q-2, r. 21 - Regulation respecting waterworks and sewer services

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À jour au 18 juillet 2013
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chapter Q-2, r. 21
Regulation respecting waterworks and sewer services
Environment Quality Act
(chapter Q-2, ss. 31, 34, 46, 115.27 and 115.34).
1. Definitions: In this Regulation, unless the context indicates otherwise,
(a)  “subscriber” means a person who owns or occupies an immovable supplied with water by a waterworks or obtaining a sewer service provided by a sewer system;
(b)  “domestic consumption” means the consumption of water required for cooking and hygiene in a dwelling house;
(c)  “waterworks” means a service or system for the distribution or sale of water having at least 1 subscriber in addition to the operator;
(d)  “sewer service” means a sanitation service or sewer system having at least 1 subscriber in addition to the operator;
(e)  “operator” means a person who operates, administers or controls a waterworks or sewer service;
(f)  “Act” means the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2);
(g)  “Minister” means the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 1.
2. Application: Except in the cases provided for in Division VI, this Regulation applies only to waterworks and sewer services operated by a person, including such services situated in a private mobile home development regardless, however, of whether the service is provided for a consideration or gratuitously.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 2.
3. Compliance: Every construction or installation of waterworks and sewer equipment must comply with the plans and specifications referred to in the authorization issued by the Minister under section 32 of the Act.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 3; O.C. 668-2013, s. 1.
4. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 4; O.C. 635-2008, s. 26.
5. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 5; O.C. 635-2008, s. 26.
6. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 6; O.C. 635-2008, s. 26.
7. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 7; O.C. 635-2008, s. 26.
8. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 8; O.C. 635-2008, s. 26.
9. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 9; O.C. 635-2008, s. 26.
10. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 10; O.C. 635-2008, s. 26.
11. Plan of system: The operator must draw up and keep a plan of his system, keep it up-to-date and plot thereon guide marks to readily locate underground conduits and valves.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 11.
12. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 12; O.C. 635-2008, s. 26.
13. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 13; O.C. 635-2008, s. 26.
14. Connection: The connection at the service inlet must be made by the operator, or by the subscriber with the operator’s permission but, in all cases, at the subscriber’s expense, in accordance with the agreement made by the parties prior thereto. The expenses must represent the actual costs incurred by the operator to make the connection.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 14.
15. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 15; O.C. 635-2008, s. 26.
16. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 16; O.C. 635-2008, s. 26.
17. Continuous service: A waterworks or sewer service must always be operated so as to ensure continuous service to subscribers at all times.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 17.
18. Maintenance: The operator must maintain his waterworks or sewer system and be prepared, at all times, to make emergency repairs and avoid extended interruptions. He must have the material required for such purpose in his possession.
When conduits are obstructed, the operator must eliminate the obstructions without delay.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 18.
19. Impartial service: The operator shall not favour certain subscribers to the prejudice of others.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 19.
20. Compulsory inspection: The operator must inspect his waterworks or sewer system each spring after the thaw and every autumn before the first snow.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 20.
21. Access: Only the operator, his employees or mandataries and the representatives of the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs shall have right of access to the devices, reservoirs and other installations of a waterworks or sewer service.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 21.
22. Drying-up: If the source of supply of a waterworks runs dry, becomes contaminated or insufficient to the point of permanently obstructing continuous service, the operator must notify the Minister thereof without delay and inform him of the measures he intends to take to remedy the situation.
The operator must also see that any form of consumption of water referred to in section 32 is prevented and stop any leak in his system as soon as it is discovered.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 22.
23. Special case: Where the subscriber requests water for purposes other than domestic consumption, the operator may require that the subscriber sign an application for service or a contract which must indicate the date, the name and occupation of the applicant, his address, the nature of his needs and the price and duration of the subscription. The name and address of the operator must also be indicated. A copy of such document must be forwarded to the Minister within 30 days following its signing.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 23.
24. Right to service: Every operator of a waterworks or sewer service must connect to the operator’s system, for domestic consumption, every immovable along or in the immediate vicinity of the system following the request of the owner or the person who occupies or has possession of the immovable.
The Minister may nevertheless order an operator to provide water for purposes other than domestic consumption.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 24; O.C. 668-2013, s. 2.
25. Protection against fire: Unless he has a special agreement with the subscriber, the operator of a waterworks is not bound to furnish the flow and pressure for protection against fire.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 25.
26. Renewal: Upon the expiry of the term agreed upon in any verbal or written agreement, the agreement shall automatically be renewed and the service continued, upon the same conditions, unless the subscriber gives written notice not less than 10 days prior to the expiry of the term of his wish to terminate the agreement.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 26.
27. Pressure: The pressure of the waterworks system must be sufficient to ensure water service at least up to the second storey of any dwelling or building served by the system.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 27.
28. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 28; O.C. 1160-84, ss. 1 and 2; O.C. 647-2001, s. 52; O.C. 668-2013, s. 3.
29. Interruption of service: Service may be temporarily interrupted when necessary for repair, maintenance or improvement purposes or due to unforeseeable circumstances such as drought or a temporary reduction in the flow of water from the source of supply.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 29.
30. Reimbursement: If an interruption of service does not exceed 5 consecutive days and the total duration of interruptions does not exceed 20 days over a 1-year period, the operator is not bound to grant a reduction in the subscription fee.
If one of those limits is exceeded, the operator must reimburse the subscriber proportionately to the duration of the interruption.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 30.
31. Fire: In case of fire, the operator must take all necessary steps to concentrate the flow of water in the system at the required place to fight the fire, if the system is provided with hydrants.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 31.
32. Suspension of service: The operator may suspend service to a subscriber 10 days after having forwarded him a written notice by registered or certified mail with notice of receipt, if such subscriber:
(a)  fails to pay his subscription;
(b)  uses water in such a way as to affect service in general;
(c)  allows his installations to deteriorate or tolerates any leakage of water;
(d)  (paragraph implicitly revoked);
(e)  uses water for cooling purposes unless his agreement with the operator permits him to do so;
(f)  lets water run in order to prevent freezing in the conduits;
(g)  supplies water to a non-subscriber or facilitates his receiving a sewer service to which he is not entitled;
(h)  neglects or refuses to comply with his agreement with the operator, where applicable;
(i)  neglects or refuses to equip the drinking troughs used for his animals with float valves;
(j)  neglects to notify the operator before undertaking any change in his installations and use thereof likely to affect the service, consumption or price of the subscription;
(k)  uses hose pipes, sprinklers or other similar devices without the permission of the operator;
(l)  installs a pump drawing the water directly from the mains of the waterworks system;
(m)  establishes a connection between a private means of water supply and the piping of his property which is connected to the operator’s system;
(n)  neglects or refuses, where meters are installed, to provide the operator with a suitable and easy-to-reach location for the installation of the meter(s);
(o)  interferes in any way with the proper functioning of a meter;
(p)  uses the pressure or flow of a waterworks service as a source of energy;
(q)  breaks or allows a device to deteriorate resulting in a loss of the water provided by a waterworks;
(r)  throws any object in the reservoirs or sources of a waterworks service;
(s)  obstructs or interferes with the valves and their access shafts;
(t)  temporarily or permanently connects his waterworks piping to a conduit or water container if the water is likely to be siphoned into the operator’s system.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 32.
33. Notice: In the case of a subscriber who fails to pay his subscription, the notice prescribed in section 32 must be drafted on Form 1 annexed to this Regulation.
In all other cases, the notice must be given on Form 2 annexed to this Regulation.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 33.
34. Objections: The notice preceding a suspension of service must state the reason invoked by the operator to justify such suspension.
This notice must in all cases stipulate that the subscriber may submit objections to the Minister in writing before the expiry of 10 days. If he submits objections to the Minister, the subscriber must forward a copy of his letter of objection to the operator and the latter must continue the service for as long as there is no agreement between the parties and no order issued by the Minister.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 34.
35. Restriction: The operator shall not interrupt or suspend subscriber service except in the cases prescribed in this Regulation.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 35.
36. Restoration of service: As soon as the cause for the interruption or suspension of service no longer prevails, the operator shall restore service and, if such cause is attributable to the subscriber, the costs shall be charged to the latter.
The operator may claim an amount not exceeding $10 from a subscriber who requests the restoration of service following a suspension of service under section 32.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 36.
37. Inspection of subscriber’s premises: The operator, his employees or mandataries as well as the representatives of the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs shall be allowed into the subscriber’s premises between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. for service requirements.
The employee and the mandatary of the operator must carry identification (sign, card or written document).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 37.
38. Complaints: Every subscriber may complain to the Minister if he considers that the quality of the service is poor or that the operator does not comply with this Regulation.
The Minister may, however, issue an order to settle the problem in question.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 38.
39. Rates: The effective rates are those filed upon application for the permit referred to section 32.1 of the Act or those fixed by an order issued by the Minister in accordance with the first paragraph of section 34 of the Act.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 39.
40. Modification or establishment of rates: An operator shall not modify his rates or apply new ones unless he informs the Minister prior thereto and follows the procedures prescribed in sections 41 and 42.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 40.
41. First stage: The operator must first complete Form 3 annexed to this Regulation and submit it to the Minister.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 41.
42. Second stage: The operator’s intention to modify or establish rates shall be the subject of a public notice in Form 4 annexed to this Regulation, whose publication must be attested by a certificate of the secretary-treasurer or clerk of the municipality(ies) in which the operator’s service is located.
This public notice may be replaced by individual notices sent by the operator by registered or certified mail in Form 5 annexed to this Regulation. In such case, the operator shall forward the registration receipts to the Minister.
