O-7.2, r. 1 - Regulation respecting the procedure for designating certain members of the board of directors of integrated health and social services centres and unamalgamated institutions

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À jour au 14 février 2018
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter O-7.2, r. 1
Regulation respecting the procedure for designating certain members of the board of directors of integrated health and social services centres and unamalgamated institutions
Act to modify the organization and governance of the health and social services network, in particular by abolishing the regional agencies
(chapter O-7.2, s. 12).
1. This Regulation establishes the procedure for designating certain members of the board of directors of integrated health and social services centres and unamalgamated institutions, which must be determined under the first paragraph of section 12 of the Act to modify the organization and governance of the health and social services network, in particular by abolishing the regional agencies (chapter O-7.2).
M.O. 2015-005, s. 1.
2. The designations referred to in this Regulation take place on the date set by the Minister in accordance with the second paragraph of section 12 of the Act.
The members so designated take office on that date.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 2.
3. Not later than 50 days before the date of the designations, the Minister or any person designated by the Minister appoints, for each institution, an officer for the designation process. If the latter is unable to act, the Minister proceeds with a new appointment.
The officer may appoint one or more assistant officers to assist him or her in performing duties. When a poll in person takes places in more than one location for an institution, the officer appoints an assistant officer for each polling location. The president and executive director and the assistant president and executive director of the institution may not act as officer or assistant officer.
Officers and assistant officers may not be candidates and have no voting rights in any designation referred to in this Regulation.
Unless otherwise indicated, “officer” as used in this Regulation means the officer of the designation process appointed in accordance with this section and “institution” means an integrated health and social services centre or an unamalgamated institution.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 3.
4. The officer is responsible for carrying out the designation process and ensuring compliance with the rules set out in this Regulation. His or her duties notably include the following, depending on the circumstances:
(1)  obtain the lists of bodies or persons to be involved in the designation process;
(2)  give notice of the designation process;
(3)  receive the candidates’ nomination papers and accept or refuse candidates;
(4)  inform voters of the voting procedure if more than one person has submitted their candidacy to a designation college;
(4.1)  implement an electronic voting system and designate an independent expert to assist the officer in implementing the system;
(5)  appoint all scrutineers necessary for assistance in the performance of his or her duties;
(6)  supervise the conduct of the designation process;
(7)  count the votes;
(8)  declare candidates designated in accordance with this Regulation;
(9)  report the results of the designation process to the Minister and president and president and executive director of the institution.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 4; M.O. 2018-002, s. 1.
5. An assistant officer carries out the following duties, under the authority of the officer:
(1)  receive the candidates’ nomination papers and send them to the officer;
(2)  inform voters of the voting procedure if more than one person has submitted their candidacy to a designation college;
(3)  appoint all scrutineers necessary for assistance in the performance of his or her duties;
(4)  supervise the conduct of the designation process;
(5)  count the votes;
(6)  send the vote count report and ballot papers to the officer.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 5.
6. The president and executive director of an institution must provide the officer and assistant officers with the technical and administrative support required for the performance of their duties.
The president and executive director must keep the original documents received from the officer and completed in accordance with Schedules I to VI in sealed envelopes for a period of at least 180 days from the date on which the designations are made.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 6.
7. Not later than 45 days before the date of the designations, the president and executive director of an institution must send to the officer a list of the members of the regional department of general medicine provided by the latter. The list must include an address and, where available, an electronic address enabling to reach each member.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 7.
8. Not later than 40 days before the date of the designations, the officer gives notice of the designation process either in writing to each member of the regional department of general medicine registered on the list, or by the publication of a notice in at least one medium, including a newspaper circulated in the health region where the head office of the institution is located. The officer must also post that notice in each of the institution’s facilities in a location accessible to the members of the department and publish it on the website of the institution. The notice must be accompanied by a list of the members of the department.
A person whose name does not appear on the list thus posted or who notices an error may contact the officer for the appropriate rectification. When the list is modified, the officer replaces the posted list by the new one.
The notice must mention the restrictions set out in sections 9 to 11 of the Act and section 150 of the Act respecting health services and social services (chapter S-4.2) and indicate the nomination period and the terms and conditions that must be followed in the designation process.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 8.
9. Nominations are made by means of nomination papers drawn up in accordance with Schedule I.
The original, duly completed nomination paper must be signed by the candidate, and received by the officer not later than 30 days before the date of the designations.
