C-61.01, r. 18 - Order respecting the establishment of the Réserve écologique de la Forêt-la-Blanche and approval of the conservation plan

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À jour au 1er septembre 2012
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chapter C-61.01, r. 18
Order respecting the establishment of the Réserve écologique de la Forêt-la-Blanche and approval of the conservation plan
Natural Heritage Conservation Act
(chapter C-61.01, s. 43).
1. The permanent ecological reserve status is assigned to the land, the plan and technical description of which appear as schedules to this Order, under the name Réserve écologique de la Forêt-la-Blanche, on the dates below;
— on 1 April 2006 for the parts of the land designated in the plan and in Section 3 of the technical description and for those parts that remain land set aside as a proposed ecological reserve until that date;
— on the date of publication of this Order in the Gazette officielle du Québec for the rest of the land to which the plan and technical description refer.
O.C. 1011-2003, s. 1.
2. The conservation plan, the text of which is attached as a schedule, proposed for the area having permanent protection status as an ecological reserve and to govern the part of the area remaining a proposed ecological reserve until 1 April 2006, is approved .
O.C. 1011-2003, s. 2.
3. This Order comes into force on 8 October 2003.
O.C. 1011-2003, s. 3.
In this technical description, the boundaries defined by the shore of a lake or the bank of a river correspond to the normal high-water mark.
Measurements are expressed in international system (SI) units.
The survey of boundaries that are not established or renewed will define the perimeter of the ecological reserve.
2.1 Designation
A territory situated in the territory of Municipalité régionale de comté de Papineau, in the Outaouais administrative region, and comprising the following in reference to the original survey.
In the township of Lochaber, lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and part of lot 18 of Rang XI; lots 14, 15, 16, 17 and part of lot 18 of Rang XII.
In the township of Mulgrave, lots 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 of Rang I; lots 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 (cadastral lots 31A and 31B), 32 (cadastral lots 32A and 32B), 33 (cadastral lots 33A and 33B), 34, 35, 36 and 37 and part of lot 23 (cadastral lot 23A) of Rang II; lots 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 and part of lot 29 of Rang III.
The cadastral designation is identical to that of the original survey, except where mentioned between brackets.
2.2 Perimeter
The perimeter of the territory may be described as follows, namely:
Starting from point 1 situated at the intersection of the shore of Lac Britannique with the dividing line between lots 37 and 38 of Rang II in the township of Mulgrave;
Thence, southerly, following the dividing line between lots 37 and 38 of Rang II in the township of Mulgrave, then the dividing line between lots 37 and 38 of Rang I still in the township of Mulgrave to its intersection with the dividing line between the townships of Mulgrave and Lochaber, namely point 2;
Thence, westerly, following the dividing line between the townships of Mulgrave and Lochaber to its intersection with the dividing line between lots 13 and 14 of Rang XII of the township of Lochaber, namely point 3;
Thence, southerly, along in the township of Lochaber, along the dividing line between lots 13 and 14 of Rang XII, the shore of the west tip of Lac Long, then still the dividing line between the said lots 13 and 14 of Rang XII to its intersection with the dividing line between ranges XI and XII, namely point 4;
Thence, easterly, along the dividing line between ranges XI and XII of the township of Lochaber to its intersection with the dividing line between lots 12 and 13 of Rang XI still in the township of Lochaber, namely point 5;
Thence, southerly, in the township of Lochaber, along the dividing line between lots 12 and 13 of Rang XI and the shore of the lake met, skirting it on the east side to its intersection with the dividing line between ranges X and XI, namely point 6;
Thence, westerly, along the dividing line between ranges X and XI of the township of Lochaber and the shore of Lac à la Framboise, skirting it on the south side to its intersection with the dividing line between lots 18 and 19 of Rang XI of the township of Lochaber, namely point 7;
Thence, northerly, along the dividing line between lots 18 and 19 of Rang XI of the township of Lochaber, to point 8 situated 119 m, measured southerly from the intersection of the dividing line between the said lots, with the dividing line between ranges XI and XII of the township of Lochaber;
Thence, easterly, along a line, on lot 18 of Rang XI, that is perpendicular to the dividing line between lots 18 and 19 of Rang XI over a distance of 200 m, namely point 9;
