T-12, r. 4 - Regulation respecting the brokerage of bulk trucking services

Texte complet
À jour au 29 juillet 2021
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter T-12, r. 4
Regulation respecting the brokerage of bulk trucking services
Transport Act
(chapter T-12, s. 5).
The fees prescribed in the Regulation have been indexed as of 1 April 2021 pursuant to the notice published in Part 1 (French) of the Gazette officielle du Québec of 20 February 2021, page 169. (ss. 5, 18, 20)
1. This Regulation applies to the brokerage of bulk trucking services in public contracts for the transport of sand, earth, gravel, stone, concrete other than in a concrete mixer truck, bituminous concrete including planed asphalt and recyclable and non-recyclable asphalt, materials resulting from road demolition, snow, ice and salt intended for road maintenance.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 1; O.C. 1402-2000, s. 1.
§ 1.  — Nature of the brokerage permit
2. A brokerage permit authorizes its holder
(1)  to represent his subscribers with those who require bulk trucking services and to accept on their behalf service requisitions where the destination of the transported product is located in the territory covered by the brokerage permit or, where the services are required for the carrying out of construction work road repair work, excavation, levelling or demolition work, where it is carried out in the territory covered by the brokerage permit;
(2)  to represent his subscribers with other brokerage permit holders for bulk trucking operations to be carried out outside the brokerage zone for which the permit was issued;
(3)  to distribute among his subscribers the bulk trucking services he has accepted in his capacity as broker;
(4)  when his own subscribers are unable to perform a bulk trucking service he has accepted in his capacity as broker, to call upon the services of other brokerage permit holders though any regional association recognized in accordance with Division V.I of the Transport Act (chapter T-12), so that the service be performed by their subscribers.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 2.
3. No brokerage permit is prescribed to be carry out the brokerage of snow and ice transport in the territory of Ville de Montréal.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 3.
§ 2.  — Conditions for the issue and renewal of a brokerage permit
4. In order to obtain a brokerage permit, a non-profit legal person or a cooperative shall demonstrate that it represents at least 35% of the operators of heavy vehicles that are registered in the bulk trucking register under the Transport Act (chapter T-12), and that have had their principal establishment in the zone for which the permit is applied for since 1 November of the preceding year.
For the purposes of the first paragraph, where the application is for a brokerage permit in Region 10, operators that are registered in the bulk trucking register and that have signed, during the subscription period and pursuant to the second paragraph of section 16, a contract for brokerage services in that region, are added to the operators referred to in the first paragraph.
For the purposes of the first paragraph, a broker represents an operator of heavy vehicles when they enter into a contract for brokerage services between 1 January and 10 February of the year in which the broker applies to the Commission des transports du Québec for a brokerage permit or its renewal. When the name of an operator of heavy vehicles is on more than one subscribers list, the Commission shall, in the presence of the brokers concerned, ask the operator to specify the brokerage service to which he will be subscribing.
A contract for brokerage services entered into by an operator of heavy vehicles further to intimidation, threats or reprisals cannot be taken into account for establishing the representativeness of a legal person.
The name of a brokerage service subscriber of the James Bay brokerage zone may remain on the subscribers list of another zone.
If on 10 February no broker has enough subscribers to obtain the representativeness percentage required in a zone, the time for signing brokerage contracts referred to in the third paragraph is extended to 10 March.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 4; O.C. 1402-2000, s. 2; O.C. 1110-2010, s. 1; O.C. 1279-2011, s. 1.
5. In order to obtain a brokerage permit, a legal person shall
(1)  within 10 days of the expiry of the subscription period,
(a)  file with the Commission
i.  the application and the information that will establish its representativeness, using the appropriate forms;
ii.  the originals of all brokerage contracts, upon request by the Commission;
iii.  the contract for the hiring of the brokerage director;
(b)  pay costs of $342 to the Commission;
(2)  within 40 days of the expiry of the subscription period,
(a)  file with the Commission its revenue and expenditure forecasts;
(b)  submit to the Commission for approval the by-laws referred to in section 8 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12), particularly those respecting disciplinary provisions, a description of the brokerage director’s duties and brokerage fees;
(c)  show the Commission that the requirements of section 47.13.1 of the Transport Act were complied with, in particular by filing
i.  a copy of the notice of a special meeting accompanied by the by-laws that were submitted for approval at the meeting;
ii.  a list of the subscribers to the brokerage services of that legal person on the date on which the special meeting is held;
iii.  a list of the members present at the special meeting;
iv.  the result of votes taken at that meeting.
(3)  (paragraph revoked).
The by-laws referred to in subparagraph b of subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph may not provide mediation and arbitration procedures.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 5; O.C. 1402-2000, s. 3; O.C. 1110-2010, s. 2; O.C. 1279-2011, s. 2; O.C. 159-2018, s. 1.
6. In order to obtain more than one brokerage permit, a legal person shall also demonstrate, in addition to the requirements of section 5.
(1)  that the organization of brokerage services by a single legal person in different brokerage zone represents an actual economic advantage for its members;
(2)  that the regulations it submitted in accordance with subparagraph b of subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph of section 5 are the same for all of its members;
(3)  that it maintains common management for all its members;
(4)  that it maintains, in each brokerage zone, a distinct priority call system;
(5)  that it maintains a billing system for brokerage fees that is distinct from the one used to collect the annual contribution, where the brokerage fee fixed by the Commission provides for brokerage fees specific to each zone.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 6; O.C. 1402-2000, s. 4; O.C. 1279-2011, s. 3.
7. The conditions for obtaining a brokerage permit and compliance with the obligations prescribed by this Regulation are the conditions required to retain the permit.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 7; O.C. 1279-2011, s. 4.
8. A brokerage permit may be renewed in accordance with section 37.3 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12).
A brokerage permit holder applying for renewal must comply with the conditions set out in subparagraph 1 and subparagraph a of subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph of section 5.
The permit holder must also submit to the Commission for approval any amendment to the by-laws referred to in section 8 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12), particularly those respecting disciplinary provisions, a description of the brokerage director’s duties and brokerage fees and the documents required under subparagraph c of subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph of section 5 allowing to ascertain compliance with the requirements of section 47.13.1 of the Transport Act.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 8; O.C. 1402-2000, s. 5; O.C. 159-2018, s. 2.
§ 3.  — Term of brokerage permit and alterations to brokerage zones
9. The brokerage permit is issued for a period of 3 years. It expires on 31 March of the third year.
Despite the first paragraph, where a permit is already issued in a zone, the expiry date of permits issued subsequently must be identical to the expiry date of the permit already issued for that zone.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 9; O.C. 1110-2010, s. 3; O.C. 1279-2011, s. 5; O.C. 257-2017, s. 1; O.C. 159-2018, s. 3.
10. An alteration to brokerage zones may be requested to the Commission if it is supported by a majority vote of the subscribers concerned present at a general meeting held for that purpose.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 10.
§ 4.  — Conditions for the operation of a brokerage permit
11. A brokerage permit holder shall provide brokerage services to any operator of heavy vehicles that meets the conditions required by the Transport Act (chapter T-12) and this Regulation to subscribe for brokerage services.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 11.
12. A brokerage permit holder shall send its subscribers list to the Commission, upon request.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 12; O.C. 1402-2000, s. 6; O.C. 1110-2010, s. 4.
13. When expulsing a subscriber, a brokerage permit holder shall send the subscriber a notice of expulsion and, at the same time, a copy of that notice to the Commission.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 13.
§ 1.  — Conditions for subscribing and contract of adhesion
14. An operator may subscribe for brokerage services, as the case may be,
(1)  between 1 January and 10 February of each year;
(2)  between 11 February and 11 March in a brokerage zone where no broker has gathered the number of subscribers required to obtain a brokerage permit;
(3)  during the time where the application for the issue or renewal of a brokerage permit is heard;
(4)  within 30 days of the transfer of the registration in the bulk trucking register;
(5)  within 30 days of the transfer of the principal establishment of an operator in another zone of the same region;
(6)  within 30 days of the cancellation of a brokerage contract made pursuant to section 17.2.
An operator that has entered into a brokerage contract with a broker whose application for a brokerage permit or its renewal has been denied by the Commission or whose application has been withdrawn has the right to subscribe to the services of another brokerage permit holder within 60 days of the Commission’s decision or, as the case may be, within 30 days after the Commission has received the broker’s withdrawal.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 14; O.C. 1402-2000, s. 7; O.C. 1279-2011, s. 6; O.C. 159-2018, s. 4.
15. In order to subscribe for brokerage services, an operator of heavy vehicles shall complete and sign a form identical to the contract of adhesion form prescribed in Schedule 1.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 15.
