C-61.1, r. 122 - Regulation respecting the Rivière-aux-Rats Controlled Zone

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Remplacé le 14 décembre 2022
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter C-61.1, r. 122
Regulation respecting the Rivière-aux-Rats Controlled Zone
Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife
(chapter C-61.1, s. 104).
Replaced, M.O. 2022-1001, 2022 G.O. 2, 4139; eff. 2022-12-14; see chapter C-61.1, r. 73.1.
1. The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule A and described in this section, constitutes the Rivière-aux-Rats Controlled Zone:
A territory situated in the county municipality of Lac-Saint-Jean-Ouest, in the townships of Pelletier, La Trappe, Panneton, Hémon and Antoine and in unorganized territories, containing one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one square kilometres (1,781 km2) and whose perimeter may be described as follows:
Commencing at the southeastern corner of the dam situated at the southern end of lac aux Rats; thence, in a general southeasterly direction, the southern shore of lac aux Rats to a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,441,350 m N, 697,800 m E; thence, easterly, a straight line to the western shore of a lake, a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,441,250 m N, 702,250 m E; thence, easterly and then northeasterly, the southern and eastern shore of the said lake to a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,441,600 m N, 702,800 m E; thence, northerly, to the meeting with the eastern shore of a lake, a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,445,350 m N, 703,100 m E; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, the northeastern and western shore of the said lake, the effluent of the said lake and the eastern shore of the lake whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,447,000 m N, 702,300 m E; thence, northeasterly, the southeastern limit of the right of way of the road passing north of the last lake to a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,450,000 m N, 704,800 m E; thence, northwesterly, a straight line to the meeting with the southeastern end of lac de l’Écluse; thence, in a northwesterly, southerly, westerly, northwesterly and then northeasterly, the eastern, northern and western shore of lac de l’Écluse, the right bank of rivière de l’Écluse to the meeting with the left bank of rivière aux Rats; northeasterly, the left bank of rivière aux Rats to a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,474,000 m N, 706,500 m E; thence, northeasterly, a straight line to the southern end of a lake, a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,474,650 m N, 708,400 m E; thence, northerly, the western shore of the said lake to a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,477,000 m N, 708,700 m E; thence, easterly and then northeasterly, a broken line whose apexes are identified by the following U.T.M. coordinates: 5, 477,000 m N, 710,700 m E; 5,483,350 m N, 713,200 m E, the latter point being situated on the western shore of lac aux Oiseaux; thence, northerly, the western shore of lac aux Oiseaux and the left bank of its tributary to the meeting with the southeastern limit of the right of way of the road passing east of Petit lac de l’Enclume; thence, northerly, the said limit of the right of way of the road passing east of Petit lac de l’Enclume and of Grand lac de l’Enclume to a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,494,350 m N, 713,400 m E; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, a line of 2 drainage basins and a broken line whose apex coordinates are 5,495,400 m N, 712,450 m E; 5,496,500 m N, 711,150 m E; 5,497,750 m N, 709,000 m E; 5,500,000 m N, 708,100 m E; 5,500,000 m N, 710,250 m E; 5,504,300 m N, 710,950 m E; 5,506,300 m N, 709,000 m E, the point being situated on the left bank of rivière Bureau; thence, northerly, the left bank of rivière Bureau, the eastern shore of lac Bureau to its northern end, a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,517,550 m N, 708,050 m E; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, a broken line whose apexes are identified by the following U.T.M. coordinates: 5,519,900 m N, 708,750 m E; 5,526,600 m N, 705,500 m E; 5,530,050 m N, 705,650 m E; thence, northwesterly, the limit of 2 drainage basins, a few points of which are identified by the following U.T.M. coordinates: 5,530,900 m N, 705,200 m E; 5,533,450 m N, 704,400 m E; thence, a straight line to a point situated on the eastern bank of rivière aux Rats, a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,535,000 m N, 703,550 m E; thence, northwesterly, the eastern bank of rivière aux Rats to the northern end of the lake situated at its head; thence, northerly, a straight line to the meeting with the 50º parallel of latitude north; thence, westerly, the said line of the 50º parallel to the meeting with the right bank of the tributary of lac Cochon; southeasterly, the right bank of the tributary of lac Cochon, the western shore of lac Cochon, the right bank of the tributary of Petit lac aux Rats, the western shore of Petit lac aux Rats and the western limit of the right of way of the road alongside Petit lac aux Rats to a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,528,000 m N, 692,900 m E; thence westerly, a straight line to a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,528,000 m N, 690,000 m E; southerly, a line of 2 drainage basins whose apexes are identified by the following U.T.M. coordinates: 5,526,500 m N, 689,500 m E; 5,524,000 m N, 689,900 m E; 5,522,400 m N, 690,400 m E; 5,519,600 m N, 690,850 m E; 5,518,100 m N, 690,000 m E; thence, southerly, a straight line to a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,507,800 m N, 690,000 m E; thence, a line of 2 drainage basins whose apexes are identified by the following U.T.M. coordinates: 5,505,750 m N, 690,650 m E; 5,504,100 m N, 692,200 m E; thence, southwesterly, a straight line to the meeting with the left bank of Petite rivière aux Rats, a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,501,750 m N, 691,000 m E; southeasterly, the left bank of Petite rivière aux Rats to a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,498,450 m N, 693,900 m E; thence, northwesterly, a straight line to the meeting with the eastern end of lac Bergeron; thence, southwesterly, the northwestern shore of the said lake to its western end; thence, southwesterly, a straight line to a point situated on the western shore of a lake, a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,492,200 m N, 683,450 m E; thence, a broken line whose apexes are identified by the following U.T.M. coordinates: 5,490,250 m N, 684,150 m E; 5,487,900 m N, 684,450 m E; 5,486,000 m N, 684,800 m E; 5,485,600 m N, 683,150 m E; 5,480,000 m N, 682,300 m E; 5,480,000 m N, 680,450 m E; 5,474,100 m N, 682,900 m E, the latter point being situated on the western shore of the lake west of lac du Brochet; southeasterly, the western and southern shore of the said lake, the right bank of its effluent, the southwestern shore of lac du Brochet, the right bank of its effluent, the southwestern shore of Petit lac Travers to a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,468,550 m N, 686,850 m E; thence, southerly, to a point 5,464,700 m N, 686,850 m E; thence, westerly, to a point 5,464,700 m N, 686,000 m E; thence, southerly, skirting the first lake met there to the west and the second to the east to point 5,458,200 m N, 686,000 m E; thence, easterly, to the meeting with the right bank of rivière de la Perdrix Blanche, a point whose U.T.M. coordinates are 5,458,300 m N, 695,950 m E; thence, southeasterly, the right bank of rivière de la Perdrix Blanche, the western shore of lac aux Rats to the existing dam; thence, southeasterly, the northeastern limit of the dam to the point of commencement.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 145, s. 1.
Rivière-aux-Rats Controlled Zone
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 145, Sch. A.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. C-61, r. 145