E-2.2, r. 2 - Regulation respecting the tariff of remuneration payable for municipal elections and referendums

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À jour au 19 janvier 2013
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter E-2.2, r. 2
Regulation respecting the tariff of remuneration payable for municipal elections and referendums
Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities
(chapter E-2.2, s. 580).
The amounts prescribed in the Regulation have been indexed from the fiscal year 2013 pursuant to the notice published in Part 1 (French) of the Gazette officielle du Québec of 19 January 2013, page 77. (ss. 1 to 3, 7 to 16, 20 to 22, 22.1 to 22.4, 23 to 25, 28, 30 to 32).
§ 1.  — Returning officer
1. Where a poll is held, a returning officer shall be entitled to receive remuneration of $339 for the duties he carries out to hold the poll.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 1; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 1; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 1.
2. Where an advance poll is held, a returning officer shall be entitled to receive remuneration of $226 for the duties he carries out to hold the advance poll.
That remuneration shall be $451 where the advance poll is held for 2 days.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 2; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 2; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 2.
3. For all of his other duties, a returning officer shall be entitled to receive the following remuneration:
(1)  where a list of electors has been prepared and revised for the election, the greater of $339 and the sum obtained by multiplying the number of electors entered on the list on the date of its coming into force by the following amounts:
(a)  $0.388 for each of the first 2,500 electors;
(b)  $0.119 for each of the next 22,500 electors;
(c)  $0.043 for each of the remainder;
(2)  where no list of electors has been prepared and where the list of electors that already exists has been revised for the election, the greater of $202 and the sum obtained by multiplying the number of electors entered on the list on the date of its coming into force by the following amounts:
(a)  $0.233 for each of the first 2,500 electors;
(b)  $0.069 for each of the next 22,500 electors;
(c)  $0.025 for each of the remainder;
(3)  where a list of electors has been prepared but has not been revised for the election, the greater of $202 and the sum obtained by multiplying the number of electors entered on the list on the date of its coming into force by the following amounts:
(a)  $0.233 for each of the first 2,500 electors;
(b)  $0.069 for each of the next 22,500 electors;
(c)  $0.025 for each of the remainder;
(4)  where no list of electors has been prepared and where the list of electors that already exists has not been revised for the election, the greater of $69 and the sum obtained by multiplying the number of electors entered on the list on the date of its coming into force by the following amounts:
(a)  $0.075 for each of the first 2,500 electors;
(b)  $0.023 for each of the next 22,500 electors;
(c)  $0.009 for each of the remainder.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 3; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 3; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 3.
4. For the application of section 3:
(1)  in the case of a municipality whose territory is divided into districts or wards, except where the office of mayor or all the offices of councillor are open for nominations, the list of electors of the municipality is deemed to be that of the district or ward in which an office of councillor is open for nominations or, as the case may be, all of those districts of wards;
(2)  the list of electors of a municipality referred to in paragraph 1 is deemed prepared or revised for the election where the lists of one-half or more of the districts or wards, or one-half or more of those referred to in that paragraph where it does not involve an election for the office of mayor or for all the offices of councillor, are prepared or revised;
(3)  a list is not deemed revised where its revision has been interrupted.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 4.
§ 2.  — Election clerk
5. An election clerk is entitled to receive remuneration equal to three-quarters of that of the returning officer.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 5.
§ 3.  — Assistant to the returning officer
6. Every assistant to the returning officer is entitled to receive remuneration equal to one-half of that of the returning officer.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 6.
§ 4.  — Deputy returning officer
7. Every deputy returning officer is entitled to receive remuneration of $113 for the duties he carries out at the poll, including the counting of the votes cast on the day of the poll.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 7; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 4; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 4.
8. Every deputy returning officer is entitled to receive remuneration of $94 for the duties he carries out at the advance poll.
That remuneration shall be $187 where he carries out those duties for 2 days.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 8; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 5; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 5.
9. Every deputy returning officer is entitled to receive remuneration of $32 for the duties he carries out at the time of the counting of the votes cast at the advance poll.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 9; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 6; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 6.
10. Every deputy returning officer is entitled to receive remuneration of $27 for the duties he carries out at a new summary counting of the votes.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 10; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 7; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 7.
