M-5, r. 1 - Regulation respecting stuffing and upholstered and stuffed articles

Texte complet
À jour au 21 avril 2015
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter M-5, r. 1
Regulation respecting stuffing and upholstered and stuffed articles
Act respecting stuffing and upholstered and stuffed articles
(chapter M-5, s. 38).
The fees prescribed in the Regulation have been indexed as of 1 January 2015 pursuant to the notice published in Part 1 (French) of the Gazette officielle du Québec of 20 December 2014, page 1246. (s. 5)
1. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 1; O.C. 1978-89, s. 1.
2. An application for a permit must be made in writing, be sent to the chief inspector and contain:
(a)  the applicant’s name, address and telephone number, as well as the business number assigned under the Act respecting the legal publicity of enterprises (chapter P-44.1), if applicable;
(b)  if the applicant is not domiciled in Québec, the name, address and telephone number of the applicant’s importer, as well as the business number assigned under the Act respecting the legal publicity of enterprises, if applicable;
(c)  the category of the permit applied for;
(d)  the type and, if applicable, the number of upholstered and stuffed articles that the applicant intends to manufacture or repair;
(e)  a description of the raw materials used to manufacture stuffing, or a description of the stuffing used to manufacture or repair upholstered and stuffed articles; and
(f)  if applicable, the name of the provinces, among those designated in section 20, where a permit to manufacture stuffing or upholstered or stuffed articles has been issued to the applicant and the permit’s number.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 2; O.C. 838-2005, s. 1; O.C. 625-2014, s. 1; S.Q. 2015, c. 8, s. 340.
3. Information provided in an application for a permit must be kept up to date; any change must be brought, in writing, to the chief inspector’s attention as soon as possible.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 3; O.C. 625-2014, s. 2.
4. The permits issued by the chief inspector are of 3 categories:
(a)  a manufacturer’s permit (Permit A);
(b)  a renovator’s permit (Permit B);
(c)  an artisan’s permit (Permit C).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 4; O.C. 838-2005, s. 2.
4.1. (Revoked).
O.C. 838-2005, s. 3; S.Q. 2015, c. 8, s. 341.
5. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 5; O.C. 2012-83, s. 1; O.C. 1978-89, s. 2; O.C. 1660-90, s. 1; Decision 90-12-26; O.C. 838-2005, s. 4; O.C. 625-2014, s. 3; S.Q. 2015, c. 8, s. 341.
5.1. To renew the permit, the permit holder must apply therefore in writing, include in the application the information provided for in section 2 and pay the duties determined in section 22.1 of the Act respecting stuffing and upholstered and stuffed articles (chapter M-5). That application and payment of the duties must be received by the chief inspector before the permit’s expiry date.
O.C. 625-2014, s. 4; S.Q. 2015, c. 8, s. 342.
6. The labels prescribed by this Regulation and which must be affixed to the stuffing and to upholstered and stuffed articles shall comply with the provisions of Schedule 2.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 6; O.C. 1978-89, s. 2.
7. The label “NEW MATERIAL ONLY” shall be affixed only to new stuffing and new upholstered and stuffed articles.
When this label is affixed to an upholstered and stuffed article or stuffing, it must contain an indication of the nature of the material contained in the article in accordance with the classification and designation described in Schedule 3. These indications must reflect the true content of the upholstered and stuffed article or the exact description of the stuffing.
The terminology must comply with the provisions of Schedule 3 without any other qualifier or term.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 7; O.C. 1978-89, s. 2.
8. Only the label “RENOVATED ARTICLE” shall be affixed to upholstered or stuffed articles being renovated.
Such label shall be completed by the depositary, who shall write the name of the owner of the article thereon, and by the renovator, who shall write his permit number thereon.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 8.
9. The label “SECOND-HAND ARTICLE” shall be affixed only to second-hand upholstered or stuffed articles that have been the object of a first retail sale, unless they were returned to the vendor without use or were renovated under the manufacturer’s guarantee.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 9.
