’s consent for the institution to take photographs, films or recordings of him.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 54; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
55. The record kept by a reception centre shall include:
(1)  a file index;
(1.1)  a summary sheet;
(2)  a medical assessment of the beneficiary;
(3)  an assessment of the beneficiary’s autonomy;
(4)  reports of diagnostic examinations;
(5)  request for services;
(6)  prescriptions;
(6.1)  a record of the preparation and administering stages of medication;
(7)  the treatment plan and the periodic review reports;
(8)  progress notes by physicians, dentists, pharmacists and members of the clinical staff;
(9)  report on the need for close treatment and on the capacity of the person to manage his property made under the Mental Beneficiaries Protection Act (chapter P-41)* and reviews thereof;
(10)  requests for and reports on consultation;
(11)  the document attesting that the beneficiary’s consent was obtained for the care or services provided by the reception centre;
(12)  (paragraph replaced);
(13)  requests for transfer;
(14)  reports on accidents to beneficiaries in any institution;
(15)  report on confinement or isolation measures taken;
(16)  beneficiary’s consent for the institution to take photographs, films or recordings of him;
(17)  photographs, X-ray plates, electrocardiograms and electroencephalograms, and other evidence used in arriving at a diagnosis or in prescribing a treatment;
(18)  notice of discharge and a note that the beneficiary has left;
(19)  copy of the death certificate.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 55; O.C. 545-86, s. 21; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1, 4 and 13.
*Act replaced by the Act respecting the protection of persons whose mental state presents a danger to themselves or to others (chapter P-38.001).
56. The record kept by a local community service centre shall include:
(1)  a file index;
(1.1)  a summary sheet;
(2)  a medical or psychosocial assessment or an assessment of the beneficiary’s autonomy;
(3)  reports of diagnostic examinations;
(4)  request for services;
(5)  prescriptions;
(5.1)  a record of the preparation and administering stages of medication;
(6)  treatment plan and periodic review reports;
(7)  progress notes by physicians, dentists, pharmacists and members of the clinical staff;
(8)  consultation requests and reports;
(9)  the document required by section 52.1;
(10)  the document attesting that the beneficiary’s consent was obtained for the care or services provided by the local community service centre;
(11)  reports of accidents to beneficiary in an institution;
(12)  beneficiary’s consent to the institution’s taking of photographs, films or recordings of him;
(13)  photographs, X-rays, electrocardiograms and electroencephalograms, and other evidence used in arriving at a diagnosis or in prescribing a treatment;
(14)  anaesthetic procedures;
(15)  pre-operation diagnosis, nature of proposed surgery, operating procedure indicating the nature of the surgery, findings, operating techniques used and description of the parts removed;
(16)  a copy of the death certificate.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 56; O.C. 545-86, s. 22; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1 and 4.
57. A hospital centre shall keep, in its records department, an index of beneficiaries and a codification of illnesses and surgical operations drawn up according to the International Classification of Illnesses (ICI).
In a short-term care hospital centre, separate indexes shall be kept for:
(1)  illnesses;
(2)  operations;
(3)  every physician and dentists practising in the hospital centre.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 57; O.C. 545-86, s. 23; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
58. A copy of the report of an examination carried out in a laboratory of a hospital centre or of a local community service centre shall be preserved by the laboratory.
In the case of a beneficiary registered under the first paragraph of section 20, the original of the examination report shall be sent to the person who requested the examination.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 58; O.C. 545-86, s. 24; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
59. Where any part of a human body or any object is removed during surgery, a written report shall be prepared by the pathologist having examined that part of the human body or object. The original of the report shall be preserved in the beneficiary’s record and a copy shall be kept by the laboratory, where an index cross-referenced by beneficiary and by pathology shall be constituted.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 59; O.C. 545-86, s. 25; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
60. Where a beneficiary is transferred from one institution to another, the institution where he was first admitted or registered shall send a summary of the relevant data in his record to the second institution within 72 hours.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 60; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
61. No record of a beneficiary may be removed from an institution, and no original or sole copy of a document may be withdrawn from a record, except by court order or pursuant to the Archives Act (chapter A-21.1) or in the cases provided for in this section.
A prescription for medication, drugs or poisons may be temporarily withdrawn from a record in order to be given to the pharmacist in the institution.
A record or part thereof may be temporarily removed from an institution in order to be forwarded to another institution, where such forwarding is required by a physician or dentist for diagnostic purposes or for medical or dental treatment.
A medical image-recorded document may be temporarily removed from an institution in order to be forwarded to a physician or a dentist, where such forwarding is required for diagnostic purposes or for medical or dental treatment.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 61; O.C. 545-86, s. 26; O.C. 375-88, s. 1; O.C. 130-89, s. 1; O.C. 1346-91, s. 1.
62. An institution shall permit representatives of a professional corporation to see a beneficiary’s record in the exercise of the functions of the professional corporation.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 62; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
63. (Revoked).
O.C. 1320-84, s. 63; O.C. 545-86, s. 27.
64. A record or part thereof may be disposed of only in accordance with the Archives Act.
In the case of a hospital centre, where the record of a living person becomes inactive and is disposed of in accordance with the Archives Act, a summary thereof comprising the following particulars must be preserved:
(1)  the summary sheet;
(2)  the operating procedure;
(3)  the anatomical-pathological procedure.
The summary may consist of photographic reproductions of the particulars enumerated in the second paragraph.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 64; O.C. 545-86, s. 28.
65. (Revoked).
O.C. 1320-84, s. 65; O.C. 545-86, s. 29.
O.C. 1320-84, c. VI; O.C. 247-87, s. 1.
66. The organization plan of a hospital centre shall specify which clinical department shall include each medical, surgical or dental branch of practice.
The professional practice of physicians and dentists in the various clinical departments shall comply with the general rules for treatment.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 66.
67. Except for the hospital centres in Schedule VI, the organization plan of a short-term care hospital centre shall provide for a clinical department of general medicine.
The department shall in particular take responsibility for primary care furnished to emergency services and general outpatient consultation and treatment. The clinical department of general medicine may take responsibility for long-term care.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 67; O.C. 375-88, s.1.
68. The department of general medicine shall have as director a general practitioner who is an active member of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists of the hospital centre.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 68.
69. The organization plan of a short-term care hospital centre shall provide for a clinical X-ray department. The head of the department, under the control of the director of professional services, shall manage the human, material and financial resources of the department.
Where no physician holding an X-ray specialist’s certificate devotes the greater part of his hospital time to the hospital centre, the director of professional services shall designate a person to be responsible, under his control for managing the human, material and financial resources of the department. Where that person is not a physician, he will not be responsible for managing the medical resources of the department.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 69.
