C-61.01, r. 41 - Regulation respecting the Réserve écologique de Manche-d’Épée

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À jour au 27 mai 2024
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chapter C-61.01, r. 41
Regulation respecting the Réserve écologique de Manche-d’Épée
Natural Heritage Conservation Act
(chapter C-61.01, s. 43).
1. Establishment of the ecological reserve: The territory described in section 2 is established as an ecological reserve under the name Réserve écologique de Manche-d’Épée bearing number 012-01-1984.
O.C. 903-84, s. 1.
2. Description:
FILE: 5141-03-11 (1.21)
In reference to the original survey, a territory made up of lots 21 to 23, 26, 27 and part of lots 24 and 25 of Rang II, part of Bloc A and Bloc B.
The territory may be more specifically described as follows:
Starting at the northwest corner of Lot 27 of Rang II situated on the dividing line between lots 27 and 28 of Rang II to its intersection with the dividing line between ranges I and II; thence, easterly, following the dividing line between ranges I and II to the northeast corner of Lot 21 of Rang II; thence, southerly, following the dividing line between lots 20 and 21 of Rang II and the dividing line between an undivided part of Canton de Taschereau and Bloc B to the southeast corner of the said Bloc B; thence, westerly, following the dividing line between Bloc A and Bloc B with an undivided part of Canton de Taschereau to the southwest corner of Bloc A, thence, northerly, following the dividing line between Bloc A and an undivided part of Canton de Taschereau and the dividing line between lots 27 and 28 of Rang II to the northwest corner of Lot 27 of Rang II, starting point.
The following parcels are to be excepted and withdrawn from the territory of which the perimeter is described above:
(1)  The road of Rivière-de-Manche-d’Épée having a right-of-way of 25.00 m in width by the length it may have starting from the dividing line between Bloc A and Bloc B with an undivided part of Canton de Taschereau to the south to the dividing line between Rang I and Rang II to the north.
That road has an area of 8.91 ha.
(2)  A rectangular lot in a proposed ecological reserve that is part of Lot 24 of Rang II.
The northeast corner of that lot is situated on the dividing line between lots 23 and 24 of Rang II at 181,00 metres south of the dividing line between ranges I and II.
Measuring 137.00 m in width by 401,00 metres in length.
That lot has an area of 5.49 ha.
(3)  The existing access road, having a right-of-way 5.00 m in width, extending in a general southerly direction from the dividing line between ranges I and II to the lot designated above and having an approximate area of 0.19 ha.
(4)  Part of Bloc A, bounded to the northeast by the northeastern limit of the right-of-way 5.00 m in width of a road that is part of Bloc A, southerly and westerly by an undivided part of Canton de Taschereau; measuring 357.9 m along a sinuous line northeasterly, 296.57 m southerly and 171.08 m westerly.
That part of Bloc A has an area of 2.67 ha.
The total area of that ecological reserve (excluding the areas to be withdrawn) is 573.24 ha.
The whole as shown on the plan prepared by Claude Vincent, land surveyor, bearing number three thousand nine hundred and ninety-two (3992) of his minutes.
Prepared at Québec, on 27 May 2002.
Land surveyor
File: 02-105
Minute: 3992
O.C. 903-84, s. 2; O.C. 913-2002, s. 1.
3. (Omitted).
O.C. 903-84, s. 3.
O.C. 913-2002, s. 2.
O.C. 903-84, 1984 G.O. 2, 1703
O.C. 913-2002, 2002 G.O. 2, 4547