C-26, r. 178.1 - Regulation respecting the professional activities that may be engaged in by persons other than speech therapists and audiologists

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À jour au 27 mai 2024
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chapter C-26, r. 178.1
Regulation respecting the professional activities that may be engaged in by persons other than speech therapists and audiologists
Professional Code
(chapter C-26, s. 94, 1st par., subpar. h).
O.C. 87-2024, Div. I.
1. The purpose of this Regulation is to determine, among the professional activities that may be engaged in by speech therapists and audiologists, those that, in accordance with the terms and conditions it determines, may be engaged in by
(1)  a person who is enrolled in a program of studies leading to a diploma giving access to any of the permits issued by the Ordre des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec;
(2)  a person who is enrolled in a program of studies leading to a Master’s degree in speech therapy or audiology issued by a university outside Québec and who completes a clinical practicum in Québec as part of that program of studies;
(3)  a person who undergoes training, completes a clinical practicum or successfully passes an examination as part of the procedure for recognizing a diploma equivalence or training equivalence provided for by the Règlement sur les normes d’équivalence aux fins de la délivrance d’un permis par l’Ordre des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec (chapter C-26, r. 188.1);
(4)  a person who undergoes training or completes a clinical practicum as part of the procedure for recognizing professional competence provided for by the Règlement sur la délivrance d’un permis de l’Ordre des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec pour donner effet à l’arrangement conclu par l’Ordre en vertu de l’Entente entre le Québec et la France en matière de reconnaissance mutuelle des qualifications professionnelles (chapter C-26, r. 186.1).
O.C. 87-2024, s. 1.
O.C. 87-2024, Div. II.
2. The persons engaging in professional activities under this Regulation must engage in those activities in compliance with the standards applicable to speech therapists and audiologists, including those relating to ethics and those relating to the keeping of records and the operation of offices.
O.C. 87-2024, s. 2.
3. A person referred to in section 1 may engage in the professional activities that may be engaged in by speech therapists and audiologists provided
(1)  the person is duly listed in the register kept for that purpose by the Order;
(2)  the person engages in the professional activities as part of a program of studies, training, a clinical practicum or an examination referred to in section 1; and
(3)  the person engages in the professional activities under the supervision of a speech therapist or an audiologist who is responsible for the person.
O.C. 87-2024, s. 3.
4. The speech therapist or audiologist who acts as a supervisor pursuant to section 3 must
(1)  engage in professional activities relevant to the field of practice covered by the program of studies, training, clinical practicum or examination;
(2)  be duly registered on a list kept for that purpose by the Order; and
(3)  have not been the subject, within the 5 years preceding the supervision,
(a)  of a decision by the disciplinary council or the Professions Tribunal imposing a penalty;
(b)  of a decision by the board of directors imposing a clinical practicum or a refresher course, a restriction or a suspension of the right to engage in professional activities, a striking off the roll or a revocation of permit.
O.C. 87-2024, s. 4.
O.C. 87-2024, Div. III.
5. This Regulation replaces the Regulation respecting the professional activities that may be engaged in by persons other than speech therapists and audiologists (chapter C-26, r. 178).
O.C. 87-2024, s. 5.
6. (Omitted).
O.C. 87-2024, s. 6.
O.C. 87-2024, 2024 G.O. 2, 373