c-26, r. 232 - Regulation respecting the dental prosthesis laboratory management permit

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À jour au 1er septembre 2012
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chapter C-26, r. 232
Regulation respecting the dental prosthesis laboratory management permit
Professional Code
(chapter C-26, s. 187.7).
1. The board of directors of the Ordre professionnel des denturologistes du Québec or that of the Ordre professionel des techniciens et techniciennes dentaires du Québec shall issue a dental prosthesis laboratory management permit to each of its members who applies therefore and who meets the standards set out in the Professional Code (chapter C-26) and this Regulation.
O.C. 189-2003, s. 1.
2. The member must have completed college-level training comprising at least all the following hours of theoretical and practical education:
(1)  450 hours in the manufacturing of removable acrylic prostheses;
(2)  165 hours in the manufacturing of cast frames;
(3)  120 hours in the manufacturing of removable appliances over implants;
(4)  120 hours in the manufacturing of fixed appliances over implants;
(5)  600 hours in the manufacturing of fixed prostheses; and
(6)  120 hours in the manufacturing of orthodontic appliances.
O.C. 189-2003, s. 2.
3. The member must also
(1)  have acquired, after completing the training giving access to the permit to practise, at least 2 years of experience in the manufacturing and repair of dental prostheses or appliances in the 5 years preceding the application; and
(2)  furnish security against liability the member may incur owing to fault or negligence in the operation of the member’s laboratory, including the minimum conditions provided for in the regulation made by the member’s order pursuant to paragraph d of section 93 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26).
O.C. 189-2003, s. 3.
4. Members who cannot meet all the training requirements provided for in section 2 may nonetheless obtain a permit if they provide the secretary of their order with a written undertaking to limit the operation of their laboratories to the manufacturing and repair of dental prostheses or appliances for which they have the required training.
O.C. 189-2003, s. 4.
5. The board of directors of the Ordre professionnel des techniciens et techniciennes dentaires du Québec shall issue a permit to a person directing the activities of a laboratory equipped to manufacture or repair dental prostheses on 11 November 1999 who furnishes the security prescribed in paragraph 2 of section 3 and who
(1)   made an application in writing to the secretary of the Order not later than 10 October 2000; or
(2)  has been directing the activities of such a laboratory without interruption since 11 November 1999 and makes an application in writing to the secretary of the Order not later than 20 September 2003.
O.C. 189-2003, s. 5.
6. A permit holder shall ensure compliance with the ethical and technical aspects related to the operation of the laboratory. The permit holder shall, in particular, apply a quality control program comprising the following aspects:
(1)  the maintenance and testing of the apparatus and equipment used, recorded in a register that must be kept for 5 years;
(2)  control of technical processes and materials used;
(3)  infection prevention and control measures, in particular asepsis rules and rules for the disinfection and decontamination of products; and
(4)  health and safety measures in the workplace.
O.C. 189-2003, s. 6.
7. A permit holder shall keep and maintain for 5 years, for each prescription filled, a record which contains
(1)  the prescription and the information or code identifying the patient;
(2)  the work sheet, comprising the identification of the dental appliance and its specific features mentioned in the prescription;
(3)  a description of the materials used with their normative references when available; and
(4)  a copy of the certificate referred to in section 8.
O.C. 189-2003, s. 7.
8. A permit holder shall certify in writing to the person who wrote the prescription that the dental appliance delivered meets recognized standards of practice and the requirements of the prescription.
O.C. 189-2003, s. 8.
9. A permit shall be issued for a term of 5 years and may be renewed on the conditions of issuance. It may not be transferred.
O.C. 189-2003, s. 9.
10. A permit holder shall take part in the continuous education activities determined by regulation of the board of directors of the professional order that issued the permit.
O.C. 189-2003, s. 10.
11. A person referred to in section 5 of this Regulation who holds a permit is subject to the provisions of sections 54, 55, 55.1, 57, 59.3, 60.1 to 60.6 and 112 to 114 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26), as if the person were a member of the Ordre professionnel des techniciens et techniciennes dentaires du Québec.
The permit holder is also subject to the regulatory provisions respecting professional inspection and ethics applicable to the members of that order.
That order shall oversee and monitor compliance by the permit holder with this Regulation and the applicable provisions of the Professional Code.
O.C. 189-2003, s. 11.
12. The board of directors of the professional order concerned shall suspend, for the time it determines, revoke or refuse to renew a permit if the permit holder
(1)  makes a false statement to obtain the permit;
(2)  no longer meets any of the requirements for the issue or holding of the permit;
(3)  is struck off the roll of his or her order, or has had his or her permit to practise revoked or the right to carry on professional activities suspended;
(4)  has been the subject of a decision referred to in section 55 or 55.1 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26);
(5)  contravenes the undertaking given under section 4;
(6)  does not take part in a continuous education activity referred to in section 10;
(7)  contravenes any provision of the Professional Code that is applicable to the permit holder, in the case of a person referred to in section 5 of this Regulation; or
(8)  contravenes any provision of this Regulation.
However, members who have had their right to carry on professional activities restricted may keep and renew their permit if they provide a written undertaking to restrict the operation of their laboratories to the activities they may carry on.
O.C. 189-2003, s. 12.
13. The board of directors of the order issuing a permit shall keep a register of permit holders. Upon request, it shall indicate whether a person holds a permit and the activities that are the subject of an undertaking given under section 4 or the second paragraph of section 12.
O.C. 189-2003, s. 13.
14. The following members are considered to have completed all the training referred to in section 2:
(1)  a member of the Ordre professionnel des techniciens et techniciennes dentaires du Québec on 20 March 2003;
(2)  a member of the Ordre professionnel des denturologistes du Québec on 20 March 2003 who has completed training equivalent to that of a dental technician referred to in paragraph 1 and who, on that date, directs the activities of a commercial dental laboratory.
O.C. 189-2003, s. 14.
15. A member of the Ordre professionnel des denturologistes du Québec on 20 March 2003 is considered to have completed the training referred to in section 2 that relates to the acts performed in the practice of the profession of denturologist.
O.C. 189-2003, s. 15.
16. (Omitted).
O.C. 189-2003, s. 16.
O.C. 189-2003, 2003 G.O. 2, 1107
S.Q. 2008, c. 11, s. 212