To provide more information to the members of the department, candidates must also complete the information sheet provided for in Schedule II and forward it along with their nomination papers.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 9.
10. Not later than 2 business days after receiving a nomination paper, the officer must accept or refuse the candidacy and so inform in writing the person who filed it. The officer must then complete the corresponding section of the nomination paper.
When the officer refuses a candidacy, the president must indicate the reasons for the decision.
The officer may not, before the end of the nomination period, divulge the name of a candidate or of a person whose candidacy has been rejected.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 10; M.O. 2018-002, s. 2.
§ 1.  — Absence of designation
11. At the end of the nomination period, if the officer finds that no member of the department has filed his or her candidacy or that no candidacy is valid, the officer completes the declaration of designation not made provided for in Schedule III and sends a copy to the Minister within 3 business days. Within the same period, the officer sends to the president and executive director of the institution the original of the declaration and, where applicable, the original of the nomination paper and information sheet completed by a member of the department whose candidacy has been refused.
Not later than 10 days before the date of the designations, the president and executive director must post in each of the institution’s facilities, in a location accessible to physicians who are members of the regional department of general medicine, a copy of the declaration of designation not made. The president and executive director must also, within the same period, publish the declaration on the website of the institution.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 11.
§ 2.  — Designation by acclamation
12. At the end of the nomination period, if the officer finds that only one candidacy is valid, the officer declares the member designated. The officer then completes the certificate of designation provided for in Schedule IV and sends to the Minister a copy of the certificate, nomination paper and information sheet completed by the department’s member whose candidacy has been accepted. Within the same period, the officer sends the original of those documents to the president and executive director of the institution.
Not later than 10 days before the date of the designations, the president and executive director must post in each of the institution’s facilities, in a location accessible to physicians who are members of the regional department of general medicine, a copy of the certificate of designation. The president and executive director must also, within the same period, publish the certificate on the website of the institution.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 12.
§ 3.  — Designation by poll
13. At the end of the nomination period, if there is more than one valid candidacy, the officer draws up a list of the candidates and determines whether the poll will be held by mail, by electronic means or in person.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 13; M.O. 2018-002, s. 3.
14. Not later than 20 days before the date of the designations, the officer sends to each member of the regional department of general medicine a polling notice. The notice must indicate the polling period, the date, time and place of the vote count and a list of the candidates.
The polling notice is also posted by the officer in all locations where the designation process notice was posted in accordance with section 8 and is published on the website of the institution.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 14; M.O. 2018-002, s. 4.
15. The polling notice that the officer forwards to all members must be accompanied by the following documents:
(1)  the information sheet provided for in Schedule II and filled out by each of the candidates;
(2)  a ballot paper initialed by the officer;
(3)  a vote envelope with no identifying markings in which the ballot paper will be inserted;
(4)  a return envelope bearing the member’s name and addressed to the officer.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 15.
16. Members must use the ballot paper and envelopes provided by the officer.
The ballot paper is inserted into the vote envelope provided for that purpose, which is itself inserted into the return envelope.
In order to be valid, the ballot paper must be received at the officer’s office, not later than 5:00 p.m. on the day preceding the date of the designations.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 16.
17. The officer or assistant officer, accompanied by scrutineers, proceeds with the opening of return envelopes.
Only return envelopes identified with the names of the members are considered and checked against the voters list.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 17.
18. Vote envelopes containing a ballot paper are first removed from the identified envelopes.
If a return envelope contains no vote envelope, that situation is recorded in the vote count report provided for in Schedule V.
If a return envelope contains 2 vote envelopes or more, they may not be counted and the situation is recorded in the vote count report.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 18.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 5.
18.1. Not later than 20 days before the date of the designations, the officer sends to each member of the department of general medicine a polling notice and a description of the voting procedure. The notice must indicate the polling period, the date, time and place of the vote count and a list of the candidates.
The polling notice given to each member is accompanied by the information sheet provided for in Schedule II and completed by each candidate.
The polling notice is also posted by the officer in each of the locations where the notice of the designation process was posted in accordance with section 8 and is published on the website of the institution.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 5.
18.2. The officer designates an independent expert to assist him or her in implementing the electronic voting system.
The expert must in particular satisfy the following conditions:
(1)  be certified in the field of information technology safety;
(2)  not be in a situation of conflict of interest;
(3)  have experience in the analysis of electronic voting systems.
The independent expert must take the oath in Schedule V.1.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 5.
18.3. The mandate of the independent expert includes