16. Subject to the second paragraph, an operator shall subscribe for brokerage services in the brokerage zone where he has his principal establishment.
An operator person operating in Region 10 and not having his principal establishment in that region may subscribe for brokerage services in the zone of Region 10 closest to his principal establishment. An operator operating in Region 8 may subscribe for the brokerage services of the James Bay brokerage zone without having an establishment there.
Any operator may subscribe for brokerage services, for which the region recorded in the operator’s registration in the bulk trucking register is Region 1,
(1)  in the Îles-de-la-Madeleine zone if the operator or, in the case of a transfer, the transferor is or was subscribed in that zone;
(2)  in a zone of Region 1, except in the Îles-de-la-Madeleine zone, if the operator or, in the case of a transfer, the transferor is not or was not subscribed in the Îles-de-la-Madeleine zone.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 16; O.C. 1279-2011, s. 7.
17. For the purposes of this Regulation, where a brokerage contract was signed during
(1)  the periods provided for in subparagraph 1, 2 or 3 of the first paragraph of section 14 of the year in which the broker applies to the Commission des transports du Québec for the issue or renewal of a brokerage permit, the operator remains subscribed to brokerage services of the brokerage permit holder from the date on which the last signature is affixed to the brokerage contract until the expiry date of the brokerage permit issued or renewed, as the case may be;
(2)  any other period than those referred to in subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph, the operator remains subscribed to brokerage services of the brokerage permit holder from the date on which the last signature is affixed to the brokerage contract until the expiry date of the valid brokerage permit at the time of the signature.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 17; O.C. 1402-2000, s. 8; O.C. 1279-2011, s. 8.
17.1. Despite section 17, a brokerage contract ends if the operator
(1)  is removed by the permit holder as a disciplinary measure;
(2)  is removed from the bulk trucking register;
(3)  transferred the operator’s registration;
(4)  subscribed to a brokerage service in another zone of the same region following the transfer of the operator’s principal establishment;
(5)  subscribed to a brokerage service during the subscription period referred to in section 4 of the year in which a brokerage permit holder to which the operator is already subscribed may apply to the Commission for the renewal of the permit;
(6)  that is registered with the brokerage permit holder whose issued or renewed permit has been valid for 3 years or more, subscribed to another brokerage service between 1 January and 10 February of the year during which the legal person to which the operator is newly subscribed applies to the Commission for the issue of a brokerage permit.
The signing of the brokerage contract referred to in subparagraphs 5 and 6 of the first paragraph with a legal person that is not a brokerage permit holder at the time of the subscription ends the subscription referred to in the first paragraph only on the date of issue of the brokerage permit to the legal person.
Despite paragraph 1 of section 17 and subparagraph 5 of the first paragraph, where an operator signs 2 brokerage contracts during the subscription period provided for in section 4, only the contract of adhesion for brokerage services to which the operator subscribes, following the request by the Commission referred to in the third paragraph of section 4, is valid.
O.C. 1279-2011, s. 8.
17.2. Despite section 17, the operator may cancel the brokerage contract within 120 days following the coming into force of a by-law for which the brokerage permit holder obtained the approval provided for in section 8 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12) and that provides that all the permit holder’s by-laws in force concerning transport brokerage services under government contracts, and only those by-laws, also apply to contracts other than government contracts to which the permit holder is a party.
O.C. 1279-2011, s. 8; O.C. 159-2018, s. 5.
§ 2.  — Operators having their principal establishments outside Québec
18. An operator of heavy vehicles having his principal establishment outside Québec may register in the bulk trucking register if he completes a registration form and pays annual duties of $85.50 to the Commission.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 18.
19. An operator registered in the bulk trucking register under section 47.11 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12) shall subscribe for brokerage services in a brokerage zone described in Schedule 2.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 19.
§ 3.  — Conditions for remaining in the bulk trucking register
20. The annual duties payable to the Commission to remain registered in the bulk trucking register are $85.50. They are payable at the same time as the fees payable under the Act respecting owners and operators and drivers of heavy vehicles (chapter P-30.3).
O.C. 1483-99, s. 20.
21. The following cases are remediable reasons for removal within the meaning of the fourth paragraph of section 47.13 of the Transport Act:
(1)  the operator registered in the bulk trucking register deceases in the 60 days immediately preceding 10 February;
(2)  the sole shareholder of the legal person registered in the bulk trucking register deceases in the 60 days, immediately preceding 10 February;
(3)  the operator registered in the bulk trucking register has been in hospital for an uninterrupted 15-day period immediately before 10 February.
(4)  the sole shareholder of the legal person registered in the bulk trucking register has been in hospital for an uninterrupted 15-day period immediately before 10 February;
(5)  the operator’s application for brokerage services during one of the subscription periods set out in section 14 has been denied.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 21; O.C. 1402-2000, s. 9; O.C. 1279-2011, s. 9; O.C. 159-2018, s. 6.
22. The Government transfers to the Commission the power to approve any regulation respecting the brokerage services of brokerage permit holders and recognized regional associations.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 22.
§ 1.  — Management of brokerage services
23. Articles 1230, 1304 and 1339 to 1343 of the Civil Code apply to the investment of the basic assessment which must be used only to guarantee the broker’s obligations.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 23.
24. A brokerage permit holder shall establish each year a budget of his estimated revenues and expenditures and send a copy thereof, before 30 November, to the Commission, his subscribers and, where applicable, the associate brokerage permit holders.
Where the budget involves a change in the permit holder’s brokerage fee, the budget may not be applied unless the new fee has been approved by the Commission.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 24; O.C. 1279-2011, s. 10.
24.1. A brokerage permit holder must send to the Commission, before 31 May, audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending on the preceding 31 December.
O.C. 159-2018, s. 7; O.C. 927-2021, s. 1.
24.2. At the Commission’s request, a brokerage permit holder must give to a member of the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec holding the appropriate permit a mandate of reasonable assurance on the compliance of the management of the amounts with the requirements of sections 27 to 33 of this Regulation in the last completed fiscal year.
If a pay advance system has been set up by the permit holder in accordance with section 33.01, the mandate provided for in the first paragraph must also cover the compliance of the management of the system with the regulation authorizing its setting up.
The report produced at the end of the mandate referred to in the first paragraph must be sent to the Commission within the period indicated by the Commission, which may not be less than 60 days following the date of the request.
O.C. 927-2021, s. 2.
25. A person may not sit on the board of directors of a brokerage permit holder unless he has subscribed for the brokerage services of that permit holder.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 25.
26. The contract for the hiring of the brokerage director shall provide that the latter may not, on pain of dismissal, have a direct or indirect interest in a enterprise likely to place him and the legal person in a situation of conflict of interest, nor may he carry on activities likely to place him in such a situation, except with the prior authorization of the Commission.
The brokerage permit holder must, within 30 days of the brokerage director’s taking office or within 30 days of the change to the contract for the hiring of the brokerage director, as the case may be, file with the Commission a copy of that contract.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 26; O.C. 1279-2011, s. 11.
§ 2.  — Administration and management of money collected in the name of subscribers
O.C. 1483-99, Sd. 2; O.C. 927-2021, s. 3.
27. A brokerage permit holder shall have a trust account in Québec in a chartered bank or another financial institution authorized to receive deposits and shall deposit in it within 2 working days all money collected under section 42.1 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12).
That account shall be distinct from the permit holder’s other accounts, in particular from the account in which the subscribers’ basic assessments are deposited.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 27.
28. Only the following may be deposited in the trust account:
(1)  amounts collected under section 42.1 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12);
(2)  amounts necessary for the administration of the account.
A brokerage permit holder who deposits by mistake in the trust account an amount of money which is not authorized by this Regulation shall withdraw the amount. He shall also deposit in the trust account any amount withdrawn in contravention of this Regulation.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 28.
29. A brokerage permit holder may withdraw from the trust account only the following amounts:
(1)  an amount belonging to a subscriber that the permit holder collected for him or to a financial institution to whom the subscriber consented in writing to an assignment of that claim;
(2)  any amount required to reimburse administrative expenses required by the financial institution for the management of the account;
(3)  the interest paid into the account by the financial institution, less any administrative expenses;
(4)  part of a sum received under section 42.1 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12) that corresponds to brokerage fees.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 29; O.C. 1279-2011, s. 12; O.C. 927-2021, s. 4.
30. A brokerage permit holder may withdraw money from the trust account by cheque only or other orders of payment.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 30; O.C. 1279-2011, s. 13.
31. Amounts owing to a subscriber shall be paid to him within 10 days of their collection.
The same applies to a payment made to a financial institution in accordance with paragraph 1 of section 29.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 31; O.C. 927-2021, s. 5.
