P-9, r. 24 - Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national de la Yamaska

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À jour au 1er septembre 2012
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter P-9, r. 24
Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national de la Yamaska
Parks Act
(chapter P-9, s. 2).
1. The territory described in the Schedule constitutes Parc national de la Yamaska.
O.C. 1384-83, s. 1.
2. The park is classified as a national park.
O.C. 1384-83, s. 2.
3. (Omitted).
O.C. 1384-83, s. 3.
(s. 1)
A territory that is part of the cadastre of the Parish of Sainte-Pudentienne and of the cadastre of the Township of Shefford, in the Parish Municipalities of Sainte-Pudentienne and Saint-Joachim-de-Shefford, Regional County Municipality of the Haute-Yamaska, covering an area of twelve and eighty-nine hundredths square kilometres (12.89 km2) and whose perimeter may be described as follows:
Starting from the northwest corner of lot 5C of Range X of the cadastre of the Parish of Sainte-Pudentienne; thence, southerly, following the western boundary of lots 5C and 5B of Range X; thence, following a straight line crossing an abandoned road to the northwest corner of lot 5D of Range IX; thence southerly, following the western boundary of lots 5D and 5C of Range IX; southeasterly, following the northern boundary of the right of way of VIIIth Range Road to the western boundary of the right of way of Maxime Road; thence following a straight line to the meeting with the eastern boundary of the right of way of Maxime Road and the division line of Ranges VIII and IX of the said cadastre; easterly, following the division line of Ranges VIII and IX to the meeting with the median line of the rivière Yamaska-Nord; thence, in a general northeasterly direction, following the median line of the said river to the division line of lots 6A and 7A of Range IX; thence, southerly, following the division line of lots 6A and 7A to the northern boundary of the right of way of the VIIIth Range Road; thence, azimuth 96º13′99″ 183.43 m, the line being the northern boundary of the right of way of the VIIIth Range Road; thence, following the boundary of the main dam of the Choinière Reservoir, under jurisdiction of the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Faune, the following distances and azimuths: 341º46′20″ 802.16 m; 275º24′09″ 173.10 m; 15º12′09″ 24.75 m, that line being the eastern boundary of the right of way of Maxime Road; 95º24′09″ 256.90 m; 55º12′09″ 61.30 m; 134º03′09″ 96.30 m; 129º12′00″ 960.26 m; 186º15′29″ 217.04 m, the latter point situated on the northern boundary of the right of way of the VIIIth Range Road; thence, southeasterly, following the northern boundary of the right of way of the said road to the division line of lots 1372 and 1373 of Range IX of the Township of Shefford; thence, azimuth 1º54′ 506.06 m, following the division line of lots 1372 and 1373; thence, azimuth 1º56′ 134.14 m, following the division line of lots 1372 and 1373 of the said township; thence, azimuth 91º27′ 597.96 m, that point situated on the eastern boundary of the right of way of Gatien Road; thence, azimuth 1º26′ 76.69 m, following the said right of way; thence, southeasterly, following the division line of lots 254 and 255; thence, azimuth 95º52′ 290.68 m, following the division line of lots 257 and 258; thence, azimuth 96º52′ 300.83 m; thence, azimuth 95º55′ 298.78 m; thence, azimuth 105º06′ 296.00 m, to the division line of lots 261 and 262 of the Township of Shefford; thence, azimuth 182º17′ 57.55 m, following the division line of lots 261 and 262 of the said township; thence, azimuth 95º10′ 298.12 m, following the division line of lots 262 and 263; thence, azimuth 181º50′ 61.02 m, following the division line of lots 263 and 264; thence, azimuth 91º45′ 595.09 m, to the division line of lots 264 and 268; thence, azimuth 0º49′ 122.01 m, following the division line of lots 264 and 268 of the Township of Shefford, to the southern boundary of the right of way of the railway (lot 1346); thence, in a general northwesterly direction, following the southwestern boundary of the right of way of the railway to the meeting with the southern boundary of the right of way of XIth Range Road; thence, northwesterly, following the southern boundary of the right of way of the said road to the division line of lots 6C and 7D of Range X; thence, northwesterly, following the southern boundary of the right of way of XIth Range Road over a distance of 389.93 m; thence, following the boundary of the secondary dam of the Choinière Réservoir, under the jurisdiction of the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Faune, the following distances and azimuths: 185º36′00″ 109.08 m; 204º01′00″ 75.85 m; 167º01′00″ 217.17 m; 120º48′00″ 71.42 m; 210º48′00″ 639.78 m; 300º48′00″ 213.35 m; 52°43′00″ 142.54 m; 30º49′00″ 568.55 m; 347º01′00″ 120.98 m; 24º01′00″ 80.11 m; thence, azimuth 275º36′ 121.92 m; thence, azimuth 5º36′ 105.18 m; thence, northwesterly, following the southern boundary of the right of way of XIth Range Road over a distance of 194.37 m; thence, azimuth 175º04′ 91.44 m; thence, azimuth 274º56′ 132.59 m; thence, azimuth 4º56′ 91.44 m; thence, northwesterly over a distance of 30.48 m, following the southern boundary of the right of way of XIth Range Road to the starting point.
The whole as shown on a plan using a scale of 1:25,000 attached to the minute of these presents and numbered p-8143.
O.C. 1384-83, Sch.
O.C. 1384-83, 1983 G.O. 2, 2714
S.Q. 1985, c. 30, s. 147
S.Q. 2001, c. 63, s. 13