(1)  guaranteeing that the safety measures put into place are adequate and ensuring the secrecy, security and integrity of the vote;
(2)  monitoring the voting process and the stages subsequent to the vote, including the vote count, its conservation and the destruction of information; and
(3)  monitoring the management, during the poll, of the access to the voting systems.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 5.
18.4. As part of his or her mandate, the independent expert must, in particular,
(1)  provide the officer, before the poll, with a report dealing with
(a)  intrusion risks;
(b)  performance tests;
(c)  the validation of algorithms; and
(d)  the validation of the architecture of the electronic voting system;
(2)  implement means to ensure the traceability of the actions taken on servers and the applications for the electronic voting system; and
(3)  ensure that at any time during the voting process, including after the vote count, it is impossible for the institution to make a connection between a member’s name and a member’s vote.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 5.
18.5. The officer ensures that measures are taken to make sure that the electronic voting system is not the subject of unauthorized modifications at any time.
The officer also makes sure with the independent expert that the electronic voting system is able to demonstrate the following technical elements:
(1)  the secrecy of the vote;
(2)  the integrity of the list of the department’s members eligible for voting;
(3)  the guarantee that the table of compilation of the votes contains the members’ votes, but only their votes;
(4)  the absence of partial counting during the poll;
(5)   the possibility to count the registered votes again.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 5.
18.6. Not later than 20 days before the date of the designations, the officer provides the independent expert with an updated list of the department members.
The president must inform the independent expert of any change made to the list so that the independent expert may make the required changes.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 5.
18.7. The poll begins at 4:00 p.m. on the 19th day preceding the date of the designations and ends not later than 4:00 p.m. on the day prior to the date of the designations.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 5.
18.8. Members are given the ballot paper certified by the officer if, after verification by the electronic voting system, they are eligible for voting.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 5.
18.9. Members vote on the basis of the list of candidates. Members then submit their choice, which entails the casting of their vote in the vote compilation table.
Members receive confirmation that their votes have been cast.
As soon as the vote cast by a member is confirmed, the list of members is updated by the electronic voting system to indicate that the member has voted.
Only the votes compiled from the electronic voting system are considered.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 5.
18.10. The closing of the poll is immediately followed by a control to prevent any later alteration of the content of the electronic voting system and of the list of the members who have voted.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 5.
19. Not later than 20 days before the date of the designations, the officer gives notice of the poll, either in writing to each member of the regional department of general medicine entered on the list, or by the publication of a notice in at least one medium, including a newspaper circulated in the health region where the head office of the institution is located.
The polling notice and the information sheet filled out by a candidate are also posted by the officer in each location where the notice of designation process was posted in accordance with section 8 and are published on the website of the institution.
The polling notice must indicate the date, period, polling locations and the names of the candidates. The notice must also indicate the date, time and place where the votes will be counted.
The polling date must be set not later than the day before the date of the designations. The polling period must run at least from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and the polling locations determined by the officer must be chosen so that all members may exercise their right to vote.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 19.
20. On polling day, all candidate advertising is prohibited on the premises where the poll is held, except the posting of information sheets filled out by the candidates. The building in which the election is held and any neighbouring location where the advertising may be seen or heard by members coming to vote are considered to be the premises where the poll is held.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 20.
21. A candidate may observe the conduct of the poll or may, in writing, designate a representative to do so. Such designation must be sent to the officer or assistant officer before the polling period begins.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 21.
22. The officer or an assistant officer must initiate the polling period on the date, at the time, and in the location indicated in the polling notice.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 22.
23. Proxy voting is prohibited.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 23.
24. The officer, an assistant officer or a scrutineer must provide assistance to a member requesting it to exercise his or her right to vote.
The scrutineer must provide a template to any elector with a visual impairment who so requests in order to enable him or her to vote without assistance. The scrutineer must inform the elector of the order in which the candidates are listed on the ballot paper.
A member who is hearing or speech impaired may be accompanied by a sign language interpreter in order to communicate with the officer, an assistant officer, scrutineers and candidates or their representatives.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 24.
25. Before voting, each member must complete a declaration drawn up in accordance with Schedule VI and give it to the scrutineer.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 25.
26. The voting must be by secret ballot.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 26.
27. The scrutineer must give the member a ballot paper after initialing the ballot paper in the space reserved for that purpose and explain the voting procedure.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 27.
