s-3.1, r. 8 - By-law respecting qualifications for recreational underwater diving

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À jour au 1er septembre 2012
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter S-3.1, r. 8
By-law respecting qualifications for recreational underwater diving
Act respecting safety in sports
(chapter S-3.1, s. 46.15).
1. The levels of qualification for a diver are: Class A, Class B and Class C. The holders of certificates corresponding to those levels may engage in recreational underwater diving using compressed breathing gas only on the following conditions:
(1)  Class A diver:
(a)  the dive must be made during daytime;
(b)  the dive site must allow direct access to the surface;
(c)  the dive site must allow the diver to orient himself or herself visually; and
(d)  the dive must not exceed a depth of 18 m and comply with no-decompression limits;
(2)  Class B diver:
(a)  the dive may be made at any time;
(b)  the dive site must allow direct access to the surface; and
(c)  the dive must not exceed a depth of 30 m and comply with no-decompression limits;
(3)  Class C diver:
(a)  the dive may be made at any time;
(b)  the dive site must allow direct access to the surface; and
(c)  the dive must not exceed a depth of 40 m and comply with no-decompression limits.
M.O. 2002-01, s. 1; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 1.
2. Notwithstanding section 1, a Class A diver may make an underwater dive on the same conditions as a Class B diver provided that a Class D or a Class C diver holding a Divemaster or an Assistant Instructor certificate referred to in paragraph 9 of Schedule 1 accompanies the diver or the dive is supervised by the holder of an instructor certificate.
The holder of a Class A, B or C diver certificate who also holds a certificate referred to in Schedule 1 may also make a specialty dive as described in the Schedule.
M.O. 2002-01, s. 2; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 2.
3. The levels of qualification for teaching are Class D diver and Class A, B or C instructor.
M.O. 2002-01, s. 3; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 3.
3.1. The holder of a Class D diver certificate may
(1)  make recreational underwater dives using compressed breathing gas in the same conditions as a Class C diver; and
(2)  in accordance with the standards set by the holder’s diving association listed in Schedule 7, assist an instructor in his or her duties of teaching diving, among others, during practical tests required to obtain diver qualification.
The activities referred to in subparagraph 2 may be carried out by a Class D diver only with students who are already under the responsibility of an instructor and under the instructor’s direct supervision. A diver is not authorized to assess a student or to be responsible for a group of students.
M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 3.
3.2. The holder of an instructor certificate may
(1)  make recreational underwater dives using compressed breathing gas in the same conditions as a Class C diver;
(2)  teach the programs for which the instructor is qualified according to the standards set by the instructor’s diving association listed in Schedule 7;
(3)  teach persons seeking a Class A, B or C diver certificate; and
(4)  teach persons seeking a Class D diver certificate.
In addition, a Class B instructor may teach persons seeking a Class A instructor certificate, and a Class C instructor may teach persons seeking a Class A, B or C instructor certificate.
M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 3.
4. Examinations to qualify for a Class A, B or C diver certificate shall focus on the elements listed in Schedules 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
M.O. 2002-01, s. 4.
5. Examinations to qualify for a Class D diver certificate must focus on the contents listed in Schedule 4.1.
For a Class A,B or C instructor certificate, the examinations must focus on the contents listed in Schedules 5, 6 and 6.1 respectively.
M.O. 2002-01, s. 5; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 4.
6. A certificate of qualification shall be awarded to a person who passes the examinations for the level of qualification concerned.
The certificate of qualification must contain the following information:
(1)  the name and birthdate of the holder;
(2)  the level of qualification for which the certificate was issued;
(3)  the certificate number, the date it was issued and its date of expiry; and
(4)  the name and, where applicable, the registration number of the instructor who conducted the examination.
M.O. 2002-01, s. 6.
7. (Revoked).
M.O. 2002-01, s. 7; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 5.
8. A diver certificate is valid for 3 years. It may be renewed for the same period.
A person who wishes to renew his diver certificate shall meet 1 of the following conditions:
(1)  prove, by means of his diver’s log, that he has made at least 10 recreational underwater dives using compressed breathing gas in the last 3 years;
(2)  prove that he took part in a knowledge and skills refresher course during a dive supervised by a qualified instructor; or
(3)  pass the qualifying examinations for a Class A, B or C diver certificate, as the case may be.