32. A brokerage permit holder shall keep his books, registers and accounts up-to-date by entering therein the following information:
(1)  any sum of money received under section 42.1 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12);
(2)  any disbursement paid out of his trust account.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 32.
33. A brokerage permit holder shall keep up-to-date
(1)  a permanent accounting register stating all revenues and disbursements and making a distinction between those credited or debited to the trust account and those credited or debited to the legal person’s other accounts;
(2)  a permanent accounting register stating separately, for each subscriber for whom an amount has been collected under section 42.1 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12),
(a)  the date on which and the place where the service was provided;
(b)  the identification of the contract under which the service was provided;
(c)  the registration of the truck with which the service was provided;
(d)  the name of the person to whom the service was provided;
(e)  the amount claimed in the name of the subscriber for that service;
(f)  any amount received or disbursed;
(g)  any outstanding balance;
(3)  the bank statements or books, cashed cheques and copies of detailed deposit slips respecting the trust accounts;
(4)  a permanent register book which makes it possible to compare each month the total of the trust account’s balances and the total of all amounts not paid to subscribers, as they appear in the permit holder’s books and registers, as well as a justification for any difference between both totals;
(5)  a permanent register book stating specifically any amount held in trust for subscribers.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 33; O.C. 927-2021, s. 6.
33.01. A brokerage permit holder may, by regulation, set up a pay advance system.
The regulation must allow subscribers to choose whether or not to use such a system, and preserve equity between all subscribers. It is submitted to the approval procedure provided for in section 8 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12).
O.C. 927-2021, s. 7.
33.02. Brokerage permit holders must keep in their establishment the information and documents referred to in section 33 for 3 years and make them available to the Commission, at the Commission’s request.
O.C. 927-2021, s. 7.
33.1. The fees provided for in this Regulation are adjusted by operation of law on 1 April of each year by the rate provided for in section 83.3 of the Financial Administration Act (chapter A-6.001). The rate may not be lower than zero.
The Regulation respecting the rounding off of adjusted fees (chapter A-6.001, r. 0.1) applies to the adjustment, with the necessary modifications.
The Commission publishes the result of the adjustment of the fees in the Gazette officielle du Québec.
O.C. 1279-2011, s. 14.
33.2. All brokerage permits in force on 1 January 2018 expire on 31 March 2018.
O.C. 159-2018, s. 8.
34. (Revoked).
O.C. 1483-99, s. 34; O.C. 159-2018, s. 9.
35. (Revoked).
O.C. 1483-99, s. 35; O.C. 159-2018, s. 9.
36. (Revoked).
O.C. 1483-99, s. 36; O.C. 159-2018, s. 9.
37. (Revoked).
O.C. 1483-99, s. 37; O.C. 159-2018, s. 9.
37.1. (Revoked).
O.C. 201-2007, s. 1; O.C. 162-2008, s. 1; O.C. 219-2009, s. 1; O.C. 190-2010, s. 1; O.C. 159-2018, s. 9.
37.2. (Revoked).
O.C. 1279-2011, s. 15; O.C. 159-2018, s. 9.
38. This Regulation replaces the Regulation respecting bulk trucking (R.R.Q., 1981, c. T-12, r. 3).
O.C. 1483-99, s. 38.
39. The Regulation respecting foreign carriers (R.R.Q., 1981, c. T-12, r. 24) is revoked.
O.C. 1483-99, s. 39.
40. (Amendment integrated into the Rules of practice and rules for the internal management of the Commission des transports du Québec (chapter T-12, r. 12, ss. 45.2 and 45.2.1 and Sch. 1)).
O.C. 1483-99, s. 40.
41. (Amendment integrated into the Regulation respecting tariffs, rates and costs (chapter T-12, r. 14, ss. 1 and 4)).
O.C. 1483-99, s. 41.
42. (Omitted).
O.C. 1483-99, s. 42.
Broker’s identity: ____________________________________________________________________
Identity of bulk trucking enterprise:
(hereinafter called “the Operator”)
(1) I, the undersigned _________________________________________________________, declare the following
(a) I am the Operator: YES _______ NO _______ or I see to the Operator’s subscription in my capacity as ________________________________________________________________________________;
(b) the Operator has its principal establishment at _________________________________________;
(c) the Operator is registered in the bulk trucking register of the Commission des transports du Québec under registration number _____________________________________________________________;
(d) the Operator, if the Operator is a legal person, declares being related within the meaning of the Taxation Act (chapter I-3) to the following legal persons that are subscribed with the broker and that operate a bulk trucking enterprise or a contractor’s licence issued by the Régie du bâtiment:

(e) (revoked);
(f) I am subscribing the Operator for the brokerage services provided by the broker, including, where applicable, those offered with the authorization of the Commission des transports du Québec in contracts other than government contracts, for the duration of the brokerage permit and I register the following vehicles:
(1) ____________________________________ ____________________________________
(2) ____________________________________ ____________________________________
(3) ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Make, model, Registration
The operator also undertakes to inform the broker of any change of vehicles by a writing that will be attached to this contract;
(g) the Operator is aware of and agrees to the method of operation provided for in the Transport Act (chapter T-12) and to the Regulation respecting the brokerage of bulk trucking services (chapter T-12, r. 4), as well as to the mechanisms provided for in the broker’s operating rules and disciplinary provisions;
(h) the Operator undertakes to pay all brokerage fees approved by the Commission des transports du Québec;
(i) the Operator undertakes, in accordance with the broker’s operating rules, to refer to the brokerage service any request for service directly received from a broker’s customer or from a person to whom the broker has submitted a written offer for the supply of the requested services;
(j) the Operator undertakes, in accordance with the broker’s operating rules, to entrust the broker with all the part of a request for transportation that the Operator will obtain in the course of a performance or transport contract that the Operator cannot perform with the trucks it owns within the meaning of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2). Where the Operator is a legal person, that obligation also applies to the legal persons that are related to the Operator within the meaning of the Taxation Act and that are subscribed with the broker;
(k) the Operator agrees that all taxes (GST, QST) collected by the broker be remitted by the broker to the Agence du revenu du Québec in accordance with the Agency’s authorization. That clause applies only if there is an authorized agreement between the broker and the Agency;
(l) the Operator undertakes to first solicit the services of the broker for any bulk transport in excess of its capacity in all contracts that it performs as a contractor. Where the Operator is a legal person, the Operator must also abide by this undertaking with respect to its related legal persons within the meaning of the Taxation Act and that are subscribed with the broker, specifically those referred to in subparagraph d;
This contract comes into force on the date on which the last signature is affixed.
This contract ends on the expiry date of the brokerage permit currently in force or for which an application for the issue or renewal is or will be made to the Commission des transports du Québec in February or March of the year in which the contract is signed.
The Operator remains subscribed to brokerage services throughout the term of the brokerage permit unless
(a) the Operator is removed by the permit holder as a disciplinary measure;
(b) the Operator is removed from the bulk trucking register;
(c) the Operator transfers the Operator’s registration;
(d) the Operator subscribes to another brokerage service in the same region following the transfer of the Operator’s principal establishment;
(e) the Operator subscribes to a brokerage service during the subscription period of the year in which the broker applies to the Commission des transports du Québec for the renewal of a brokerage permit or during the time where the application is heard;
(f) the broker’s permit has been valid for 3 years or more and the Operator has subscribed to another brokerage service between 1 January and 10 February of the year in which the legal person to which the Operator is newly subscribed applies to the Commission des transports du Québec for the issue of a brokerage permit.
The signing of the brokerage contract referred to in subparagraphs e and f of the third paragraph with a legal person that is not a brokerage permit holder at the time of the subscription terminates this brokerage contract only on the date of issue of a brokerage permit to that legal person.
The operator may cancel the brokerage contract within 120 days following the coming into force of a by-law for which the brokerage permit holder obtained the approval provided for in section 8 of the Transport Act and that provides that all the permit holder’s by-laws in force concerning transport brokerage services under government contracts, and only those by-laws, also apply to contracts other than government contracts to which the permit holder is a party.
Broker Operator
_______________________________________ ________________________________________

Signed at _____________________________ Signed at ______________________________

Date: _________________________________ Date:___________________________________
This Part must be completed when a subscriber transfers his registration in the bulk trucking register of the Commission des transports du Québec. The transferee must also complete this Part to have the registration transferred to him. The transferee must also undertake to become a subscriber to a brokerage agency in a zone of the region specified in the transferor’s registration or to replace the transferor in the brokerage agency and, in that event, also accept, for the purposes of the distribution of working time, the allocation of all the working time accumulated in the transferor’s name on the signing date of this document. Despite the foregoing, where the region provided for in the transferor’s registration is Region 1, the transferee must, where the transferee undertakes to become a subscriber to a brokerage agency in a zone of that region, do so
(a) in the Îles-de-la-Madeleine zone if the transferor is subscribed in that zone;
(b) in a zone of Region 1, except in the Îles-de-la-Madeleine zone, if the transferor is not subscribed in the Îles-de-la-Madeleine zone.