28. The member must go into the polling booth and mark the ballot paper in the spaces reserved for that purpose.
After folding the ballot paper, the member must allow the scrutineer and any candidates or candidate representative who so desire to check the number of the stub and the initials of the scrutineer on the ballot.
Once so verified, the member must tear off the stub and give it to the scrutineer, who must destroy it. The member must then deposit the ballot paper in the ballot box.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 28.
29. On the date, time and at the location indicated in the polling notice, the scrutineers count the votes in the presence of the officer or an assistant officer.
The counting of votes is public.
The officer or assistant officer cancels every ballot paper that
(1)  has not been provided by the officer or a scrutineer;
(2)  does not bear the initials of the officer or a scrutineer;
(3)  has not been marked;
(4)  has been marked in favour of more than one candidate;
(5)  has been marked in favour of a person who is not a candidate;
(6)  has been marked elsewhere than in the spaces reserved for that purpose;
(7)  bears fanciful or injurious entries;
(8)  bears a mark by which the member can be identified.
In the case of a poll in person, no ballot paper may be rejected under subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph where the number of ballot papers found in the ballot box corresponds to the number of ballot papers which, according to the sum of the declarations of voting members, were placed in it. The officer or a scrutineer then initials the back of the ballot paper and adds a note indicating the correction.
The officer or assistant officer cancels a ballot paper by writing “Void” on it and initialing it. The number of rejected ballot papers is noted in the vote count report provided for in Schedule V.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 29.
30. In the case of a poll in person, the officer or an assistant officer completes a vote count report for each polling location. The assistant officers must send the officer the result of the counting of votes as soon as possible.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 30.
31. The candidate with the greatest number of votes is declared designated by the officer.
Where there is a tie vote, the officer must immediately draw lots from among those candidates to determine the designated person.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 31.
32. The officer must complete the designation certificate provided for in Schedule IV and send a copy of that certificate, of the designated member’s nomination paper and of the information sheet completed by the designated member to the Minister within 3 business days.
Within the same period, the officer must send to the president and executive director of the institution the originals of those same documents, the nomination papers of unelected candidates, all information sheets completed by the candidates, ballot papers and the vote count report.
The president and executive director must post a copy of the designation certificate in each of the institution’s facilities, in a location accessible to the members of the regional department of general medicine. The president and executive director must also publish a copy of that certificate on the website of the institution.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 32; M.O. 2018-002, s. 6.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 7.
32.1. The independent expert counts the votes under the supervision of the officer or an assistant officer on the date and at the time and place indicated in the polling notice.
The vote count is public.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 7.
32.2. The officer or assistant officer rules immediately on any issue regarding the validity of the votes.
The number of rejected ballot papers is indicated in the report provided for in the vote count report provided for in Schedule V.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 7.
32.3. A candidate is designated in accordance with section 31.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 7.
32.4. The officer must complete the designation certificate provided for in Schedule IV and send a copy of that certificate, of the designated member’s nomination paper and of the information sheet completed by the designated member to the Minister within 3 business days.
Within the same period, the officer must send to the president and executive director of the institution the originals of those same documents, of the nomination papers of unelected candidates, of all information sheets completed by the candidates and of the vote count report.
The president and executive director must post a copy of the designation certificate in each of the institutions’s facilities, in a location accessible to the members of the regional department of general medicine. The president and executive director must also publish a copy of that certificate on the website of the institution.
M.O. 2018-002, s. 7.
33. Not later than 45 days before the date of the designations, the president and executive director must send to the officer a list of the medical specialists who are members of the council of physicians, dentists, and pharmacists of the institution.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 33.
34. Not later than 40 days before the date of the designations, the officer posts a notice of the designation process in each of the institution’s facilities in a location accessible to the members of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists. The notice must be accompanied by the list provided for in section 33. The notice must also be published on the website of the institution.
A medical specialist whose name does not appear on the list or who notices an error on the list may contact the officer for the appropriate correction. When the list is modified, the officer replaces the posted list by the new list.
The notice must mention the restrictions set out in sections 9 to 11 of the Act and section 150 of the Act respecting health services and social services (chapter S-4.2) and indicate the nomination period and the terms and conditions that must be followed in the designation process.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 34.
35. A candidacy is proposed and accepted or refused in accordance with the provisions of sections 9 and 10.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 35.
§ 1.  — Absence of designation