For the purposes of subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph, the refresher course must include a theoretical review and a practical review in open water of the content of the examination referred to in Schedules 2, 3 or 4, as the case may be.
M.O. 2002-01, s. 8; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 6.
9. Class D diver and instructor certificates are valid for 1 year. They may be renewed for the same period.
A Class D diver certificate is renewed if the person who applies to have it renewed
(1)  is a divemaster or assistant instructor, or equivalent, member in good standing of a diving instructor association listed in Schedule 7; and
(2)  proves that, during the 3 years preceding the expiry of the certificate, he or she took part in at least one improvement workshop of at least 4 hours focusing on one or more of the topics listed in Schedule 4.1.
The instructor certificate is renewed if the person who applies to have it renewed
(1)  is an instructor member in good standing of a diving instructor association listed in Schedule 7; and
(2)  proves that, during the period of validity of the certificate, he or she took part in at least one improvement workshop of at least 4 hours focusing on one or more of the topics listed in Schedules 5, 6 and 6.1.
M.O. 2002-01, s. 9; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 7.
10. (Revoked).
M.O. 2002-01, s. 10; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 8.
11. (Revoked).
M.O. 2002-01, s. 11; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 8.
12. An attestation of equivalency as a Class A, B or C diver is granted to the holder of a certificate referred to in Schedules 8 to 10 that has been awarded outside Québec if the holder can prove, by means of his or her diver’s log, that he or she has made an underwater dive requiring him or her to wear a full diving suit, including hood and gloves, and using compressed breathing gas.
M.O. 2002-01, s. 12; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 9.
13. An attestation of equivalency of Class D diver or instructor is granted if the person who applies for it
(1)  states in writing that he or she has, during the previous 12 months, made a dive in water requiring him or her to wear a full diving suit, including hood and gloves, and using compressed breathing gas;
(2)  proves, in the case of an application for equivalency of Class D diver, that he or she holds a certificate referred to in Schedule 10.1 that has been awarded outside Québec;
(3)  proves, in the case of an application for equivalency of Class A, B or C instructor, that he or she holds a certificate referred to in Schedule 11, 12 or 13, as the case may be, that has been awarded outside Québec, and that he or she supervised at least 3 underwater dives, other than the dive referred to in paragraph 1, requiring him or her to wear a full diving suit, including hood and gloves.
M.O. 2002-01, s. 13; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 9.
14. (Revoked).
M.O. 2002-01, s. 14; M.O. 2003-01, s. 1; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 8.
15. The attestation of equivalency referred to in sections 12 and 13 is valid for 1 month and may be renewed upon its expiry for the same period.
M.O. 2002-01, s. 15.
16. The fees relating to the qualification of a diver are
(1)  $10 to take a theoretical examination administered directly by the designated organization;
(2)  $20 to take a practical examination administered directly by the designated organization;
(3)  $15 for the award of a certificate;
(4)  $15 for the renewal of a certificate;
(5)  $5 for the replacement of a certificate;
(6)  $5 for the issue or renewal of a diver attestation of equivalency.
M.O. 2002-01, s. 16; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 10.
17. The fees relating to the qualification of a Class D diver and instructor are
(1)  $10 to take a theoretical examination administered directly by the designated organization;
(2)  $20 to take a practical examination administered directly by the designated organization;
(3)  $25 for the award of a certificate;
(4)  $25 for the renewal of a certificate;
(5)  $5 for the replacement of a certificate;
(6)  $25 for the issue or renewal of an attestation of equivalency as a Class D diver or instructor.
M.O. 2002-01, s. 17; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 10.
