P-9, r. 7 - Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national des Hautes-Gorges-de-la-Rivière-Malbaie

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À jour au 1er septembre 2012
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter P-9, r. 7
Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national des Hautes-Gorges-de-la-Rivière-Malbaie
Parks Act
(chapter P-9, ss. 2 and 4).
1. The territory described in the Schedule constitutes Parc national des Hautes-Gorges-de-la-Rivière-Malbaie.
O.C. 623-2000, s. 1.
2. The park is classified as a national park.
O.C. 623-2000, s. 2.
3. (Omitted).
O.C. 623-2000, s. 3.
Parc de conservation des Hautes-Gorges-de-la-Rivière-Malbaie
In this technical description, it is understood that when a person follows a watercourse or skirts a lake, it is always done, unless indicated otherwise, along the outer limit of the shore, that is, the normal high-water mark.
Minute 9769
A territory located on the territory of the regional county municipalities of Charlevoix, Charlevoix-Est and Le Fjord-du-Saguenay, that is part of the original survey of the townships of Lacoste and Lalemant, as well as the undivided part of Bassin-de-la-Rivière-Malbaie, covering an area of 224.7 km2 and whose perimeter may be described as follows:
Starting from Point 1 located on the northwestern limit of the right-of-way of the power transmission line (7004), a point whose coordinates are:
1 5 300 154 m N and 308 968 m E;
Thence, in a general northeasterly direction, following the limit of the said right-of-way to Point 2 whose coordinates are:
2 5 306 284 m N and 313 849 m E;
Thence, in general northeasterly, westerly and northerly directions, following a broken line whose apex coordinates are:
3 5 310 779 m N and 315 764 m E;
4 5 312 006 m N and 315 705 m E;
5 5 312 079 m N and 315 205 m E;
6 5 311 947 m N and 313 557 m E;
7 5 311 733 m N and 312 861 m E;
8 5 311 774 m N and 312 360 m E;
9 5 312 022 m N and 312 255 m E;
10 5 312 252 m N and 311 250 m E;
11 5 312 988 m N and 310 485 m E;
12 5 313 020 m N and 309 584 m E;
13 5 314 155 m N and 309 037 m E;
The latter point is located 60 m west of the bank of a stream;
Thence, northerly, following a line parallel to and 60 m from the bank of the said stream, so as to exclude it up to the shore of Lac Antlie;
Thence, in a general westerly direction, following a broken line whose apex coordinates are:
14 5 316 585 m N and 308 604 m E;
15 5 316 170 m N and 308 441 m E;
16 5 315 443 m N and 308 415 m E;
17 5 315 443 m N and 307 647 m E;
18 5 315 795 m N and 307 440 m E;
19 5 315 943 m N and 306 849 m E;
20 5 315 913 m N and 306 502 m E;
21 5 316 101 m N and 306 206 m E;
22 5 316 549 m N and 306 230 m E;
23 5 317 129 m N and 305 732 m E;
24 5 317 182 m N and 305 311 m E;
25 5 317 271 m N and 304 616 m E;
26 5 317 043 m N and 304 338 m E;
27 5 317 112 m N and 303 886 m E;
28 5 317 105 m N and 303 671 m E;
29 5 316 992 m N and 303 441 m E;
30 5 317 129 m N and 302 882 m E;
31 5 317 010 m N and 302 460 m E;
32 5 316 505 m N and 302 368 m E;
33 5 315 919 m N and 302 010 m E;
34 5 315 383 m N and 301 593 m E;
35 5 314 981 m N and 301 010 m E;
36 5 314 963 m N and 300 673 m E;
37 5 315 008 m N and 300 092 m E;
38 5 315 627 m N and 299 803 m E;
39 5 315 798 m N and 299 265 m E;
40 5 316 316 m N and 297 650 m E;
41 5 316 924 m N and 296 274 m E;
42 5 317 384 m N and 295 147 m E;
43 5 317 502 m N and 294 796 m E;