In all cases, such notices must indicate that every subscriber may object to the operator’s plan by writing to the Minister within 10 days from the date of publication or mailing of the notice.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 42.
43. Criteria: Where the Minister issues an order with respect to the rates, the Minister must take into account the actual capital expenditure and maintenance costs and the fact that it is a public service.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 43.
44. Uniformity: The rates payable to an operator must be uniform for subscribers in the same class of the same waterworks or sewer service.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 44.
45. Multiple family occupancy: Where 2 or more families live in the same dwelling and use the same devices for the supply of water or for the sewer service, the operator may demand a full subscription for the first family and a one-half subscription for each additional family.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 45.
46. Rental for meters: In addition to the subscription rate established in accordance with this Regulation, the operator may charge an annual rental for a meter equal to 10% of the purchase and installation cost of the latter.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 46.
47. Payment of subscription: Unless agreed upon otherwise between the operator and the subscriber, subscriptions shall be payable in semi-annual or quarterly instalments and may be collected in advance.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 47.
48. (Obsolete).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 48.
49. Permit: Every person who applies for a waterworks or sewer system operating permit in accordance with section 32.1 of the Act must submit a written application to the Minister in Forms 6 and 7 annexed to this Regulation, depending on whether it is a waterworks or a sewer system, and provide the information required therein.
The permits referred to in the first paragraph must conform to Forms 8 and 9 annexed to this Regulation depending on whether it is a waterworks or a sewer system.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 49.
50. Transfer of permit: Where the alienation of a waterworks and sewer system has been authorized by the Minister in accordance with section 32.7 of the Act, the purchaser and the permit holder referred to in section 49 must submit to the Minister an application for the transfer of a permit in Form 10 annexed to this Regulation.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 50.
51. Report: Every operator must submit to the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs, prior to 31 January each year, a report on his operations for the preceding year. Such report must be made in Form 11 annexed to this Regulation.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 51.
52. Change of address: The operator must notify the Minister within 30 days whenever there is a change in his address or telephone number.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 52; O.C. 668-2013, s. 4.
53. General: Subject to the second paragraph of section 34 of the Act, sections 24, 28 and 39 to 51 of this Regulation apply to every system or part of a waterworks or sewer system operated by a municipality outside its territorial limits.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 53.
54. Permit: Where a municipality applies for the operating permit referred to in section 49 to operate a system or part of a waterworks or sewer system outside its territory, its application must be accompanied by a resolution of the council of the municipality served attesting that the latter has no objection to the operation of a waterworks or sewer system by the applicant municipality on its territory.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 54.
55. Report: A municipality that operates a waterworks or sewer system under this Division must submit the report prescribed in section 51 on Form 12 annexed to this Regulation.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 55.
56. (Implicitly revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 56.
57. Termination of service: A municipality may not cease to operate a waterworks or sewer system outside its territorial limits without informing the Minister thereof in writing at least 30 days prior thereto and without giving reasons such decision.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, s. 57.
O.C. 668-2013, s. 5.
58. A monetary administrative penalty of $250 in the case of a natural person or $1,000 in other cases may be imposed on any person who fails
(1)  to forward to the Minister a copy of the document referred to in section 23, in the case and within the period provided for in that section;
(2)  to use the forms prescribed by section 33 for preparing the notices referred to in that section;
(3)  to comply with the conditions provided for in section 34 regarding the content of the prior notice;
(4)  to forward to the operator, in accordance with the second paragraph of section 34, a copy of the letter of objections referred to in that section;
(5)  to carry identification as prescribed by the second paragraph of section 37;
(6)  to submit an application for the transfer of a permit on the form prescribed by section 50;
(7)  to submit to the Minister a report of operations in accordance with the frequency provided for and using the form prescribed by section 51;
(8)  to notify the Minister of a change of address or telephone number within the period provided for in section 52;
(9)  to submit the report provided for in section 51 on the form prescribed by section 55 in the case provided for in that section.
O.C. 668-2013, s. 5.
59. A monetary administrative penalty of $350 in the case of a natural person or $1,500 in other cases may be imposed on any person who
(1)  fails to draw up or keep a plan of his or her system, keep it up-to-date or plot on the plan guide marks to readily locate underground conduits and valves in accordance with section 11;
(2)  suspends service to a subscriber without having met the prior conditions provided for in section 32.
O.C. 668-2013, s. 5.
60. A monetary administrative penalty of $500 in the case of a natural person or $2,500 in other cases may be imposed on any person who fails
(1)  to ensure that every construction or installation of waterworks and sewer equipment comply with the plans and specifications referred to in the authorization issued by the Minister in accordance with section 3;
(2)  to make a connection according to the conditions provided for in section 14;
(3)  to ensure impartial service among subscribers in accordance with section 19;
(4)  to prevent any consumption of water in the case provided for in section 22 in accordance with the second paragraph of that section;
(5)  to connect a building to the waterworks and sewer system in the case and on the conditions provided for in the first paragraph of section 24;
(6)  to continue the service to a subscriber on the same conditions as those provided for in an agreement that is renewed under section 26;
