T-5, r. 11 - Regulation respecting the standards for diploma or training equivalence for the issue of a permit by the Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale, en radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie médicale du Québec

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À jour au 1er janvier 2016
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chapter T-5, r. 11
Regulation respecting the standards for diploma or training equivalence for the issue of a permit by the Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale, en radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie médicale du Québec
Act respecting medical imaging technologists, radiation oncology technologists and medical electrophysiology technologists
(chapter T-5, s. 3).
Professional Code
(chapter C-26, s. 93, pars. c and c.1).
1. The secretary of the Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale, en radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie médicale du Québec shall send a copy of this Regulation to a candidate wishing to be granted an equivalence for a diploma issued by an educational institution outside Québec or a training equivalence to be issued a permit by the Order.
O.C. 523-2005, s. 1.
2. In this Regulation,
(1)  “diploma equivalence” means recognition that a diploma issued by an educational institution outside Québec certifies that the candidate’s level of knowledge and skills is equivalent to the level attained by the holder of a diploma recognized by a regulation of the Government, made under the first paragraph of section 184 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26), that gives access to the permit issued by the Order;
(2)  “training equivalence” means recognition that a candidate’s training has enabled the candidate to attain a level of knowledge and skills equivalent to the level attained by the holder of a diploma determined by a regulation of the Government, made under the first paragraph of section 184 of the Code, that gives access to the permit issued by the Order.
O.C. 523-2005, s. 2; O.C. 361-2008, s. 1.
3. A candidate holding a diploma issued by an educational institution outside Québec shall be granted a diploma equivalence for the purposes of the issue of a medical imaging technologist’s permit in the field of radiodiagnosis, a medical imaging technologist’s permit in the field of nuclear medicine or a radiation oncology technologist’s permit if the diploma was issued upon completion of studies of a level equivalent to the college level comprising a minimum of training hours apportioned as follows:
(1)  2,805 hours of training including 2,125 hours of specific training in radiodiagnostic technology apportioned as follows:
(a)  100 hours of anatomy and physiology applied to radiodiagnostics;
(b)  115 hours of physics applied to radiodiagnostics;
(c)  115 hours on radiodiagnostic apparatus;
(d)  50 hours in pharmacology and medication administration methods;
(e)  60 hours of care and health and safety in radiodiagnostics;
(f)  55 hours of assistance relations and communication in radiodiagnostics;
(g)  80 hours of image production in radiodiagnostics;
(h)  75 hours of radioprotection;
(i)  275 hours of examination methods in general radiology, tomodensitometry and ultra-sonography;
(j)  50 hours of examination methods in radiology and magnetic resonance imagery;
(k)  920 hours of clinical practice in general radiodiagnostics;
(l)  115 hours of clinical practice in ultra-sonography; and
(m)  115 hours of clinical practice in tomodensitometry;
(2)  2,925 hours of training including 2,260 hours of specific training in nuclear medicine technology apportioned as follows:
(a)  60 hours of chemistry applied to nuclear medicine;
(b)  45 hours of measuring and image production in nuclear medicine;
(c)  75 hours of electronics applied to nuclear medicine;
(d)  60 hours on the effects of radiation on matter and living beings;
(e)  105 hours on mathematical problems in nuclear medicine;
(f)  60 hours in biochemistry applied to nuclear medicine;
(g)  45 hours of care methods in nuclear medicine;
(h)  75 hours in radiopharmacology;
(i)  60 hours of health and safety and radioprotection in nuclear medicine;
(j)  90 hours of anatomy and physiology applied to nuclear medicine;
(k)  175 hours on apparatus in nuclear medicine;
(l)  60 hours of assistance relations and communication in nuclear medicine;
(m)  75 hours in data input in nuclear medicine;
(n)  75 hours of quality control in nuclear medicine;
(o)  75 hours on the components of urinary and central nervous systems;
(p)  60 hours on the components of the heart and circulatory system;
(q)  105 hours on the components of the osteo-articulatory and endocrinian systems;
(r)  90 hours on the components of the digestive and respiratory systems and other systems; and
(s)  870 of clinical practice; or
(3)  2,595 hours of training including 1,915 hours of specific training in radiation oncology technology apportioned as follows:
(a)  100 hours of anatomy and physiology applied to radiation oncology;
(b)  125 hours of physics applied to radiation oncology;
(c)  60 hours of health and safety and radioprotection;
(d)  75 hours on apparatus and teleradiotherapy;
(e)  95 hours of dosimetry;
(f)  60 hours of radiation oncology;
(g)  160 hours of care methods in external radiotherapy;
(h)  45 hours on the making of accessories in radiation oncology;
(i)  40 hours in brachytherapy;
(j)  95 hours of simulation methods;
(k)  60 hours of assistance relations and communication in radiation oncology;
(l)  700 hours of clinical practice in external radiotherapy;
(m)  150 hours of clinical practice in simulation; and
(n)  150 hours of clinical practice in dosimetry.
O.C. 523-2005, s. 3; S.Q. 2012, c. 10, s. 16.
3.1. A candidate holding a diploma issued by an educational institution outside Québec shall be granted a diploma equivalence for the purposes of the issue of a medical electrophysiology technologist’s permit if the diploma was issued upon completion of studies of a level equivalent to the college level comprising a minimum of 2,865 hours of training including at least 2,145 hours of specific training in medical electrophysiology technology apportioned as follows:
(1)  at least 150 hours on anatomy and physiology applied to medical electrophysiology;
(2)  at least 180 hours on pathology and pharmacology applied to medical electrophysiology;
(3)  at least 210 hours on the entry, processing and use of data;
(4)  at least 240 hours on the examination and analysis of cerebral electrophysiology data;
(5)  at least 255 hours on the examination and analysis of data obtained in labyrinthic, cardiac and neuromuscular electrophysiology, polysomnography and evoked potentials;
(6)  at least 45 hours on counselling and communication in medical electrophysiology;
(7)  at least 45 hours on care, health and safety in medical electrophysiology; and
(8)  at least 1,005 hours of clinical practice.