10. The label “OFF SALE” shall be affixed to stuffing and upholstered or stuffed articles considered to be inconsistent with the Act respecting stuffing and upholstered and stuffed articles (chapter M-5) or this Regulation by an inspector.
Such label shall be removed only by the chief inspector or his duly authorized representative.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 10.
11. The permit holders shall themselves have printed the labels prescribed for the various forms of stuffing and upholstered and stuffed articles. These labels shall comply with the provisions of Schedule 2.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 11; O.C. 1978-89, s. 3; O.C. 625-2014, s. 5.
12. Every stuffing and upholstered or stuffed article offered for sale shall be free from vermin. It shall contain neither lint, nor other foreign body in an proportion exceeding 1% of the weight of the stuffing.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 12.
13. All materials of animal origin, such as feathers and hair, designed for use in the manufacture of stuffing and upholstered or stuffed articles, shall be first treated in accordance with the procedures described in Schedule 4.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 13.
14. Stuffing and upholstered or stuffed articles which have been contaminated as a result of having been in contact with a carrier of contagious diseases shall, prior to being offered for sale or lease, be sterilized in accordance with the procedures described in Schedule 5.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 14.
15. Articles visibly soiled, or containing vermin or mould, shall, prior to being offered for sale or lease, be disinfected in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 5.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 15; O.C. 1978-89, s. 4.
16. The chief inspector shall determine the methods of inspection to be made under the Act respecting stuffing and upholstered and stuffed articles (chapter M-5).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 16.
17. Pursuant to paragraph f of section 38 of the Act respecting stuffing and upholstered and stuffed articles (chapter M-5), an inspector who has reasonable doubt as to the conformity of an upholstered or stuffed article may, at the time of inspection, remove, cut, unsew or open the covering material of an upholstered or stuffed article in order to immediately verify the quality of the upholstered or stuffed article or to take specimens of the stuffings for purposes of testing and verification.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 17.
18. This Regulation shall not apply to the following categories of stuffing or upholstered or stuffed articles:
(a)  thermal or acoustic insulation used in the construction of immovables;
(b)  those used for the packing and in the manufacture of clothing, except those containing various linters used as thermal insulators or as protectors.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 18.
19. (Revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 19; O.C. 1978-89, s. 5.
20. For the purposes of section 4 of the Act respecting stuffing and upholstered and stuffed articles (chapter M-5), the following provinces are designated:
(a)  Ontario;
(b)  (paragraph revoked);
(c)  Manitoba.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 20; O.C. 838-2005, s. 5.
21. The labels affixed in pursuance of the laws of a designated province are recognized to be equivalent to those required under the laws of Québec if the said labels bear the indication of the nature of one or more of the 3 largest stuffing components of the whole.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, s. 21.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, Sch. 1; O.C. 838-2005, s. 6; O.C. 625-2014, s. 6.
O.C. 838-2005, s. 6; O.C. 625-2014, s. 6.
O.C. 838-2005, s. 6; O.C. 625-2014, s. 6.
(ss. 6 and 11)
1. Scope: This Schedule shall apply to the material, size, colour and inscription on labels to be used on stuffing and upholstered and stuffed articles, and their attachment and fixing to the stuffed articles as provided in the Act respecting stuffing and upholstered and stuffed articles (chapter M-5).
2. Classification: The labels described herein shall be of one of the following 6 models:

Model Inscription Size of the Colour

1A New material only 9 by 6.4 white
1B New material only 2,5 by 7 white
1C New material only 1.3 by 5.5 white
2 Renovated article 5 by 7 green
3 Second-hand article 7 by 5 yellow
4 Off sale 14 by 8 red
3. Requirements:
(3.1) Materials for labels — Labels shall be of muslin or imitation vellum or laminated thermoplastic fabric (except for use on clothing) that does not fray by wear, or tear easily. Any other material shall be approved by the chief inspector.
(3.2) Size and color — Each model of label shall conform as to size and color with the prescriptions mentioned on each model shown in an appendix to this Schedule. The size given is exclusive of the trim for attachment and the extension used to print the following:
(a) the manufacturer’s name as desired;
(b) the nature of the 3 main forms of stuffing;
(c) inscriptions as prescribed or permitted under other Acts.
(3.3) Inscriptions on labels — All inscriptions on labels shall conform to the inscriptions shown on each model in an appendix to this Schedule and shall be printed in indelible black ink, subject to the following exceptions:
(a) for labels 1A, 1B and 1C, the permit number may be marked with a rubber stamp, providing the inscription is done in black ink and is perfectly legible;
(b) for type 2 labels, the permit number and the name of the owner of the article being renovated may be written with a ball point pen or typewritten in a clear and legible manner.
(3.4) Inscription of composition:
(3.4.1) The inscription of the nature of the 3 main forms of stuffings by mass shall be marked on the face of extended labels, models 1A, 1B and 1C only. The word “composition” shall appear on the label before or above the nature of the stuffing.
(3.4.2) Inscriptions prescribed under other Acts may be printed on the extension for label models 1A, 1B and 1C, but below or beside the inscriptions prescribed by this Regulation. These inscriptions may be marked by a rubber stamp, providing the inscription is done in black ink and is perfectly legible.
(3.4.3) Where under other Acts, the nature of the stuffing already appears on the label prescribed or on another label, it shall not be necessary to print it on the label prescribed by this Regulation.
4. Models of labels
(4.1) The white label (model 1A) shall be used for upholstered furniture and bedding articles containing “new material only”, the 3 main stuffings used being described, in order of importance, on the label extension.
(4.2) The white label (model 1B) shall be used, subject to section 4.2.1, for all stuffed articles except upholstered furniture and bedding articles and containing “new material only”, the 3 main forms of stuffing used, being described, in order of importance, on the extension.
(4.2.1) The white label (model 1C) may be used for all small stuffed articles, except upholstered furniture and bedding articles, and containing “new material only”, the 3 main forms of stuffing used being described, in order of importance, on the extension.
(4.3) The model 2 green label “renovated article” shall be used for any renovated article or article under renovation.
(4.4) The model 3 yellow label “second-hand article” shall be used for any second-hand article.
5. Attachment of labels:
(5.1) In all cases, labels shall be attached in a place where they may be easily seen and solidly enough for the attachment to be more resistant to pulling and shearing than the material of the label.
(5.2) Labels shall be sewn to one of the seams of the article, solidly attached with staples or solidly glued, so as to be easily seen.
(5.3) Labels for upholstered furniture shall be attached solidly to the front of the frame so as to be easily seen when the cushions are removed or to the front of the bottom in such a manner as to hang down and be easily seen when the piece of furniture is in its normal position.
(5.4) Where the seat of a chair is manufactured and installed as a separate unit and where the under side is a hard surface, the label may be printed there in indelible black ink with a rubber stamp so as to be clearly legible.
(5.5) For stuffing delivered to manufacturers and renovators of upholstered and stuffed articles, a model 1A label shall be attached solidly to the outside wrapping or directly glued to the stuffing if not wrapped, so as to be easily seen.
(5.6) A model 4 label “off sale” affixed by an inspector on articles or stuffing that do not comply with the Act shall be attached to the covering material of stuffing by a wire whose ends shall be joined by a lead seal installed by the inspector.
(5.7) Usually one label is sufficient for each separate article. In the case of an upholstered or stuffed article made up of several identical pieces, only one label may be attached to one of the pieces, in order to reduce the number of labels.
Label Model 1A
Furniture and Bedding Articles

Black lettering on white background

The space for printing does not include the trim for attachment, nor the part of the label containing the following information:
the name of the manufacturer, if the manufacturer so desires;
the type of stuffing material up to the 3 main stuffing materials;
information prescribed or permitted under other Acts.

Space for printing: 6.4 centimetres

Ne pas enlever avant la
livraison au consommateur
Not to be removed until
delivered to the consumer
Cet article contient des
This article contains
Cette étiquette est apposée conformément
à la loi de la province
This label is affixed in compliance
with provincial law
Fabriqué par Made by
No. de permis: Reg. No.:
Contenu Content
Space for printing: 9 centimetres
Label Model 1B
Other Stuffed Articles

Black lettering on white background

The space for printing does not include the trim for attachment, nor the part of the label containing the following information:
the name of the manufacturer, if the manufacturer so desires;
the type of stuffing material up to the 3 main stuffing materials;
information prescribed or permitted under other Acts.
Ne pas enlever avant la livraison au
Cette étiquette est apposée conformément
à la loi de la province
Cet article contient des
Fabriqué par / No de Permis:
Not to be removed until
delivered to the consumer
This label is affixed in compliance
with provincial law
This article contains
Made by / Reg. No.:
Space for printing:
2.5 centimetres
Space for printing: 7 centimetres
Label Model 1C
Small Articles

Black lettering on white background

The space for printing does not include the trim for attachment, nor the part of the label containing the following information:
the name of the manufacturer, if the manufacturer so desires;
the type of stuffing material up to the 3 main stuffing materials;
information prescribed or permitted under other Acts.


Space for printing:
1.3 centimetres
Space for printing: 5.5 centimetres
Label Model 2
Renovated Articles

Black lettering on green background

The space for printing does not include the trim for attachment, nor the part of the label containing information prescribed or permitted under other Acts.

(vente interdite)
Cette étiquette est apposée
à la loi de la province
Propriétaire / Owner
Adresse / Address
Rénovateur / No permis
Renovator / Reg. No.