Statement of parties to the transfer
Name of the transferor: _______________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Registration No. in the register of the CTQ: _______________________________________________
Name of transferee: __________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Date of transfer: _____________________________________________________________________
The transferor declares the following: I am registered with the Commission des transports du Québec in the bulk trucking register; I am not the subject of a removal procedure; I am a subscriber to the brokerage body ________________________ and have paid the brokerage fees exigible up to the date of the transfer. The terms and conditions applicable to the transferor’s subscription are the same at the time of the transfer as those provided for in this contract of adhesion. The transfer cancels the transferor’s subscription to the brokerage body.
The transferee declares the following : I will apply to the Commission des transports du Québec for the transfer of the transferor’s registration to my name within 30 days of the signing of this Part. I will also, within 30 days after the transfer has been made by the Commission, become a member of the following brokerage agency : _____________________________________. I am the owner of _______________ vehicles of the type that may be registered with the brokerage agency. If applicable, I agree to replace the transferor in the brokerage agency according to the transferor’s order of priority on the date of the transfer and accept the allocation of the working time accumulated by the transferor on that date as soon as I am entered on the distribution list.
The transfer takes effect on the condition that the transferee registers with the Commission des transports du Québec in the bulk trucking register and subscribes for the brokerage body ____________________.
Transferor Transferee
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Date: _______________________________ Date: _______________________________
A copy of this contract must be filed in the transferor’s record. The record must be kept by the broker throughout the term of his or her permit. A copy of this contract must be provided to the Commission upon request.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. 1; O.C. 1402-2000, s. 10; O.C. 1110-2010, s. 5; O.C. 1279-2011, s. 16; O.C. 159-2018, s. 10.
Operators of heavy vehicles having their principal establishment outside Québec may subscribe for brokerage services in one of the following zones:
(1) Those whose principal establishment is located to the west of the Québec-Ontario border may subscribe in one of the following brokerage zones:
Chateauguay-Huntingdon (190617)
Beauharnois-Salaberry (190618)
Vaudreuil-Soulanges (190606)
Deux-Montagnes (190602)
Argenteuil (160616)
Laurentides (190609)
Papineau (190704)
Outaouais (190703)
Haute-Gatineau (190701)
Pontiac (190702)
Témiscamingue (190805)
Rouyn-Noranda (190807)
Abitibi-Ouest (190802)
Amos (190806)
Abitibi-Est (190804)
Montréal-Laval (191001)
(2) Those whose principal establishment is located to the east of the Québec-New-Brunswick border may subscribe in one of the following brokerage zones:
Rimouski (190105)
Vallée-de-la-Matapédia (190102)
Bonaventure (190103)
Témiscouata (190312)
Rivière-du-Loup (190308)
(3) Those whose principal establishment is located in the Newfoundland part of Labrador or on the island of Newfoundland may subscribe in one of the following brokerage zones:
Baie-Comeau (190905)
Duplessis, Port-Cartier (190907)
Duplessis, Sept-Îles (190908)
Duplessis, Havre-Saint-Pierre (190909)
Duplessis, Natashquan (190910)
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. 2.
In this Schedule, the regional county municipalities covered are those established under the Act respecting land use planning and development (chapter A-19.1).
Region 1: This region comprises the territory:
of the Municipalité régionale de comté des Îles-de-la-Madeleine (01)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de La Côte-de-Gaspé (03)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Pabok (02)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Denis-Riverin (04)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Bonaventure (05)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté d’Avignon (06)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Matane (08)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de La Matapédia (07)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de La Mitis (09)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Rimouski-Neigette (10)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté des Basques part (11), including the municipalities of:
Saint-Guy, SD
Saint-Mathieu-de-Rioux, P
Saint-Médard, SD
Saint-Simon, P
TNO Lac-Boisbouscache (11902)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Témiscouata part (13), including the municipalities or parts of municipality of:
Biencourt, SD
Dégelis, V, the part described in Schedule XVI
Lac-des-Aigles, SD
Saint-Godard-de-Lejeune, SD, the part described in Schedule XVI
Saint-Michel-du-Squatec, P, the part described in Schedule XVI
Region 2: This region comprises the territory:
of the Municipalité régionale de comté du Fjord-du-Saguenay (94)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Lac-Saint-Jean-Est part (93), excluding the territories described in Schedule I and in Schedule II, namely the unorganized territory Lac-Moncouche parts (93904) and Mont-Apica (93902)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté du Domaine-du-Roy (91)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Maria-Chapdelaine (92)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté du Haut-Saint-Maurice (90), including the unorganized territory of Lac-Berlinguet (90910) described in Schedule III
Region 3: This region comprises the territory:
of the Municipalité régionale de comté des Basques part (11), excluding the municipalities included in Region 1
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Témiscouata (13), excluding the municipalities or parts of municipality included in Region 1
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Rivière-du-Loup (12)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Kamouraska (14)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de l’Islet (17)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Montmagny (18)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté des Etchemins (28)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Bellechasse (19)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Desjardins (24)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté des Chutes-de-la-Chaudière (25)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de La Nouvelle-Beauce (26)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Lotbinière (33)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Beauce-Sartigan part (29), excluding the municipalities or parts of municipality included in Region 5
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Robert-Cliche (27)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de l’Amiante part (31), including the municipalities or parts of municipality of:
East Broughton, SD
East Broughton Station, VL
Sacré-Coeur-de-Jésus, P
Sainte-Clothilde-de-Beauce, P
Saint-Pierre-de-Broughton, SD, the part described in Schedule XVI
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Bécancour part (38), including the municipalities of:
Deschaillons, VL
Deschaillons-sur-Saint-Laurent, V
Fortierville, VL
Parisville, P
Sainte-Françoise, SD
Sainte-Philomène-de-Fortierville, P
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de L’Érable part (32), including the municipality of:
Villeroy, SD
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Charlevoix-Est (15)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Charlevoix (16)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Lac-Saint-Jean-Est part (93), including the unorganized territories of Lac-Moncouche part (93904), and Mont-Apica (93902), described in Schedule I
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de L’Île-d’Orléans (20)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de La Côte-de-Beaupré part (21), excluding the unorganized territory of Lac-Jacques-Cartier part (21904), described in Schedule IV
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de La Jacques-Cartier part (22), excluding the unorganized territory of Lac Croche part (22902), described in Schedule V
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Portneuf part (34), excluding the unorganized territory of Lac-Lapeyrère (34906), described in Schedule VIII
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Mékinac part (35), including the municipalities of:
Lac-aux-Sables, P
Notre-Dame-de-Montauban, SD
Communauté métropolitaine de Québec (23)
Region 4: This region comprises the territory:
of the Municipalité régionale de comté du Haut-Saint-Maurice part (90), excluding the unorganized territories of Lac-Berlinguet (90910) and Obedjiwan (90916), described respectively in Schedules III and IX
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Mékinac part (35), excluding the municipalities included in Region 3
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de L’Érable part (32), including the municipalities of:
Princeville, V
Princeville, P
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Matawinie part (62), including the municipalities or parts of municipality of:
Manouane, RI
Saint-Michel-des-Saints, SD, the part described in Schedule XVI and the territory described in Schedule X, including the unorganized territory Baie-Atibenne (62920), Baie-de-la-Bouteille (62906), Baie-Obaoca (62918), Lac-Devenyns (62904), Lac-du-Taureau (62922) and Lac-Minaki (62902)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté du Centre-de-la-Mauricie (36)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Francheville (37)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Maskinongé (51)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Bécancour part (38), excluding the municipalities included in Region3
of the Municipalité régionale de comté d’Arthabaska part (39), excluding the municipalities or parts of municipality included in Region 5
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Drummond part (49), excluding the municipalities or parts of municipality included in Region 5
of the Municipalité régionale de comté d’Autray part (52), including the municipality of:
Saint-Didace, P
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de La Jacques-Cartier part (22), including the unorganized territory of Lac-Croche part (22902), described in Schedules V and VII
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de La-Côte-de-Beaupré part (21), including the unorganized territory of Lac-Jacques-Cartier, described in Schedule IV
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Lac-Saint-Jean-Est part (93), including the unorganized territory of Lac-Moncouche part (93904), described in Schedule II
of the Municipalité régionale de comté d’Antoine-Labelle part (79), including the unorganized territories described in Schedules XI and XII, namely the unorganized territory Lac-Akonapwehikan (79904), Lac-Bazinet (79910), and Lac-Wagwabika (79906); Lac-de-la-Pomme (79902)