§ 5.  — Poll clerk
11. A poll clerk is entitled to receive remuneration of $83 for the duties he carries out at the poll, including those at the time of the counting of the votes cast on the day of the poll.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 11; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 8; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 8.
12. A poll clerk is entitled to receive remuneration of $70 for the duties he carries out at the advance poll.
That remuneration shall be $138 where he carries out the duties for 2 days.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 12; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 9; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 9.
13. The poll clerk is entitled to receive remuneration of $32 for the duties he carries out at the time of the counting of the votes cast at the advance poll.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 13; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 10; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 10.
14. The poll clerk is entitled to receive remuneration of $27 for the duties he carries out at a new summary counting of the votes.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 14; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 11; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 11.
§ 6.  — Officer in charge of information and order
15. Any officer in charge of information and order is entitled to receive remuneration of $90 for the duties he carries out at the poll.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 15; M.O. 2005-10-16, s. 12; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 12.
16. Every officer in charge of information and order is entitled to receive remuneration of $76 for the duties he carries out at the advance poll.
That remuneration shall be $150 where he carries out the duties for 2 days.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 16; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 13; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 13.
§ 7.  — 
M.O. 88-10-13, Sd. 7; M.O. 98-06-18, s. 1.
17. (Revoked).
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 17; M.O. 98-06-18, s. 1.
§ 8.  — 
M.O. 88-10-13, Sd. 8; M.O. 98-06-18, s. 1.
18. (Revoked).
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 18; M.O. 98-06-18, s. 1.
19. (Revoked).
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 19; M.O. 98-06-18, s. 1.
§ 9.  — Member of a board of revisors of the list of electors
20. Any member of a board of revisors of the list of electors is entitled to receive remuneration of $13 for each hour of sittings.
For any fraction of an hour, he shall be entitled to proportional remuneration.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 20; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 14; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 14.
§ 10.  — Secretary of a board of revisors of the list of electors
21. The secretary of a board of revisors of the list of electors is entitled to receive remuneration of $12 for each hour the board sits.
For every fraction of an hour, he shall be entitled to proportional remuneration.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 21; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 15; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 15.
§ 11.  — Revising officer to a board of revisors of the list of electors
M.O. 98-06-18, s. 2.
22. Any revising officer to a board of revisors of the list of electors is entitled to receive remuneration of $10 for each hour during which he carries out his duties.
For every fraction of an hour, he shall be entitled to proportional remuneration.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 22; M.O. 98-06-18, s. 3; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 16.
§ 12.  — Chair of an identity verification panel
M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 17.
22.1. A chair of an identity verification panel is entitled to receive remuneration in the amount of $113 for duties performed for the polling.
M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 17; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 16.
22.2. A chair of an identity verification panel is entitled to receive remuneration in the amount of $94 for duties performed for the advance polling.
That remuneration shall be $187 when the duties are performed over 2 days.
M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 17; Erratum, 2005 G.O. 2, 4801; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 17.
§ 13.  — Member of an identity verification panel
M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 17.
22.3. A member of an identity verification panel is entitled to receive remuneration in the amount of $83 for duties performed for the polling.
M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 17; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 18.
22.4. A member of an identity verification panel is entitled to receive remuneration in the amount of $70 for duties performed for the advance polling.
That remuneration shall be $138 when the duties are performed over 2 days.
M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 17; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 19.
§ 1.  — Clerk or secretary-treasurer
23. In the case of a referendum poll, the clerk or secretary-treasurer or the person replacing him is entitled to receive remuneration of $339 for the duties he carries out to hold the poll.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 23; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 18; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 20.
24. In the case of a referendum advance poll, the clerk or secretary-treasurer or the person replacing him is entitled to receive remuneration of $226 for the duties he carries out to hold the advance poll.
That remuneration shall be $451 where the advance poll lasts 2 days.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 24; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 19; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 21.