17.1. For the purposes of this By-law, the abbreviations listed below refer to the following organizations:
ACUC: American and Canadian Underwater Certifications
CMAS-Québec or AMCQ: Association des moniteurs de la Confédération mondiale des activités subaquatiques du Québec
ANDI: American Nitrox Divers International
BSAC: British Sub-Aqua Club
CMAS: Confédération mondiale des activités subaquatiques (World Underwater Federation)
CSAC: Certification subaquatique continentale
DSAT: Diving Science and Technology
FIAS: Fédération italienne des activités subaquatiques (Italian Underwater Activities Federation)
GUE: Global Underwater Explorers
HSA: Handicapped Scuba Association
IANTD: International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers
IDEA: International Diving Educators Association
NACD: National Association For Cave Diving
NASDS: National Association of Scuba Diving Schools
NAUI: National Association of Underwater Instructors
NSS-CDS: National Speleological Society - Cave Diving Section
PADI: Professional Association of Diving Instructors
PDIC: Professional Diving Instructors Corporation
SDI: Scuba Diving International
SDI/TDI: Scuba Diving International/Technical Diving International
SDS: Silent Diving Systems
SSI: Scuba Schools International
YMCA: Young Men’s Christian Association
M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 10.
18. (Omitted).
M.O. 2002-01, s. 18.
(1) The holder of a Class A diver certificate of qualification who also holds a certificate awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 recognizing the holder’s qualifications to dive at night, such as ACUC or YMCA “Night Diver” certificates, may dive at night;
(2) The holder of a Class A, B or C diver certificate of qualification who also holds a certificate awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 recognizing the holder’s qualifications to ice dive, such as CMAS-Québec “Plongeur sous glace” certificate or PADI “Ice Diver” certificate, may ice dive;
(3) The holder of a Class B diver certificate of qualification who also holds a certificate awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 recognizing the holder’s qualifications to make a deep dive, such as PADI “Deep Diver” certificate or CSAC “Spécialiste en plongée profonde” certificate, may dive to a maximum depth of 40 m while observing no-decompression limits;
(4) The holder of a Class B or C diver certificate of qualification who also holds a certificate awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 recognizing the holder’s qualifications to wreck dive, such as PDIC or SDI/TDI “Wreck Diver” certificates, may make that type of dive;
(5) The holder of a Class B or C diver certificate of qualification who also holds a certificate awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 recognizing the holder’s qualifications to dive in a cave or a cavern, such as GUE “Cave 1 Diver” certificate or NAUI “Cave and Cavern Diver” certificate, may make that type of dive;
(6) The holder of a Class A, B or C diver certificate of qualification who also holds a certificate awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 recognizing the holder’s qualifications to dive using enriched air, such as CMAS “Basic Nitrox Diver” certificate or SSI “Nitrox Diver” certificate, may dive using a nitrox type compressed breathing gas mixture;
(7) The holder of a Class B or C diver certificate of qualification who also holds a certificate awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 recognizing the holder’s qualifications to technical dive, such as NAUI “Decompression Techniques Diver” certificate or IANTD “Advanced Deep Air Diver” certificate, may dive to the maximum depth according to the particular requirements in the certificate;
(8) The holder of a Class C diver certificate of qualification who also holds a certificate awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 recognizing the holder’s qualifications to dive using a trimix type gas mixture, such as DSAT “Tec Trimix Diver Course” certificate or IANTD “Open Water Rebreather Diver” or “Advanced EANx Diver” certificate, may dive to the maximum depth according to the particular requirements in the certificate using a trimix type compressed breathing gas mixture;
(9) The holder of a Class C diver certificate who also holds a certificate awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 recognizing the holder’s qualifications as a Class D instructor or diver, such as ACUC “Divemaster” or “Assistant instructor” certificate or CMAS-Québec “Assistant moniteur” certificate, may accompany a Class A diver to allow the diver to make an underwater dive in the same conditions as a Class B diver;
(10) The holder of a Class A, B or C diver certificate who also holds a certificate awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 recognizing the holder’s qualifications to make a current dive may dive in current conditions while observing the limits applicable to the diver’s certificate.
M.O. 2002-01, Sch. 1; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 11.
(ss. 4 and 8)
— Functions of the various equipment required for recreational underwater diving at the Class A diver level including mask, snorkel, fins, buoyancy compensator, exposure suit (drysuit and wetsuit), weight belt, dive flag, compressed breathing gas cylinder, backpack, regulator, submersible pressure gauge, alternate compressed breathing gas source, diving watch and underwater timer, compass, depth gauge, digital decompression device (dive computer) and diving knife.
— Appropriate selection and use of the various equipment required for recreational underwater diving.
— Basic theory on the use of a drysuit and the skills required.