(7)  to ensure that the pressure of a waterworks system complies with the standards prescribed by section 27;
(8)  to reimburse a subscriber proportionately to the duration of the interruption of service, as a reduction in the subscription fee, in accordance with the second paragraph of section 30;
(9)  to comply with the amount that may be claimed in the case provided for in the second paragraph of section 36;
(10)  to allow access for the needs of the service to the persons referred to in section 37, in accordance with the first paragraph of that section;
(11)  to inform the Minister in writing or to give reasons for the decision when ceasing to operate a waterworks and sewer system in accordance with the conditions provided for in section 57.
The penalty provided for in the first paragraph may also be imposed on any person who
(1)  modifies the rates or applies new ones without first informing the Minister or without following the procedures prescribed by sections 41 and 42 in contravention of section 40;
(2)  applies, for subscribers referred to in section 44, rates that are not uniform in contravention of section 44;
(3)  charges an annual rental for a meter greater than 10% of the purchase and installation cost, in contravention of section 46;
(4)  collects the payment of subscriptions without complying with the terms prescribed by section 47 and without an agreement to that effect.
O.C. 668-2013, s. 5.
61. A monetary administrative penalty of $750 in the case of a natural person or $3,500 in other cases may be imposed on any person who fails
(1)  to ensure continuous service to subscribers at all times in accordance with section 17;
(2)  to comply with the conditions provided for in section 18 relating to the maintenance and repair of a waterworks or sewer system;
(3)  to inspect the waterworks or sewer system at the periods provided for in section 20;
(4)  to ensure that only persons referred to in section 21 have access to the devices, reservoirs and other installations of a waterworks or sewer service in accordance with that section;
(5)  to stop any leak in the system as soon as it is discovered, in accordance with the second paragraph of section 22;
(6)  to furnish the flow and pressure for protection against fire where an agreement has been concluded to that effect in accordance with section 25;
(7)  to take all necessary steps in case of fire in accordance with section 31;
(8)  to continue the service, in the case of objections from the subscriber, for as long as there is no agreement between the parties or no order issued by the Minister in accordance with the second paragraph of section 34;
(9)  to restore service as soon as the cause for the interruption or suspension of service no longer prevails, in accordance with the first paragraph of section 36.
The penalty provided for in the first paragraph may also be imposed on any person who suspends or interrupts service to a subscriber where this Regulation does not allow to do so in contravention of section 35.
O.C. 668-2013, s. 5.
62. A monetary administrative penalty of $2,000 in the case of a natural person or $10,000 in other cases may be imposed on any person who fails
(1)  to notify the Minister without delay or inform the Minister of the measures the person intends to take to remedy the situation in the cases provided for in the first paragraph of section 22;
(2)  to comply with an order made by the Minister under the second paragraph of section 24 or 38.
O.C. 668-2013, s. 5.
O.C. 668-2013, s. 5.
63. Every person who
(1)  contravenes section 23 or 33, the second paragraph of section 37 or section 50, 51, 52 or 55,
(2)  fails to comply with the conditions provided for in section 34 relating to the content of the prior notice,
(3)  fails to forward to the operator, in accordance with the second paragraph of section 34, a copy of the letter of objections referred to therein, commits an offence and is liable, in the case of a natural person, to a fine of $1,000 to $100,000 or, in other cases, to a fine of $3,000 to $600,000.
O.C. 668-2013, s. 5.
64. Every person who contravenes section 11 or suspends service to a subscriber without having met the conditions provided for in section 32 commits an offence and is liable, in the case of a natural person, to a fine of $2,000 to $100,000 or, in other cases, to a fine of $6,000 to $600,000.
O.C. 668-2013, s. 5.
65. Every person who contravenes section 3, 14 or 19, the first paragraph of section 24, section 26, 27 or 30, the second paragraph of section 36, the first paragraph of section 37 or section 40, 44, 46, 47 or 57 commits an offence and is liable, in the case of a natural person, to a fine of $2,500 to $250,000 or, in other cases, to a fine of $7,500 to $1,500,000.
Every person who fails to prevent any consumption of water in the case provided for in section 22, in accordance with the second paragraph of that section, also commits an offence and is liable to the same fines.
O.C. 668-2013, s. 5.
66. Every person who contravenes section 17, 18, 20, 21, 25, 31, 34 or 35 or the first paragraph of section 36 commits an offence and is liable, in the case of a natural person, to a fine of $4,000 to $250,000 or, in other cases, to a fine of $12,000 to $1,500,000.
Every person who fails to stop any leak in the person’s system as soon as it is discovered in accordance with the second paragraph of section 22 also commits an offence and is liable to the same fines.
O.C. 668-2013, s. 5.
67. Every person who, pursuant to this Regulation, makes a declaration, communicates information or files a document that is false or misleading commits an offence and is liable, in the case of a natural person, to a fine of $5,000 to $500,000 or, despite article 231 of the Code of Penal Procedure (chapter C-25.1), to a maximum term of imprisonment of 18 months, or to both the fine and imprisonment, or, in other cases, to a fine of $15,000 to $3,000,000.
O.C. 668-2013, s. 5.
68. Every person who contravenes the first paragraph of section 22 or fails to comply with an order made by the Minister under the second paragraph of section 24 or 38 commits an offence and is liable, in the case of a natural person, to a fine of $10,000 to $1,000,000 or, despite article 231 of the Code of Penal Procedure (chapter C-25.1), to a maximum term of imprisonment of 3 years, or to both the fine and imprisonment, or, in other cases, to a fine of $30,000 to $6,000,000.
O.C. 668-2013, s. 5.
69. Every person who contravenes any other requirement imposed by this Regulation also commits an offence and is liable, where no other penalty is provided for by this Division or the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2), to a fine of $1,000 to $100,000 in the case of a natural person or, in other cases, to a fine of $3,000 to $600,000.
O.C. 668-2013, s. 5.
(s. 33)
To: ________________________________________________________________________________
(name and address of subscriber)

