d-2, r. 5 - Decree respecting solid waste removal in the Montréal region

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À jour au 24 avril 2013
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter D-2, r. 5
Decree respecting solid waste removal in the Montréal region
Act respecting collective agreement decrees
(chapter D-2, ss. 2 and 6).
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act respecting collective agreement decrees (chapter D-2), the contracting parties mentioned below have petitioned the Minister of Labour, Manpower and Income Security to render obligatory the collective labour agreement entered into between:
on the one part:
RÉSEAU environnement Inc.
L’Association des transporteurs de déchets solides du Québec Inc.
and, on the other part:
L’Union des chauffeurs de camions, hommes d’entrepôts et autres ouvriers, Teamsters Québec, section locale 106;
TUAC Local 501;
Association des chauffeurs de camions, hommes d’entrepôts et autres ouvriers de R.C.I. Environnement Inc.;
for the employers, artisans and employees of the trades and occupations concerned, according to the conditions described in the Gazette officielle du Québec of 21 May 1980;
WHEREAS the provisions of the said agreement have acquired a preponderant significance and importance for establishing working conditions in the trades and occupations concerned and in the territorial jurisdiction indicated in the said petition;
WHEREAS the objections brought forward have been duly considered in accordance with the Act;
WHEREAS the provisions of the Act have been duly observed as regards the publication of notices;
IT IS ORDERED, therefore, upon the recommendation of the Minister of Labour, Manpower and Income Security:
THAT the Decree respecting solid waste removal in the Montréal region, attached hereto, be approved.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29; O.C. 1479-88, s. 1; O.C. 180-90, s. 1; O.C. 1282-2002, s. 1; O.C. 489-2007, s. 1; O.C. 404-2013, s. 1.
1.01. In this Decree, unless the context indicates otherwise, the following expressions mean:
(1)  “helper”: employee who participates in the removal, transportation or unloading of solid waste;
(2)  “solid waste”: any waste product solid at 20 ºC from industrial, commercial or agricultural activities, detritus, incineration and demolition residue, domestic garbage, rubbish, rubble and other trash solid at 20 ºC, except for automobile bodies, soils and sands soaked with hydrocarbons, pesticides, explosive or spontaneously flammable products, pathological waste, manure, mining residues and radioactive waste, muds and solid residues from pulp and paper mills or from sawmills;
(3)  “part-time employee”: employee who has not completed 350 hours of work with his employer during 1 trimester;
(4)  “full-time employee”: employee who performed 350 hours of work with his employer during 1 trimester; he is deemed a full-time employee as of the first day of the following trimester and will remain so up to the end of his employment;
(5)  “trimester”: period of 3 consecutive months;
(6)  “unloading”: disposing of waste in a landfill site, a dry materials disposal site, a transfer station, an incinerator, or any other disposal site; this operation includes the treatment or valorization of recyclable materials where such operation is performed by the employees who are assigned to the removal or transportation of solid waste;
(7)  “commercial division”: division where the work not included in the municipal division is carried out;
(8)  “municipal division”: division where the work is performed under an agreement entered into between an employer and a municipality;
(9)  “driver, side-loading truck”: employee whose tasks consist in driving a side-loading vehicle and collecting, without a helper, solid waste;
(10)  “removal”: collection, transportation and unloading of solid waste;
(11)  “spouse”: means either of 2 persons who:
(a)  are married or in a civil union and cohabiting;
(b)  being of opposite sex or the same sex, are living together in a de facto union and are the father and mother of the same child;
(c)  are of opposite sex or the same sex and have been living together in a de facto union for 1 year or more;
(12)  “continuous service”: means an uninterrupted period during which the employee is bound to the employer by a contract of employment, even if the performance of the work has been interrupted without cancellation of the contract, and a period during which fixed term contracts succeed one another without an interruption that would, in the circumstances, give cause to conclude that the contract was not renewed.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 1.01; O.C. 2220-82, s. 1; O.C. 2278-84, s. 1; O.C. 1479-88, s. 2; O.C. 990-95, s. 2; O.C. 736-2005, s. 1.