70. The organization plan of a short-term care hospital centre shall provide for setting up a clinical department of medical biological laboratories. The department shall deal, among other matters, with anatomical pathology, biochemistry, hematology and microbiology, unless there is a separate department for those branches. The head of the department, under the control of the director of professional services, shall manage the human, material and financial resources of the department.
Where no physician holding a specialist’s certificate in biological medicine devotes the greater part of his hospital time to the hospital centre, the director of professional services shall designate a person to be responsible, under his control, for managing the human, material and financial resources of the department. Where that person is not a physician, he will not be responsible for managing the medical resources of the department.
Where a department of biochemistry or microbiology is set up in a hospital centre, the head of the biochemistry or microbiology department may be a physician or a professional holding a diploma in any area of medical biology. Under the control of the director of professional services, the head of the department of biochemistry or microbiology shall manage the human, material and financial resources of his department.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 70; O.C. 545-86, s. 30.
71. The responsibilities of the heads of clinical departments mentioned in sections 69 and 70 are not to be interpreted as limiting the management responsibilities assigned to other heads of clinical departments by the organization plan of a hospital centre.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 71.
72. Subject to any inconsistent provisions of the Act or this Division, the head of each of the clinical departments of a hospital centre shall be a physician holding a specialist’s certificate of the Ordre professionnel des médecins du Québec and shall be an active member of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists of the hospital centre.
Where the organization plan of a hospital centre provides for the setting up of a dental department, the head of that clinical department shall be a dentist who is an active member of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists of the hospital centre.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 72; O.C. 863-90, s. 1.
O.C. 1320-84, Div. II; S.Q. 2002, c. 38, s. 17.
73. (Revoked).
O.C. 1320-84, s. 73; S.Q. 2002, c. 38, s. 17.
74. (Revoked).
O.C. 1320-84, s. 74; O.C. 545-86, s. 31; S.Q. 2002, c. 38, s. 17.
75. The organization plan of a hospital centre for short-term care shall provide for a pharmacy department.
The organization plan of a long-term care hospital centre shall either provide for the setting-up of a pharmacy department or service or entrust to a pharmacist the duties prescribed by section 77.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 75; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1 and 14.
76. The pharmacy department shall be directed by a pharmacist holding a degree or certificate in hospital pharmacy or having training or experience equivalent to such a degree.
The head of the pharmacy department shall be appointed by the board of directors for a term not exceeding 4 years, after consultation with the pharmacists of the department, the director of professional services and the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists.
Where the hospital centre is affiliated to a university for the teaching of pharmaceutics, the appointment of the head of the pharmacy department shall be made after consulting the university in accordance with the terms of the affiliation contract.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 76; O.C. 375-88, ss. 14 and 15.
77. Subject to the control of the director of professional services of the hospital centre, the head of the pharmacy department or the pharmacist shall:
(1)  coordinate the professional activities of the pharmacists in his department and manage the resources of his department;
(2)  lay down and enforce policies for preparing, distributing and controlling the use of medications, drugs and poisons in the hospital centre;
(3)  inform the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists and the director of professional services of any breach of the rules for using medications or of the procedures governing the issuing and filling of prescriptions in the hospital centre;
(4)  instruct the members of the clinical staff and the beneficiaries of the hospital centre on the rules for using medications;
(5)  select, after consulting the committee of pharmacology, medications for current use in the hospital centre from the list under section 150 of the Act and in terms of their common generic names, their strength and their pharmaceutical form.
Under the control of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, he shall prepare rules for using medications and the procedures governing the issue and filling of prescriptions in the hospital centre, particularly with respect to the criteria for recognition of a prescription, including verbal prescriptions.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 77; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1, 16 to 18; O.C. 130-89, s. 2; O.C. 863-90, s. 2.
78. The director of the nursing branch shall perform the duties and take on the responsibility prescribed in the organization plan. He shall be responsible, under the control of the executive director for coordination and evaluation of nursing in the hospital centre, for supervision and operation of the branch, for discipline and for the assignment of staff according to need.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 78; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
O.C. 1567-89, s. 1.
78.1. For a local community service centre having at least 1 practising physician, the organization plan shall provide for the setting up of a medical service or shall entrust to a physician in charge of medical care the responsibilities listed in sections 78.3, 78.4 and 78.5.
O.C. 1567-89, s. 1.
78.2. The medical service shall be composed of physicians practising in the local community service centre and shall be under the supervision of a head physician of the medical service.
The head of the medical service shall be appointed for 2 years and shall be chosen from among the physicians practising in the local community service centre. He shall be appointed by the board of directors after consultation with the executive director and with the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists or, failing such council, with the physicians of the institution. The physician in charge of medical care shall be appointed according to the same procedure.
O.C. 1567-89, s. 1.
78.3. Under the authority of the executive director, the head of the medical service or the physician in charge of medical care shall perform the following duties:
(1)  coordinate the professional activities of the physicians;
(2)  see to the maintaining of administrative discipline among the physicians;
(3)  ensure the allocation of medical care in the local community service centre;
(4)  draw up, for the physicians, rules for the use of the resources of the institution.
Those rules shall be approved by the board of directors, after consultation with the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists or, failing such council, with the physicians of the institution.
O.C. 1567-89, s. 1.
78.4. The head of the medical service or the physician in charge of medical care, under the authority of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, shall draw up rules for medical care that take into account the need to render adequate services to beneficiaries and the organization of resources available to the local community service centre.
Those rules shall be submitted to the board of directors for approval.
O.C. 1567-89, s. 1.
78.5. Where a council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists has not been set up in the local community service centre, the head of the medical service or the physician in charge of medical care shall perform the following duties, under the authority of the board of directors:
(1)  ensure the supervision and assessment of medical acts;
(2)  ensure that the physicians remain competent;
(3)  draw up procedures for the duty roster;
(4)  draw up rules for medical care that take into account the need to render adequate services to beneficiaries and the organization of resources available to the local community service centre.
Those rules shall be submitted to the board of directors for approval.
O.C. 1567-89, s. 1.
O.C. 1320-84, Div. V; O.C. 375-88, s. 3.
79. After consulting the physicians practising in the institution, the board of directors of a homecare centre where less than 5 physicians practise their profession shall appoint a physician to be in charge of medical care where a council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists exercising the responsibilities described in section 81 has not been constituted in the centre.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 79; O.C. 545-86, s. 32; O.C. 375-88, s. 3.
80. The organization plan of a homecare centre where not less than 5 physicians practise their profession shall provide for a medical service, where the centre has not already constituted a council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists with the functions described in section 81.