S.Q. 2012, c. 10, s. 16.
4. Despite sections 3 and 3.1, where the diploma in respect of which an equivalence application has been filed was issued more than 5 years prior to the application and the candidate’s knowledge, taking into account developments in the profession, no longer corresponds to the knowledge which at the time of the application is being taught in a program of studies leading to a diploma recognized by a regulation of the Government made under the first paragraph of section 184 of the Code as giving access to the permits, the candidate shall be granted a training equivalence in accordance with section 5, if the candidate has acquired the required level of knowledge and skills since the diploma was obtained.
O.C. 523-2005, s. 4; S.Q. 2012, c. 10, s. 16.
5. A candidate shall be granted a training equivalence if the candidate demonstrates that his or her level of knowledge and skills is equivalent to the level of knowledge acquired by the holder of a diploma recognized by a regulation of the Government, made under the first paragraph of section 184 of the Code, as giving access to the permit of the Order.
To determine the training equivalence of a candidate, the following factors must be taken into account:
(1)  the nature and duration of the relevant work experience of the candidate;
(2)  the nature and content of the courses taken and the results obtained;
(3)  the training periods and the other continuing training or upgrading activities;
(4)  the total number of years of schooling; and
(5)  the fact that the candidate holds one or more diplomas issued in Québec or elsewhere.
O.C. 523-2005, s. 5; O.C. 361-2008, s. 2; S.Q. 2012, c. 10, s. 16.
6. A candidate applying in writing for a diploma equivalence or a training equivalence to be issued a permit of the Order shall provide the secretary of the Order with the following supporting documents, and with the fees for examination of the application payable pursuant to paragraph 8 of section 86.0.1 of the Code:
(1)  the candidate’s academic record including a description of the courses taken, the number of hours of each and the results obtained;
(2)  a copy of the diplomas held by the candidate, certified by the educational institution;
(3)  an attestation of the candidate’s successful completion of the training periods;
(4)  an attestation and description of the candidate’s relevant work experience; and
(5)  where applicable, an attestation of the candidate’s participation in continuing training or upgrading activities in the field since the diploma was obtained.
O.C. 523-2005, s. 6.
7. Where the documents forwarded in support of an equivalence application are written in a language other than French or English, they must be accompanied by a translation in French or in English attested to by a sworn declaration from the person who did the translation.
O.C. 523-2005, s. 7.
8. The secretary of the Order must send the documents referred to in section 6 to a committee formed by the board of directors pursuant to paragraph 2 of section 86.0.1 of the Code which is to examine and decide equivalence applications. The committee is composed of persons who are not members of the board of directors.
In order to make a decision, the committee may require the candidate to come to an interview, to pass an examination, to complete a training period, or to meet any combination of those requirements.
O.C. 523-2005, s. 8; O.C. 361-2008, s. 3.
9. The committee may make one of the following decisions:
(1)  grant the candidate’s diploma or training equivalence;
(2)  grant the candidate’s training equivalence in part; or
(3)  refuse to grant the candidate’s diploma or training equivalence.
Within 15 days of the decision, the committee is to send the decision to the candidate in writing by registered mail.
If the committee refuses to grant the equivalence applied for or grants the training equivalence in part, it must, at the same time, inform the candidate in writing of any programs of study, bridging programs, training periods or examinations which if successfully completed within the allotted time would enable the candidate to be granted the training equivalence. The committee must also inform the candidate of the candidate’s right to apply for a review of the decision in accordance with section 10.
O.C. 523-2005, s. 9; O.C. 361-2008, s. 3.
10. A candidate who is informed of the committee’s decision to refuse to grant the equivalence or to grant it in part may apply to the board of directors of the Order for a review.
The candidate may apply to the secretary in writing for a review within 30 days of receiving the decision.
The board of directors must examine the application for review at the first regular meeting following its receipt. It must, before making a decision, allow the candidate to make submissions at the meeting.
For that purpose, the secretary must inform the candidate of the date, time and place of the meeting where the application will be examined, by means of a written notice sent by registered mail at least 15 days before the date set for the meeting.
A candidate who wishes to make submissions in person at the meeting must notify the secretary at least 5 days before the date scheduled for the meeting. The candidate may, however, send written submissions to the secretary at any time before the date scheduled for the meeting.
The decision of the board of directors is final and must be sent to the candidate by registered mail within 30 days following the date of the meeting.
O.C. 523-2005, s. 10; O.C. 361-2008, s. 3.
11. This Regulation replaces the Regulation respecting the standards for equivalence of diplomas for the issue of a permit by the Ordre des technologues en radiologie du Québec (D. 1439-92, 92-09-23).
An application for the recognition of a diploma in respect of which the committee referred to in section 5 of that Regulation has, before 30 June 2005, sent its recommendation to the board of directors of the Order, is examined according to the Regulation that this Regulation replaces.
O.C. 523-2005, s. 11.
12. (Omitted).
O.C. 523-2005, s. 12.
O.C. 523-2005, 2005 G.O. 2, 1873
O.C. 361-2008, 2008 G.O. 2, 1234
S.Q. 2008, c. 11, s. 212
S.Q. 2009, c. 35, s. 77
S.Q. 2012, c. 10, ss. 1, 16 and 20