that point is located on the southern limit of Canton de Lalemant;
Thence, westerly, following the southern limit of the said township up to its encounter with the left bank of Rivière Malbaie;
Thence, northwesterly, westerly and southwesterly, following the left bank of the said river so as to include it, up to Point 44 whose coordinates are:
44 5 317 607 m N and 291 625 m E;
Thence, southeasterly, following a straight line to Point 45 located at the intersection of the right bank of Rivière Malbaie and the left bank of an intermittent stream, a point whose coordinates are:
45 5 317 584 m N and 291 641 m E;
Thence, southeasterly, following the said intermittent stream so as to include it up to Point 46 whose coordinates are:
46 5 316 957 m N and 291 933 m E;
Thence, northeasterly, following a straight line to Point 47 located on the northwestern limit of the right-of-way of a road leading to Lac Desprez, a point whose coordinates are:
47 5 317 331 m N and 292 577 m E;
Thence, northeasterly, following the right-of-way of the said road so as to exclude it up to Point 48 whose coordinates are:
48 5 317 944 m N and 293 056 m E;
Thence, in a general southeasterly direction, following a broken line whose apex coordinates are:
49 5 317 508 m N and 293 442 m E;
50 5 317 011 m N and 293 626 m E;
51 5 315 803 m N and 295 776 m E;
52 5 315 239 m N and 295 776 m E;
53 5 314 250 m N and 296 101 m E;
54 5 314 077 m N and 296 710 m E;
55 5 313 702 m N and 297 339 m E;
56 5 313 422 m N and 297 124 m E;
57 5 313 006 m N and 297 178 m E;
58 5 312 348 m N and 296 604 m E;
59 5 311 804 m N and 295 903 m E;
60 5 310 997 m N and 295 569 m E;
61 5 310 049 m N and 295 687 m E;
62 5 309 402 m N and 296 137 m E;
63 5 308 946 m N and 296 314 m E;
64 5 307 956 m N and 296 405 m E;
65 5 307 486 m N and 296 520 m E;
66 5 306 599 m N and 297 143 m E;
67 5 305 542 m N and 297 115 m E;
68 5 305 273 m N and 297 867 m E;
69 5 304 615 m N and 299 090 m E;
70 5 304 522 m N and 300 184 m E;
71 5 303 887 m N and 301 113 m E;
72 5 303 051 m N and 301 025 m E;
Thence, in a general southeasterly direction, skirting the lakes encountered so as to exclude them, following a broken line whose apex coordinates are:
73 5 302 033 m N and 302 715 m E;
74 5 300 885 m N and 303 878 m E;
75 5 300 705 m N and 306 452 m E;
76 5 300 121 m Net 307 284 m E;
Thence, easterly, following a straight line to the starting point.
To be withdrawn from that territory:
In the southeast part of the said territory, the roadbed of a newly laid road, the right-of-way having a width of 20 m from the northwestern limit of the right-ofway of the power transmission line (7004) to 50 m north of the bridge crossing Rivière Malbaie, including the roadbed of the bridge;
In the northwestern part of the said territory, the roadbed of the road joining Lac Moreau to Lac Desprez on a right-of-way with a width of 20 m, including the roadbed of the bridge crossing Rivière Malbaie;
The parcels of land having been the subject of a lease respecting occupation for personal resort purposes or for various purposes. Those leases, issued by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles, bear the following numbers:
120467, 120552, 120553, 121036, 122428, 122557, 123385, 123386, 123387, 123897, 125745, 125746, 125747, 125748, 125750, 125753, 126018, 126072, 126248, 126328, 126642, 126917, 127120, 127407, 300772, 300861, 300873, 301013, 303059, 303077.