2.01. Territorial jurisdiction: This Decree applies to the territory of the municipalities listed in Schedule I and included in administrative regions 06, 13, 14, 15 and 16 established by Décret concernant la révision des limites des régions administratives du Québec (chapter D-11, r. 1).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 2.01; O.C. 2278-84, s. 2; O.C. 990-95, s. 3.
2.02. Industrial jurisdiction: This Decree applies to the collection, transport or unloading of solid waste for others.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 2.02.
2.03. Exceptions: This Decree does not apply:
(a)  to the employee of a municipality that carries out the collection, transport or unloading of solid waste for the tax payers of the municipality;
(b)  to the employee whose employment does not appear in the wage schedule in Division 6.00;
(c)  to the enterprise that has the collection, transport or unloading of its solid waste carried out by its own employees.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 2.03.
Hours of work
3.01. The standard workweek is 40 hours scheduled over not more than 6 days, from Monday through Saturday.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 3.01; O.C. 1293-99, s. 2; O.C. 736-2005, s. 2.
3.02. The standard workday shall not exceed 12 hours.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 3.02.
3.03. The employee may take half an hour off without pay to take his meal as soon as he has performed 5 hours of work.
The meal period is paid when the employee is not authorized to leave his work position.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 3.03.
3.04. The employer grants to the employee a 10-minute rest period with pay each day of work.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 3.04.
Overtime hours
4.01. Hours worked over and above the hours included in the standard workday or workweek or in excess of 12 hours during one of the holidays listed in section 8.02, are paid at time and one half the employee’s hourly wage.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 4.01.
4.02. Hours worked on Sundays are paid double the employee’s hourly wage.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 4.02.
4.03. For the purpose of overtime calculation, the annual vacation and the general holidays with pay shall be given the same status as workdays.
O.C. 2278-84, s. 3.
Minimum wage
5.01. The employee is paid from the time he reports to work upon his employer’s request. Time spent waiting or travelling included between the beginning or the end of the workday is considered as a part of the day.
The employee is also remunerated during the entire trial or training period required by the employer.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 5.01; O.C. 736-2005, s. 3.
5.02. An employee who is on stand-by at home at his employer’s request receives a minimum indemnity equal to 4.5 times his hourly wage.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 5.02; O.C. 990-95, s. 4.
5.03. The employee who reports to work at the beginning of his standard workday receives at least a wage equal to 4.5 times his hourly wage, except in the following cases:
(a)  when there is no work for a reason beyond the employer’s control;
(b)  when the employee was notified not to report to work at least 1 hour before the beginning of his workday.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 5.03.
5.04. The employee called to work during one of the holidays listed in section 8.02 receives a wage at least equal to 4.5 times his hourly wage.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 5.04.
5.05. An employee called to work on Sundays receives a wage at least equal to 4.5 times the increased hourly wage increased in accordance with section 4.02 that he receives during 1 standard workday, except where he completes his standard workday on Saturday.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 5.05; O.C. 1293-99, s. 3.
Wage scale
6.01. The minimum hourly wage is the following:

Class of employment As of As of As of
2013 07 04 2014 07 04 2015 07 04

1. Full-time employee

(A) driver:
i. self-loading truck: $20.50 $21.00 $21.60
ii. side-loading truck: $21.39 $21.89 $22.49
iii. other vehicle: $20.29 $20.79 $21.39

(B) helper: $19.97 $20.47 $21.07

2. Part-time employee:

(A) truck driver any category: $19.71 $20.21 $20.81

(B) helper: $19.43 $19.93 $20.53
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 6.01; O.C. 2220-82, s. 2; O.C. 2278-84, s. 4; O.C. 1479-88, s. 3; O.C. 180-90, s. 2; O.C. 618-90, s. 2; O.C. 990-95, s. 5; O.C. 1293-99, s. 4; O.C. 800-2003, s. 1; O.C. 489-2007, s. 2; O.C. 320-2010, s. 1; O.C. 404-2013, s. 2.
