P-13.1, r. 4 - By-law to establish the Training Plan Regulation of the École nationale de police du Québec

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À jour au 5 janvier 2014
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chapter P-13.1, r. 4
By-law to establish the Training Plan Regulation of the École nationale de police du Québec
Police Act
(chapter P-13.1, s. 16).
§ I.  — Academic year
1. The academic year of the École nationale de police du Québec begins on 1 August of one year and ends on 31 July of the following year.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 1.
§ 2.  — Areas of training
2. The School offers professional training programs and activities in the 3 following areas of police work:
(1)  police patrolling;
(2)  police investigation;
(3)  police management.
The School adopts and makes public, by any appropriate means, a description of the objectives, standards and learning activities for each training programs it offers.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 2.
§ 3.  — Basic training program in police patrolling
3. The Basic training program in police patrolling allows the student to acquire the required skills in this area.
The objective of the training program is to prepare the student to intervene adequately and efficiently within the framework of police operations specifically related to the function of police officer.
The minimum duration of the training program is 434 hours.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 3.
4. To be eligible for the training program, an applicant shall meet the following admission requirements:
(1)  be a Canadian citizen;
(2)  be of good moral character;
(3)  not have been found guilty, in any place, of an act or omission defined in the Criminal Code (R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46) as an offence, or of an offence referred to section 183 of that Code under one of the Acts listed therein;
(4)  have obtained a Diploma of College Studies in police technology issued by the Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, or an Attestation of College Studies in police technology issued by a college educational institution and, in this last case, have obtained from a police force a promise of employment in the functions of a police officer;
(5)  hold a driver’s licence allowing the applicant to drive an emergency vehicle;
(6)  provide his fingerprints to the School;
(7)  have passed the medical examination, the report of which is provided in Schedule “A”;
(8)  in the case of an applicant holding a Diploma of College Studies in police technology, have passed one of the following language tests, examinations or courses:
— the uniform examination in French, language of instruction and literature, as prescribed by the Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology under section 26 of the College Education Regulations (chapter C-29, r. 4);
— the French examination required by an educational institution at the university level, in accordance with the Act respecting educational institutions at the university level (chapter E-14.1);
— the French language upgrading courses offered by an educational institution at the university level;
— the “SEL” test administered by Télé-Université, which is part of the Université du Québec network;
— the “Ministerial Examination of College English Language of Instruction and Literature” test;
(9)  pay to the School the tuition fees chargeable pursuant to the Tuition Fees Regulation of the École nationale de police du Québec (Decision 2005-02-02) and any other fees the School may require pursuant to section 42 of the Police Act (chapter P-13.1);
(10)  have passed the physical achievement test described in Schedule “B”;
(11)  have passed, within 2 years preceding the start of his training at the School, the “emergency care” course offered by a college educational institution, the “cardiopulmonary resuscitation” course, or any equivalent training offered by one of the following organisations:
— St. John Ambulance;
— Canadian Red Cross;
— Quebec Heart Foundation;
— Lifesaving Society;
(12)  have passed the swimming test provided for in Schedule “C”;
(13)  have passed the psychometric test administered by the School;
(14)  have passed the situational judgement test administered by the School.
The purpose of the medical examination provided for in subparagraph 7 is to ensure that the applicant has the required physical and mental abilities to attend the training program.
The medical examination is performed by a physician appointed by the School and includes, among other things, a medical questionnaire described in Schedule “D” to this Regulation, the taking of vital signs, an eyesight test, a puretone audiogram, a blood sample providing a complete blood count (CBC) and the biochemical profile of the applicant, a urinalysis as well as a complete physical examination with respect to the following physiological systems and medical conditions:
— musculoskeletal system;
— eyes and visual acuity;
— ears, nose and throat;
— auditory acuity;
— cardiovascular system;
— pulmonary system;
— neurological system;
— endocrine system;
— gastrointestinal system;
— genitointestinal system;
— dermatological system;
— haematological system;
— infectious diseases;
— oncology.
The applicant shall provide the physician with all the information requested and submit to any additional examination or analysis the latter considers appropriate.
If the applicant fails the medical examination, the physician shall specify on the form provided in Schedule “A” whether this is a temporary or permanent disability.
The period of validity of the medical examination and of the tests provided for in subparagraphs 7, 10, 12, 13 and 14 is determined annually by the School.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 4; S.Q. 2013, c. 28, s. 204.
5. All applications for admission must be submitted to the School Registrar in writing on the form provided for that purpose and must be accompanied by the following documents:
(1)  the applicant’s birth certificate (large size) or copy of an act of birth or copy of the applicant’s citizenship certificate or Certificate of Indian Status issued by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development;
(2)  a certified copy of the college studies record indicating the certification of studies (DEC) or (AEC) issued by an authorized officer of a college educational institution;
(3)  a copy of the driver’s licence;
(4)  a document attesting that the applicant holding a Diploma of College Studies has passed one of the tests, examinations or courses provided for in subparagraph 8 of section 4;
(5)  a document attesting that the applicant has passed one of the courses provided for in subparagraph 11 of section 4;
(6)  in the case of an applicant holding an Attestation of College Studies, a document attesting that he has obtained from a police force a promise of employment as a police officer, whose period of validity is determined annually by the School.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 5.
6. The School determines the system of quotas and selection criteria for the Basic training program in police patrolling. Not all eligible applications are accepted.
An applicant is eligible for the training program following examination and investigation, provided he meets all the conditions prescribed in sections 4 and 5.