The medical service shall consist of physicians practising in the centre. The medical service shall be directed by the head of the medical service appointed by the board of directors and chosen from among the physicians practising in the centre, upon the latter’s recommendation.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 80; O.C. 545-86, s. 33; O.C. 375-88, s. 3.
81. Under the authority of the executive director, the physician in charge of medical care or the head of the medical service, as the case may be, shall exercise the following functions:
(1)  coordinate the professional activities of the physicians in the centre;
(2)  check the allocation of medical care in the centre;
(3)  distribute the work among the physicians;
(4)  see to the maintaining of administrative discipline among the physicians.
Under the control of the board of directors, the physician in charge of medical care or the medical service shall perform the following duties:
(1)  provide for the supervision and assessment of medical acts in the centre;
(2)  ensure that the physicians practising in the centre remain competent;
(3)  make sure that the distribution of medical care meets the needs of the beneficiaries;
(4)  draw up procedures for a duty roster in the centre and supervise its operation;
(5)  recruit physicians.
Under the authority of the board of directors, the medical service shall see to the application of the Regulation respecting the acts contemplated in section 31 of the Medical Act which may be done by classes of persons other than physicians (chapter M-9, r. 13).
O.C. 1320-84, s. 81; O.C. 545-86, s. 34; O.C. 9-87, s. 2; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
O.C. 1320-84, Div. VI; O.C. 375-88, ss. 3 and 19.
82. The organization plan of a homecare centre shall provide for a pharmacy service or shall entrust to a pharmacist the duties prescribed by section 84.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 82; O.C. 375-88, ss. 3 and 19.
83. Where the organization plan provides for a pharmacy service, the board of directors of a homecare centre shall appoint a pharmacist as head of the service.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 83; O.C. 375-88, ss. 3 and 19.
84. Under the control of the executive director, the head of the pharmacy service or the pharmacist shall perform the following duties:
(1)  provide pharmaceutical services and manage the resources;
(2)  draw up and enforce rules for the preparation, distribution and control of the use of medications, drugs and poisons in the centre;
(3)  inform the physician in charge of medical care or the medical service and the executive director of any breach of the rules for the use of medications or of the procedures governing the issuing and filling of prescriptions in the centre;
(4)  instruct the members of the clinical staff and the beneficiaries of the centre on the rules for the use of medications;
(5)  check the use of medications in the centre in particular through subsequent examination of beneficiary’s records and through verification of the use of medications.
The head of the pharmacy service or the pharmacist shall also exercise the following functions, under the authority of the executive director and after consultation with the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, with the physician in charge of medical care or of the medical service, as the case may be, and with the director of nursing, the head of the nursing service or the person in charge of nursing care, as the case may be:
(1)  prepare rules for using medications and the procedures governing the issue and filling of prescriptions in the centre, particularly with respect to the criteria for recognition of a prescription, and for dictated prescriptions;
(2)  select the medications for current use in the centre from the list under the first paragraph of section 150 of the Act in terms of their generic names, their strength and their pharmaceutical form;
(3)  (paragraph revoked).
O.C. 1320-84, s. 84; O.C. 545-86, s. 35; O.C. 9-87, s. 3; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1, 16 and 17.
O.C. 9-87, s. 4; O.C. 375-88, s. 3.
84.1. The organization plan of a homecare centre shall provide for a nursing care division or service, or entrust the duties described in section 84.3 to a nurse.
O.C. 9-87, s. 4; O.C. 375-88, s. 3.
84.2. The board of directors shall appoint a director of nursing, a head of the nursing service or a person in charge of nursing care, after consulting the executive director. The person appointed shall be a member of the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec.
O.C. 9-87, s. 4; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
84.3. Under the authority of the executive director, the director of nursing, the head of the nursing service or the person in charge of nursing care shall perform the following duties:
(1)  supervise and monitor the nursing care provided in the homecare centre;
(2)  assess the nursing care provided in the centre;
(3)  see that the nursing care provided meets the needs of beneficiaries;
(4)  ensure that the nurses remain competent;
(5)  see that the nursing staff is assigned in terms of the needs of beneficiaries.
O.C. 9-87, s. 4; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1 and 3.
O.C. 247-87, s. 2.
84.4. The part of the organization plan that a hospital centre submits to the regional council for approval under section 70 of the Act shall contain, for the term of the plan, the following:
(1)  a list of the clinical departments and clinical services of the hospital centre;
(2)  the number of physicians and dentists required to operate the hospital centre and each clinical department and clinical service of the centre, with an indication, for physicians, of the number of general practitioners and specialist with their specialization, and for dentists, of the number of general dentists and specialists with their specialization.
O.C. 247-87, s. 2.
84.5. That part of the plan shall in addition contain, to enable the regional council to approve the elements prescribed by section 84.4, the following:
(1)  the criteria used to establish the number of physicians and dentists required to operate the hospital centre, which must take into account:
(a)  the human, material and financial resources of the centre;
(b)  the mission of the centre in respect to providing care, teaching and research;
(c)  the local, subregional, regional or supraregional vocation of the centre, its clinical departments and its clinical services;
(2)  the number of physicians and dentists practising their profession in each clinical department and clinical service of the hospital centre;
(3)  the name of each physician and each dentist, the name of each clinical department or clinical service in which he practises his profession and the number of his permit to practise issued by the Ordre professionnel des médecins du Québec or by the Ordre des dentistes du Québec, with an indication, for a physician, of whether he is a general practitioner or a specialist, with his specialization, and for a dentist, of whether he is a general dentist or a specialist, with his specialization;
(4)  the status and privileges granted to each physician and each dentist;
(5)  a description of the clinical services activities carried out in the clinical department and clinical services of the hospital centre.
O.C. 247-87, s. 2.
84.6. For the purposes of sections 84.4 and 84.5, physicians or dentists who have the status of resident at a hospital centre are not covered.
O.C. 247-87, s. 2; O.C. 130-89, s. 3.
84.7. The part of the organization plan that a local community service centre submits to the regional council for approval under section 70.0.1 of the Act shall contain, for the term of the plan, the number of physicians and dentists required to operate the centre, with an indication, for physicians, of the number of general practitioners and specialists, with their specialization and for dentists, of the number of general dentists and specialists, with their specialization.
O.C. 247-87, s. 2.
84.8. That part of the plan shall in addition contain, to enable the regional council to approve the number of physicians and dentists required under section 84.7, the following:
(1)  the criteria used to establish the number of physicians and dentists required to operate the local community service centre, which must take into account:
(a)  the human, material and financial resources of the centre;
(b)  the mission of the centre in respect, as the case may be, to providing care, teaching and research;
(c)  the territory of the centre and the demographic and sociosanitary characteristics of the public served;
(2)  the number of physicians and dentists practising their profession at the local community service centre;
(3)  the name of each physician and each dentist and the number of his permit to practise issued by the Ordre professionnel des médecins du Québec or the Ordre des dentistes du Québec, as the case may be;
(4)  the status and privileges granted to each physician and each dentist, as the case may be.
