P-9, r. 22 - Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national de la Pointe-Taillon

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À jour au 1er septembre 2012
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chapter P-9, r. 22
Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national de la Pointe-Taillon
Parks Act
(chapter P-9, s. 2).
1. The territory described in Schedule 1 constitutes Parc national de la Pointe-Taillon.
O.C. 2142-85, s. 1.
2. This park is classified as a national park.
O.C. 2142-85, s. 2.
3. (Omitted).
O.C. 2142-85, s. 3.
A territory situated in the regional county municipalities of Maria-Chapdelaine and Lac-Saint-Jean-Est, in the townships of: Taillon, Dalmas and Racine, covering an area of 92.2 km2, described as follows:
Township of Taillon
In Range I, lots 43 to 98 inclusively and all of their subdivisions. Excluded from this territory is part of lot 66 used for the site of a lighthouse, being under the jurisdiction of the Ministère des Ressources naturelles.
In Range II, lot 30 and lots 32 to 66 inclusively and all of their subdivisions. Part of lot 29 and its subdivisions situated south of rivière aux Cochons. Part of lot 28 and its subdivisions situated west of rivière aux Cochons.
Part of lot 31 not subdivided and all of its subdivisions. Excluded from this lot is the following parcel: bounded on the north by lot 31 of Range III; on the east, by lot 30 of Range II; on the south and southwest, by the high-water mark of rivière aux Cochons.
In Range III, lots 36 to 66 inclusively and all of their subdivisions.
In Range IV, lots 40 to 98 inclusively and all of their subdivisions.
In Range V, lots 40 to 43 inclusively and all of their subdivisions.
Townships of Taillon, Racine and Dalmas
A) A strip of 200 m, being part of the bed of rivière Péribonka and lac Saint-Jean, encircling the territory described above and lots 37, 38 and 39 of Range V of the township of Taillon. Bounded on the southeast by a line that is parallel to and 200 m east of the division line between lots 29 and 30 of Range II of the township of Taillon. Bounded on the northeast by a straight line originating from the division line between Ranges V and VI of the township of Taillon and tangent to the eastern limit of the 200 m strip encircling island number 92 described in paragraph B. Excluded from this strip, part of the shore and deep water lot situated at the end of lots 55a, 55b, 56a, 56b, 57a, 57b, Range IV of the township of Taillon (plan J.P. Mondou, land-surveyor, 5 February 1963).
B) A strip of 200 m in rivière Péribonka encircling island number 92.
Township of Dalmas
Islands number 87, 88, 89 and 92.
Part of the bed of rivière Péribonka bounded on the south by the 200 m strip described in paragraph A; on the northeast by the shore and deep water lot described above; on the northwest by a straight line, the most northerly extremity of which is situated on the extension of the division line between lots 68 and 69 of Range IV of the township of Taillon, at its intersection with the southern limit of the said shore and deep water lot. The most southerly extremity of the said straight line being situated on the extension of the division line between lots 69 and 70 of Range IV of the township of Taillon, at its intersection with the northern limit of the 200 m strip.
The whole as shown on a plan, executed by Henri Morneau, land-surveyor, to the sacle of 1:80,000, attached to the minute of these presents and bearing number P-8334.
The original of these documents is kept at the Division des données foncières et de la cartographie of the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Faune.
Executed by: HENRI MORNEAU,
Québec, 29 August 1985
Minute: 8,334
D. 2142-85, Sch. 1; Erratum, 1986 G.O. 2, 933.
O.C. 2142-85, 1985 G.O. 2, 4029 and 1986 G.O. 2, 933
S.Q. 1986, c. 109, s. 52
S.Q. 2001, c. 63, s. 13