25. For all of his other referendum duties, the clerk or secretary-treasurer of the person replacing him is entitled to receive the following remuneration:
(1)  where a referendum list is prepared and revised at the referendum, the greater of $339 and the sum obtained by multiplying the number of persons qualified to vote entered on the list on the date of its coming into force by the following amounts:
(a)  $0.388 for each of the first 2,500 persons qualified to vote;
(b)  $0.119 for each of the next 22,500 persons qualified to vote;
(c)  $0.043 for each of the remainder;
(2)  where no referendum list has been prepared and where the list that already exists has been revised for the referendum, the greater of $202 and the sum obtained by multiplying the number of persons qualified to vote entered on the list on the date of its coming into force by the following amounts:
(a)  $0.233 for each of the first 2,500 persons qualified to vote;
(b)  $0.069 for each of the next 22,500 persons qualified to vote;
(c)  $0.025 for each of the remainder;
(3)  where a referendum list has been prepared but has not been revised for the referendum, the greater of $202 and the sum obtained by multiplying the number of persons qualified to vote entered on the list on the date of its coming into force by the following amounts:
(a)  $0.233 for each of the first 2,500 persons qualified to vote;
(b)  $0.069 for each of the next 22,500 persons qualified to vote;
(c)  $0.025 for each of the remainder;
(4)  where no referendum list has been prepared and where the list that already exists has not been revised for the referendum, the greater of $69 and the sum obtained by multiplying the number of persons qualified to vote entered on the list on the date of its coming into force by the following amounts:
(a)  $0.075 for each of the first 2,500 persons qualified to vote;
(b)  $0.023 for each of the next 22,500 persons qualified to vote;
(c)  $0.009 for each of the remainder.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 25; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 20; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 22.
26. For the application of section 25, the referendum list is not deemed to be revised if its revision has been interrupted.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 26.
§ 2.  — Person in charge of the register and his assistant
27. Any person in charge of the register and his assistant who is an officer of the municipality is entitled to receive remuneration for each hour during which he carries out his duties as person in charge of the register or assistant thereto outside his regular hours of work as officer; the remuneration shall be equal to his hourly remuneration as an officer.
For any fraction of an hour, he shall be entitled to proportional remuneration.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 27.
28. Any person in charge of the register or his assistant who is not an officer of the municipality is entitled to receive remuneration of $10 for each hour during which he carries out his duties.
For every fraction of an hour, he shall be entitled to proportional remuneration.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 28; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 21.
§ 3.  — Other persons carrying out referendum duties
29. Sections 5 to 22 apply to persons who, at a referendum, carry out the duties corresponding to those referred to in those sections.
For that application:
(1)  “election” means the referendum;
(2)  “returning officer” means the clerk or secretary-treasurer or the person replacing him;
(3)  (paragraph revoked);
(4)  (paragraph revoked).
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 29; M.O. 98-06-18, s. 4.
30. The treasurer of a municipality to whom Divisions II to IX of Chapter XIII of Title I of the Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities (chapter E-2.2) apply is entitled to receive, for the duties he carries out with respect to returns of election expenses and financial reports he receives, the following remuneration:
(1)  $69 for each return of election expenses of an authorized independent candidate;
(2)  for the return of election expenses of an authorized party: $27 per candidate of the party in the election;
(3)  $32 for each financial report of an authorized independent candidate;
(4)  $133 for each financial report of an authorized party.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 30; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 22; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 23.
31. The treasurer referred to in section 30 is entitled, for all the other duties he carries out at an election, to remuneration equal to the sum obtained by multiplying the number of candidates in that election by the following amounts:
(1)  $13 for each authorized independent candidate;
(2)  $6 for each candidate of an authorized party.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 31; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 23; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 24.
32. Any person referred to in Divisions I and II, except the clerk or the secretary-treasurer or the person replacing him, the returning officer, the election clerk and the deputy returning officer and any person carrying out at a referendum the duties corresponding to the duties of the latter 2, is entitled to receive remuneration of $13 for his attendance at any training session held by the clerk or secretary-treasurer, the person replacing him or the returning officer or by any person designated by him.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 32; M.O. 2005-10-06, s. 24; M.O. 2008-07-17, s. 25.
33. Any person who, during an election or a referendum, combines duties entitling to remuneration pursuant to more than one subdivision of Division I or II is entitled to the greater remuneration only.
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 33.
34. (Omitted).
M.O. 88-10-13, s. 34.
M.O. 88-10-13, 1988 G.O. 2, 3770
M.O. 98-06-18, 1998 G.O. 2, 2645
M.O. 2005-10-06, 2005 G.O. 2, 4513 and 4801
M.O. 2008-07-17, 2008 G.O. 2, 3115
S.Q. 2008, c. 11, s. 213