Region 5: This region comprises the territory:
of the Municipalité régionale de comté du Granit (30)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté du Haut-Saint-François (41)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Coaticook (44)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Memphrémagog (45)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Sherbrooke (43)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté du Val-Saint-François (42)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté d’Asbestos (40)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Brome-Missisquoi part (46), excluding:
Farnham, V, the part described in Schedule XVI
of the Municipalité régionale de comté du Haut-Richelieu part (56), including the municipalities of:
Noyan, SD
Saint-Georges-de-Clarenceville, SD
Venise-en-Québec, SD
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de la Haute-Yamaska (47)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté d’Acton part (48), including the municipalities or parts of municipality of:
Béthanie, SD
Roxton, CT
Roxton Falls, VL
Sainte-Christine, P, the part described in Schedule XVI
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Beaude-Sartigan part (29), including the municipalities of:
La Guadeloupe, VL
Saint-Évariste-de-Forsyth, SD
Saint-Gédéon, VL
Saint-Gédéon, P
Saint-Hilaire-de-Dorset, P
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de L’Amiante part (31), excluding the municipalities or parts of municipality included in Region 3
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de l’Érable part (32), excluding the municipalities included in regions 3 and 4
of the Municipalité régionale de comté d’Arthabaska part (39), including the municipalities of:
Ham-Nord, CT
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes-de-Ham, SD
Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens, P
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Drummond part (49), including the municipality of:
Ulverton, SD
of the Municipalité régionale de comté des Maskoutains part (54), including the territory of:
Saint-Valérien-de-Milton, CT
Région 6: This region comprises the territory:
of the Municipalité régionale de comté du Haut-Richelieu part (56), excluding the municipalities or parts of municipality included in Region 5
of the Municipalité régionale de comté des Jardins-de-Napierville (68)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté du Haut-Saint-Laurent (69)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Beauharnois-Salaberry (70)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Vaudreuil-Soulanges (71)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Roussillon (77)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Champlain (58)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de La Vallée-du-Richelieu (57)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Rouville (55)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté d’Acton part (48), excluding the municipalities or parts of municipality included in Region 5
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Maskoutains part (54), excluding the municipality of:
Saint-Valérien-de-Milton, CT
of the Municipalité régionale de comté du Bas-Richelieu (53)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Lajemmerais (59)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Deux-Montagnes (72)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Mirabel (74)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Thérèse-de-Blainville (73)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté des Moulins (64)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de L’Assomption (60)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de D’Autray part (52), excluding the municipalities or parts of municipality included in Region 4
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Joliette (61)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Montcalm (63)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de La Rivière-du-Nord (75)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté d’Argenteuil (76)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté des Pays-d’en-Haut (77)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Brome-Missisquoi part (46), including the municipality of:
Farnham, V, the part described in Schedule XVI
of the Municipalité régionale de comté des Laurentides part (78), including the municipalities of:
Arundel, CT
Barkmere, V
Brébeuf, P
Huberdeau, SD
Ivry-sur-le-lac, SD
Lac-Carré, VL
Lac-Supérieur, SD
Lantier, SD
Montcalm, CT
Mont-Tremblant, SD
Sainte-Agathe, P
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, V
Sainte-Agathe-Sud, VL
Saint-Faustin, SD
Saint-Jovite, VL
Saint-Jovite, P
Sainte-Lucie-des-Laurentides, SD
Val-David, VL
Val-des-Lacs, SD
Val-Morin, SD
of the Municipalité régionale de comté d’Antoine-Labelle part (79), including the territory described in Schedule XIII, namely the unorganized territory Baie-des-Chaloupes (79920) and Lac-de-la-Maison-de-Pierre (79916)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Matawinie part (62), excluding the municipalities or parts of municipality and the territory included in Region 4
Kahnawake Reserve, RI
Région 7: This region comprises the territory:
of the Municipalité régionale de comté d’Antoine-Labelle part (79), excluding the territories described in Schedules XI, XII and XIII, namely the unorganized territory Lac-Akonapwehikan (79904), Lac-Bazinet (79910), Lac-Wagwabika (79906); Lac-de-la-Pomme (79902); Baie-des-Chaloupes (79920) and Lac-de-la-Maison-de-Pierre (79916)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de La Vallée-de-la-Gatineau (83)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Papineau (80)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Pontiac (84)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté des Laurentides part (78), excluding the municipalities included in Region 6
of the Communauté régionale de l’Outaouais (81)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté des Collines-de-l’Outaouais (82)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Vallée-de-l’Or part (89), including the territories described in Schedules XIV and XV, namely the unorganized territory Réservoir-Dozois part (89910); Lac-Bricault (89908), Lac-Mingo (89904) and Lac-Quentin (89906)
Region 8: This region comprises the territory:
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Témiscamingue (85)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Rouyn-Noranda (86)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Vallée-de-l’Or part (89), excluding the territories included in Region 7
of the Municipalité régionale de comté d’Abitibi (88)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté d’Abitibi-Ouest (87)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté du Haut-Saint-Maurice part (90), including the unorganized territory of Obedjiwan (90916) described in Schedule IX
The following municipalities not included in a regional county municipality:
Baie-James, SD
Chapais, V
Chibougamau, V
Chisasibi, VC
Eastmain, VC
Fort-Ruport, VC
Lebel-sur-Quévillon, V
Matagami, V
Mistassini, VC
Nemiscau, VC
Waswanipi, VC
Wemindji, VC
Region 9: This region comprises the territory:
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Minganie (98)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Sept-Rivières (97)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Manicouagan (96)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de La Haute-Côte-Nord (95)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Caniapiscau part (972), excluding the territory north of the 53rd degree of latitude North
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de la Côte-Nord-du-Golfe-Saint-Laurent, SD
of the Municipalité de Blanc-Sablon, SD
of the Municipalité de Bonne-Espérance, SD
Région 10: This region comprises the territory:
of the Communauté urbaine de Montréal (66)
of the Municipalité régionale de comté de Laval (65)
Région 11: This region comprises the territory not included in regions 1 to 10.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. 3.
Aj D. 563-90, a. 7
Remp D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from a point situated on a survey line established on the land and referred to as “Exploration 82” and the centre line of Rivière Chicoutimi, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: southerly, the centre line of Rivière Chicoutimi upstream to paralled 47º57′ of North latitude; that parallel westerly to its intersection with the western right-of-way of Chemin de la Rivière-aux-Écorces; northerly, the said right-of-way to parallel 48º00′ North latitude; the said parallel easterly to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. I.
Aj D. 563-90, a. 7
Remp D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from a point situated on parallel 48º00′ North latitude and the western right-of-way of Chemin de la Rivière-aux-Écorces, thence successively the following lines and demarcations; southerly, the western right-of-way of Chemin de la Rivière-aux-Écorces to parallel 47º57′ North latitude; that parallel westerly to its intersection with another survey line established on the land referred to as “Exploration 98a”; that line northwesterly to parallel 48º00′ North latitude; the said parallel easterly to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. II.
Aj D. 563-90, a. 7
Remp D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from the point of intersection of the survey line established on the land referred to as “Exploration 98a” and of a line parallel to the northeastern line of Canton d’Ingall and situated at a distance of six and five-tenths kilometres (6.5 km) northeast of the latter, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: northwesterly, the said parallel line crossing the undivided lands and the townships of Laflamme, La Bruère, Lafitau, Baillargé, Berlinguet, Huard, Dubois and Ventadour to the watershed dividing the basin of the St. Lawrence River from that of Hudson’s Bay; the said watershed in a general westerly direction to the extension of the northeastern line of Canton d’Ingall; the said extension southeasterly to its intersection with the survey line referred to as “Exploration 98a”; part of the said survey line to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. III.
Aj D. 563-90, a. 7
Remp D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from a point situated on parallel 47º57′ North latitude and on the western right-of-way of Chemin de la Rivière-aux-Écorces, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: southerly, the western right-of-way of Chemin de la Rivière-aux-Écorces, the west shore of lac aux Écorces, the west bank of Rivière-aux-Écorces to its intersection with the west bank of Ruisseau Eugène, the west bank of Ruisseau Eugène, the west shore of Lac Eugène, a straight line to the north bank of Rivière Métabetchouane Est, the north bank of Rivière Métabetchouane Est to its intersection with the line dividing the regional county municipalities of La Côte-de-Beaupré and La Jacques-Cartier; thence northwesterly, the said dividing line to parallel 47º57′ North latitude; that parallel westerly to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. IV.