— Principles of physics related to recreational underwater diving and effects on the diver.
— Preventive measures and causes of accidents in recreational underwater diving.
— Reading and using a decompression table in recreational underwater diving (no-decompression limits and maximum bottom time for repetitive dives without decompression stops).
— Environmental conditions and their effects on the diver.
— Effective communication with a diving partner under water and at the surface.
— Basic principles of self rescue and assistance to a partner in difficulty.
— Basic principles related to the planning and practice of safe recreational underwater diving.
— Safety procedures for boat diving.
— Use of a diver’s log.
— Safety requirements for recreational underwater diving.
— Code of ethics and the diver’s responsibilities.
— Québec legislation with regard to underwater diving.
— Benefits of taking part in activities supervised by diving clubs and dive professionals.
— Ability to assemble and disassemble the equipment required for recreational underwater diving in cold water.
— Ability to appropriately inspect the underwater diving equipment and identify malfunctions.
— Ability to appropriately select, following observation of the environment, safe water entry and exit.
— Ability to choose the proper weighting required for safe diving according to environmental conditions and the equipment used.
— Ability to correctly use and store the diving equipment.
— Ability to correctly clear the snorkel and the regulator mouthpiece.
— Ability to switch from the snorkel to the regulator at the surface.
— Ability to carry out controlled descents and ascents at safe speeds.
— Ability to move correctly under water without tiring.
— Ability to effectively clear the mask under water.
— Ability to work with a diving partner.
— Ability to control buoyancy at the surface and under water.
— Ability to assist a diver in difficulty.
— Ability to swim at the surface, with full diving equipment, while breathing with the snorkel.
— Ability to remove the weight belt at the surface.
— Ability to remove the scuba system at the surface.
— Ability to solve the problem of a lack of compressed breathing gas during diving.
— Ability to find one’s bearings without a compass under water.
M.O. 2002-01, Sch. 2.
(ss. 4 and 8)
— Content listed in Schedule 2 under the heading “Theoretical examination”.
— Appropriate selection and use of the various specialized equipment required for recreational underwater diving at the Class B diver level including compass, dive light and digital decompression device (dive computer).
— Environmental phenomena that may influence a dive including currents and tides.
— Principles of underwater navigation, including the use of a compass and the use of natural references at the bottom.
— Principles of compressed breathing gas consumption, including the calculation of the volume of compressed breathing gas available to a diver according to the planned dive.
— Basic principles related to planning and engaging in night diving, current diving, limited visibility diving and deep diving.
— Safety requirements in various conditions of recreational underwater diving at the Class B diver level, including a description of the required equipment and precautionary measures.
— Principles underlying the action to take in case of emergency decompression.
— Reading and using of a decompression table in recreational underwater diving.
— Basic knowledge and precautions with respect to specialty diving including ice diving, wreck diving (with penetration), diving with compressed breathing gas other than air, diving using a closed circuit or semi-closed circuit scuba system, cave and cavern diving and other types of more technical diving.
— Ability to correctly and efficiently display all the diving skills referred to in Schedule 2 under the heading “Practical examination in open water”, adapted to Class B diver conditions for night diving, deep diving (up to 30 m/100 ft) and limited visibility diving.
— Ability to plan a night dive and a limited visibility dive, and to observe the safety requirements applicable to these dives.
— Ability to plan an exploration dive using underwater navigation skills, demonstrate the use of a compass and navigation techniques using natural references.
— Ability to plan a dive observing no-decompression limits to a depth of between 18 and 30 m, with a decompression stop simulation at a depth of 5 m during the ascent.
M.O. 2002-01, Sch. 3; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 12.
(ss. 4 and 8)
— Principles of physics applying to recreational underwater diving and solving problems related to the application of those principles.
— Principal systems of the human body and the various physiology principles applying to recreational underwater diving.
— Understanding of the necessity of being in good physical condition to engage in safe recreational underwater diving.
— Preventive measures and causes of accidents in recreational underwater diving.
— Ability to correctly select, check, adjust and maintain the equipment and make minor repairs to certain equipment.
— Brief description of the operation of a two-stage regulator, submersible pressure gauge, depth gauge, digital decompression device (dive computer) and a compressor with air storage cylinders.