Thence, northerly, along a line, on lot 18 of ranges XI and XII, that is perpendicular to the 8-9 line, over a distance of 165 m, namely point 10;
Thence, westerly, along a line, on lot 18 of Rang XII, that is perpendicular to the 9-10 line, to the dividing line between lots 18 and 19 of Rang XII, namely point 11;
Thence, northerly, along the dividing line between lots 18 and 19 of Rang XII of the township of Lochaber to its intersection with the shore of Lac La Blanche, namely point 12;
Thence, easterly, in an average northerly direction, along the shore of Lac La Blanche to its intersection with the dividing line between lots 23 (cadastral lot 23B) and 24 of Rang II in the township of Mulgrave, namely point 13;
Thence, northerly, along the dividing line between lots 23 (cadastral lot 23B) and 24 of Rang II in the township of Mulgrave to its intersection with the dividing line between cadastral lots 23B and 23A of Rang II, still in the township of Mulgrave, namely point 14;
Thence, westerly, along the dividing line between cadastral lots 23B and 23A of Rang II in the township of Mulgrave to its intersection with the dividing line between lots 22 and 23 of Rang II, still in the township of Mulgrave, namely point 15;
Thence, northerly, along the dividing line between lots 22 and 23 (cadastral lot 23A) of Rang II in the township of Mulgrave to its intersection with the dividing line between ranges II and III, still in the township of Mulgrave, namely point 16;
Thence, easterly, along the dividing line between ranges II and III in the township of Mulgrave to its intersection with the dividing line between lots 28 and 29 of Rang III, still in the township of Mulgrave, namely point 17;
Thence, northerly, along the dividing line between lots 28 and 29 of Rang III and the shores of the lakes met, skirting them on the west side to its intersection with the dividing line between ranges III and IV, still in the township of Mulgrave, namely point 18;
Thence, easterly, along the dividing line between ranges III and IV in the township of Mulgrave to its intersection with the dividing line between lots 35 and 36 of Rang III, still in the township of Mulgrave, namely point 19;
Thence, southerly, in the township of Mulgrave, along the dividing line between lots 35 and 36 of Rang III, the shore of the west tip of Lac Britannique, then still the dividing line between the said lots 35 and 36 of Rang III to its intersection with the shore of Lac Britannique, namely point 20;
Then, westerly, in an average southeasterly direction along the shore of Lac Britannique to the starting point 1.
2.3 Exclusions
The following parcels are to be excluded from the territory whose perimeter is described above:
(2.3.1) The bed of Rivière Inlet, delimited by its banks, running through lots 23A (cadastre) and 24 of Rang II in the township of Mulgrave.
(2.3.2) The right-of-way of the road situated on the northwestern side of Lac de l’Achigan, being part of lot 29 of Rang III in the township of Mulgrave.
2.4 Area
The whole territory of the ecological reserve has an area of 2,052 ha.
3.1 The bed of Lac Robert delimited by its shores.
3.2 A strip of land fifteen metres (15,00 m) in width being the part of lot 16 of Rang XI of the township of Lochaber adjoining the shore of Lac Robert and bounded at both its ends by the dividing line between lots 15 and 16 of Rang XI.
3.3 The existing trail, one (1,00) metre in width, on lots 18, 17 and 16 of Rang XI of the township of Lochaber giving access to the strip fifteen metres (15,00 m) in width described immediately above.
3.4 A strip of land fifteen metres (15,00 m) in width being the part of lot 24 of Rang I in the township of Mulgrave adjoining the eastern shore of Lac La Blanche between the dividing line between ranges I and II in the township of Mulgrave and the effluent of Lac au Poisson Blanc.
3.5 The bed of Lac au Poisson Blanc delimited by its shores.
3.6 A strip of land fifteen metres (15,00 m) in width composed of a part of lot 26 and of two parts of lot 27 of Rang I in the township of Mulgrave adjoining the shore of the southeast tip of Lac au Poisson Blanc and bounded at both its ends by the dividing line between lots 27 and 28 of Rang I.
3.7 A strip of land fifteen metres (15,00 m) in width composed of a part of lot 26 and of two parts of lot 27 of Rang II in the township of Mulgrave adjoining the shore of the northwest tip of Lac au Poisson Blanc and bounded at its south end by the dividing line between ranges I and II and at its east end by the dividing line between lots 27 and 28 of Rang II.
3.8 A strip of land fifteen metres (15,00 m) in width composed of a part of lots 32 and 33 of Rang I in the township of Mulgrave adjoining the shore of Lac au Poisson Blanc and bounded at one end by the dividing line between lots 31 and 32 of Rang I and at the other end by the dividing line between lots 32 and 33 of Rang I.