Aj D. 563-90, a. 7
Remp D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from a point situated on a survey line established on the land and referred to as “Exploration 98a” and the north bank of Rivière Métabetchouane Est, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: in a general westerly direction, the north bank of Rivière Métabetchouane Est, the east bank of Rivière Métabetchouane, the west shore of lac de la Place and Lac Pagé, the west bank of the effluent of Lac Pagé, the west shore of Lac Morissette, the east bank of the effluent of Lac Morissette; in a general northwesterly direction, the east shore of Lac Brûlé, a straight line to its intersection with the extension o the southeastern line of Canton de Laure; the said extension across the undivided lands to its intersection with a survey line established on the land and referred to as “Exploration 98a”; that line southeasterly to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. V.
Aj D. 563-90, a. 7
Remp D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from the point of intersection of the northeastern boundary of Municipalité de Lac-Édouard and of the west bank of Rivière aux Castors Noirs, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: the west bank of Rivière aux Castors Noirs going upstream, the southeastern boundary of Canton de l’Escarbot to the west shore of Lac Ventadour; southerly, part of the west shore of Lac Ventadour, the west bank of the effluent of Lac Skiff, the west shore of Lac Skiff, the west bank of the effluent of Lac du Chalet, the west shore of Lac du Chalet, the west bank of the effluent of lac des Copains to the line dividing the regional county municipalities of Haut-Saint-Maurice and La Jacques-Cartier; southwesterly, part of the said dividing line to its intersection with the northeastern boundary of Municipalité de Lac-Édouard; northwesterly, part of the said boundary to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. VI.
Aj D. 563-90, a. 7
Remp D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from the point of intersection of the northeastern boundary of the Municipalité of Lac-Édouard and of the west shore of Lac des Trois Caribous, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: in a general southerly direction, part of the west shore of Lac des Trois Caribous, the west bank of the effluent of lac des Trois-Caribous, the west shore of Lac Germer, the west bank of the effluent of Lac Germer, the west shore of Lac Metcalf, the west bank of the effluent of Lac Metcalf, the west shore of Lac McCarthy, the west bank of the effluent of Lac McCarthy, the west shore of Lac Toussaint, the west bank of the effluent of Lac Toussaint, the west shore of lac Mackey-Smith, the west bank of the effluent of Lac Mackey-Smith to its intersection with the west bank of Rivière Batiscan; the said river going upstream to its intersection with the southeastern boundary of Municipalité of Lac-Édouard; in a northeasterly direction, part of the said boundary to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. VII.
Aj D. 563-90, a. 7
Remp D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from the northwest corner of seigneurie de Perthuis, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: part of the northern line of Seigneurie de Perthuis to a point situated nine hundred and ninety-seven and seventy-nine hundredths metres (997.79 m) from the line dividing the said Seigneurie and Canton de Bois, that point being situated on one of the present boundaries of the Portneuf Wildlife Reserve; then following the present boundary of the said Reserve, azimut 332º50′, two and six hundred and twenty-two thousandths kilometres (2.622 km) to the southern boundary of the right-of-way of Route de la Rivière-du-Milieu; thence, in a southwesterly direction, the said right-of-way to the intersection with the eastern boundary of the right-of-way of Route du Lac-Juneau, at a distance of approximately two and nineteen hundredths kilometres (2.19 km), thence, azimuth 315º00′ four and two hundred and sixty-four thousandths kilometres (4.264 km); thence, azimut 271º30′, to the dividing line between the townships of Hackett and Lapeyère; thence, azimuth 339º15′, five and five hundred and fifty-one thousandths kilometres (5.551 km); thence, azimuth 3º10′, three and one hundred and thirty-eight thousandths kilometres (3.138 km); thence, azimuth 21º25′, five and eight hundred and sevety-three thousandths kilometres (5.873 km); thence, azimuth 6º15′, four and nine hundred and seven thousandths kilometres (4.907 km); thence, azimuth 48º35′, three and two hundred and ninety-eight thousandths kilometres (3.298 km); thence, azimuth 344º35′, four and one hundred and eighty-four thousandths kilometres (4.184 km); thence, azimuth 45º00′, two and eight hundred and sixteen thousandths kilometres (2.816 km); thence, azimuth 180º40′, one and seven hundred and seventy thousandths kilometres (1.770 km); thence, azimuth 127º15′, four and five hundred and seven thousandths kilometres (4.507 km); thence, azimuth 179º00′; six and thirty-five thousandths kilometres (6.035 km); thence, azimuth 92º00′, four and one hundred and eighty-four thousandths kilometres (4.184 km); thence, azimuth 139º50′, one and six hundred and ninety thousandths kilometres (1.690 km); thence, azimuth 34º15′, three and one hundred and thirty-eight thousandths kilometres (3.138 km); thence, azimuth 116º20′, two and eight hundred and sixteen thousandths kilometres (2.816 km); thence, azimuth 91º20′ to the centre line of Rivière Batiscan; then leaving the present boundaries of the Portneuf Wildlife Sanctuary, the centre line on the said river going downstream; part of the northern line of Canton de Bois; part of the northern line of Seigneurie de Perthuis to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. VIII.
Aj D. 563-90, a. 7
Remp D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from the point of intersection of the eastern line of Canton de Balète and of parallel 49º00′ North latitude; thence, successively the following lines and demarcations; that parallel westerly to the western line of Canton de Lacroix; part of the western line of Canton de Lacroix and the western line of the townships of Coursol, Juneau, Hanotaux, Poisson, Provancher, Buies, Douville and Gosselin; the southern line of the townships of Gosselin, Choquette, David and Landry; the eastern line of the townships of Landry, Bazin, Tassé, Huguenin, Chapman, Marmette, McSweeney, Mathieu and part of Balète to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. IX.
Aj D. 563-90, a. 7
Remp D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from a point situated on the southwest corner of Canton d’Angoulème, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: the southeastern line of Canton d’Angoulème; part of the southeastern line of Canton de Chapleau to a point whose coordinates are 5154500 m N and 631650 m E; in the Mastigouche Wildlife Sanctuary, a broken line whose apex coordinates are 5155750 m N and 630450 m E, 5156900 m N and 629750 m E, 5158950 m N and 629300 m E, 5161975 m N and 627375 m E, 5163600 m N and 625400 m E, 5161600 m N and 622350 m E, 5161250 m N and 619000 m E, 5163025 m N and 618900 m E, 5165750 m N and 618975 m E, 5167350 m N and 619000 m E, 5169300 m N and 619150 m E, 5173800 m N and 617150 m E, 5177675 m N and 617950 m E, 5178450 m N and 618350 m E, 5180150 m N and 618500 m E, 5182350 m N and 617750 m E, 5187150 m N and 619225 m E, 5188750 m N and 618800 m E, 5192025 m N and 619800 m E and 5193500 m N and 620400 m E, that is to the left bank of Rivière Matawin; following the boundaries of the Chapeau-de-Paille Z.E.C., the left bank of the said river in a general westerly direction to the northeast bank or Réservoir Taureau; the northeast bank of Réservoir Taureau, the east bank of the effluent of lac aux Cenelles, the west shore of Lac aux Cenelles and the east bank of Rivière aux Cenelles to the south shore of Lac Gayot; northerly a straight line to the southwest end of the dividing line between the townships of Badeaux and Bréhault; part of the said line dividing the townships and the shore of Lac Maurice in southeasterly, northeasterly and northwesterly directions to the said dividing line between townships; northwesterly along a straight line to the intersection of the southwest shore of Lac Rocheux and the dividing line between the townships of Potherie and Bréhault; southeasterly and northerly the shore of the said lake to the east end of that lake; northwesterly a straight line to a point whose coordinates are 5217950 m N and 590450 m E; then leaving the boundaries of the Chapeau-de-Paille Z.E.C. and following the boundaries of the Gros-Brochet Z.E.C. northwesterly a straight line to a point whose coordinates are 5222350 m N and 586900 m E; southwesterly a straight line skirting Lac Travers to the south to a point whose coordinates are 5216500 m N and 582600 m E, that point being situated on the north shore of Lac de la Ligne; the north shore of the said lake to the dividing line between the townships of Potherie and Villiers; the said dividing line between the townships and the dividing line between the townships of Galifet and Troyes to a point whose coordinates are 5225150 m N and 573550 m E; northeasterly a straight line to a point whose coordinates are 5240550 m N and 575250 m E, that point being situated on the east shore of Lac Mondonac; northerly the east shore of the said lake to the southwestern line of Canton de Sincennes; then leaving the boundaries of Gros-Brochet Z.E.C., the extension across Lac Mondonac and part of the southwestern line of the said township; the southwestern line of the townships of Laliberté, Lortie and Drouin, part of the southern line of Canton de Dandurand and the southern line of Canton de Landry; part of the southern line of Canton de David to the extension of the southwestern line of Canton de Galifet; part of the said extension southeasterly to the northern boundary of the right-of-way of the road connecting Rivière Mitchinamécus and lac Wagwabika; following the boundaries of the Normandie Z.E.C., easterly the northern boundary of the said road and the northeastern boundary of the right-of-way of the road along Lac Wagwabika; southeasterly the southwest shore of Lac Kawaskisigat and Rivière Cabasta; northerly the east bank of the effluent of a lake and the east shore of the said lake to a point on the said shore whose coordinates are latitude 47º30,6′ and longitude 74º30,6′; a portage to a point on the shore of a lake and whose coordinates are latitude 47º30,7′ and longitude 74º29,5′; southeasterly along the north shore of the lake to a point whose coordinates are latitude 47º30,5′ and longitude 74º28,3′; southeasterly a straight line a to a point whose coordinates are latitude 47º30,3′ and longitude 74º27,8′; easterly and southwesterly the north and southeast shores of Lac Némiscachingue to a point whose coordinates are latitude 47º19,4′ and longitude 74º34,1′; a straight line to a point situated on the west shore of a small lake situate between Lac Némiscachingue and Lac Badajoz and whose coordinates are latitude 47º19,1′ and longitude 74º34,5′; southwesterly, the west shore of the small lake and its effluent, the east shore of Lac Badajoz, the east bank of the stream connecting Lac Badajoz to Lac Gooseneck and the south shore of Lac Gooseneck; southerly the west bank of ruisseau Line to the bridge of Chemin du Lac-Burnt whose coordinates are 5231000 m N and 526080 m E; then leaving the boundaries of the Normandie Z.E.C. and following the boundaries of the Mazana Z.E.C.; easterly a distance of twelve and fifty-six hundredths kilometres (12,56 km) to a point whose coordinates are 5230020 m N and 538600 m E, southwesterly a distance of eight and fifty-four hundredths kilometres (8,54 km) to a point whose coordinates are 5222600 m N and 542835 m E; southwesterly a distance of three and three hundredths kilometres (3,03 km) to a point whose coordinates are 5220425 m N and 540725 m E, that point situated on the extension of the northeastern line of Canton de Dupont; the said extension and the northeastern line of the townships of Dupont, Charland, De Maisonneuve and its extension across Municipalité de Saint-Michel-des-Saints; the southwestern line of the townships of Houde and Angoulème to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. X.