36. The provisions of section 11 apply, with the necessary modifications, if there is no candidate or valid candidacy by the end of the nomination period.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 36.
§ 2.  — Designation by acclamation
37. The provisions of section 12 apply, with the necessary modifications, if there is only one valid candidacy by the end of the nomination period.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 37.
§ 3.  — Designation by poll
38. At the end of the nomination period, if there is more than one valid candidacy, the officer draws up a list of the candidates and sends it to the chair of the executive committee of the institution’s council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 38.
39. Not later than 25 days before the date of the designations, the executive committee of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists determines whether the poll will be held by mail, by electronic mail or in person.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 39; M.O. 2018-002, s. 8.
40. The president and executive director of the institution provides the executive committee of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists with the technical and administrative support necessary for the poll.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 40.
41. The provisions of sections 14 to 32.4 apply, with the necessary modifications, to the conduct of the poll and the counting of votes.
For the purposes of sections 14 to 24, officer means the chairperson of the executive committee of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 41; M.O. 2018-002, s. 9.
§ 4.  — Board of directors of two or more institutions
M.O. 2015-014, s. 1.
41.1. If a member has been designated by and from among the members of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists of each institution administered by the board of directors, the officer, immediately after the designation, must immediately hold a drawing of lots between the members to determine the member who is to sit on the board for the first 6 months.
The officer must enter the result of the drawing of lots on the designation certificate.
M.O. 2015-014, s. 1.
42. Not later than 45 days before the date of the designations, the president and president and executive director must send to the officer the contact information of the regional pharmaceutical services committee and a list of the institution pharmacists who sit on that committee.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 42.
43. Not later than 40 days before the date of the designations, the officer sends a notice to the regional pharmaceutical services committee to invite the members of that committee to participate in the designation process of a person as a member of the board of directors.
The notice must mention the restrictions set out in sections 9 to 11 of the Act and section 150 of the Act respecting health services and social services (chapter S-4.2) and indicate the nomination period and the terms and conditions that must be followed in the designation process.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 43.
44. The designation must be done during a meeting attended by a majority of the members of the regional pharmaceutical services committee.
A copy of the resolution indicating the name of the institution pharmacist who has been designated by and from among the members attending the meeting must be received by the officer not later than 5:00 p.m. on the day before the date of the designations, accompanied by the original nomination paper provided for in Schedule I, duly completed and signed by each candidate.
After ensuring that each candidate’s nomination paper has been duly completed and signed, the officer must draw up the designation certificate provided for in Schedule IV and send copies of the certificate, each nomination paper, and the resolution of the regional pharmaceutical services committee to the Minister within 3 business days. Within the same period, he or she must send the original documents to the president and executive director of the institution.
The president and executive director must post a copy of the designation certificate in each of the institution’s facilities, in a location accessible to the members of the regional pharmaceutical services committee. The president and executive director must also publish the certificate on the website of the institution.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 44.
45. If no member has filed his or her candidacy or if there is no valid candidacy, the officer then completes the declaration of designation not made provided for in Schedule III and sends a copy to the Minister within 3 business days. Within the same period, the officer sends to the president and executive director of the institution the original of the declaration and, where applicable, the original of the nomination paper and information sheet completed by a member whose candidacy has been refused and a copy of the resolution of the regional pharmaceutical services committee.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 45.
46. The provisions of Chapter III apply, with the necessary modifications, for the designation, on the board of directors of an institution, of a member chosen by and from among the members of the council of nurses, including the persons acting as nursing assistants for the institution.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 46.
47. The provisions of Chapter III apply, with the necessary modifications, for the designation, on the board of directors of an institution, of a member chosen by and from among the members of the multidisciplinary council, including midwives who have entered into a service contract under section 259.2 of the Act respecting health services and social services (chapter S-4.2).
M.O. 2015-005, s. 47.
48. The provisions of Chapter IV apply, with the necessary modifications, for the designation on the board of directors of a member chosen by and from among the members of the users’ committee.
M.O. 2015-005, s. 48.
48.1. If a member has been designated by and from among the members of the users’ committee of each institution administered by the board of directors, the officer, immediately after the designation, must immediately hold a drawing of lots between the members to determine the member who is to sit on the board for the first 6 months.
The officer must enter the result of the drawing of lots on the designation certificate.
M.O. 2015-014, s. 2.
49. (Omitted).
M.O. 2015-005, s. 49.
Schedule I
(s. 9)
Nomination paper of a candidate
M.O. 2015-005, Sch. I; M.O. 2018-002, s. 10.
(Section 9)
Candidate Information Sheet