6.02. Wages are paid in cash at every pay period by bank transfer, in cash or by cheque in a sealed envelope and, in all cases, the following particulars appear on the envelope, on the cheque stub or on a separate earnings statement:
(1)  the employer’s name;
(2)  the employee’s name;
(3)  the employee’s number;
(4)  the employee’s classification;
(5)  the date of payment and the corresponding work period;
(6)  the number of hours paid at the regular rate;
(7)  the number of overtime hours paid or compensated for by a holiday, with the applicable increase;
(8)  the nature and amount of the premiums, indemnities or allowances paid;
(9)  the wage rate;
(10)  the amount of the gross wages;
(11)  the nature and amount of the deductions made;
(12)  the amount of the net wages paid to the employee.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 6.02; O.C. 990-95, s. 6.
6.03. A full-time employee working for a commercial division, whose standard workday begins between 1 :00 p.m. and 3 :00 a.m. the next day, receives $0.20 per hour as a premium. Such a premium does not apply when the increase for overtime hours is applied.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 6.03; O.C. 2278-84, s. 5; O.C. 1293-99, s. 5.
6.04. The employee who, on a workday, performs tasks remunerated at different rates, receives, for the day, the wage applicable to the task which is best remunerated.
O.C. 990-95, s. 7.
Social security
7.01. This Division applies to the full-time employee only.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 7.01.
7.02. The employer remits each month to the Comité paritaire des boueurs de la région de Montréal a premium in the amount of $52 for each insurable employee in accordance with the group insurance plan adopted by the contracting parties and administered by the committee.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 7.02; O.C. 2316-82, s. 1; O.C. 1479-88, s. 4; O.C. 618-90, s. 3; O.C. 990-95, s. 8; O.C. 1293-99, s. 6.
7.03. The employer does not have to pay for each 30-day period included in the employee’s period of invalidity.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 7.03.
7.04. Any medical examination requested by the employer is complied with by all employees and the employer pays for such examination.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 7.04.
7.05. When the employer schedules for the medical examination provided for in section 7.04 a time included during the standard working hours of an employee, he is paid for the time involved at his regular rate of pay.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 7.05.
7.06. The insurance contract is submitted to the Autorité des marchés financiers for approval and it is subject to his supervision.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 7.06; O.C. 1124-87, s. 56.
7.07. This Division does not apply to the employer whose employees governed by this Decree benefit from a social security plan with provisions that are as advantageous for the employees.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 7.07; O.C. 800-2003, s. 2.
7.08. The insurance of an employee terminates at the end of the month during which he terminates his employment. The employer pays to the Parity Committee the insurance premium for the month during which the employee terminates his employment.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 7.08.
8.01. The 24th of June is a general holiday with pay, pursuant to the National Holiday Act (chapter F-1.1).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 8.01; O.C. 990-95, s. 9.
8.02. The full-time employee is entitled to the following paid general holidays: 1 and 2 January, Good Friday or Easter Monday, at the option of the employer, the Monday preceding 25 May, 1 July, Labour Day, Thanksgiving, 25 and 26 December.
The part-time employee is entitled to the following paid general holidays: 1 and 2 January, Good Friday or Easter Monday, at the option of the employer, 1 July, Thanksgiving, 25 and 26 December.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 8.02; O.C. 2278-84, s. 6; O.C. 1479-88, s. 5; O.C. 990-95, s. 10; O.C. 736-2005, s. 4.
8.03. The employer may carry over the celebration of 2 January, Good Friday or 26 December to another day, if he fulfills the prior conditions of notifying in writing the Parity Committee and posting a copy of such notice for 3 working days during the week preceding the holiday to be carried over.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 8.03.
8.04. The holiday pay is payable to the employee who worked on the holiday, at his employer’s request. It is also payable to the employee who worked on the workday preceding and following the holiday and on the collection day, doubled because of the holiday.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 8.04; O.C. 990-95, s. 11; O.C. 1293-99, s. 7.
8.05. The indemnity paid to the full-time employee for a paid general holiday is equal to 9 times his regular hourly rate or to 8 times the hourly rate of this employee if the holiday falls on a Sunday.
For the part-time employee, the employer must pay an indemnity equal to 1/20 of the wages earned during the 4 complete weeks of pay preceding the week of the holiday, excluding overtime hours.