O.C. 247-87, s. 2.
84.9. The part of the organization plan that a reception centre submits to the regional council for approval under section 70.0.1 of the Act shall contain, for the term of the plan, the number of physicians and dentists required to provide medical and dental services to the public served by the centre, with an indication, for physicians, of the number of general practitioners and specialists, with their specialization, and for dentists, of the number of general dentists and specialists, with their specialization.
O.C. 247-87, s. 2.
84.10. That part of the plan shall in addition contain, to enable the regional council to approve the number of physicians and dentists required under section 84.9, the following:
(1)  the criteria used to establish the number of physicians and dentists required to provide medical and dental services to the public served by the reception centre, which must take into account:
(a)  the human, material and financial resources of the centre;
(b)  the mission of the centre in respect, as the case may be, to providing care, teaching and research;
(c)  the local, subregional, regional or supraregional vocation of the centre, according to the categories of clientele the centre identifies, as applicable;
(2)  the number of physicians and dentists practising their profession at the reception centre with an indication, as applicable, of the number of physicians and dentists assigned to the categories of clientele the centre identifies;
(3)  the name of each physician and each dentist and the number of his permit to practise issued by the Ordre professionnel des médecins du Québec or the Ordre des dentistes du Québec, as the case may be;
(4)  the status and privileges granted to each physician and each dentist, as the case may be.
O.C. 247-87, s. 2.
84.11. The regional medical and dental staffing plan that the regional council submits to the Minister for approval under section 70.0.2 of the Act shall contain the number of physicians and dentists required and indicate, for physicians, the number of general practitioners and specialists, with their specialization, and for dentists, the number of general dentists and specialists, with their specialization:
(1)  for all hospital centres in the region;
(2)  for all local community service centres in the region;
(3)  for all reception centres in the region, with an indication of:
(a)  the number of physicians and dentists required for all rehabilitation centres;
(b)  the number of physicians and dentists required for all homecare centres;
(4)  for all institutions in the region.
O.C. 247-87, s. 2; O.C. 375-88, s. 3.
84.12. The plan shall in addition contain, to enable the Minister to grant his approval:
(1)  the criteria used to establish the number of physicians and dentists required under section 84.11, which must take into account:
(a)  the human, material and financial resources at the disposal of the institutions;
(b)  the population to be served for each branch of medical and dental practice and the demographic and sociosanitary characteristics of that population;
(c)  the parts of organization plans submitted and approved by the regional council under sections 70 and 70.0.1 of the Act;
(d)  the missions and vocations of each institution;
(e)  the complementarity of services among the various institutions in the region;
(2)  the number of physicians and dentists practising their profession and indicate, for physicians, the number of general practitioners and specialists, with their specialization, and for dentists, the number of general dentists and specialists, with their specialization:
(a)  in all hospital centres in the region;
(b)  in all local community service centres in the region;
(c)  in all reception centres in the region, with an indication of:
i.  the number of physicians and dentists practising in all rehabilitation centres;
ii.  the number of physicians and dentists practising in all homecare centres;
(d)  in all institutions in the region;
(3)  the number of physicians appointed by a regional council within the framework of a system of making emergency medical visits outside institutions, as applicable;
(4)  any supraregional and regional vocations of institutions in the region.
O.C. 247-87, s. 2; O.C. 375-88, s. 3.
84.13. The approval of part of the organization plan of an institution by a regional council or the Minister’s approval of a regional medical and dental staffing plan shall not have effect in respect of the status and privileges granted to a physician or dentist by the board of directors of the institution before 1 April 1987 or in respect of the status and privileges granted to a physician or dentist whose appointment received the prior approval of a regional council in accordance with the second paragraph of section 9 of the Act to amend the Act respecting health services and social services (1986, chapter 57).
O.C. 247-87, s. 2.
85. A physician, dentists or pharmacist who wishes to practise his profession in a hospital centre shall apply to the executive director for appointment in the form prescribed by Schedule VIII.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 85; O.C. 545-86, s. 36; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
86. Privileges shall be granted to a physician or a dentist in terms of the organization of the hospital centre and the number of physicians and dentists approved by the regional council. The privileges shall determine the nature and scope of the medical and dental acts that a physician or a dentist may perform in a department.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 86.
87. A status shall be granted to a physician, dentist or pharmacist based on the extent of his hospital activities in the hospital centre.
The extent of hospital activities shall be evaluated on the basis of the degree of activity and involvement by the physician, the dentist or the pharmacist in the operation of the hospital centre. It shall also be evaluated on the basis of the specific needs of the hospital centre.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 87; O.C. 545-86, s. 37.
88. The board of directors of a hospital centre may grant to a physician, dentist or pharmacist status in one of the following categories, upon the recommendation of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists:
(1)  active member;
(2)  associate member;
(3)  advisory member;
(4)  honorary member;
(5)  resident;
(6)  (paragraph revoked).
Where a physician, a dentist or a pharmacist has a status in more than one hospital centre, he shall inform the board of directors of each centre.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 88; O.C. 130-89, s. 4.
89. The status of active member shall be granted to a physician, dentist or pharmacist whose hospital activities are significant in terms of the criteria mentioned in section 87.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 89; O.C. 545-86, s. 38.
90. The status of associate member shall be granted to a physician, dentist or pharmacist whose hospital activities are less significant in terms to the criteria mentioned in section 87.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 90; O.C. 545-86, s. 38.
91. The status of advisory member shall be granted to a physician, dentist or pharmacist recognized for his skill and professional influence in any branch, who participates in the medical, dental or pharmaceutical activities of the hospital centre upon request as consultant.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 91.
92. The status of honorary member shall be granted to a physician, dentist or pharmacist whose services rendered to the hospital centre it is desired to recognize.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 92.
93. The status of resident shall be granted to a person holding the degree of doctor of medicine or the equivalent and under training for the purpose of obtaining a specialist certificate or a licence to practise in a hospital centre connected with a teaching institution by an affiliation contract made under section 125 of the Act. In any hospital centre, the status of resident shall be granted to a person holding the degree of doctor of medicine or the equivalent, and on a professional training course after having received his specialist certificate or his licence to practise.
The status of resident shall be granted to a person holding the degree of doctor of dental surgery or the equivalent and under training for the purposes of obtaining a specialist certificate in a hospital centre connected with a teaching institution by an affiliation contract made under section 125 of the Act. In any hospital centre, the status of resident shall be granted to a person holding the degree of doctor of dental surgery or the equivalent, and on a professional training course.
