M-28, r. 4 - Regulation respecting the provision of road service or towing on certain roads and autoroutes and on certain bridges or other infrastructures

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À jour au 1er septembre 2012
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter M-28, r. 4
Regulation respecting the provision of road service or towing on certain roads and autoroutes and on certain bridges or other infrastructures
Act respecting the Ministère des Transports
(chapter M-28, s. 12.1.1).
1. No person who has not entered into a contract with the Minister of Transport, in accordance with section 12.2 of the Act respecting the Ministère des Transports (chapter M-28), may provide road service to or tow a vehicle on routes and autoroutes including their ramps and interchanges, as well as on the following bridges or infrastructures:
(1)  the segment of Autoroute 10 which extends from the eastern limit of the former right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway, located in Ville Brossard, to Rivière Richelieu, including the interchanges of Autoroute 10 connecting with Route 134, Boulevard Milan and Autoroute 30, located in Ville de Brossard;
(2)  the segment of Autoroute 13 which extends from the junction of Autoroute 20 to the junction of Autoroute 640, including the interchanges of autoroutes 20, 40, 440, 520 and 640;
(3)  the segment of Autoroute 15 which extends:
(a)  from Rivière Saint-Jacques, located at the limit of the towns of La Prairie and Brossard, to the interchange of autoroutes 10 and 20, including ramps “A”, “B” and “D” described in Schedule I;
(b)  from the northern extremity of the approach noses of the Atwater entrance and exit (No. 61) of Autoroute 40, including the interchange connecting autoroutes 15 and 40; and
(c)  from Autoroute 40, including the interchange connecting autoroutes 15 and 40, to the southern extremity of the approach noses of Exit 23 (Sainte-Thérèse) including the interchanges of autoroutes 440 and 640;
(4)  the segment of Autoroute 19 which extends from Boulevard Henri-Bourassa, located in Ville de Montréal, to Boulevard Dagenais, located in Ville de Laval, including the interchange of Autoroute 440;
(5)  the segment of Autoroute 20 which extends:
(a)  from Pont Galipeault, located in the Municipalité de l’Île-Perrot, to the junction of autoroutes 15 and 720, including the interchange connecting these 3 autoroutes;
(b)  from the junction of Autoroute 10, including ramps “E”, “F” and “H”, described in Schedule I, to Rivière Richelieu, including the interchanges of Autoroute 20 connecting:
i.  Boulevard Simard, Route 112 and Rue Notre-Dame, located in Ville de Saint-Lambert;
ii.  Route 134 (Pont Jacques-Cartier) including ramp I from Rue Pierre-Dupuy to Viaduc Charles-Lemoyne, the entrance ramps from Saint-Charles-Ouest and Saint-Charles-Est and the exit ramps to Saint-Charles-Est and Charles-Lemoyne, as illustrated in Schedule II; and
iii.  Boulevard Roland-Therrien, Route 132 and Autoroute 25, located in Ville de Longueuil;
(6)  the segment of Autoroute 25 which extends:
(a)  on the northbound lane, from the extremity of the approach nose of the ramp of the La Prairie exit (number 90) located in Ville de Longueuil, to the southwestern limit of the bridge of Avenue de l’Esplanade (structure bearing number 11836) which crosses Autoroute 25, located in Ville de Mascouche, including the interchange of autoroutes 40, 440 and 640, Pont-tunnel Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine and bridge P-15020 which crosses Rivière des Prairies;
(b)  on the southbound lane, from the southwestern limit of the bridge of Avenue de l’Esplanade (structure bearing number 11836) which crosses Autoroute 25, located in Ville de Mascouche, to the extremity of the approach nose of the entrance ramp on Autoroute 25 Sud originating from Autoroute 20 Est (ramp bearing number 00020-02-215-32P0), located in Ville de Longueuil, including the interchange of autoroutes 40, 440 and 640, Pont-tunnel Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine and bridge P-15020 which crosses Rivière des Prairies;