3.9 A strip of land fifteen metres (15,00 m) in width being the part of lot 33 of Rang II in the township of Mulgrave adjoining the shore of the south tip of Lac Britannique and bounded at its west end by lot 32 of Rang II and at its east end by lot 34 of Rang II.
3.10 The two hiking trails one metre (1,00) in width giving access to Lac au Poisson Blanc from Lac-la-Blanche and the hiking trail one metre (1,00) in width giving access to Lac Britannique from Lac au Poisson Blanc.
3.11 The bed of Lac de l’Achigan delimited by its shores.
3.12 A strip of land fifteen metres (15,00 m) in width adjoining the northwestern shore of Lac de l’Achigan, being a part of lot 29 of Rang III in the township of Mulgrave, extending over a distance of 100 metres (100,00 m) and bounded at its west end by the dividing line between lots 28 and 29 of Rang III in the township of Mulgrave.
The whole as shown on the plan prepared by Claude Vincent, land surveyor, bearing number 4445 of his minutes.
Prepared at Charlesbourg, on the 27 May 2003.
Land Surveyor
Issued on 27 June 2003
File MENV: 5141-03-07 [7.38]..
File: LC121
Minute: 4445

(1) Plan and description
(1.1) Geographic location, boundaries and dimensions
The plan of the Forêt-la-Blanche ecological reserve and its location are shown on the annexed maps.
The land in the area that retains the status of proposed ecological reserve until 1 April 2006 comprises Lac au Poisson blanc, Lac Robert and Lac de l’Achigan, strips of land bordering on certain lakes, as well as the access trails to the lakes. The land is identified on the plan in Schedule A and described in Section 3 of the technical description annexed to the order establishing the ecological reserve.
The Forêt-la-Blanche ecological reserve is located within the boundaries of the municipalities of Mulgrave-et-Derry, Mayo and Saint-Sixte, in Municipalité régionale de comté de Papineau. It covers an area of approximately 2,052 ha.
(1.2) Ecological overview
The Forêt-la-Blanche ecological reserve is in the natural region of the Mont-Laurier depression. It is one of the last few characteristic examples of old-growth forest remaining in southern Québec. It protects several rare old-growth stands of great interest that have sustained very little disturbance and provides a refuge for several species of flora and one species of fauna considered to be threatened or vulnerable.
(1.2.1) Representative elements
Climate and bioclimate: The Forêt-la-Blanche ecological reserve has a moderate climate. It belongs to the bioclimatic field of sugar maple-basswood stands.
Geology and geomorphology: The bedrock beneath the ecological reserve is mainly gneiss, whereas the rocky basement in the northern part of the territory is mainly marble.
The dominant deposits are variable-textured undifferentiated till (thin and very thin till) characterized by extreme stoniness, deposited by the last glaciation. On the steep slopes, the deposits produce a till veneer with rock outcrops, in particular in the vicinity of Lac la Blanche. The northwestern sector of the territory is characterized by gravel and sand fluvioglacial deposits.
Vegetation: Sugar maple stands containing American beech mainly dominate the landscape of the ecological reserve. White pine occasionally accompanies certain tolerant hardwood stands. Hemlock and birch-poplar stands are also present. The latter forest community is often found together with oak-ironwood stands on old fire sites. Yellow birch-black ash stands, which cover small areas, clearly prefer the wet depressions.
(1.2.2) Outstanding elements
A sizable part of the territory is occupied by forest communities that have the features to qualify them as exceptional forest ecosystems. Examples include an old-growth sugar maple-basswood and beech forest that is a refuge to a number of threatened or vulnerable species, old-growth stands of sugar maple-basswood and beech or hemlock-sugar maple, and a rare silver maple forest located along the Rivière Inlet in the northwestern part of the ecological reserve.
No fewer than seven threatened or vulnerable species of flora have also been identified in the territory. The threatened or vulnerable floristic elements are found mainly in the Lac Edith sector and in the sector comprising the shores of Lac la Blanche. Certain species, such as Back’s Sedge (Carex Backii), Carex platyphylla, Mermaid Weed (Proserpinaca palustris) and Showy Orchis (Galearis spectabilis), are found close to the northern limit of the species’ range. Wild leek (Allium tricoccum) and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) are also found on the list. Other species, such as Ceratophyllum echinatum, have a unique sporadic distribution. The territory also protects the Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea), a species of fauna susceptible of being designated as threatened or vulnerable.
(1.3) Land occupation and use
The territory is public property. Because certain parts of the territory will retain the status of proposed ecological reserve until 1 April 2006, fishing activities may continue in those areas until that date.