In a hospital centre connected with an educational institution by an affiliation contract made under section 125 of the Act, the status of resident shall be granted to a person holding the degree of bachelor of pharmacology or the equivalent, and under training for the purpose of obtaining a certificate or diploma in hospital pharmacology.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 93; O.C. 130-89, s. 5.
94. (Revoked).
O.C. 1320-84, s. 94; O.C. 130-89, s. 6.
95. Physicians, dentists and pharmacists having the status of active, associate, advisory or honorary member shall be members of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 95.
96. An active member participates in meetings of the council, is entitled to vote on the council, and may be appointed a member of the committees of the council. He may be elected to the executive committee and be appointed chairman or secretary of a committee.
An associate member participates in the meetings of the council but is not entitled to vote on the council. He may be appointed a member of the committees of the council but may not be elected to be a member of the executive committee. He may be appointed chairman or secretary of a committee.
A consulting member participates in the meetings of the council but is not entitled to vote on the council. He may be appointed a member of the committees of the council but may not be elected to the executive committees or appointed chairman or secretary of a committee.
An honorary member may participate in meetings of the council, but shall not be entitled to vote. He may not be elected to the executive committee or to any committee of the council except the discipline committee, of which he may be a member, but not chairman or secretary.
A resident may, for training purposes, be invited to attend meetings of the council, but shall not be entitled to vote. A resident may be invited to attend committee meetings.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 96; O.C. 545-86, s. 39; O.C. 130-89, s. 7.
97. The council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists shall constitute a committee on professional qualifications, a committee on medical, dental and pharmaceutical evaluation and a committee of pharmacology. Where the number of members of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists is insufficient to constitute such committees, their functions shall be assumed by the council.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 97; O.C. 545-86, s. 40.
§ 1.  — Executive committee
98. The executive committee shall in particular:
(1)  ensure an ongoing evaluation of the quality and relevance of the medical and dental care and pharmaceutical services dispensed in the institution and take the appropriate measures to ensure control thereof, in particular by supervising compliance with the rules governing care;
(2)  see that the physicians, dentists and pharmacists practising in the institution participate in a continuing education program;
(3)  make the necessary recommendations regarding the appointment of physicians, dentists and pharmacists in the institution;
(4)  appoint the members of the committees of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists and arrange for their replacement;
(5)  direct and coordinate the activities of the various committees of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, and analyse their reports;
(6)  prepare the necessary by-laws for the operation of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, submit them to it for passing, and submit them to the board of directors of the centre;
(7)  perform the duties of the committees prescribed by this Regulation, where there are not enough staff members on the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists to do so;
(8)  prepare rules of procedure for the non-renewal of appointments, changes in status or privileges, of physicians or dentists, and disciplinary measures affecting physicians, dentists and pharmacists;
(9)  report at least one a year on its activities to the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists and inform the board of directors of the centre of the report;
(10)  set up a discipline committee to deal with complaints against physicians, dentists or pharmacists who are members of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 98; O.C. 545-86, s. 41.
§ 2.  — Qualifications committee
99. The qualifications committee shall be composed of not less than 3 active members of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, and the director of professional services.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 99.
100. The qualifications committee shall perform the following duties:
(1)  it shall process applications of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, in particular by assessing their qualifications, their scientific knowledge and their behaviour, and report to the executive committee;
(2)  it shall recommend to the executive committee the granting of a status and the privilege of practising for each member of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists. The head of the department involved shall be invited to participate in the discussions concerning the granting of privileges in his department. The head of the pharmacy department shall be invited to participate in the discussions concerning the granting of a status to a pharmacist;
(3)  during the second year following the appointment of a physician or a dentist and every 2 years thereafter, it shall make recommendations to the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists concerning the renewal or non-renewal of the appointment, or any change in status or of privileges of a physician or dentist. The committee shall also make recommendations to the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists concerning the reinstating of a physician or a dentist;
(4)  it shall constitute a professional file for each physician, dentist or pharmacist practising in the hospital centre. The file shall contain documents regarding the appointment of a physician, dentist or pharmacist as well as the renewal of the appointment of a physician or a dentist, participation on the committees of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, and information in writing on the activities of a physician, dentist or pharmacist submitted by any committee of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, by the head of a clinical department, by the head of the pharmacy department or by the director of professional services.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 100; O.C. 545-86, s. 42.
101. The professional file compiled by the qualifications committee shall be kept by the director of professional services. No person may have access to it, except the physician, dentist or pharmacist involved, the members of the executive committee of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists and of the professional corporation to which the physician, dentist or pharmacist belongs.
Where a physician, dentist or pharmacist leaves his position in a hospital centre, a copy of his professional file shall be sent to the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists of the hospital centre to which he has applied for appointment, or, upon request, to the professional corporation of which he is a member.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 101.
§ 3.  — Committee on medical, dental and pharmaceutical evaluation
102. The committee on medical, dental and pharmaceutical evaluation shall consist of at least 3 active members of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists.
When the committee takes dental care files under advisement, it shall invite a dentist to participate in its work. When it takes files on pharmaceutical acts under advisement, it shall invite a pharmacist to participate in its work. When it takes files on surgical cases or on deaths under advisement, it shall invite a pathologist to participate in its work.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 102; O.C., 545-86, s. 44.
103. The committee on medical, dental and pharmaceutical evaluation shall assume the following functions:
(1)  ensure that the medical, dental and pharmaceutical content of the beneficiaries’ records are in accordance with this Regulation and the by-laws adopted by the hospital centre;
(2)  assess the quality and appropriateness of the medical and dental care as well as the pharmaceutical services given to beneficiaries;
(3)  consider the preoperative, postoperative and anatomical-pathological diagnoses;
(4)  consider the records of beneficiaries where there are complications;
(5)  consider operations in which there was no exeresis;
(6)  consider deaths occurring in the hospital centre;
(7)  review periodically the treatment prescribed for nosocomial infections and for the most common complaints in the hospital centre;
(8)  make recommendations to the executive committee of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 103; O.C. 545-86, s. 45; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
§ 4.  — Committee of pharmacology
104. The committee of pharmacology shall be composed of not less than 4 active or associate members of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, including the head of the pharmacy department or a pharmacist of the hospital centre, even if the pharmacist is an associate member.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 104; O.C. 375-88, ss. 14 and 18.