TAKE NOTICE that you owe the amount of $__________ for water supply (or, as the case may be, sewer service) received from __________(date)__________ 20__________ to __________(date)__________ 20__________
If this amount is not paid within 10 days from this notice, service to your immovable may be suspended in accordance with section 32 of the Regulation respecting waterworks and sewer services (chapter Q-2, r. 21) made under the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2).
If you consider that the amount claimed is incorrect or that you do not owe this amount, you may submit objections in writing to the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks, before the expiry of the said 10-day period. In such case, you must forward to the undersigned a copy of your letter of objection to the Minister and the service will be maintained until the Minister has rendered a decision on the objections.
Date: ________________________ 20__________ ________________________________________
(signature of operator of the waterworks or
sewer service or of any person authorized
by the latter for the purposes of these presents)
Name of service:
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, Form 1.
(s. 33)
To: ________________________________________________________________________________
(name and address of subscriber)

TAKE NOTICE that you have __________________________________________________________
(description of constituting complaint actions)
which is prejudicial to our waterworks service (or sewer service, as the case may be).
If this situation still prevails within 10 days from this notice, service to your immovable may be suspended in accordance with section 32 of the Regulation respecting waterworks and sewer services (chapter Q-2, r. 21) made under the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2).
If you consider that this notice is without proper grounds, you may submit objections in writing to the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks, before the expiry of the said 10-day period. In such case, you must forward to the undersigned a copy of your letter of objection to the Minister and the service will then be maintained until the Minister has rendered a decision on the objections.
Date: ________________________ 20__________ ________________________________________
(signature of operator of the waterworks or
sewer service or of any person authorized
by the latter for the purposes of these presents)
Name of service:
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, Form 2.
(s. 41)
In accordance with sections 39 and 40 of the Regulation respecting waterworks and sewer services (chapter Q-2, r. 21) made under the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2), the undersigned applicant hereby informs the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks that he (it) intends to establish or modify his (its) rates for the service he (it) provides and, for such purpose, submits the following information:
1. Name and address of the person, partnership, association, legal person or company operating the waterworks or sewer service:
Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
2. (a) Nature of partnership, association, legal person or company:
(b) Type of service: waterworks __________ or sewer _________
3. Permit number ____________________
4. Name of the municipality (ies) served and number of subscribers in each municipality:
| | | |
| | Designation | |
| Municipality | (city, town, village,)| Number of subscribers |
| | parish or township) | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
5. Annual tariffs in force and projected tariffs
(a) Table
| | | | | |
| | | Tariffs | Projected | |
| Class | Number | in force | tariffs | Increase |
| | | | | |
|House | | | | |
| | | | | |
|1st faucet | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Additional faucets | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Bath | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Water-closets | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Hose | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Cooler | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Heating | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Automobile | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Hydrants | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Farmers | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Domestic animals | | | | |
|or | | | | |
|Stable | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Presbytery and church * | | | | |
| | | | | |
|School * | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Convent * | | | | |
| | | | | |
|College * | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Hotel | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Store | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Commercial or industrial | | | | |
|establishments | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Miscellaneous (specify) | | | | |
| | | | | |
| *Immovables followed by an asterisk are not subject to rates in the case |
| where the operator of the system is a municipality. |
N.B. If another tariff method is used, give details on a separate sheet.
(b) Date of collection of subscriptions:
(c) Is the subscription payable in advance?
(d) Is the service provided throughout the year or on a seasonal basis?
6– Details on the actual cost of the system with all its accessories:

A– Supply: (stream, brook, spring or well) Actual cost
Spring or well............................. $________
Land and rights of way..................... $________
Catchment: (dam or basin).................. $________
Water intake............................... $________

B– Water treatment: Filtration................................. $________
Chlorination............................... $________
Building................................... $________
Other means................................ $________

C– Pumping: Pump....................................... $________
Motor...................................... $________
Building................................... $________

D– Reservoirs: ........................................... $________
........................................... $________

E– Canalization: (Branch pipe conduit and accessories or, in
the case of a sewer service, conduit for the
disposal of waste water)
........................................... $________
........................................... $________
........................................... $________

F– Distribution: (Conduits and accessories)
........................................... $________
........................................... $________
........................................... $________
........................................... $________
........................................... $________
........................................... $________
........................................... $________

G– Miscellaneous: (Contingencies, stock and general expenses):
........................................... $________
........................................... $________
TOTAL REAL COST: $________

P.S. If the above space is not sufficient, use a separate sheet and attach it
to your application.

