C-61.1, r. 69 - Regulation respecting the Rivière-Cascapédia Wildlife Sanctuary

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À jour au 1er septembre 2012
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter C-61.1, r. 69
Regulation respecting the Rivière-Cascapédia Wildlife Sanctuary
Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife
(chapter C-61.1, s. 111).
1. The territory described in Schedule I is established as a wildlife sanctuary under the name Rivière-Cascapédia Wildlife Sanctuary.
O.C. 1671-82, s. 1.
1.1. (Revoked).
O.C. 1061-95, s. 1; O.C. 859-99, s. 29.
1.2. (Revoked).
O.C. 1061-95, s. 1; O.C. 859-99, s. 29.
1.3. (Revoked).
O.C. 1061-95, s. 1; O.C. 859-99, s. 29.
2. (Omitted).
O.C. 1671-82, s. 2.
A territory forming part of the regional county municipalities of Bonaventure, Avignon, La Matapédia, Matane, in the townships of Maria, New-Richmond, Flahault, Angers, Clapperton, Marcil, Clarke, Richard, Dunière, having an area of 20 square kilometres (20 km2) and whose perimeter is described as follows:
Starting from a point located 60 m east of the left bank of rivière Cascapédia and on the southern limit of the right of way of route 132.
Thence, in a general northwesterly direction, a line parallel to and 60 m east of the left bank of rivière Cascapédia to the southern limit of Parc national de la Gaspésie, that is, a point located 60 m southeast of the left bank of ruisseau du Dix-septième Mille;
Thence, southwesterly, a line parallel to and 60 m southeast of the left bank of ruisseau du Dix-septième Mille and its extension to a point located 60 m west of the right bank of rivière Cascapédia;
Thence, in a general southeasterly direction, a line parallel to and 60 m west of the right bank of rivière Cascapédia to a point located 60 m north of the left bank of rivière Branche du Lac;
Thence, in a general southwesterly direction, a line parallel to and 60 m north of the left bank of the said river to the intersection with the left bank of ruisseau des Mineurs;
Thence, in a general southerly direction, the left bank of ruisseau des Mineurs and its extension to a point located 60 m south of the right bank of rivière Branche du Lac;
Thence, in a general northeasterly direction, a line parallel to and 60 m south of the right bank of the said river to a point located 60 m west of the right bank of rivière Cascapédia;
Thence, in a general southeasterly direction, a line parallel to and 60 m west of the right bank of rivière Cascapédia to the intersection with the northeastern limit of the Indian reserve of Maria No. 2;
Thence, southeasterly, the northeastern limit of the said reserve to the normal high-water mark of Baie de Cascapédia;
Thence, in general southwesterly and northwesterly directions, the said normal high-water mark to the intersection with the southwestern limit of the Indian reserve of Maria No. 2;
Thence, northwesterly, the southwestern limit of the Indian reserve of Maria No. 2 over a distance of 60 m;
Thence, in general northwesterly and southwesterly directions, a line parallel to and 60 m north of the north shore of Baie de Cascapédia to the eastern end of Pointe Kilmore;
Thence, southeasterly, a straight line to a point located on the straight line between the eastern end of Pointe Kilmore and the southern end of Pointe Duthie, that point being the southeastern corner of a territory covered by a memorandum of understanding respecting the issuance of special permits for salmon fishing in rivière Cascapédia between the Maria Band Council and the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Faune of the province of Québec, as described hereafter:
A territory extending from a point located at the eastern end of the northern limit of the reserve, in a southeasterly direction to the centre line of the river, then in a southwesterly direction to a point forming a 74º angle with Pointe Kilmore on the western side and Pointe Duthie on the eastern side;
Thence, northeasterly, a straight line to a point located at the intersection of the left bank of rivière Cascapédia and of the southern right of way of route 132;
Thence, easterly, the southern limit of the right of way of route 132 to the starting point.
O.C. 1671-82, Sch. I; O.C. 1061-95, s. 2.
O.C. 1671-82, 1982 G.O. 2, 1923; Suppl. 345
S.Q. 1985, c. 30, s. 147
O.C. 1061-95, 1995 G.O. 2, 2660
O.C. 859-99, 1999 G.O. 2, 2432
S.Q. 2001, c. 63, s. 13