— Reading and using a nautical chart in the planning of a dive.
— Basic knowledge of seamanship and piloting of small craft.
— Safety procedures for boat diving.
— Basic knowledge of marine animal life and flora in fresh water and salt water in Québec.
— Environmental phenomena that may influence a dive, including currents and tides.
— Safety requirements for various recreational underwater diving conditions.
— Basic principles of self rescue, assisting a distressed diver and a complete rescue.
— Principles of underwater navigation, including the use of a compass and the use of natural references at the bottom.
— Principles of compressed breathing gas consumption, including the calculation of the volume of compressed breathing gas available to the diver according to the planned dive.
— Organizing and carrying out a night dive, current dive, limited visibility dive and deep dive, including a description of the required equipment and precautionary measures.
— Principles underlying the action to take in case of emergency decompression.
— Reading and using a decompression table in recreational underwater diving.
— Using a digital decompression device (dive computer) in recreational underwater diving.
— Basic knowledge and precautions with respect to certain types of specialty diving including ice diving, wreck diving (with penetration), diving with compressed breathing gas other than air, diving using a closed circuit or semi-closed circuit scuba system, cave and cavern diving and certain other types of technical diving.
— Knowledge of usual methods of non-verbal communication.
— Principles of ethics and diver’s responsibilities.
— Using a diver’s log.
— Québec legislation with regard to recreational underwater diving and other legal aspects related to diving in Québec.
— Ability to correctly and efficiently display the diving skills referred to in Schedule 2 under the heading “Practical examination in open water”, adapted to a Class C diver conditions for night diving, deep diving (between 30 and 40 m/100 and 130 ft) and limited visibility diving.
— Scuba self-rescue skills and techniques; efficient and correct use of rescue techniques to assist or rescue a diver simulating distress.
— Ability to appropriately simulate first aid that must be given to a diver in the following conditions: unconsciousness, near-drowning, pulmonary barotrauma, perforation of the tympanic membrane, cold shock, decompression sickness.
— Ability to plan and organize a night dive, a limited visibility dive and a current dive and to observe the safety requirements for those dives.
— Ability to plan and organize an exploration dive using underwater navigation, demonstrate the use of a compass and navigation techniques using natural references.
— Ability to plan and organize a dive observing no-decompression limits to a depth of between 30 and 40 m, with a decompression stop simulation at a depth of 5 m during the ascent.
M.O. 2002-01, Sch. 4; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 13.
(ss. 5 and 9)
— Content listed in Schedule 4 under the heading “Theoretical examination”.
— Basic educational principles and the psychology of teaching.
— Ability to explain the structure, by-laws and services of the designated organization.
— Ability to explain the principles of planning and organizing a dive, the operation of clubs and other group activities.
— Safety requirements during swimming pool and open water lessons.
— Water supervision techniques specific to diving.
— Rescue techniques to assist a swimmer or a diver in difficulty and the first aid to be given.
— Scuba self-rescue skills and techniques and efficient and correct use of rescue techniques to assist or rescue a diver simulating distress.
— Ability to correctly and efficiently display all of the diving skills listed in Schedule 2 under the heading “Practical examination in open water”.
— Ability to appropriately simulate first aid that must be given to a swimmer or a diver in the following conditions: unconsciousness, near-drowning, pulmonary barotraumas, perforation of the tympanic membrane, cold shock, marine animal bites and stings, injury to the vertebral column, decompression sickness.
— Ability to correctly and efficiently display all of the diving skills listed in Schedules 2, 3 and 4 under the heading “Practical examination in open water”.
— Organizing a dive, evaluating a site and outlining a diving plan, checking diving equipment, installing a dive flag to mark out a site and making a check-up dive.
— Demonstrate the complete rescue of a diver, wearing a scuba system, over a distance of 100 m, assist a diver simulating distress and tow a diver in difficulty to shore.
— Demonstrate the complete rescue of an unconscious submerged diver (assistance to a diver until the diver is out of water).
M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 14.
(ss. 5 and 9)
— Content listed in Schedule 4 under the heading “Theoretical examination”.
— Ability to explain oral presentation techniques, to plan a lesson, to establish learning objectives and to use training aids.
— Basic educational principles and the psychology of teaching.