105. The committee of pharmacology shall perform the following duties:
(1)  it shall assess the control mechanisms regarding the use of medications in the centre, in particular the review of past records of beneficiaries and the auditing of the use of medications;
(2)  it shall consider the records of beneficiaries who have had untoward reactions and allergies to medications;
(3)  it shall advise the head of the pharmacy department on the rules for the use of medications in the hospital centre;
(4)  it shall decide requests for use of medications for clinical and basic research purposes or medications for special medical needs;
(5)  it shall advise the head of the pharmacy department on the selection of medications for current use in the centre, based on the list under section 150 of the Act, expressed by their generic names, their strength and their pharmaceutical form;
(6)  it shall make recommendations to the executive committee of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 105; O.C. 545-86, s. 46; O.C. 375-88, ss. 14, 17, 18 and 20.
O.C. 1320-84, Div. V; O.C. 545-86, s. 47.
106. When a complaint is made against a physician, a dentist or a pharmacist who is a member of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, the executive committee shall appoint a disciplinary committee to examine the complaint.
The disciplinary committee shall consist of not less than 3 active members of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists.
When the committee considers dental care files, it shall invite a dentist to participate in its work. When it considers files on surgical cases or on deaths, it shall invite a physician who is a specialist in anatomical pathology. When it considers files on pharmaceutical acts it shall invite a pharmacist.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 106; O.C. 375-88, a. 21.
107. The function of the disciplinary committee is to consider any complaint referred to it by the executive committee concerning the quality of service provided by a physician, dentist or pharmacist, concerning his skill, his industry, his conduct, or his compliance with this Regulation or with the by-laws of the hospital centre or of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists.
The disciplinary committee shall consider the file, shall study the relevant papers and shall hear the physician, the dentist or the pharmacist involved and his counsel, if any. It may also hear any person whose testimony it considers useful.
After consideration, the disciplinary committee shall report to the executive committee.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 107.
108. Where the executive committee decides to recommend that a disciplinary measure be applied with respect to a physician, dentist or pharmacist, the file shall be sent to the board of directors of the hospital centre.
The disciplinary measures that the executive committee may recommend for application shall be those mentioned in the first paragraph of section 131 of the Act. A recommendation under the first paragraph may be accompanied by a recommendation on the updating of the knowledge of the physician, dentist or pharmacist in question.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 108; O.C. 545-86, s. 48.
109. Before deciding to apply a disciplinary measure, the board of directors shall inform the persons concerned and give them an opportunity to be heard.
Where it decides to apply a disciplinary measure, the board of directors shall communicate its decision to the physician, dentist or pharmacist in question, to the executive committee of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists and to the professional corporation to which the physician, dentist or pharmacist belongs.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 109; O.C. 545-86, s. 49.
110. In an emergency, the director of professional services, the chairman of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, the head of the clinical department involved, or in the case of the absence or failure to act of the persons mentioned, the executive director, may order the suspension of the privileges of any physician or dentist working in the centre.
In an emergency, the director of professional services, the chairman of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, the head of the pharmacy department, or in the case of the absence or failure to act of the persons mentioned, the executive director, may order the suspension of the status of any pharmacist working in the centre.
In such case, the person who ordered the suspension of privileges of the physician or dentist or of the status of the pharmacist shall immediately inform the chairman of the executive committee of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists and within 48 hours shall draw up a report which he shall send to the chairman.
The suspension remains in force until the board of director makes a decision.
O.C. 1320-84, s. 110; O.C. 375-88, s. 1.
111. (Amendments integrated to c. S-5, r. 1).
O.C. 1320-84, s. 111.
112. (Omitted).
O.C. 1320-84, s. 112.
Centre d’accueil La Clairière
Centre Rosalie Jetté
Maison Élisabeth
Villa Marie-Claire Inc.
Les Résidences de la Mauricie Inc.
O.C. 1320-84, Sch. I; O.C. 375-88, s. 5.
Centre de santé des Hauts-Bois
Centre de santé Sainte-Famille
Centre de santé Lebel
Centre de santé Isle-Dieu
Centre de santé de la Haute-Côte-Nord
Centre de santé de Port-Cartier
Centre de santé de l’Hématite
Centre de santé de la Basse-Côte-Nord
Centre de santé Saint-Jean-Eudes
Centre local de services communautaires de l’Érable
Centre local de services communautaires des Frontières
Centre local de services communautaires de Témiscaming
Centre local de services communautaires des Trois-Saumons.
O.C. 1320-84, Sch. II; O.C. 545-86, s. 50; O.C. 1346-91, s. 2.
(ss. 19 and 23)
Part 1: Information to be provided to the Minister by all institutions:
— Code of the facility where services are provided to a beneficiary as assigned in the enterprise register of the enterprise registrar.
— Permanent non-descriptive number of the beneficiary’s record assigned by the institution.
— Problem or diagnosis in relation to the beneficiary.
— Kind of treatment
Identification of actions undertaken, such as diagnostic, therapeutic, and surgical codes and social measures.
— Date of the beneficiary’s registration or admission, and discharge.
— Municipal code of the beneficiary’s residence, as assigned by the Institut de la statistique du Québec.
— Responsibility for payment.
Part 2: Information to be obtained from the beneficiary and to be provided to the Minister by all institutions:
— date of birth
— sex
— the first 3 components of the beneficiary’s postal code assigned by the Canada Post.
Part 3: Information to be provided to the Minister by hospital and reception centres:
— Category, class or type of institution or foster family where the beneficiary was sheltered at the time of registration of admission.
— Category, class or type of institution or foster family towards which the beneficiary is directed.
Part 4: Information to be provided by social service centres, in the case of child placement:
— Kind of placement resource used (foster family, etc.).
— Date of the beginning and end of foster family placement.
— Number and total duration of former placements.
O.C. 1320-84, Sch. III; O.C. 375-88, ss. 1 and 22.
Code of the institution
Activity centre as found in the Budgetary Guide of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Anonymous non-descriptive number of the employee as assigned by the institution
Date of birth
Marital status
Federal tax exemptions
Provincial tax exemptions
Pension fund
Occupational status
Job title code
Union membership
Working hours per work
First date in the institution
Date of leaving
Date of statutory increase
Recognized experience
Basic salary (hourly)
Hours worked at straight time
Straight-time salary
Overtime (hours)
Overtime (amount paid)
Lump-sum paid to employees whose salary is above the salary scale
Isolation bonus
Bonus for additional responsibility
Evening shift bonus
Night shift bonus
Split-shift bonus
Weekend bonus
On-call bonus
Seniority bonus
Psychiatry bonus
Intensive care bonus
In-service training bonus
Other bonuses
Sick leave fund
Sick leave for waiting period (hours)
Sick leave for waiting period (amount paid)
Sick leave for RREGOP redemption (hours)
Sick leave for RREGOP redemption (amount paid)
Pre-retirement sick leave (hours)
Pre-retirement sick leave (amount paid)
Used sick leave (hours)
Used sick leave (amount paid)
Unused sick leave (hours)
Unused sick leave (amount available)
Sick leave paid upon leaving (hours)
Sick leave paid upon leaving (amount paid)
Salary insurance (hours)
Salary insurance (amount paid)
Vacation (hours)
Vacation (amount paid)
Movable holidays (hours)
Movable holidays (amount paid)
Funeral leave (hours)
Funeral leave (amount paid)
Union leave (hours)
Union leave (amount paid)
Convention leave (hours)
Convention leave (amount paid)
Parental leave with pay (hours)
Parental leave with pay (amount paid)
Leave paid to part-time employees (amount paid)
Other leave with pay (hours)
Other leave with pay (amount paid)
Parental leave without pay (hours)
Other leave without pay (hours)
O.C. 1320-84, Sch. IV; O.C. 375-88, s. 23.