7– A copy of the financial report submitted to the shareholders or partners at
their last annual meeting. In the absence of such report, it will be necessary
to provide a statement of the assets and liabilities and complete the table
A– Receipts from service: | A– Operation and administration costs
| (Annex particulars)
Domestic.................... $________| Maintenance................. $________
Industrial.................. $________| Repairs..................... $________
Public...................... $________| Administration.............. $________
Special..................... $________| Discounts................... $________
.......................Total $________| Total $________
B – Others receipts: |B– Fixed expenses:
| Depreciation................ $________
| Interest.................... $________
| Taxes....................... $________
| Total: $________
Total: $________|
C – Additional revenue: |C– Unclassified expenditures:
$________| $________
$________| $________
Total revenue: $________| Total: $________
Annual surplus: $________| Total expenditures: $________

Date: __________________ 20____
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, Form 3.
(s. 42)
TO SUBSCRIBERS of the waterworks service (or of the sewer service) operated by:
TAKE NOTICE that the operator of the abovementioned service has applied to the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks for the purpose of informing the Minister that he intends to modify his rates for the water supply (or sewer) service which he provides in a part of ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ according to the following terms and conditions:

| | |
| | ANNUAL RATE(s) |
| |_____________________________________________|
| | | | |
| CLASS OF SUBSCRIBER | Current | Projected | Increase |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
Every interested person who wishes to object to the projected rates must submit his objections in writing to the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks, within 10 days following the date of publication of this notice.
Given at_______________________________________, this_______________________________ day of ________________ 20 ________
(signature of operator of the waterworks or sewer
service or of his authorized representative)
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, Form 4.
(s. 42)
TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned has informed the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks that he intends to modify his (its) rates for the water supply (or sewer) service which he (it) provides in a part of ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ according to the following terms and conditions:

| | |
| |_____________________________________________|
| | | | |
| CLASS OF SUBSCRIBER | Current | Projected | Increase |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
If you wish to object to the projected rate, you must submit your objections in writing to the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks, within 10 days from the date of mailing of this notice.
Date: ____________________________ 20 ________
(signature of operator of the waterworks or sewer
service or of his authorized representative)
Name of service:
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, Form 5.
(s. 49)
In accordance with section 32.1 of the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2), the undersigned applicant hereby applies for a waterworks system operating permit.
For such purpose, the applicant gives the following information:
1. Name and address of individual, partnership, association, legal person or company applying for the permit:
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
2. Nature of applicant: individual, partnership, association, legal person or company, (strike off inapplicable designations).
3. Date and place of registration or constitution (in the case of a partnership, association or legal person)
4. Person responsible for administration:
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Telephone number: ____________________________________________________________
(area code)
5. Person responsible for operation:
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Telephone number: ____________________________________________________________
(area code)
6. Give the following information on the table hereunder:
(a) name of the municipality (ies) where the service will be provided and their designation as city, town, village, parish, township, etc., name or number of the range(s) to be served;
(b) number of subscribers in each municipality where the service will be provided; (in the case where the system is operated by a municipality, give the total number of the entire system and, separately, the number of subscribers outside the territory of the municipality which operates the system);
(c) number of hydrants in each municipality (where applicable):

| | | | |
| Name of municipality | Name or number | Number of | Number of |
| and designation | of range(s) | subscribers | hydrants |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
7. Total length of the main and secondary conduits, with the exception of inlets or service pipes:
8. Total length of conduits, diameter, nature and year of installation; (in the case where the system is operated by a municipality, specify which conduits are installed within and which conduits are installed outside the municipal territory):

| | | | |
| Length | Diameter | Nature | Year |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
9. The detailed annual tariffs in each municipality where the service will be provided (in the case where the system is operated by a municipality, give the detailed tariffs which will be in force outside the municipal territory):

| || || || |
| Annual tariff for || Name of || Name of || Name of |
| || municipality || municipality || municipality |
| || || || |
| || || || |
| || | || | || | |
| || Number | Tariff || Number | Tariff || Number | Tariff |
| ||_________|________||_________|________||________|________|
| || | || | || | |
| House || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| 1st faucet || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Additional faucets || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Bath || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Water-closets || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Hose || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Cooler || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Heating || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Automobile || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Hydrants || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Farmers || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Animals || | || | || | |
| or || | || | || | |
| Stables || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Presbytery and || | || | || | |
| church * || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| School * || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Convent * || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Hotel || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Store || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Commercial or || | || | || | |
| industrial || | || | || | |
| establishments || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| Miscellaneous || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| || | || | || | |
| |
| * Immovables followed by an asterisk are not subject to rates in the case |
| where the operator of the system is a municipality. |
N.B. If another tariff method is used, give details on a separate sheet.
10. Average depth of conduits in the ground: ______________________________________________
11. Nature of soil: ___________________________________________________________________
12. The waterworks will operate:
by gravity ______________________________________________________________________
or by pumping (details, where applicable): _____________________________________________
13. The flow and pressure of each pump in litres per minute or per hour and the power of the motor driving it:

| | | |
| Flow | Pressure | Power |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
14. Will the water be treated? filtered ________________________________________ chlorinated ______________________________________________________ Give a description of the devices __________________________________________________________________________________
15. Supply sources of the waterworks (stream, lake, spring, well, etc.)
(indicate name of the lake or water course, where applicable)
16. If the water comes from a source already measured, indicate the minimum flow noted:
17. Year of inauguration of service:
18. Capacity, dimensions and nature (wood, concrete, steel) of reservoir(s):

| | | |
| Capacity | Dimensions | Nature |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
19. Will the reservoirs rest on the ground or on a metal or wooden structure?
20. On what date are the subscriptions collected? ________________________________________
21. Will the subscription be payable in advance? ________________________________________
22. Cost of system with its accessories: _______________________________________________
23. If water is purchased from another waterworks, give name and address of vendor and purchase price:
Name _______________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
Purchase price: _______________________________________________________________
24. Annex the following documents:
(a) A plan or sketch of the waterworks system (in the case of a waterworks system operated by a municipality, indicate which conduits are outside the municipal territory);
(b) A copy of the contract forms used for the various services;
(c) A copy of the by-laws (where applicable);
(d) A copy of the financial report covering the last year of operations. In the absence of such report, it will be necessary to submit a detailed statement of the assets and liabilities together with the receipts and expenditures for the past year;
(e) recent certificate of the water analysis of the supply source(s).
25. Give all additional information on the sheet attached hereto.
Date: this_____________________ 20_____
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, Form 6.
(s. 49)
In accordance with section 32.1 of the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2), the undersigned applicant hereby applies for a sewer system operating permit.
For such purpose, the applicant gives the following information:
1. Name and address of individual, partnership, association, legal person or company applying for the permit:
Name ______________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
2. Nature of applicant: individual, partnership, association, legal person or company (strike off inapplicable designations).
3. Date and place of registration or constitution (in the case of a partnership, association or legal person):
4. Person responsible for administration:
Name _______________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
Telephone number ____________________________________________________________
(area code)
5. Person responsible for operation:
Name _______________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
Telephone number ____________________________________________________________
(area code)
6. Give the following information on the table hereunder:
(a) name of the municipality or municipalities where the service is provided and their designation as city, town, village, parish, township, etc.;
(b) number of subscribers in each municipality where the service is provided; in the case of a system operated by a municipality, give the total number on the entire system and, separately, the number of subscribers outside the municipal territory;
(c) the detailed tariffs in force in each municipality where the service is provided; in the case of a system operated by a municipality, give the detailed rates in force outside the municipal territory. Indicate in the “Tariff” column of the table hereunder whether it is an annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly tariff.
| | | | |
| Municipality | Designation | Subscribers | Tariff |
| | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | Item | $ |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
7. Total length of main and secondary conduits, with the exception of service pipes:
8. Total length of conduits, their diameter, nature and year of installation; in the case of a system operated by a municipality, indicate which conduits are installed within and which conduits are installed outside the municipal territory:
| | | | |
| Length | Diameter | Nature | Year |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
9. Average depth of conduits in the ground: ______________________________________________
10. Nature of soil: __________________________________________________________________
11. The sewer will operate:
by gravity _____________________________________________________________________
or by pumping _________________________________________________________________
12. The flow of each pump in litres per minute or per hour and the power of the motor driving it:

| | |
| Flow of pump | Power of motor |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
13. Will the waste water be treated: _____________________________________________________
14. Description and dimension of the waste water treatment device, where applicable: (septic tank, absorption field, stabilization pond, or other)
15. Date of collection of subscriptions: __________________________________________________
Will the subscription be payable in advance: ___________________________________________
16. Cost of sewer system with its accessories: ____________________________________________
17. If the waste water is discharged into another existing sewer system, indicate the name and address of the owner of that system and give the price and terms and conditions agreed upon for the evacuation or treatment of waste water:
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Price: ________________________________________________________________________
18. Annex the following documents:
(a) a plan or sketch of the sewer system; in the case of a system operated by a municipality, clearly indicate which conduits are outside the municipal territory;
(b) a copy of the contract forms used for the various services;
(c) a copy of the by-laws (where applicable);
(d) a copy of the financial report covering the last year of operations. In the absence of such report, it will be necessary to submit a detailed statement of the assets and liabilities together with the receipts and expenditures for the past year.
19. Give all additional information on the sheet attached hereto.
Date: this ______________________ 20_____
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, Form 7.
(s. 49(2))
No. _____________________________________________________________________________
HOLDER: _______________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________
THE HOLDER IS AUTHORIZED to operate a waterworks service in the municipality (ies) mentioned hereunder:

This permit is subject to every law and regulation governing waterworks services and sewer services.
QUÉBEC, this _________________ 20____
Minister of Sustainable Development,
Environment and Parks
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, Form 8.
(s. 49(2))
No. _____________________________________________________________________________
HOLDER: _______________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________
THE HOLDER IS AUTHORIZED to operate a sewer service in the municipality (ies) mentioned hereunder:

This permit is subject to every law and regulation governing waterworks services and sewer services.
QUÉBEC, this _________________ 20____
Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, Form 9.
(s. 50)
The undersigned applicant applies to the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks for the transfer to him of the waterworks or sewer permit hereunder described:
1- Name and address of applicant:
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
2- Nature of applicant partnership, association, legal person or company: _______________________________________________________________________
3- Date and place of registration or constitution of applicant:
4- Name and address of person responsible for the administration:
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
5- Name and address of person responsible for the operation:
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
6- Name of municipality (ies) served by the waterworks or sewer system (indicate the service) and their designation (city, town, village, parish, township, etc.)

| | | |
| Municipality | Designation | Number of subscribers |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
7- Name and address of current owner of the waterworks or sewer service:
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
8- Permit number: ________________________________________________________________
9- (If the transaction does not affect the whole service, indicate and give particulars on a separate sheet).
10- Sale price of the service: ________________________________________________________
Date: this ____________________ 20_____
Signature of applicant
Permit holder’s declaration
I, the undersigned, apply to the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks for the transfer of my waterworks or sewer permit numbered _________________________ to:
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Date: this _____________________ 20_____
Current permit holder’s signature
Name of waterworks or sewer service
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, Form 10.
(s. 51)
Note: This report must be forwarded to the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs, not later than 31 January 20___ Retain a copy for your files. Submit a separate report for each service (waterworks or sewer) where applicable.
Name: _________________________________ Permit No: ____________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Municipalities served (clearly define the designation of each municipality):
Type of service: waterworks ______________________ or sewer ____________
Number of subscribers added in 20 ____: ___________________________________________
Alterations to the system in 20 ____ (Replacement or extension of conduits, purchase of devices, setting up of new supply sources, etc.)
(it this space is not sufficient, use a separate sheet)

Overall cost of service, including: lands, rights and servitudes, buildings devices, tools,
materials and installation costs. (This information is important and must be given as
accurately as possible.)
Cash in hand or in bank (other than reserve fund)
Accounts receivable
Reserve fund
Materials and furnishings in hand

Paid-up capital
Bonds, mortagnes, loans
Overdrawn bank accounts
Sinking fund liability
Miscellaneous (unpaid interest, bills payable, etc.)

Receipts from subscriptions
Receipts from assessments in the case of a partnership or syndicate
Other receipts

Administration: {stationery, insurance, heating, postage, lighting, rent,
{furniture, etc.
Maintenance salary and machinery:
and repair {material:

Improvement, extension, {salary and machinery:
alteration work, {materials:
new facilities: {miscellaneous:

N.B. The waterworks and sewer services which submitted a financial statement to shareholders or users at the last annual meeting must attach a copy thereof to this report.
Date of collection of subscriptions _________________________________________________
Is the subscription payable in advance? _____________________________________________
I certify that the answers hereinabove are complete and exact.
Name of person giving
the information ___________________________________
Date: this_______________ 20____
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, Form 11.
(s. 55)
Note: This report must be forwarded to the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs, not later than 31 January 20___ Retain a copy for your files. Submit a separate report for each service (waterworks or sewer) where applicable.
Name: _________________________________ Permit No: ____________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Municipalities served (clearly define the designation of each municipality):
_________________________________________________________: ___________________
Type of service: waterworks ______________________ or sewer ____________
Number of users added on the entire system in 20 _____: _______________________________
Number of users added outside the municipal limits in 20 _____: _________________________
Total number of users served on the entire system at 31 December 20 _____: ________________
Total number of users served outside the municipal limits at 31 December 20 ____ : __________
Alterations to the system in 20 ____ (Replacement or extension of conduits, purchase of devices, setting up of new supply sources, etc, both to the system in general as well as to the part outside the municipal limits. Indicate separately the alterations made outside the municipal limits).
(it this space is not sufficient, use a separate sheet)

Overall cost of service, including: lands, rights and servitudes, buildings devices, tools,
materials and installation costs.
Cash in hand or in bank (other than reserve fund)
Accounts receivable
Reserve fund
Materials and furnishings in hand

Paid-up capital
Bonds, mortagnes, loans
Overdrawn bank accounts
Sinking fund liability
Miscellaneous (unpaid interest, bills payable, etc.)

Receipts from subscriptions
Receipts from special taxes which apply to the public service in question
Other receipts

Administration: {stationery, insurance, heating, postage, lighting, rent,
{furniture, etc.
Maintenance salary and machinery:
and repair: {material:

Improvement, extension, {salary and machinery:
alteration work, {materials:
new facilities: {miscellaneous:

N.B. The municipalities which submitted a financial statement to taxpayers must attach a copy thereof to this report.
Date of collection of subscriptions _________________________________________________
Is the subscription payable in advance? _____________________________________________
I certify that the answers hereinabove are complete and exact.
Name of person giving
the information ___________________________________
Date: this_______________ 20____
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7, Form 12.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. Q-2, r. 7
O.C. 1160-84, 1984 G.O. 2, 1820
O.C. 647-2001, 2001 G.O. 2, 2641
O.C. 635-2008, 2008 G.O. 2, 2561
O.C. 668-2013, 2013 G.O. 2, 1775