C-61.01, r. 49 - Order in Council concerning the establishment of Réserve écologique de Mont-Saint-Pierre

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À jour au 1er septembre 2012
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter C-61.01, r. 49
Order in Council concerning the establishment of Réserve écologique de Mont-Saint-Pierre
Natural Heritage Conservation Act
(chapter C-61.01, s. 43).
1. The territory whose plan and technical description are attached to this Order in Council be established as an ecological reserve under the name Réserve écologique de Mont-Saint-Pierre.
O.C. 24-2001, s. 1.
2. (Omitted).
O.C. 24-2001, s. 2.
A territory made up of a piece of land of irregular shape, formed by lots 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91-1, 92-1, 93-1, 94-1, 95-4, 96-2, 97-3 and 98-4 and part of lots 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 95-1, 95-2, 95-3, 96-1, 99-4 and 117 of the revised cadastre of Municipalité de Saint-Maxime-du-Mont-Louis, on the territory of Municipalité régionale de comté de Denis-Riverin, in the Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine administrative region.
The perimeter of that territory whose geographic focus is approximately located at 49°11′00″ latitude NORTH and at 65°48′00″ longitude WEST may be explicitly described as follows, namely:
Starting from point A on the dividing line between lots 99-4 and 100-2 at the intersection of that line with lot 99-3, the approximate SCOPQ coordinates of the said point A being 5 542 562 m N and 209 983 m E;
Thence, following the dividing line between lots 99-4 and 100-2 over a distance of 173 m, up to point B;
Thence, following a sinuous line forming the southern limit of a road excluded from the ecological reserve, in a general easterly direction, over a distance of 640 m, up to point C;
Thence, following the dividing line between lots 99-4 and 117 over a distance of 198 m, up to point D;
Thence, following the dividing line between lots 98-4 and 97-3 and lot 117 over a distance of 354 m, up to point E;
Thence, following a sinuous line in a general southeasterly direction along the eastern limit of an old forest road included in the ecological reserve, over a distance of 1 047 m up to point F; the approximate SCOPQ coordinates of the said point F being 5 451 547 m N and 211 160 m E;
Thence, following a straight line on a bearing of 118°00′00″ over a distance of 271 m, up to point G;
Thence, following a straight line on a bearing of 176°00′00″ over a distance of 96 m, up to point H;
Thence, following a straight line on a bearing of 138°00′00″ over a distance of 96 m, up to point J;
Thence, following a straight line on a bearing of 249°00′00″ over a distance of 223 m, up to point K;
Thence, following a sinuous line in a general southeasterly direction along the eastern limit of an old forest road included in the ecological reserve, over a distance of 1 374 m up to point L, the approximate SCOPQ coordinates of the said point L being 5 450 036 m N and 211 639 m E;
Thence, following a sinuous line in a general southwesterly direction along the northern and western limits of a road leading to the ski resort excluded from the ecological reserve, over a distance of 2215 mto point M, the approximate SCOPQ approximate coordinates of the said point being 5 448 596 m N and 211 236 m E;
Thence, following a sinuous line in a general westerly direction along the western and southern limits of a stream included in the ecological reserve, over a distance of 1 504 m up to point N, the approximate SCOPQ coordinates of the said point N being 5 448 504 m N and 209 980 m E;
Thence, following a sinuous line in a general northerly direction along the eastern limit of a road leading to the ski resort excluded from the ecological reserve over a distance of 409 m, up to point P;
Thence, following the natural high water mark of Rivière de Mont-Saint-Pierre, in a general northerly direction on the eastern side over a distance of 2 495 m, up to point Q;
Thence, following the sinuous line dividing lots 91-1 and 91-2, 92-1 and 92-2, 93-1 and 93-2 and 94-1 and 94-2, in a general northerly direction, over a distance of 784 m, up to point R;
Thence, following the dividing line between lots 94-2 and 95-1 up to point S, which is 242.50 m from the intersection of the dividing line between lots 94-2 and 95-1 with the eastern bank of Rivière de Mont-Saint-Pierre, that distance being measured on the dividing line between the said lots;
Thence, following a sinuous line in a general northerly direction, over a distance of 252.95 m up to point T, which is 249.92 m from the intersection of the dividing line between lots 95-3 and 96-1 with the eastern bank of Rivière de Mont-Saint-Pierre, that distance being measured on the dividing line between the said lots;
Thence, following the dividing line between lots 96-1 and 95-3 over a distance of 72.19 m, up to point U;
Thence, following a sinuous line in a general northeasterly direction, over a distance of 240.26 m up to point V, which is 439.05 m from the intersection of the dividing line between lots 96-1 and 97-1 with the eastern bank of Rivière de Mont-Saint-Pierre, that distance being measured on the dividing line between the said lots;
Thence, following the dividing line between lots 97-1 and 96-1 up to point W, located at the intersection of the said dividing line with lot 97-3;
Thence, following to the north the sinuous line that separates lots 97-1 and 97-2 from lot 97-3, lots 98-1, 98-2 and 98-3 from lot 98-4, lots 99-1, 99-2 and 99-3 from lot 99-4, over a total distance of 639 m up to point A, the starting point.
The approximate area of the above-described territory is 643 hectares and it is shown on the plan attached hereto at a scale of 1:20 000, drawn up on an excerpt from the topographic map made in 1983 by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec, leaf 22H 04-200-0201.
Note: The coordinates given in this description were graphically traced on leaf 22H 04-200-0201 of the above-mentioned map, in reference to the official plane coordinate system of Québec (SCOPQ, modified transverse Mercator projection system, Zone 5, central meridian 64°30′00″ West, North American datum 1983).
Note: The survey of those territorial boundaries will determine the perimeter of the ecological reserve.
Note: The distances given in the “S-T”, “T-U” and “U-V” segments refer to the technical description prepared by Mr. Jean-Paul Lavoie, l.s. under Minute 5504 dated 9 March 1998.
The whole as shown on the plan prepared by Claude Vincent, land surveyor, bearing minute number 3143.
Given at Québec, on the fourth day of May 2000.
Land surveyor
Y/R: 5141-03-11 [1.24]
O/R: 00/024
Minute No. 3143
O.C. 24-2001, Sch.
O.C. 24-2001, 2001 G.O. 2, 1069