Conseil de la santé et des services sociaux de la région du Bas-St-Laurent, de la Gaspésie et des Îles-de-la-Madeleine
Conseil de la santé et des services sociaux de la région du Saguenay–Lac-St-Jean
Conseil de la santé et des services sociaux de la région de Québec
Conseil de la santé et des services sociaux de la région de Trois-Rivières
Conseil de la santé et des services sociaux de la région de l’Estrie
Conseil de la santé et des services sociaux de la région Montréal Métropolitain
Conseil de la santé et des services sociaux de Lanaudière et des Laurentides
Conseil de la santé et des services sociaux de la région de la Montérégie
Conseil régional de la santé et des services sociaux de l’Outaouais
Conseil régional de la santé et des services sociaux de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Conseil de la santé et des services sociaux de la région de la Côte-Nord
Conseil cri de la santé et des services sociaux de la Baie-James
Conseil régional Kativik de la santé et des services sociaux.
O.C. 1320-84, Sch. V; O.C. 545-86, s. 51.
Montreal Children’s Hospital
Montreal Neurological Hospital
Hôpital Sainte-Justine
Institut de cardiologie de Montréal
Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children (Quebec) Inc.
Rehabilitation Institute of Montréal
O.C. 1320-84, Sch. VI; O.C. 670-88, s. 1.
(ss. 16 and 73)
Region 1
— Centre hospitalier régional de Rimouski
— Hôtel-Dieu de Gaspé
Region 2
— Hôpital de Chicoutimi Inc.
— Hôtel-Dieu de Roberval
Region 3
— Centre hospitalier de Beauceville
— Centre hospitalier régional du Grand-Portage
— Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus
— Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis
— Centre hospitalier de l’Université Laval
— Hôpital du Saint-Sacrement
— Hôtel-Dieu de Montmagny
Region 4
— Hôpital régional de la Mauricie
— Hôpital Ste-Croix
— Centre hospitalier Ste-Marie
Region 5
— Centre hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke
Region 6
— Lakeshore General Hospital
— Centre hospitalier de Verdun
— Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont
— Hôpital Sainte-Justine
— Montreal General Hospital
— Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal
— Hôpital St-Luc
— Cité de la santé de Laval
Region 6B
— Hôtel-Dieu de St-Jérôme
— Centre hospitalier régional DeLanaudière
Region 6C
— Centre hospitalier de Valleyfield
— Centre hospitalier Honoré Mercier Inc.
— Hôpital Charles Lemoyne
— Hôpital du Haut-Richelieu
Region 7
— Centre hospitalier régional de l’Outaouais
Region 8
— Centre hospitalier Rouyn-Noranda
Region 9
— Centre hospitalier régional Baie-Comeau.
O.C. 1320-84, Sch. VII; O.C. 670-88, s. 1; O.C. 1100-90, s. 2.
1.0 Identification of candidate
1.1 Surname:
1.2 Surname at birth (if different from 1.1):
1.3 Given name:
1.4 Sex:
1.5 Citizenship:
1.6 Place of birth:
Date of birth:
1.7 Residence: Address:
1.8 Office: Address:
1.9 Social insurance number:
2.0 Education
2.1 Studies in medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy:
Discipline University Period Year degree received
Period: Institution:
Specialization Period Institution:
2.2 Other studies:
Discipline Period Degree
3.0 Licence to practice
Year Licence number
3.1 Québec
3.2 L.M.C.C.
3.3 Other (specify)
4.0 Certificate of specialization
Discipline Year of certification
4.1 Ordre professionnel des médecins du Québec
4.2 Royal College of Canada
4.3 Other (specify)
5.0 Publications
Attach list
6.0 Professional Experience
6.1 Medical experience
Period Institution Statut Privileges
6.2 Other professional experience
7.0 Persons able to provide references:
Surname and given name Address Telephone
8.0 Status and privileges requested
8.1 Status requested
active member honorary member
associate member consulting member
8.2 Privileges requested
I wish to obtain the privileges enumerated in the list attached hereto.
9.0 Consent:
I authorize the persons responsible for the consideration of my application to obtain the required information from any establishment, physician, dentist, or pharmacist, provided that the confidential nature thereof be respected.
I authorize in particular the Secretary of the Ordre professionnel des médecins du Québec or his Assistant, the Secretary of the Ordre des dentistes du Québec or his Assistant, and the Secretary of the Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec or his Assistant, to release any information contained in my personal file that may be relevant to the consideration of my application.
This authorization is valid for the period of consideration of my application, according to the time limits prescribed in the Act respecting health services and social services for Cree Native persons (chapter S-5).
10.0 Liability insurance:
I attach hereto proof of possession of a professional civil liability insurance policy for myself and my heirs.
11.0 Declaration:
I declare that I am acquainted with the by-laws of the established in which I am requesting the abovementioned status and privileges. I undertake to respect them and to work within the limits of the health programmes adopted by the establishment.
Attached documents:
list of publications
list of privileges requested
proof of liability insurance
other documents
O.C. 1320-84, Sch. VIII; O.C. 375-88, s. 24.
(s. 49.1)
Region 1
Pavillon Mary (Centre d’accueil de la Baie)
Region 3
Québec Ladies’ Protestant Home
Saint Brigid’s Home Inc.
Region 5
Sherbrooke Hospital Centre
St. Paul’s Rest Home of Bury Inc.
The Wales Home
Dixville Home Inc.
Region 6A
St. Mary’s Hospital Center
Montreal Chest Hospital Centre
The Salvation Army Catherine Booth Hospital
The Julius Richardson Convalescent Hospital Inc.
The Montreal Children’s Hospital
Douglas Hospital
Lachine General Hospital
The Montreal General Hospital
The Lakeshore General Hospital
The Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital
Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital
Montreal Neurological Hospital
Reddy Memorial Hospital
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital of Montreal
The Royal Victoria Hospital
Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children (Québec) Inc.
Montreal Extended Care Centre
Bayview Hospital Center Inc.