The admission is valid when it is followed by registration during the academic year for which the applicant was admitted.
The School Registrar can cancel the admission of any applicant who has not registered by the deadline determined annually by him.
An applicant’s registration in the training program can be cancelled at any time if he fails to abide by any one of the admission requirements provided for in section 4.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 6.
§ 4.  — Basic training program in police investigation
7. The Basic training program in police investigation allows a student to acquire the required skills in this area.
The objective of the training program is to prepare the student to intervene adequately and efficiently within the context of police operations specifically related to police investigations.
The minimum duration of the training program is 285 hours.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 7.
8. To be eligible for the training program, an applicant must hold a Basic training diploma in police patrolling issued by the School, or have obtained the attestation of equivalence issued under Division III.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 8.
§ 5.  — Basic training program in police management
9. The Basic training program in police management allows a student to acquire the required skills in this area.
The objective of the training program is to prepare the student to intervene adequately and efficiently within the context of police operations specifically related to police management.
The minimum duration of the training program is 900 hours.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 9.
10. To be eligible for the training program, an applicant must hold a Basic training diploma in police patrolling issued by the School or have obtained the attestation of equivalence issued under Division III.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 10.
11. If necessary, the School evaluates the skill level acquired by the student registered in a professional training activity.
This evaluation of acquired skills is performed by means of knowledge assessment, practical work, problem solving, simulations or any other means used to assess skill development.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 11.
12. The School issues to each student registered in a professional training activity a transcript of his grades stating his acquired skills evaluation results and, according to the type of training program, a document indicating the student’s respect of the School’s values during his training.
The evaluation results are established as follows:
A+ = 96.3 to 100%
A = 92.7 to 96.2%
A- = 89.1 to 92.6%
B+ = 85.5 to 89.0%
B = 81.8 to 85.4%
B- = 78.1 to 81.7%
C+ = 74.5 to 78.0%
C = 70.9 to 74.4%
C- = 67.3 to 70.8%
D+ = 63.6 to 67.2%
D = 60.0 to 63.5%
E = 59.9% or less.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 12.
13. The School issues a diploma to a student who has obtained at least a “D” in each of the skills or professional training activities included in a training program. The student’s name and the title of the program are mentioned on the diploma.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 13.
14. To obtain his diploma, a student must have paid the tuition fees provided for in the Tuition Fees Regulation of the École nationale de police du Québec (Decision 2005-02-02) and any other fees the School may require pursuant to section 42 of the Act.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 14.
15. An equivalence for a program or a professional training activity offered by the School shall be granted to an applicant when he can show that his school training or work experience has enabled him to acquire the skills required for the program or professional training activity concerned.
The School determines whether the applicant has the skills required for the program or for the professional training activity for which an equivalence is requested.
The work experience evaluation is performed by means of knowledge assessment, practical work, problem solving, simulations or any other means used to assess skill development.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 15.
16. The person who performs or has performed the function of a police officer or investigator within a police force in other parts of Canada is not obliged to pass the training provided for in section 3 or 7 in order to perform such a function in Quebec. However, the person must meet the following conditions:
(1)  have obtained a diploma, attestation or accreditation from a recognized regulatory authority in Canada for the police officer profession in Canada;
(2)  meet the conditions provided for in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of section 115 of the Act;
(3)  pass the learning evaluation test on the legislative and regulatory framework and police practices applicable to students registered in the Basic training program in police patrolling or in the Basic training program in police investigation.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 16.
17. All equivalence requests shall be submitted to the School Registrar in writing on the form provided for that purpose and the applicant shall pay any fees required by the School pursuant to section 42 of the Act.
The equivalence request provided for in section 15 shall be accompanied by the following documents:
(1)  a certified copy of the applicant’s studies record or transcript of marks;
(2)  the original of a letter from a police force vouching for the applicant’s work experience.
The equivalence request provided for in section 16 shall be accompanied by a document mentioned in paragraph 1 of section 16.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 17.
18. The School Registrar shall, within 30 days of the evaluation, notify the applicant in writing of the School’s decision to grant the requested equivalence or not.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 18.
19. When an equivalence is granted, it appears in the transcript of the student’s grades and an attestation of equivalence is issued to the applicant by the School.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 19.
20. The School may, at the request of a police force, approve a professional training activity that has been developed outside the School when the activity may be incorporated into its programs or professional training activities in advanced training.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 20.
21. All applications for approval shall be submitted to the School Registrar in writing on the form provided for that purpose. The application shall be accompanied by the course training plan, which shall state the overall and specific objectives, the course content, the context of the training and the evaluation process and procedure for the course.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 21.
22. The School Registrar shall, within 30 days of the decision, notify the police force in writing of the School’s decision to grant the requested approval or not.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 22.
23. The police force registers the student at the School for each approved professional training activity and pays any fees required by the School pursuant to section 42 of the Act.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 23.
24. This Regulation replaces the Règlement sur le régime des études de l’École nationale de police du Québec (A.M. 2002-06-28).
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 24.
25. The provisions of the subparagraphs 13 and 14 of section 4 come into force on 1 August 2012 for the applicant holding an Attestation of College Studies in police technology.
Decision 2010-11-16, s. 25.
Decision 2010-11-16, Sch. A.
Decision 2010-11-16, Sch. B.
Decision 2010-11-16, Sch. C.
Decision 2010-11-16, Sch. D.
Decision 2010-11-16, 2010 G.O. 2, 3604
S.Q. 2013, c. 28, s. 204