(7)  the segment of Autoroute 30 which extends from the junction of Autoroute 10 to the junction of Autoroute 20 including the interchange connecting autoroutes 20 and 30;
(8)  the segment of Autoroute 40 which extends from the junction of Autoroute 540 to the overpass of Route 341, located in the municipalities of Repentigny and l’Assomption, including the interchanges of autoroutes 540 and 640 and the interchange of Autoroute 40 connecting with Boulevard Roche;
(9)  the segment of Autoroute 40 which extends from Autoroute 440 (Charest) to the interchange of Boulevard Henri-Bourassa, located in Ville de Québec, including the entrance and exit ramps of Einstein and John-Molson streets, or Route 138 (Boulevard Hamel), of Route 371 (Boulevard Masson/Boulevard de l’Ormière, of Boulevard Saint-Jacques, of Route 358 (Boulevard Pierre-Bertrand), of 1re Avenue and of Boulevard Henri-Bourassa, the interchange connecting autoroutes 73 (Laurentienne) and 440 (Charest), the interchange connecting with Autoroute 573 (Henri-IV), the interchange connecting with Autoroute 740 (Robert-Bourassa) and the interchange connecting autoroutes 73 (Laurentienne) and 973 (Laurentienne);
(10)  the segment of Autoroute 73 (Laurentienne) which extends:
(a)  on the northbound lane, from the extremity of the approach nose dividing Autoroute 73 Nord of the entrance ramp of Autoroute 20 Est to the junction of autoroute 40 and 440 (Charest) including:
i.  Pont Pierre-Laporte;
ii.  the ramps connecting Route 136 (Boulevard Champlain) and connecting with Avenue des Hôtels;
iii.  the ramps of Autoroute 540 (Duplessis), from Route 175 to Rue de Lavigerie, of Chemin Saint-Louis, of Boulevard Hochelaga and of Rue Louis-Riel;
iv.  the ramps connecting with Chemin des Quatre-Bourgeois;
v.  the entrance and exit ramps of Boulevard du Versant-Nord to the intersection of Lestre and d’Entremont streets, on the west side, and to the intersection of Rue Chanoine-Scott, on the east side;
(b)  on the southbound lane, from the junction of Autoroute 440 (Charest) to the extremity of the approach nose dividing Autoroute 73 Sud from the exit ramp to Autoroute 20 Est, including Pont Pierre-Laporte and the interchanges mentioned in subparagraph a;
(11)  the segment of Autoroute 73 (Laurentienne) which extends to the junction of Autoroute 40 to Route 369 (Boulevard Saint-Joseph/80e Rue Ouest) including the ramps connecting with Boulevard Lebourgneuf, located in Ville de Québec, and the ramps connecting with Route 369;
(12)  the segment of Autoroute 440 which extends from the junction of Autoroute 13 to the junction of Autoroute 25, located in Ville de Laval;
(13)  the segment of Autoroute 520 which extends from the junction of Autoroute 20, including the interchange connecting them, to the junction of Autoroute 40, including the interchange connecting autoroutes 20 and 40;
(14)  the segment of Autoroute 540 (Duplessis) which extends from the interchange connecting Autoroute 73, Route 175, Chemin Saint-Louis, Boulevard Hochelaga and Rue Louis-Riel to the overpass crossing Boulevard Hochelaga;
(15)  the segment of Autoroute 640 which extends from the junction of Route 148, located in Ville de Saint-Eustache, to the overpass to Route 335, located in Ville de Bois-des-Filion;
(16)  the segment of Autoroute 720 which extends from the junction of autoroutes 15 and 20 to Rue Papineau, located in Ville de Montréal, including the Ville-Marie tunnel;
(17)  the segment of Autoroute 740 (Robert-Bourassa) which extends from Boulevard Lebourgneuf, located in Ville de Québec, to Boulevard Hochelaga including:
(a)  the entrance and exit ramps of Rue Jean-Perrin to the extremity of the approach nose;