Bussey Hospital Center (Québec) Inc.
Maimonides Hospital Geriatric Centre
Jewish Hospital of Hope
Hôpital Grace Dart
Montreal Convalescent Hospital Inc.
Jewish Family Services of Montreal
Ville Marie Social Service Centre
Griffith McConnell Residence
Grace Church Residence
Montreal Association for the Blind
Father Dowd Memorial Home
Centre d’accueil Germain Ltée
Jewish Nursing Home
Ste-Augustine Private Nursing Home Inc.
Home Sweet Home for Senior Citizens
St. Andrew Presbyterian Homes Inc.
Havre du Crépuscule Inc.
Maison de santé Roxboro Ltée
Woodlawn Nursing Home Regd
Manoir Pierrefonds Incorporé
Verdun Residence Inc.
Good Shepherd Residence Incorporated
Résidence Moffat
St. Margaret’s Home
Villa Mont-Royal
Centre d’accueil Denis-Benjamin Viger
Youth Horizons Reception Center
Shawbridge Youth Centres
Centre Mont St-Patrick
Teen Haven
Elizabeth House
The Miriam Home
Constance-Lethbridge Rehabilitation Centre
Mackay Center
Les Promotions sociales Taylor-Thibodeau
Centre de réadaptation de l’Ouest de l’Ile
Foyer Eventide Home (Soleil d’automne)
Region 6B
Mount Sinaï Hospital
Centre hospitalier et d’accueil Heather Inc.
The Residence of Lachute
Region 6C
Régal Nursing Home
Foyer Wheeler Inc.
Nesbitt Anglican Residence
Résidence Ancestrale
Résidence du Parc
Le Centre Butters Inc.
Centre de la Grande Ligne Inc.
Pavillon Foster
La Résidence Patrician Inc.
Region 7
Centre hospitalier Gatineau Memorial
The Pontiac Community Hospital Inc.
Centre d’accueil Pontiac
St-Joseph’s Manor
Region 9
Centre de santé de la Basse-Côte-Nord
O.C. 580-88, s. 2.
Information to be provided by hospital centres for short-term care for each beneficiary admitted to or registered in short-term care, long-term care or in a day nursing unit:
— Financial period:
The financial period corresponding to the date of discharge or death of the beneficiary. The financial periods are those referred to in section 22 of the Regulation respecting the financial management of institutions and regional councils (chapter S-5, r. 3).
— Admission number of beneficiary:
Number assigned by the institution indicating the beneficiary’s sequence of admission during the financial year.
— Number of beneficiary’s medical record.
— Code of the institution.
— Kind of care given to the beneficiary.
— Kind of admission:
Degree of urgency of the admission and indication of the cases of obstetrics and admissions of newborns.
— Beneficiary’s health insurance number.
— Indication that the beneficiary is a newborn.
— Beneficiary’s date of birth.
— Beneficiary’s sex.
— Postal code of beneficiary’s residence.
— Municipal code of beneficiary’s residence.
— Beneficiary’s place of birth.
— Responsibility for payment:
Indication of the person or organization responsible for paying for the beneficiary’s stay at the institution.
— Beneficiary’s occupation.
— Civil status of beneficiary.
— Date of accident.
— Accident code (according to the International Classification of Illnesses adopted by the World Health Organization (ICI).
— Kind of physical location from which the beneficiary came.
— Code of the institution from which the beneficiary came.
— In the case of a beneficiary registered in emergency before being admitted, date on which he was so registered.
— Date of admission of beneficiary.
— Date of discharge of beneficiary.
— Total number of days beneficiary was absent for temporary holiday.
— Total length of stay of beneficiary in the institution.
— Kind of physical location where the beneficiary will go after his discharge.
— Code of the institution to which the beneficiary was transferred.
— Anonymous code of attending physician.
— Principal diagnosis of beneficiary (according to ICI).
— Institution services assigned to the beneficiary during his stay:
• Service code
• Kind of stay of beneficiary
• Residency status of attending physician
• Specialization of attending physician
• Length of stay of beneficiary in the service
• Indication of diagnosis (according to ICI)
• Indication of an infection or of a complication.
— Other diagnoses or problems:
• Indication of the service where the beneficiary is staying
• Identification of diagnoses and problems (according to ICI)
• Indication of an infection or of a complication.
— Medical consultations:
• Indication of the service where the beneficiary is staying
• Area of consultations
• Specialization of consulting physician.
— Total number of consultations.
— Treatments:
• Identification of service where the beneficiary is staying
• Date of treatments
• Location of treatments
• Code of treatments (according to the Canadian Classification of diagnostic, therapeutic, surgical and obstetrical procedures (CCDTSP)
• Number of Treatments
• Residency status of physician who gave the treatment
• Specialization of physician who gave the treatment
• Residency status of physician who gave the anesthesia
• Specialization of physician who gave the anesthesia
• Anesthesia technique used.
— Intensive care:
• Unit code
• Number of days.
— Tumors:
• Surname and name of beneficiary
• Surname and name of beneficiary’s father
• Mother’s name at birth
• Location of tumor
Topography (according to ICI)
Morphology (according to ICI)
Method used for diagnosis.
— Death:
• Immediate cause (according to ICI)
• Kind of death
• Autopsy.
— Newborns:
• Mass at birth
• Gestation period
• Number of mother’s medical record.
— Stillborns:
• Number
• Number of stillborns autopsied
• Mass at birth
• Gestation period.
O.C. 1100-90, s. 3.
O.C. 1320-84, 1984 G.O. 2, 2347 and 1985 G.O. 2, 2089
S.Q. 1984, c. 47, s. 208
O.C. 545-86, 1986 G.O. 2, 685
O.C. 9-87, 1987 G.O. 2, 644
O.C. 247-87, 1987 G.O. 2, 1017
O.C. 375-88, 1988 G.O. 2, 1473
O.C. 580-88, 1988 G.O. 2, 1971
O.C. 670-88, 1988 G.O. 2, 2080
O.C. 1822-88, 1988 G.O. 2, 4072
S.Q. 1988, c. 21, s. 66
O.C. 130-89, 1989 G.O. 2, 1120
O.C. 1567-89, 1989 G.O. 2, 3863
O.C. 863-90, 1990 G.O. 2, 1742
O.C. 1100-90, 1990 G.O. 2, 2294
O.C. 1346-91, 1991 G.O. 2, 4049
S.Q. 1992, c. 21, s. 375
M.O. 93-04, 1993 G.O. 2, 6781
O.C. 502-96, 1996 G.O. 2, 2200
S.Q. 1998, c. 44, s. 60
S.Q. 2002, c. 38, s. 17
S.Q. 2002, c. 45, s. 536