The trails that have been developed on the territory will be used within the framework of the implementation of an educational program in the ecological reserve in accordance with the purposes mentioned in section 2 of the Natural Heritage Conservation Act (chapter C-61.01).
(2) Protection status
Permanent status as an ecological reserve will be applied to the land in two phases. In a first phase, the status of ecological reserve will apply to most of the land designated in the plan in Schedule A on the date of publication of the order establishing the ecological reserve in the Gazette officielle du Québec. Permanent protection status will apply to the other parts of the land, namely the strips land identified in that plan bordering on certain lakes, Lac au Poisson blanc, Lac Robert and Lac de l’Achigan, as well as the access trails to those lakes, on 1 April 2006.
The Forêt-la-Blanche ecological reserve meets the objectives for which it is established, namely:
(1) to conserve the elements constituting biological diversity in their natural state, as integrally as possible and in a permanent manner, in particular by protecting ecosystems and the elements or processes on which their dynamics are based;
(2) to set aside land for scientific study or educational purposes; and
(3) to safeguard the habitats of threatened or vulnerable species of flora or fauna.
(3) Activities within the reserve
Section 34 of the Natural Heritage Conservation Act (chapter C-61.01) specifies the activities which are permitted and prohibited on land covered by a proposed ecological reserve and section 48 of the Act those which are permitted and prohibited on land in an ecological reserve.
The land in its entirety will have permanent status as an ecological reserve on 1 April 2006.
Until that date, to know the rules applicable within the perimeter of the reserve, the zone in which an activity is carried on must be identified either as a zone maintained as a proposed ecological reserve until 1 April 2006, or a zone already designated as a permanent ecological reserve.
This conservation plan does not specify any prohibited activity other than those prohibited in a proposed ecological reserve or in an ecological reserve by the Act.
(3.1) Prohibited activities
— General prohibitions under the Act
(3.1.1) Ecological reserve
For reference purposes, it is important to note that under the Natural Heritage Conservation Act, the main activities prohibited in an area designated as an ecological reserve are:
— hunting, trapping, fishing, earthwork or construction activities, agricultural, industrial or commercial activities, and generally, any activity likely to alter the state or nature of ecosystems;
— forest development activities within the meaning of section 4 of the Sustainable Forest Development Act (chapter A-18.1);
— mining, and gas or petroleum development;
— mining, gas or petroleum exploration, brine and underground reservoir exploration, prospecting, and digging or boring; and
— the development of hydraulic resources and any production of energy on a commercial or industrial basis.
In addition, no person may be in an ecological reserve, except for an inspection or for the carrying on of an activity authorized under the Act. The Minister may, however, authorize, in writing and on the conditions the Minister determines, any activity consistent with the purposes of an ecological reserve or with the management thereof.
(3.1.2) Proposed ecological reserve
It is important to note that under the Natural Heritage Conservation Act, the main activities prohibited in an area designated as a proposed ecological reserve are:
— mining, and gas or petroleum development;
— mining, gas or petroleum exploration, brine and underground reservoir exploration, prospecting, and digging or boring where those activities necessitate stripping, the digging of trenches, excavation or deforestation;
— forest development activities within the meaning of section 4 of the Sustainable Forest Development Act;
— the development of hydraulic resources and any production of energy on a commercial or industrial basis;
— any new allocation of a right to occupy land for vacation resort purposes; and
— earthwork or construction work.
(3.2) Activities governed by other statutes
All activities likely to be carried on within the boundaries of the proposed ecological reserve remain governed by the other applicable legislative and regulatory provisions, including those that require the issue of a permit or authorization or the payment of fees. The carrying on of certain activities may also be prohibited or limited by other Acts or regulations applicable within the boundaries of the proposed ecological reserve.
A special legal framework may, in particular, govern permitted and prohibited activities in connection with the development of wildlife resources (measures contained in the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife (chapter C-61.1)) within the proposed ecological reserve.
(3.3) Supervision of activities
The Minister of the Environment is responsible for the application of the Natural Heritage Conservation Act, and is therefore responsible for the proposed ecological reserves established under that Act. The Minister will supervise and monitor the measures contained in the Act with regard to permitted activities in protected areas.
In addition, the Minister has authority over these lands which form part of the domain of the State.
O.C. 1011-2003, Sch.
D. 1011-2003, Sch. A.
D. 1011-2003, Sch. B.
O.C. 1011-2003, 2003 G.O. 2, 3125