Aj D. 563-90, a. 7
Remp D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from a point situated on the dividing line between the townships of Gosselin and Choquette, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: the southern line of Canton de Choquette, part of the southern line of Canton de David to the intersection of the extension of the southwestern line of Canton de Galifet; part of the said extension southeasterly to the northern boundary of the right-of-way of the road connecting rivière Mitchinamécus and Lac Wagwabika; following the boundaries of the Normandie Z.E.C., easterly along the northern boundary of the said road and the northeastern boundary of the right-of-way of the road along Lac Wagwabika; southeasterly the southwest shore of Lac Kawaskisigat and Rivière Cabasta; northerly the east bank of the effluent of a lake and the east shore of the said lake to a point on the said shore whose coordinates are latitude 47º30,6′ and longitude 74º30,6′; a portage to a point on the shore of a lake whose coordinates are latitude 47º30,7′ and longitude 74º29,5′; southeasterly the north shore of the lake to a point whose coordinates are latitude 47º30,5′ and longitude 74º28,3′; southeasterly a straight line to a point whose coordinates are latitude 47º30,3′ and longitude 74º27,8′; easterly and southwesterly the north and southeast shores of lac Némiscachingue to a point whose coordinates are latitude 47º19,4′ and longitude 74º34,1′; a straight line to a point situated on the west shore of a small lake situated between Lac Némiscachingue and Lac Badajoz and whose coordinates are latitude 47º19,1′ and longitude 74º34,5′; southwesterly, along the west shore of the small lake and its effluent, the east shore of Lac Badajoz, the east bank of the stream connecting Lac Badajoz to Lac Grooseneck to the extension of the northeastern line of Canton de Dupont; in a northwesterly direction, the said extension to its intersection with the southern line of Canton de Gosselin; part of the southern line of Canton de Gosselin to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. XI.
Aj D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from a point situated on the northern boundary of the Mazana Z.E.C., whose coordinates are: 5230650 m N and 538600 m E; thence successively the following lines and demarcations: in an easterly direction, part of the northern boundary of the Mazana Z.E.C. to a point whose coordinates are: 5230020 m N and 538600 m E; southwesterly, a distance of eight and fifty-four hundredths kilometres (8.54 km) to a point whose coordinates are: 5222600 m N and 584835 m E; southwesterly, a distance of three and three hundredths kilometres (3.03 km) to a point whose coordinates are: 5220425 m N and 540725 m E; that point situated on the extension of the northeastern line of Canton de Dupont; finally, the said extension northerly to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. XII.
Aj D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from a point situated at the apex of the west angle of Canton de Dupont, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: part of the southwestern line of the said township to the boundary between the drainage basins of Ruisseau Pijart, Lac Pijart and Lac Thiboutot on the one side, Lac Bourassa and Rivière Lenoir on the other side; in a general southwesterly direction, the boundary between the drainage basins of Lac Thiboutot, Lac Fontrouve, Lac Maurais, Lac Lecanteur and Lac Cordeau on one side, Lac Bourasseau, Rivière Lenoir and Lac Lenoir on the other side; in a general southerly direction, the boundary between the drainage basins of Lac Gellebert, Lac Laverdière and Lac Tobie on the one side, Lac Dumbo on the other side; in a general southerly direction, the boundary between the drainage basins of Lac Raimbault, Lac Greslon and Lac Greslon Rond, the effluent of Lac Greslon and Lac Jugy, Lac Protégé, Lac du Nord, Lac Jurlain and Lac Mosquic on the one side, Lac Verneuil, Lac Petit Surget, Lac Surget, Lac Lagorce, Lac Côté, Lac Parement, Lac Chavoy, Lac Augeron, Lac Ninville, Lac Larcher, Lac Dirinon and Lac Froid on the other side; in a general southerly direction, the boundary between the drainage basins of Lac Gadiou and Lac Mosquic on the one side, Lac Froid, Lac Moranger, Lac Vallet and Lac Saget on the other side; in general southerly and easterly directions, the boundary between the drainage basins of Lac Mosquic, Lac Santé, lac Comox, Lac Petit Comox, Lac Acon and Lac Mosquic on the one side, Lac Saget, lac Cinq Doigts, Lac Colombon, Lac Jamet, Lac Therrien, Lac Laclède, Lac Alexandre, Lac Bouloc and Lac Gillette on the other side, that is to the southwestern line of Canton de Legendre; part of the southwestern line of the said township and the northwestern line of Canton de Cousineau; part of the southwestern line of Canton de Nantel to lot 2 of Quatrième rang; the southern boundary of the said range to the dividing line between lots 23 and 24; the said dividing line between the Fourth, Third, Second and First ranges of Canton de Nantel and the Ninth and Eighth ranges of Canton de Lynch; the dividing line between the Seventh and Eighth ranges of the township of Lynch to the southwestern line of Canton de Viel; northerly, part of the southwestern line of the said township, the southwestern line of Canton de Castelneau, the northwestern line of the townships of Castelneau, French and Lenoir to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. XIII.
Aj D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from a point situated on the northwest corner of Canton de Ryan, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: the northern line of Canton de Ryan, the northern, eastern and southern line of Canton de Beaumouchel, the southern and western lines of Canton de Ryan to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. XIV.
Aj D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from a point situated on the northern corner of Canton de Devine, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: part of the northeastern line of Canton de Devine that is to its meeting with the southeastern boundary of the Capitachouane Z.E.C., in a northeasterly direction of departure along the southeastern and southern boundaries of the Capitachouane Z.E.C. as established in a Regulation published in the Gazette officielle du Québec (Part 2) of 23 June 1979 on page 3449 and also by following the southern and eastern boundaries of the Festubert Z.E.C. as established in a Regulation published in the Gazette officielle du Québec (Part 2) of 6 June 1979 on page 4003 to the southern line of Canton de Chouart; westerly, the southern line of the townships of Chouart, Festubert, Lens, Vimy, Cambrai, Ypres and part of Denain, southeasterly, the northeastern line of the townships of Champrodon and Foligny to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. XV.
Aj D. 293-92, a. 8
Town municipality of the Ville de Dégelis
Region 1
Part of the municipality included in Canton D’Ango, enclosed within the boundaries described hereinafter, namely: starting from the northwestern apex of Canton d’Ango, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: the dividing line between the townships of Asselin and Ango; the interprovincial boundary of Québec and New Brunswick: the dividing line between the townships of Rouillard and Ango to the starting point.
Region 3
The remaining part of the municipality.