— Ability to explain the structure, by-laws and services of the designated organization.
— Ability to explain the principles of planning and organizing a dive, the operation of clubs and other group activities.
— Safety requirements during swimming pool and open water lessons.
— Water supervision techniques specific to diving.
— Appropriate rescue techniques to assist a swimmer or a diver in difficulty and the first aid to be given.
— Planning a lesson in open water, identifying potentially dangerous situations and emergency and cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures.
— The instructor’s ethical and civil responsibility.
— Ability to teach at least 3 prepared lessons, lasting at least 60 minutes total, and to react appropriately to different situations that may arise.
— Scuba self-rescue skills and techniques and efficient and correct use of rescue techniques to assist or rescue a diver simulating distress.
— Ability to teach at least 3 prepared lessons lasting at least 30 minutes total and to react appropriately to different situations that may arise.
— With no diving equipment, swim underwater 25 m without surfacing, with no dive or push-off.
— With no diving equipment, swim freestyle 400 m nonstop in less than 10 minutes.
— With no diving equipment, tread water for 20 minutes.
— With no diving equipment, tow another person of equal weight 50 m nonstop.
— Ability to correctly and efficiently display all of the diving skills listed in Schedule 2 under the heading “Practical examination in open water”.
— Ability to appropriately simulate first aid that must be given to a swimmer or a diver in the following conditions: unconsciousness, near-drowning, pulmonary barotrauma, perforation of the tympanic membrane, cold shock, marine animal bites and stings, injury to the vertebral column, decompression sickness.
— With snorkelling equipment, swim 800 m nonstop in less than 18 minutes, without using hands.
— Buoyancy control at the surface and under water while scuba diving.
— Using a scuba system, tow a diver wearing a scuba system 100 m.
— Organizing a dive, evaluating a site and outlining a diving plan, checking diving equipment, installing a dive flag to mark out a site and making a check dive.
— Diving rescue skills and techniques, including the complete rescue of a diver over a distance of 100 m, assistance to a diver simulating distress and towing a diver in difficulty to shore.
— Ability to teach at least 3 prepared lessons lasting at least 30 minutes total and react appropriately to different situations that may arise.
M.O. 2002-01, Sch. 5.
(ss. 5 and 9)
— State and explain the selection and evaluation criteria and the administrative procedures for the qualification of Class A instructors.
— State and explain the ethical, legal and financial responsibilities of an instructor.
— State and explain the principles and psychology of teaching at the instructor training level.
— Explain the structure and by-laws of the designated organization and the services it provides.
— Describe the instructor evaluation techniques in a classroom, in a swimming pool and in open water.
— Describe the evaluation techniques of rescue at the instructor level.
— Demonstrate maintenance of the skills required of a Class A instructor, as listed in Schedule 5 under the headings “Practical examination in classroom”, “Practical examination in swimming pool”, “Practical examination in swimming pool or in open water” and “Practical examination in open water”.
— Ability to evaluate the instruction given by instructors in a classroom, in a swimming pool and in open water and to solve problems that may arise.
— Ability to supervise underwater diving instructors.
M.O. 2002-01, Sch. 6.
(ss. 5 and 9)
— State and explain the selection and evaluation criteria and the administrative procedures for the qualification of Class A, B and C instructors.
— State and explain the ethical, legal and financial responsibilities of an instructor.
— State and explain the principles and psychology of teaching at the instructor training level.
— Explain the structure and by-laws of the designated organization and the services it provides.
— Describe the instructor evaluation techniques in a classroom, in a swimming pool and in open water.
— Describe the evaluation techniques of rescue at the instructor level.
— Describe supervision techniques in instructor courses.
— Demonstrate maintenance of the skills required of a Class A and B instructor, as listed in Schedules 5 and 6 under the headings “Practical examination in classroom”, “Practical examination in swimming pool”, “Practical examination in swimming pool or in open water” and “Practical examination in open water”.
— Ability to evaluate the instruction given by instructors in a classroom, in a swimming pool and in open water, and to solve problems that may arise.
— Ability to supervise underwater diving instructors.
M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 16.