(not for sale)
This label is affixed in compliance
with provincial law
Space for printing:
5 centimetres
Space for printing: 7 centimetres
Label Model 3
Second-hand Articles

Black lettering on yellow background

The space for printing does not include the trim for attachment, nor the part of the label containing information prescribed or permitted under other Acts.

Space for printing: 5 centimetres

Ne pas enlever avant la
livraison au consommateur
Not to be removed until
delivered to the consumer
Cette étiquette est apposée conformément
à la loi de la province
This label is affixed in compliance
with provincial law
Vendu par: Sold by:
nom / name
adresse / address
Space for printing: 7 centimetres
Label Model 4
Off Sale

Black lettering on red background

Space for printing: 8 centimetres

Cette étiquette est apposée conformément
à la loi de la province
This label is affixed in compliance
with provincial law
Tant que cette étiquette n’aura pas été retirée
par une personne autorisée, il est illégal de
vendre, de mettre en vente, de louer ou de livrer
cet article et d’enlever cette étiquette
Until this tag has been removed by an
authorized person, it is illegal to sell,
offer to sell, lease or deliver this article
and to remove this tag
Signature officielle:
Official Signature:
Space for printing: 14 centimetres
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, Sch. 2; O.C. 1978-89, s. 6; O.C. 838-2005, ss. 7 to 14.
(s. 7)
1. Scope: This Schedule defines the classification and designation of stuffing that may be used under the Act respecting stuffing and upholstered and stuffed articles (chapter M-5).
2. Classification:
There are 7 classes of stuffing:
— Cotton
— Hair
— Feathers and down
— Cellular products
— Man-made or manufactured fibers
— Natural and miscellaneous fibers
— Recycled fibers
3. Designation:
(3.1) Cotton
(3.1.1) Cotton linters — Fibrous growth removed from cottonseed subsequent to ginning.
Cotton linters shall not contain any foreign material. Leaves or hulls not exceeding 5% by weight shall be allowed.
(3.1.2) White cotton felt — Felt made mainly of a mixture of whitish cotton linters and fibers and of miscellaneous white fibers.
(3.2) Hair — Filamentous epidermal outgrowth covering the body, and making up the mane or tail of mammals such as horses, cattle, pigs, goats, etc.
(3.3) Feathers and down
(3.3.1) Feathers — Feathers coming from all kinds of domestic fowl or water fowl, other than down.
(3.3.2) Down — Breast feathers or down from duck, goose or any other water fowl provided that, if other feathers from such birds are included, those feathers are not more than 30 mm in length and the weight of such feathers does not exceed 15% of the actual weight of feathers and down.
(3.4) Cellular products
(3.4.1) Foam — Polymerized material made of cells produced chemically or physically. The term “foam” shall be preceded by the generic name of the more usual substance. Ex.: rubber foam, latex foam, polyurethane foam.
(3.4.2) Additional terms
( Shredded foam — Foam that has been subjected to a shredding process.
( Cemented foam — Foam that has been shredded or broken into pieces and whose pieces were cemented together by means of any process.
( Molded foam — Foam that has been molded in the shape in which it is intended to be used.
(3.5) Man-made or manufactured fibers
(3.5.1) Cellulose fibers — Fibers manufactured from a regenerated cellulose substance and described by the most usual generic process. Ex.: Acetate, rayon, triacetate, etc.
(3.5.2) Polymer fibers — Fibers manufactured from substances made up of a long chain synthetic polymer and described by the most usual generic name. Ex.: polyurethane, polyester, vinyl chloride, acrylic, polyamide, nytril, etc.
(3.5.3) Fiberglass — Fibers, filaments or thread produced from glass.
(3.6) Natural or miscellaneous fibers
(3.6.1) Vegetal fibers — Wood or other vegetable growth reduced to a fibrous state, not otherwise described hereafter.
(3.6.2) Sawdust — Fine wood particles obtained from various wood cutting processes.
(3.6.3) Wood chips — Curled wood shavings free from other by-products such as sawdust.
(3.6.4) Coco fibers — Fibrous substance coming from the outside shell of coconuts.
(3.6.5) Esparto fibers — Fibers from either of 2 Spanish and Algerian grasses (stipa tenacissima and ligeum spartum).
(3.6.6) Flax fibers — Fibers derived from the plant of the genus (linum usitatissimum).
(3.6.7) Jute fibers — Fibers obtained from various species of East Indian plants (Corchorus) of the Linden family.
(3.6.8) Sisal fibers — Leaf fiber derived from agave (agava sisalana) and species of the family of agaves.
(3.6.9) Kapok — Fibers from seeds of the kapok tree fruit (ceiba pentranda).