To benefit from a paid general holiday, an employee must not have been absent from work without the employer’s authorization or without valid cause on the working day preceding or on the working day following the holiday.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 8.05; O.C. 2278-84, s. 7; O.C. 1479-88, s. 6; O.C. 990-95, s. 12; O.C. 1293-99, s. 8; O.C. 736-2005, s. 5.
8.06. When a holiday falls during an employee’s annual vacation, he receives the holiday pay in addition to his annual vacation pay. He may then take an extra day of vacation.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 8.06.
8.07. The full-time employee does not have to work after 9 :30 p.m. on Christmas eve and New Year’s eve.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 8.07.
Annual vacation
9.01. The qualifying period extends from 1 January to 31 December of the preceding year.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 9.01.
9.02. The employee who, on 1 January, has less than 1 year of continuous service with his employer, is entitled to 1 day of vacation with pay per month of continuous service but the vacation cannot exceed 2 weeks. The vacation pay is 4% of the employee’s earnings during the qualifying period.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 9.02.
9.03. The employee who, on 1 January, has 1 year of continuous service with his employer, is entitled to 2 continuous weeks of vacation pay equal to 4% of the employee’s earnings during the qualifying period.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 9.03; O.C. 736-2005, s. 6.
9.04. The full-time employee who, on 1 January, has 5 years of continuous service with his employer, is entitled to 3 continuous weeks of vacation with pay. The vacation pay is equal to 6% of the employee’s earnings during the qualifying period.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 9.04; O.C. 736-2005, s. 7.
9.05. (Implicitly revoked).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 9.05.
9.06. When the employment of an employee terminates, he receives the annual vacation pay acquired before the preceding 1 January, if not taken, plus the pay owing to him for the period elapsed since the said date.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 9.06.
9.07. The employee receives his vacation pay before he leaves on vacation.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 9.07.
9.08. (Implicitly revoked).
O.C. 2278-84, s. 8.
9.09. A full-time employee who, on 1 January, has 14 years of continuous service with his employer, is entitled to 4 weeks of vacation with pay. The vacation pay is equal to 8% of the employee’s earnings during the qualifying period.
O.C. 2278-84, s. 8.
Miscellaneous leaves
10.01. A full-time employee is entitled to a paid leave of 3 days, including the day of the funeral, on the occasion of the death of his consort, father, mother, child, brother or sister, or of the father or mother of his consort. He may also be absent for 2 additional days on such occasion, but without pay.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 10.01; O.C. 990-95, s. 13; O.C. 736-2005, s. 8.
10.02. A full-time employee is entitled to a leave of 1 day with pay on the occasion of the death or funeral of a brother or sister of his consort.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 10.02; O.C. 990-95, s. 13.
10.03. An employee mentioned in sections 10.01 and 10.02 receives 9 times his hourly wage for each day of leave if that day is a workday for him.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 10.03; O.C. 990-95, s. 13; O.C. 1293-99, s. 9.
10.04. A full-time employee is entitled to a leave of 1 day with pay on the occasion of the death or funeral of his consort’s child. He may also be absent for 4 additional days on such occasion, but without pay.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 10.04; O.C. 990-95, s. 13; O.C. 736-2005, s. 9.
10.05. A part-time employee is entitled to a leave of 1 day with pay on the occasion of the death or funeral of his consort, child or consort’s child, or of his father, mother, brother or sister. He may also be absent for 4 additional days on such occasion, but without pay.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 10.05; O.C. 990-95, s. 13; O.C. 736-2005, s. 10.
10.06. A part-time employee may be absent from work for 1 day, without pay, on the occasion of the death or funeral of the father, mother, brother or sister of his consort.
O.C. 990-95, s. 13.
10.07. An employee may be absent from work for 1 day, without pay, on the occasion of the death or funeral of a son-in-law or daughter-in-law, or of one of his grandparents or grandchildren.
O.C. 990-95, s. 13.
10.08. In the cases mentioned in sections 10.01, 10.02, 10.04, 10.05, 10.06 and 10.07, the employee shall notify the employer of his absence as soon as possible.
O.C. 990-95, s. 13.
10.09. The employee may be absent from work for 1 day without reduction of wages, on the day of his wedding or civil union.