Municipalité de Saint-Godard-de-Lejeune
Region 1
Part of the municipality included in Canton Asselin, enclosed within the boundaries described hereinafter, namely: starting from the point of intersection of the dividing line between and eighth ranges and the northeastern line of the township, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: part of the said northeastern line and the eastern line of the township; the dividing line between the townships of Asselin and Ango; part of the line dividing the townships of Asselin and Auclair to the dividing line between the fourth and fifth ranges of Canton Asselin; in that township, part of the said dividing line between the ranges to the dividing line between lots 50 and 51 of Cinquième rang; the said dividing line between lots in the fifth, sixth and seventh ranges; finally, part of the dividing line between the seventh and eighth ranges northeasterly to the starting point.
Region 3
The remaining part of the municipality.
Municipalité de Saint-Michel-de-Squatec
Region 1
Part of the municipality included in Canton Asselin, enclosed within the boundaries hereinafter described, namely: starting from the apex of the north angle of lot 28 of Premier rang; thence successively the following lines and demarcations: the dividing line between lots 27 and 28 of the first to the seventh ranges, that dividing line between lots extended across the roads, lakes and water courses it meets; part of the dividing line between the seventh and eighth ranges southwesterly to the dividing line between lots 50 and 51 of Septième rang; the said dividing line between lots in the seventh, sixth and fifth ranges, part of the dividing line between the fourth and sixth ranges southwesterly to the southwestern line of Canton Asselin; finally, part of the southwestern and northwestern lines of the said township to the starting point.
Region 3
The remaining part of the municipality.
Municipality of Saint-Pierre-de-Broughton
Region 3
Part of the municipality enclosed within the boundaries hereinafter described, namely: starting from the northern corner of lot 1A of Cinquième rang of the cadastre of Canton de Broughton; thence successively the following lines and demarcations: in reference to the cadastre of the said township, part of the northeastern line of the Cinquième rang to the southeastern line of lot 5 of the said range; the said southeastern line; part of the southwestern line of lot 6A of Cinquième rang to the extension across a public road of the southeastern line of lot 5e of Sixième rang; the said extension and the said southeastern line; the northeast side of a public road dividing the sixth and seventh ranges southeasterly to the extension across the road of the southeastern line of lot 7i of Septième rang; the said extension and the southeastern line of lot 7i and 7h of the said range; the northeast side of a public road dividing the seventh and eighth ranges southeasterly to the extension across the road of the southeastern line of lot 9D of huitième rang, the said extension and the said southeastern line; part of dividing line between the eighth and ninth ranges southeasterly to the southeastern line of lot 9D of neuvième rang; the said southeastern line; part of the dividing line between the ninth and tenth ranges southeasterly to the southeastern line of lot 15E of dixième rang; part of the said southeastern line to a point situated northeast and at a distance of two (2) arpents from the northeast side of a public road dividing the tenth and eleventh ranges, at a distance measured along the southeastern line of said lot 15E; a line parallel to and distant two (2) arpents from the northeast side of the said public road southeasterly and crossing lots 16C, 16T, 30 (right-of-way of the railway), 16S, 16R, 16H and 16W of dixième rang to the northwestern line of lot 17D of the said range; part of the said northwestern line and part of the dividing line between the tenth and eleventh ranges northwesterly to the extension across a public road of the southeastern line of said lot 16M of the eleventh range; the said extension and the said southeastern line; part of the southwestern line of Canton de Broughton northwesterly; the northeastern line of the said township to the starting point.
Region 5
The remaining part of the municipality.
Municipalité de Saint-Michel-des-Saints
Region 4
Part of the municipality enclosed within the boundaries hereinafter described, namely: starting from the apex of the southeast angle of lot 11 of the premier rang of the cadastre of Canton de Laviolette, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: the said southeastern line and its extension to the centre line of the former course of Rivière du Milieu; the said centre line, downstream, to the centre line of the former course of Rivière Matawin; the said centre line downstream to the extension of the northeastern line of Canton de Masson; the said extension and the said northeastern line; part of the southeastern line of Canton de Masson to the dividing line between the third and fourth ranges, part of the said dividing line northwesterly to the northwestern line of lot 14 of troisième rang; southwesterly, the northwestern line of lot 14 of the third and second ranges and lots 14B and 14A of premier rang to the southwestern line of Canton de Masson; northwesterly, part of the said line extended across the lake it meets to the starting point.
Region 6
The remaining part of the municipality.
Municipalité de Saint-Zénon
Region 4
Part of the municipality included in Canton de Masson, enclosed within the boundaries hereinafter described, namely: starting from the apex of the north angle of lot 14 of range III; thence successively the following lines and demarcations: part of the dividing line between ranges III and IV, southeasterly, to the southeastern line of the township; part of the southeastern line, southwesterly, to the southwestern line of the township; part of the said southwestern line, northwesterly, to the northwest line of lot 14 of Rang I, that southwestern line extended across the lake that it meets; the northwestern line of lots 14A and 14B of Rang I, that line extended across the lake that it meets; finally, the northwest line of lot 14 in ranges II and III to the starting point.
Range 6
The remaining part of the municipality.
Municipalité de Sainte-Christine
Region 5
Part of the municipality enclosed within the boundaries hereinafter described, namely: starting from the apex of the northeast angle of lot 587 of the cadastre of Canton d’Ely; thence successively the following lines and demarcations: the eastern line of the said lot, its extension across a stream and the eastern line of lot 586; part of the southern line of lot 586 to the eastern line of lot 581; the said eastern line; the southern line of lots 581 and 582, that line extended across the public road it meets; southerly, part of the dividing line between the sixth and seventh ranges and the centre line of the public road dividing the said ranges to the extension of the southern line of lot 640; the said extension and the said southern line; the southern line of lot 641 and its extension to the centre line of the public road dividing the seventh and eighth ranges; the centre line of the said road southerly to the extension of the southern line of lot 730; the said extension and the said southern line; part of the dividing line between the eighth and ninth ranges northerly to the apex of the northwest angle of lot 739; westerly, the extension of the northern line of the said lot to the centre line of the public road dividing the eighth and ninth ranges; the centre line of the said road northerly to the extension of the southern line of lot 808; the said extension and the said southern line; the southern line of lot 875, its extension across a public road and the southern line of lot 925; finally, part to the western and northern lines of Canton d’Ely to the starting point.
Region 6
The remaining part of the municipality.
Municipalité de Ville de Farnham
Region 6
Part of the municipality enclosed within the boundaries hereinafter described, namely: starting from the apex of the southeast angle of lot 489 of the cadastre of the paroisse de Sainte-Brigide, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: the northwest side of a public road bounding to the northwest lots 490 and 427 and crossing lots 425 and 426 to the western line of lot 426; part of the western line of the said lot southerly and its extension to the southwest side of route 101; the southwest side of the said route southeasterly to the north side of the right-of-way of the Canadian Pacific Railway; the north side of the said right-of-way easterly to the dividing line between the cadastre of the parishes of Sainte-Brigide and Saint-Romuald-de-Farnham-Ouest; finally, part of the said line dividing the cadastres northerly and the west side of a public road dividing the said cadastres to the starting point.
Region 5
The remaining part of the municipality.
Municipalité de Lac-Édouard
Region 3
Part of the municipality enclosed within the boundaries hereinafter described, namely: starting from the point of intersection of the west bank of Rivière aux Castors Noirs and the northeast shore of Canton de Laure, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: part of the northeastern line of Canton de Laure, part of the southeastern line of the said township to its intersection with the west shore of Lac des Trois Caribous; part of the west shore of Lac des Trois Caribous, part of the west bank of Rivière aux Castors Noirs to the starting point.
Region 4
The remaining part of the municipality.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. XVI.
(O.C. 1279-2011) SECTION 17. For the purposes of section 83.4 of the Financial Administration Act, on 1 January 2012, the fees provided for in the Regulation respecting the brokerage of bulk trucking services are presumed to have been set on 29 December 2011.
O.C. 1483-99, 1999 G.O. 2, 5079
O.C. 1402-2000, 2000 G.O. 2, 5602
O.C. 201-2007, 2007 G.O. 2, 1137
O.C. 162-2008, 2008 G.O. 2, 725
O.C. 219-2009, 2009 G.O. 2, 525A
O.C. 190-2010, 2010 G.O. 2, 721 and 2767A
O.C. 1110-2010, 2010 G.O. 2, 3860A
S.Q. 2010, c. 31, s. 175
O.C. 1279-2011, 2011 G.O. 2, 3661A
O.C. 257-2017, 2017 G.O. 2, 632
O.C. 159-2018, 2018 G.O. 2, 1051
O.C. 927-2021, 2021 G.O. 2, 2721