(3.7) Refabricated new material — Any stuffing made from a product which has already been manufactured for a given use (but has never been used) and subsequently shredded, cut or reduced to a fibrous state by means of any process. Such stuffing shall be identified by the term “recycled fibers”.
(3.8) Other stuffing — Any other stuffing approved by the chief inspector.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, Sch. 3; O.C. 1978-89, s. 6.
(s. 13)
1. Scope:
This Schedule prescribes the treatment required for stuffing of animal origin (feathers, hair, etc.) intended to be used as stuffing for household, office or hospital furniture, and for bedding, etc.
2. Description of the process:
Stuffings shall be subjected to the following treatments in succession:
(2.1) Washing — Stuffing shall be washed with a detergent, for at least 30 minutes, in water at the temperature recommended by the maker of the detergent used.
(2.2) Rinsing — Stuffing shall then be rinsed in warm water for at least 30 minutes.
(2.3) Steam treatment — After being wrung out, stuffing shall be subjected to steam treatment at a minimum temperature of 110 ºC and a minimum pressure of 100 N/m2 for at least 30 minutes.
(2.4) Drying —Stuffing shall be dried at a minimum temperature of 94 ºC for at least 20 minutes.
3. Feathers and down
(3.1) Down and crushed or uncrushed feathers used as stuffing must be processed to meet or exceed oxygen number 15 for crushed feathers or oxygen number 10 for uncrushed feathers or down, as determined by testing in accordance with the Canadian General Standards Board Standard CAN/CGSB-139.3-M90.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, Sch. 4; O.C. 1978-89, s. 6; O.C. 838-2005, s. 15.
(s. 14)
1. Scope:
This Schedule prescribes the treatments for disinfection and sterilization of upholstered and stuffed articles that may endanger the health of an individual.
2. Sterilization process:
(1) Sterilization agent — The sterilization agent shall be formaldehyde, a dispersion of 40 g of formaldehyde per 100 ml of solution. The use of any other sterilization agent shall be approved in advance by the chief inspector.
(2) Process — The sterilization agent shall be vaporized in a concentration of 0.002% in the sterilization room for at least 10 consecutive hours.
(3) Sterilization room
(a) The sterilization room shall be hermetically sealed and equipped with at least one air intake and one air outlet. The air intake and air outlet ducts shall be each equipped with a gas tight trap or valve. The air outlet duct shall be long enough to permit the evacuation of waste gases into the open air, away from any door, window or other opening;
(b) Shelves or any other surface on which the upholstered or stuffed articles are laid down shall be either perforated or made of lattice or trellis so as to ensure the penetration of gas to all parts of the articles;
(c) When several stuffed articles are treated simultaneously in the same sterilization room, they must be separated in order to ensure the free and easy circulation of gas.
3. Disinfection process:
(1) The following products shall be used as disinfectants: hydrogen cyanide (HCN) or other cyanide compounds, bromomethane (CH3BR) or sulphurous fluoride (F2SO2).
The use of any other disinfectant shall be approved in advance by the chief inspector.
(2) Rooms
(a) A room in which disinfection is to be made shall be hermetically closed and tightly sealed against the escape of gas and fumes. Doors and other openings shall be equipped with tight rubber joints all around;
(b) The room shall be equipped with a forced-air ventilation system with outside control; the system flow must be equal to 10 air changes per hour;
(c) Gas or fume intakes shall be controlled from outside;
(d) The outlet duct shall allow for the evacuation of gases at a far enough distance to prevent them from entering buildings;
(e) The gas ventilation system shall comply with the rules or regulations respecting the pollution of the atmosphere or of the surrounding air.
(3) Handling
(a) The operator carrying out the disinfection shall have at his disposal a gas-mask within easy reach, outside the room. It must be kept ready for use and be of the right type to ensure protection against the disinfectant used;
(b) The operator carrying out the disinfection shall have received special training and be familiar with the precautions to be taken before and after disinfection. Where applicable, he shall hold a professional competency certificate.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1, Sch. 5; O.C. 1978-89, s. 6.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. M-5, r. 1
O.C. 2012-83, 1983 G.O. 2, 3520
O.C. 1978-89, 1990 G.O. 2, 41
O.C. 1660-90, 1990 G.O. 2, 2941
Decision 90-12-26, 1990 G.O. 2, 3148
O.C. 838-2005, 2005 G.O. 2, 4109
O.C. 625-2014, 2014 G.O. 2, 1455
S.Q. 2015, c. 8, ss. 340 to 342