— American and Canadian Underwater Certifications (ACUC)
— Association des moniteurs de la Confédération mondiale des activités subaquatiques du Québec (AMCQ)
— American Nitrox Divers International (ANDI)
— British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC)
— Certification Sub-Aquatique Continentale (CSAC)
— Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques (CMAS) (World Underwater Federation)
— Diving Science and Technology (DSAT)
— Federazione Italiana Attivita’ Subacquee (Italian Underwater Activities Federation) (FIAS)
— Global Underwater Explorer (GUE)
— Handicapped Scuba Association (HAS)
— International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers (IANTD)
— International Diving Educators Association (IDEA)
— National Association of Cave Diving (NACD)
— National Association of Scuba Diving Schools (NASDS)
— National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI)
— National Speleological Society – Cave Diving Section (NSS-CDS)
— Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI)
— Professional Diving Instructors Corporation (PDIC)
— Scuba Schools International (SSI)
— Scuba Diving International / Technical Diving International (SDI / TDI)
— Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)
M.O. 2002-01, Sch. 7; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 17.
The certificates recognized as equivalent are those awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 attesting that the holder has the knowledge and skills required to be a diver, including the following certificates:
— ACUC – Junior Open Water Diver
— ACUC – Open Water Scuba Diver
— AMCQ – Plongeur Élémentaire
— CMAS – Plongeur 1 étoile
— CSAC – Plongeur Autonome
— FIAS – Berevetto Base
— GUE – DIR Recreational Diver
— IANTD – Open water Diver
— IDEA – Open Water Diver
— NASDS – Open Water Diver
— NAUI – Junior Scuba Diver
— NAUI – Open Water Scuba Diver
— PADI – Junior Open Water Diver
— PADI – Open Water Diver
— PDIC – Junior Scuba Diver
— PDIC – Open Water Diver
— SDI/TDI – Open Water Scuba Diver
— SSI – Junior Scuba Diver
— SSI – Open Water Diver
— YMCA – Junior Open Water Diver
— YMCA – Open Water Diver
M.O. 2002-01, Sch. 8; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 18.
The certificates recognized as equivalent are those awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 attesting that the holder has intermediary or advanced level qualifications as a diver, including the following certificates:
— ACUC – Advanced Open Water Diver
— ACUC – Rescue Diver
— AMCQ – Plongeur Intermédiaire
— CMAS – Plongeur 2 étoiles
— CSAC – Plongeur Avancé
— FIAS – Brevetto Ara
— IANTD – Advanced Open Water Diver
— IDEA – Advanced Open Water Diver
— NASDS – Advanced Open Water Diver
— NASDS – Rescue Diver
— NAUI – Advanced Scuba Diver
— NAUI – Scuba Rescue Diver
— PADI – Advanced Open Water Diver
— PADI – Rescue Diver
— PDIC – Advanced Diver
— SDI / TDI – Advanced Open Water Diver
— SSI – Advanced Open Water Diver
— YMCA – Advanced Diver
M.O. 2002-01, Sch. 9; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 19.
The certificates recognized as equivalent are those awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 attesting that their holder has a superior level of qualification as a diver, including the following certificates:
— ACUC – Master Diver
— ACUC – Divemaster
— ACUC – Teaching Assistant
— ACUC – Open Water Assistant Instructor
— CMAS-Québec – Plongeur supérieur
— CMAS-Québec – Chef de plongée
— CMAS-Québec – Plongeur 3 étoiles
— CMAS – Plongeur 3 étoiles
— CSAC – Maître plongeur
— CSAC – Chef de plongée
— FIAS – Brevetto Ara Estensione
— FIAS – Brevetto Allievo Istruttore Federale
— GUE – Cave 1 Course
— GUE – Tech 1 Course
— GUE – Rebreather 1 Course
— IANTD – Divemaster
— IANTD – Technical Diver
— IANTD – Technical Diver Supervisor
— IDEA – Advanced Open Water Diver II
— IDEA – Divemaster
— IDEA – Basic Instructor
— NASDS – Master Diver
— NAUI – Master Scuba Diver
— NAUI – Divemaster
— NAUI – Assistant Instructor
— PADI – Master Scuba Diver
— PADI – Divemaster
— PADI – Assistant Instructor
— PDIC – Dive Supervisor
— PDIC – Assistant Instructor
— SDI/TDI – Divemaster
— SDI/TDI – Assistant Instructor
— SDI/TDI – Technical Diver
— SSI – Master Diver
— SSI – Dive Control Specialist
— SSI – Associate Instructor
— YMCA – Divemaster
— YMCA – Assistant Instructor
M.O. 2002-01, Sch. 10; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 20.