(b)  the entrance and exit ramps of Boulevard Père-Lelièvre;
(c)  the entrance and exit ramps of Route 138 (Boulevard Hamel);
(d)  the ramps connecting Autoroute 440 (Charest) and Rue Jean-Talon Nord to the intersection of Lavoisier and Jean-Talon Nord streets;
(e)  the ramps connecting with Autoroute 440 (Charest);
(f)  on the northbound lane, the exit ramp to Boulevard du Versant-Nord to the extremity of the approach noses located at the intersection of Boulevard du Versant-Nord and Rue Jean-Talon Sud;
(g)  on the southbound lane, the exit ramp to Boulevard du Versant-Nord to the extremity of the approach nose;
(h)  the entrance ramp from Boulevard du Versant-Nord from the extremity of the approach noses located at the intersection of Boulevard du Versant-Nord and Rue Jean-Talon Sud;
(i)  the ramp which extends from the entrance ramp from Autoroute 440 Est (Charest) to the extremity of the approach noses located at the intersection of Boulevard du Versant-Nord and Rue Jean-Talon Sud;
(j)  the ramp connecting Boulevard du Versant-Nord to Autoroute 440 Est (Charest) from the extremity of the approach noses located at the intersection of Boulevard du Versant-Nord and rue Jean-Talon Sud;
(k)  the ramps connecting with Chemin Sainte-Foy;
(l)  the ramps connecting with Chemin des Quatre-Bourgeois;
(17.1)  the segment of Route 125 which extends:
(a)  on the northbound lane, from the southeastern limit of the bridge of Boulevard Henri-Bourassa (structure bearing number 15687) which crosses Route 125, named Boulevard Pie-IX, located in Ville de Montréal, to the virtual line perpendicular to Route 125, located at the centre of the north edge of the U-turn giving access to Route 125 Sud by Route 125 Nord (00019-02-031-U1A0), that U-turn being at an approximate distance of 25 metres from the centre line of the intersection of Pie-IX and Duchesse streets, located in Ville de Laval, including Pont Pie-IX and the interchange of Autoroute 440;
(b)  on the southbound lane, from a virtual line perpendicular to Route 125, located at the centre of the north edge of the U-turn giving access to Route 125 Sud by Route 125 Nord (00019-02-031-U1A0), that U-turn being at an approximate distance of 25 metres from the centre line of the intersection of Pie-IX and Duchesse streets, located in Ville de Laval, to the southeastern limit of the bridge of Boulevard Henri-Bourassa (structure bearing number 15687) which crosses Route 125, named Boulevard Pie-IX, located in Ville de Montréal, including Pont Pie-IX and the entrance and exit ramps linked to the above-described road segment;
(18)  Route 138 from the junction of Autoroute 20 to the junction of Route 207 including the interchange connecting Route 138 to Autoroute 20 and Pont Honoré-Mercier;
(19)  Route 132 from the junction of Route 138 to the intersection with Chemin Saint-Bernard, located in the Kahnawake Reserve, including the interchange connecting routes 132 and 138;
(20)  Route 175 from the overpass crossing Route 132 to the interchange connecting autoroutes 73 and 540, including the interchanges of Chemin Saint-Louis, Boulevard Hochelaga and Rue Louis-Riel, including Pont de Québec, the exit ramp to Avenue des Hôtels up to Avenue des Hôtels and the entrance ramp from Avenue des Hôtels from the overpass of Route 175.
O.C. 987-98, s. 1; O.C. 284-2011, s. 1.
2. Any contravention of section 1 constitutes an offence liable to a fine under section 12.4 of the Act respecting the Ministère des Transports (chapter M-28).
O.C. 987-98, s. 2.
3. This Regulation replaces the Regulation respecting traffic, emergency repairs and towing on certain main arteries of the Montréal region (R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-24.1, r. 10).
O.C. 987-98, s. 3.
4. (Omitted).
O.C. 987-98, s. 4.
O.C. 987-98, Sch. I.
O.C. 987-98, Sch. II.
O.C. 987-98, 1998 G.O. 2, 3600
O.C. 284-2011, 2011 G.O. 2, 903