Candidate’s name:
Place of work or of practice of a profession:

Candidate profile (education, occupation, experience):

Reasons for candidacy:

Social, community, volunteer involvement, etc.:

Other relevant information:

Candidate’s consent: I authorize the disclosure of the information herein as part of the designation process in which I am a candidate.

__________ ____________________
Date Candidate’s signature
__________ ____________________
Date Designation officer’s signature
M.O. 2015-005, Sch. II.
(Section 11)
Declaration of Designation Not Made
Designation college:__________________________________

I, the undersigned, the officer in charge of the designation process, hereby declare that no designation was made for the above institution(s), for the following reason:

No candidacy was received

No valid candidacy was received

Signed in __________________________, on _____________________________

Name of designation officer
M.O. 2015-005, Sch. III.
Designation Certificate

Designation college:__________________________________

I, the undersigned, the officer in charge of the designation process, declare that on ________________ the following candidate was designated to the position of member of the board of directors of the above-mentioned institution(s):


Only one candidate filed his or her candidacy or filed a valid candidacy;

More than one candidate filed his or her candidacy and the designated candidate received the greatest number of votes;

Due to a tie vote, the candidate was designated in a drawing of lots held on _________________________.
For members designated by and from among the members of the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists, the council of nurses, the multidisciplinary council or the users’ committee of the institutions administered by one board of directors pursuant to section 146 of the Act to modify the organization and governance of the health and social services (chapter O-7.2) network, in particular by abolishing the regional agencies:
Following a drawing of lots:
the member will sit on the board of directors for the first 6 months;
the member will not sit on the board of directors for the first 6 months.

Signed at _________________________, this ____________________________
Name of officer in charge of the designation process
M.O. 2015-005, Sch. IV; M.O. 2015-014, s. 3.
Schedule V
(ss. 18 and 32.3)
Vote Count Report
M.O. 2015-005, Sch. V; M.O. 2018-002, s. 11.
Schedule V.1
(s. 28.2)
M.O. 2018-002, s. 12.
(Section 25)
Declaration of the member who votes


Designation college: _________________________________________________


I hereby declare that

- I am part of the above-mentioned designation college;
- I have not voted in another polling location for the above institution.


SCRUTINEER: __________________________________
M.O. 2015-005, Sch. VI.
M.O. 2015-005, 2015 G.O. 2, 475
M.O. 2015-014, 2015 G.O. 2, 2859
M.O. 2018-002, 2018 G.O. 2, 271