The certificates recognized as equivalent are those awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 attesting that their holder has the qualifications required to assist an instructor in training and accompanying student divers, including the following certificates:
— ACUC – Divemaster
— ACUC – Teaching Assistant
— ACUC – Open Water Assistant Instructor
— CMAS-Québec – Assistant moniteur
— CMAS-Québec – Chef de plongée
— CMAS-Québec – Plongeur 4 étoiles
— CSAC – Chef de plongée
— FIAS – Brevetto Allievo Istruttore Federale
— IANTD – Divemaster
— IANTD – Technical Diver Supervisor
— IDEA – Divemaster
— IDEA – Basic Instructor
— NAUI – Divemaster
— NAUI – Assistant Instructor
— PADI – Divemaster
— PADI – Assistant Instructor
— PDIC – Dive Supervisor
— PDIC – Assistant Instructor
— SDI/TDI – Divemaster
— SDI/TDI – Assistant Instructor
— YMCA – Divemaster
— YMCA – Assistant Instructor
M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 21.
The certificates recognized as equivalent are those awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 attesting that their holder has the basic qualifications required to teach diving, including the following certificates:
— ACUC – Open Water Instructor
— ACUC – Specialty Instructor
— CMAS-Québec – Moniteur
— CMAS – Moniteur 1 étoile
— CSAC – Moniteur national
— FIAS – Brevetto Istruttore Federale ARA
— GUE – Recreational Instructor
— GUE – Technical 1 Instructor
— GUE – Technical 2 Instructor
— GUE – Technical 3 Instructor
— GUE – Cave 1 Instructor
— GUE – Cave 2 Instructor
— GUE – Cave 3 Instructor
— GUE – Rebreather 1 Instructor
— GUE – Rebreather 2 Instructor
— IANTD – Technical Instructor
— IDEA – Instructor
— NAUI – Instructor
— PADI – Open Water Scuba Instructor
— PADI – Specialty Instructor
— PADI – Master Instructor
— PDIC – Instructor
— PDIC – Specialty Instructor
— SDI/TDI – SDI Instructor
— SDI/TDI – TDI Instructor
— SSI – Open Water Instructor
— SSI – Specialty Instructor
— SSI – Advanced Open Water Instructor
— SSI – Master Instructor
— YMCA – Scuba Instructor
M.O. 2002-01, Sch 11; M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 22.
The certificates recognized as equivalent are those awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 attesting that their holder has intermediary or advanced level qualifications to teach diving, including the following certificates:
— ACUC – Instructor Trainer
— CMAS-Québec – Moniteur national
— CMAS – Moniteur 2 étoiles
— CSAC – Moniteur formateur
— FIAS – Brevetto Maestro Istruttore
— IANTD – Technical Instructor Trainer (of the class concerned)
— NAUI – Instructor Trainer
— PADI – IDC Staff
— PDIC – Instructor Trainer
— SSI – Instructor Trainer
— SDI/TDI – SDI Instructor Trainer
— SDI/TDI – TDI Instructor Trainer (of the class concerned)
— YMCA – Institute Director
M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 22.
The certificates recognized as equivalent are those awarded by an association listed in Schedule 7 attesting that their holder has a superior expertise to teach diving or train diving instructors, including the following certificates:
— ACUC – Instructor Trainer Evaluator
— CMAS-Québec – Moniteur fédéré
— CMAS – Moniteur 3 étoiles
— CSAC – Directeur de cours
— FIAS – Brevetto Maestro Istruttore
— IANTD – Technical Instructor Trainer (of the class concerned)
— NAUI – Course Director
— PADI – Course Director
— SDI/TDI – SDI Instructor Trainer
— YMCA – Institute Director
M.O. 2011-01-31, s. 22.
M.O. 2002-01, 2002 G.O. 2, 1538
M.O. 2003-01, 2003 G.O. 2, 1361A
M.O. 2011-01-31, 2011 G.O. 2, 576