The territory of the Réseve écologique des Grands-Ormes is described as follows by Claude Vincent, land surveyor, under number 3068 of his minutes:
A territory made up of two parcels of land of irregular shape, located in an undivided part of Bassin-de-la-Rivière-Malbaie on the territory of Muncipalité régionale de comté de Charlevoix-Est, in the administrative region of the Capitale-Nationale;
The perimeter of the territory whose geographic centre is located at approximately 47°53′00″ north latitude and 70°27′00″ west longitude may be explicitly described as follows, namely:
Parcel 1
Starting from Point A, located at the intersection of the normal high-water mark of Lac du Pic Chevelu and of the left bank of its tributary of the northern side of the said lake, the approximate SCOPQ coordinates of the said Point A being 5 304 439 m north and 307 381 m east;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 00°00′00″ along a distance of 501 m, that is, up to Point B;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 17°00′00″ along a distance of 358 m, that is, up to Point C;
Thence, following the sinuous line forming the southern limit of a hiking trail 30 m in width, in a general easterly direction, along a distance of 1 061 m, that is, up to Point D;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 45°00′00″ along a distance of 11 m, that is, up to Point E;
Thence, following a sinuous line in a general southeasterly direction following a line parallel to 3 m from the western limit of the hiking trail, along a distance of 2 149 m up to Point F;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 121°00′00″ along a distance of 90 m, that is, up to Point G;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 92°00′00″ along a distance of 284 m, that is, up to Point H;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 139°00′00″ along a distance of 753 m, that is, up to Point J;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 250°00′00″ along a distance of 364 m, that is, up to Point K;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 340°00′00″ along a distance of 30 m, that is, up to Point L;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 243°00′00″ along a distance of 3 m, that is, up to Point M;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 160°00′00″ along a distance of 30 m, that is, up to Point N;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 250°00′00″ along a distance of 1 346 m, that is, up to Point  P;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 320°00′00″ along a distance of 1 729 m, that is, up to Point Q;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 00°00′00″ along a distance of 700 m, that is, up to Point R;
Thence, following the high-water mark of Lac Du Pic Chevelu, in a general northerly direction by skirting it on the western side along a distance of 294 m up to Point A, the starting point.
The parcel described above covers an area of 374 ha.
Parcel 2
Starting from Point S which is located at a distance of 52 m at a bearing of 324°00′00″ from Point C previously described;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 17°00′00″ along a distance of 295 m, that is, up to Point T;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 33°00′00″ along a distance of 597 m, that is, up to Point U;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 14°00′00″ along a distance of 115 m, that is, up to Point V;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 347°00′00″ along a distance of 703 m, that is up, to Point W;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 20°00′00″ along a distance of 388 m, that is, up to Point X;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 62°00′00″ along a distance of 174 m, that is, up to Point Y;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 345°00′00″ along a distance of 52 m, that is, up to Point Z;
Thence, following a sinuous line the length of the 650 m elevation line in a general easterly direction along a distance of 1 208 m up to Point AA;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 182°00′00″ along a distance of 292 m, that is, up to Point BB;
Thence, following the normal high-water mark of Lac du Chénopode in a general southerly direction skirting the lake on the eastern side along a distance of 38 m up to Point CC;
Thence, following a sinuous line, the length of the 700 m elevation line, in general southeasterly and westerly directions along a distance of 4 174 m up to Point DD;
Thence, following a sinuous line north of the outlet of Lac du Pipit in a general northwesterly direction along a distance of 758 m up to Point EE;
Thence, following the normal high-water mark of Lac du Pipit in general northerly and westerly directions skirting the lake on the northern side along a distance of 395 m up to Point FF;
Thence, following a straight line at a bearing of 269°00′00″ along a distance of 691 m, that is, up to Point GG;
Thence, following a sinuous line forming the northern limit of a hiking trail 30 m in width in a general westerly direction along a distance of 1 098 m up to Point S, the starting point.
The parcel described above covers an area of 546 ha.
The territory described above covers an area of approximately 920 hectares and is shown on the map attached to minute 3068 of Claude Vincent, land surveyor, to a scale of 1:20 000, drawn up on an extract of the topographical map produced in 1983 by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec.
Folios: 21M 16-200-0101 21M 16-200-0201
The elevations mentioned in the technical description of the ecological reserve refer to the mean sea level.
The coordinates mentioned in the document are expressed in metres and were graphically plotted in the digital files of the Base de données topographiques du Québec (BDTQ) produced by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec. They refer to the Système de coordonnées planes du Québec (SCOPQ), modified transverse Mercator projection system, Zone 7, NAD 83.
The whole as shown on map P-9769 to scale 1:30 000. A reduced version of that map to scale 1:125 000 (P-9769-1) is attached hereto for information purposes.
The original of those documents is kept at the Direction de l’expertise professionnelle et technique de la Société de la faune et des parcs du Québec.
Prepared in Québec, on 31 March 2000, under number 9769 of my minutes.
Land surveyor
Cartographic folios: 22D02-200-0102, 21M15-200-0102 21M15-200-0202, 21M16-200-0101 21M16-200-0201
O.C. 623-2000, Sch.
O.C. 623-2000, 2000 G.O. 2, 2523
S.Q. 2001, c. 63, s. 13