An employee may also be absent from work, without pay, on the wedding day or civil union of 1 of his children, of his father, mother, brother or sister, or of his consort’s child.
The employee shall notify his employer of his intention to be absent from work at least 1 week in advance.
O.C. 990-95, s. 13; O.C. 736-2005, s. 11.
10.10. The employee may be absent from work for 5 days on the occasion of the birth of his child, the adoption of a child or the termination of pregnancy in or after the twentieth week of pregnancy. The first 2 days of absence are paid if the employee has 60 days of continuous service.
That leave may be taken as separate days at the employee’s request and may not be taken later than 15 days after the child arrives at the residence of his father or mother or if such is the case, the termination of pregnancy.
The employee shall notify his employer of his absence as soon as possible.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, an employee who adopts his consort’s child may be absent from work for only 2 days, without pay.
O.C. 990-95, s. 13; O.C. 736-2005, s. 12.
10.11. The paid leaves provided for in this Division shall be paid to an employee who was supposed to work, according to his regular schedule, subject to the Act respecting labour standards (chapter N-1.1).
O.C. 990-95, s. 13.
Other labour standards
11.01. When an employer obliges an employee to wear a uniform, he may not deduct any minimum amount from the wages of this employee for the purchase, use or cleaning of the uniform.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 11.01.
11.02. The employer shall supply the employee who so requests any documents respecting labour standards received from the Commission des normes du travail instituted under section 4 of the Act respecting labour standards (chapter N-1.1).
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 11.02.
Advance notice and work certificate
12.01. Except in the case of a contract with a specific duration, an employee who has at least 3 months of continuous service with the same employer is entitled to a written advance notice before he is dismissed or layed off for at least 6 months. Similarly, an employee who has at least 3 months of continuous service with the same employer shall give a written advance notice to his employer if he wants to quit his employment.
The advance notice provided for in the first paragraph consists of 1 week if the employee has less than 1 year of continuous service, 2 weeks if he has from 1 to 5 years of continuous service, 4 weeks if he has from 5 to 10 years of continuous service, and 8 weeks if he has 10 years or more of continuous service.
The notice does not apply to an employee:
(1)  whose contract for a given period or a given firm has expired;
(2)  who has committed a serious offence;
(3)  whose contract was terminated or who was laid off because of a fortuitous event.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29, s. 12.01; O.C. 2278-84, s. 9; O.C. 990-95, s. 14.
12.02. An employer who does not give the notice prescribed by section 12.01 or who gives a notice of an unsufficient length of time shall pay the employee a compensation equal to his regular wage, excluding overtime, for a period equal to that of the advance notice or the remaining period covered by the notice to which he was entitled.
The compensation shall be paid at the time the employment is terminated or at the time the employee is laid off for a period expected to last more than 6 months, or at the end of a period of 6 months for a layoff of indetermined duration or a layoff expected to last less than 6 months but which exceeds that period.
O.C. 2278-84, s. 9; O.C. 990-95, s. 15.
12.03. At the expiry of the work contract, the employee may require from his employer a work certificate stating only the nature and duration of his employment, the dates when he took up and gave up his post as well as the employer’s name and address. This certificate shall not mention the employee’s behaviour or the quality of his work.
O.C. 2278-84, s. 9; O.C. 1479-88, s. 7.
13.01. This Decree remains in force until January 1, 2011. Thereafter, it is automatically renewed from year to year unless one of the contracting parties opposes the renewal by sending written notice to that effect to the Minister of Labour and to the other contracting parties during July of the year 2011 or during July of any subsequent year.
O.C. 2278-84, s. 9; O.C. 1479-88, s. 8; O.C. 618-90, s. 4; O.C. 990-95, s. 16; O.C. 1531-96, s. 1; O.C. 1293-99, s. 10; O.C. 489-2007.
(s. 2.01)
Hors municipalité régionale de comté
Baie-d’Urfé, Beaconsfield, Côte-Saint-Luc, Dollard-Des Ormeaux, Dorval, Hampstead, Kirkland, L’Île-Dorval, Montréal, Montréal-Est, Montréal-Ouest, Mont-Royal, Pointe-Claire, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Senneville et Westmount.
Municipalité régionale de comté de Laval
Municipalité régionale de comté de D’Autray
Berthierville, Lanoraie, Lavaltrie, La Visitation-de-L’Île-Dupas, Mandeville, Saint-Barthélémy, Saint-Cléophas-de-Brandon, Saint-Cuthbert, Saint-Didace, Sainte-Élisabeth, Sainte-Geneviève-de-Berthier, Saint-Gabriel, Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon, Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola, Saint-Norbert.
Municipalité régionale de comté de Joliette
Crabtree, Joliette, Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, Saint-Ambroise-de-Kildare, Saint-Charles-Borromée, Sainte-Mélanie, Saint-Paul, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Thomas.
Municipalité régionale de comté de L’Assomption
Charlemagne, L’Assomption, ville et paroisse de L’Épiphanie, Repentigny, Saint-Sulpice.
Municipalité régionale de comté des Moulins
Mascouche et Terrebonne.
Municipalité régionale de comté de Matawinie
Chertsey, Rawdon, Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez, Saint-Côme, Saint-Damien, Sainte-Béatrix, Sainte-Émélie-de-l’Énergie, Sainte-Marcelline-de-Kildare, Saint-Félix-de-Valois, Saint-Jean-de-Matha, Saint-Michel-des-Saints, Saint-Zénon.
Municipalité régionale de comté de Montcalm
Paroisse et village de Saint-Alexis, Saint-Calixte, Sainte-Julienne, Sainte-Marie-Salomé, Saint-Esprit, Saint-Jacques, Saint-Liguori, Saint-Lin-Laurentides, Saint-Roch-de-L’Achigan, Saint-Roch-Ouest.
Municipalité régionale de comté d’Argenteuil
Brownsburg-Chatham, Gore, Grenville, Grenville-sur-la-Rouge, Lachute, Mille-Isles, Saint-André-d’Argenteuil, Wentworth.
Municipalité régionale de comté des Deux-Montagnes
Deux-Montagnes, Oka, Pointe-Calumet, Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, Saint-Eustache, Saint-Joseph-du-Lac, Saint Placide.
Muninipalité régionale de comté de La Rivière-du-Nord
Prévost, Saint-Colomban, Sainte-Sophie, Saint-Hippolyte, Saint-Jérôme.
Municipalité régionale de comté des Laurentides
Brébeuf, Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, Val-David, Val-des-Lacs, Val-Morin.
Municipalité régionale de comté des Pays-d’en-Haut
Estérel, Morin-Heights, Piedmont, Saint-Adolphe-d’Howard, Sainte-Adèle, Sainte-Anne-des-Lacs, Sainte-Marguerite-du-Lac-Masson, Saint-Sauveur, Wentworth-Nord.
Municipalité régionale de comté de Matawinie
Municipalité régionale de comté de Mirabel
Municipalité régionale de comté de Thérèse-De Blainville
Blainville, Boisbriand, Bois-des-Filion, Lorraine, Rosemère, Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines, Sainte-Thérèse.
Hors municipalité régionale de comté
Boucherville, Brossard, Longueuil, Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Saint-Lambert
Municipalité régionale de comté d’Acton
Acton Vale, Sainte-Christine, Saint-Nazaire-d’Acton, Saint-Théodore-d’Acton, Upton.
Municipalité régionale de comté de Beauharnois-Salaberry
Beauharnois, Sainte-Martine, Saint-Étienne-de-Beauharnois, Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague, Saint-Stanislas-de-Kostka, Saint-Urbain-Premier, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield.
Municipalité régionale de comté de La Vallée-du-Richelieu
Beloeil, Carignan, Chambly, McMasterville, Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Otterburn Park, Saint-Antoine-sur-Richelieu, Saint-Basile-le-Grand, Saint-Charles-sur-Richelieu, Saint-Denis-sur-Richelieu, Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Saint-Marc-sur-Richelieu, Saint-Mathieu-de-Beloeil.
Municipalité régionale de comté de Lajemmerais
Calixa-Lavallée, Contrecoeur, Saint-Amable, Sainte-Julie, Varennes, Verchères.
Municipalité régionale de comté du Bas-Richelieu
Massueville, Saint-Aimé, Saint-David, Sainte-Anne-de-Sorel, Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel, Saint-Gérard-Majella, Saint-Joseph-de-Sorel, Saint-Ours, Saint-Robert, Saint-Rock-de-Richelieu, Sorel-Tracy, Yamaska.
Municipalité régionale de comté du Haut-Richelieu
Henryville, Lacolle, Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Noyan, Saint-Alexandre, Saint-Blaise-sur-Richelieu, Sainte-Anne-de-Sabrevois, Sainte-Brigide-d’Iberville, Saint-Georges-de-Clarenceville, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Saint-Paul-de-l’Île-aux-Noix, Saint-Sébastien, Saint-Valentin, Venise-en-Québec.
Municipalité régionale de comté du Haut-Saint-Laurent
Dundee, Elgin, Franklin, Godmanchester, Havelock, Hinchinbrook, Howick, Huntingdon, Ormstown, Saint-Anicet, Saint-Chrysostome, Sainte-Barbe, Très-Saint-Sacrement.
Municipalité régionale de comté des Jardins-de-Napierville
Village et canton de Hemmingford, Napierville, Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Saint-Cyprien-de-Napierville, Sainte-Clotilde-de-Châteauguay, Saint-Édouard, Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur, Saint-Michel, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Saint-Rémi.
Municipalité régionale de comté des Maskoutains
La Présentation, Saint-Barnabé-Sud, Saint-Bernard-de-Michaudville, Saint-Damase, Saint-Dominique, Sainte-Hélène-de-Bagot, Sainte-Madeleine, Sainte-Marie-Madeleine, Saint-Hugues, Saint-Hyacinthe, Saint-Jude, Saint-Liboire, Saint-Louis, Saint-Marcel-de-Richelieu, Saint-Pie, Saint-Simon.
Municipalité régionale de comté de Roussillon
Candiac, Châteauguay, Delson, La Prairie, Léry, Mercier, Saint-Constant, Sainte-Catherine, Saint-Isidore, Saint-Mathieu, Saint-Philippe.
Municipalité régionale de comté de Rouville
Marieville, Richelieu, Rougemont, Sainte-Angèle-de-Monnoir, Saint-Mathias-sur-Richelieu.
Municipalité régionale de comté de Vaudreuil-Soulanges
Coteau-du-Lac, Les Coteaux, Hudson, Les Cèdres, L’Île-Cadieux, L’Île-Perrot, Notre-Dame-de-L’Île-Perrot, Pincourt, Pointe-des-Cascades, Pointe-Fortune, Rigaud, Rivière-Beaudette, Saint-Clet, Sainte-Justine-de-Newton, Sainte-Marthe, Saint-Lazare, Saint-Polycarpe, Saint-Télesphore, Saint-Zotique, Terrasse-Vaudreuil, Très-Saint-Rédempteur, Vaudreuil-Dorion, Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac.
O.C. 2278-84, s. 9; O.C. 990-95, s. 17.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. D-2, r. 29
O.C. 2220-82, 1982 G.O. 2, 3226
O.C. 2316-82, 1982 G.O. 2, 3282
O.C. 2278-84, 1984 G.O. 2, 3642
O.C. 1124-87, 1987 G.O. 2, 3139
O.C. 1479-88, 1988 G.O. 2, 3576
O.C. 180-90, 1990 G.O. 2, 549
O.C. 618-90, 1990 G.O. 2, 1400
O.C. 990-95, 1995 G.O. 2, 2184
O.C. 1531-96, 1996 G.O. 2, 5363
O.C. 757-98, 1998 G.O. 2, 2216
O.C. 1293-99, 1999 G.O. 2, 4481
O.C. 1282-2002, 2002 G.O. 2, 5844
O.C. 800-2003, 2003 G.O. 2, 2236
O.C. 736-2005, 2005 G.O. 2, 3444
O.C. 489-2007, 2007 G.O. 2, 1601
O.C. 320-2010, 2010 G.O. 2, 867
O.C. 404-2013, 2013 G.O. 2, 1004